w —One little cake of —Some little girls know soap in the hands of a exactly what they’re go- small boy will last a ing to do when they get lifetime. as big as mother—diet. The Glengarry New • THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO YOL. LIX—No. 47 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1951 $2.50 A YEAR Is A Cat Better Than A Physical Training Or Physical Torture ? Oog For Partridge Ambrose Lalonde of Alex- ' [The first of a series of articles prepared by the editor to andria is beginning to think a better acquaint residents of the area with the ill effects of GLENBAMY BOBS FROG GON cat can be more effective than present overcrowded conditions at Alexandria High School.] a dog when you’re after part- ridge. Physical training in the High School curriculum is usually Osie F. Villeneuve Of Maxville Returned In Heavy Voting Yesterday It seems Bid and his Son, referred to as P.T., but generations of secondary school * Guy, were closing up their students have had another, more whimsical name for it, cottage at Lancaster, Sunday, “Physical Torture”. Riding Lines Up With The Government Elected In Glengarry and went out to the bush to see That has been a standing joke in school circles, but it no As Frost Forces Returned To Power The Vote By Polls if they could knock off a part- longer rates a laugh at Alexandria High School where P.T. ridge or two. But the birds Dolan Vill’euve Maj. In Province — Villeneuve Majority 973 gave them the bird. » ’ for both boys and girls, and their instructors, is just a plain ALEXANDRIA— Councillor Lalonde was in his headache. At times it may involve actual physical discomfort. Osie P. Villeneuve of Maxville, was returned to Queen’s Park from Advance Poll . 3 13 10 There just isn’t room for jP.T. in a school bulging at the 150 95 Centre street home but a few Glengarry in Thursday’s voting, taking a majority of 973 over his Liberal St. James .... 245 minutes when he saw something seams and spilling over into any available space. For the past St. Paul 216 159 57 opponent, Dr. D. J. Dolan. The election climaxed a campaign that was in flight strike the neighboring few years the instructors have had to make do under con- St. George ... 148 168 20 hard and clean and probably one of the most exciting in the history of house and fall to the ground. ditions that are, to put it mildly, most unsatisfactory. Dur- LANCASTER By the time he got outside, his the ridifig. 129 10 ing the cold winter months when weather prevents outdoor VILLAGE H9 cat was in firm possession of a It was a big silent vote and uncertain until well on into last night 373 313 activity the boys have been marching up to the Armouries, MAXVILLE ... 60 nice, fat partridge, its neck when some of the larger polls w’ere^ VANKLEEK theoretically to develop co-ordination and enjoy themselves at broken by the impact. heard from to show a trend for the 449 238 basketball or volleyball. This year the girls will have to make HILL 211 It found a fine nesting place Progressive Conservatives. \ Spirit Of Goodwill LOCHIEL— in his frig, and no birdshot to the long, cold hike, too. An estimated one thousand people 38 20 The Gore 18 worry about. In practice, this trip to the Armouries just doesn’t work were massed in front of the election Emphasized In Talks Glen Rob’tson 167 145 22 0 out. boards at the News office, reflecting Glen Sandfield 89 62 27 After much complicated juggling, the timetable was set the widespread interest in the re- Speaking to the assembled hun- Dalkeith 85 98 13 up to allow for a 40-minute P.T. period in each grade with suits. : v dreds from a loudspeaker in the Breadalbane .. 41 53 12 Many Mourn Death almost all P.T. classes in the afternoons. This w£s designed In winning Glengarry for the News office building, last night, the Lochinvar .... 65 48 17 second time in three years, Mr. candidates in Glengarry emphasized Kirk Hill 24 79 55 to give each member Of an average class of 40, ten minutes of Villeneuve captured majorities in anew the spirit of fair play which Lochiel 85 72 13 Of Arch. J. Tobin basketball in a period. But what happens? The pupils spend five of the seven municipalities of featured the campaign. Cameron’s 99 73 26 five minutes or so getting dressed for outdoors, take another While expressing his thanks to all A resident of Lancaster through- Glengarry proper and in all four of OSIE F. VILLENEUVE, M.P.P., McPhee’s 54 68 14 ten minutes to march to the Armouries, often under most the Prescott sections. But his ma- who had supported him, Dr. Dolan KENYON— out almost all his lifetime and unpleasant weather conditions, spend another ten minutes Glengarry, first Tory candidate to jority was cut almost in half from lauded his opponent for the clean Third 45 102 57 widely known and esteemed in repeat in Glengarry since Con- thawing out — and then they must reverse the process in order the 1948 voting as Dr. D. J. Dolan campaign he had waged. Dr. Dolan 99 8 Glengarry, Archibald L. Tobin died federation. Greenfield 107 to be back in class for the next period. made a strong bid to recapture had special words of thanks for his Dunvegan 91 122 31 dn Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, on As organized P.T., it’s a joke ; and the joke is on the pupils Glengarry for the Liberal party. committee and emphasized the fact Dominionville 22 81 59 Friday evening. Mr. Tobin had been and their instructors. Mr. Villeneuve’s majority of 973 that he was satisfied with the re- Laggan 42 67 25 seriously ill for many months and sults. his death was not unexpected, yet Picture Mr. Richardson’s dilemma last Friday afternoon compared with the 1,806 he amassed St. Elmo . 21 135 114 with a cold, driving rain falling. It had been planned to go in the 1948 election. Pointing to the fact that this is Glengarry Down To Apple Hill .... 78 186 108 the news of his passing came as a Glengarry again followed the the first time since Confederation Fourth 33 37 4 shock to a wide circle of friends. to the Armouries, but the prospect was definitely uninviting. trend of province-wide voting in that Glengarry has gone Conserva- 17,580 Population First 26 31 5 There will be warm sympathy for As a result, successive classes took their P.T. in the hallway which Premier Frost’s Progressive tive twice running, Osie Villeneuve Fassifem 27 36 9 his wife, mother and three daugh- of the school annex. The boys’ basement was the only other 1 Conservative administration was re- reciprocated Dr. Dolan’s remarks as A drop of 1,152 in population is LANCASTER— ters. available space, but it is too small and the atmosphere is none turned with another sweeping ma- to the campaign and promised, every shown in preliminary figures for South Lane. .. 52 116 64 He was in his 50th year. too. pure, redolent of wet outer clothing and Idle adjoining resident of Glengarry the same fair jority. Fragmentary reports at press Glengarry, issued by the Dominion Bainsville .... 122 94 28 The late Mr. Tobin was prominent washroom. In order to keep the boys occupied in such deal he had tried to give them since in the business and social life of time showed Mr. Frost and most of Bureau of Statistics. The figures Picnic Grove . '76 48 28 instances the instructor sometimes shows slides, carries on a first elected. Lancaster, where he conducted a his cabinet re-elected and the Lib- are based on.the 1951 census, held North Lane. .. 78 67 11 Both candidates were warmly football chalk talk or anything else his harried mind can erals and C.C.F. leading in only a in June, and -they show Glengarry Bridge End ... 85 57 28 lumber, coal and insurance busi- devise. There is no possibility of preventing enough noise to handful Of ridings each. cheered at the conclusion of their with 17,580 residents as compared McDougall’s .. 99 86 13 ness. He had acted as Clerk of the remarks. municipality for- several years and interfere with other classes separated only by a thin wall. ,Onîÿ liiberal victory conceded, was with 18,732 a decade ago. Glen- Nevis ... 51 61 10 was a Justice of the Peace for Glen- Miss Barrette’s problem with the. girls' is only a little that of Peter Manley in neighboring Only Charlottenburgh Township Cholette’s .... 46 38 8 garry. A staunch Liberal, he had more complicated. Her classes are larger and often there is Stormont. shows a substantial’gain in the past CHARLOTTEN- New Manager Of decade, although Alexandria is up BURGH— served for many years as ward just no place to go. The plan is to ship them to the Armouries, by six. The three other townships St. Raphael’s . 87 71 16 chairman in Lancaster. His warm, too, but can the less warmly clad girls be expected to brave Carnation Plant Here show losses of population ranging Williamstown 115 140 25 genial personality made for him that cold walk which the boys find so hard to take? from 446 in Kenyon and 350. in Lan- South Lane. .. 84 54 30 many, friends, who much regretted There is another potentially more serious aspect of this Apple Hill Legion Grant Whitehead of Sherbrooke, caster, to 211 in Lochiel.
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