COURIER, VoL DC No. 1. Salisbury, Maryland* Saturday, March 30, 1907. $1.00 per Annum. EASTM IN TIE CilRClES. TON. DENNIS FOUND GUILTY. SCHOOLS TO CLOSE EARLY. ••••••••••••••••••••MM LEARN today to marshal your force* that yon may gain fame and Sped*! Mute, ftawMraflve tf The Jury to Iterates Hly A Few MMKBIS B*ir4 leU Metttif Ttanfay-Uek Seasonable fortune while others fail. We will lesureelft* tf Christ Win ie AN tellers VeNtet F* Stale. M Fu4s Mikes Ckstof tf SehMfe teach yon. We will so direct your C««Ftb«ry-Wffl Ask I* efforts and develop your ability •eMteree] Tfawrrem Dtr- Muy Cases Trie* Ma* Specialties that the highest success will rarely >•• The Services. The Week. CTCMC M ApprsprUHwB. QOOD be yours. There la much to leant, Although the public schools of Wi- and It la not eaay. but there ia ao Tomorrow will be Easter. In the Perhaps the case which has attract­ -- _ 25c place In the bniineaa world* for Churches of this city the day will be ed most attention during the past comlco county, under the' present with tar, full 4-ox. bottles those who lack the inclination to observed by the singing of specially ar­ week of the March Court was that of school law, which became effective overcome trifling obstacles. ranged Easter music, and the minis­ the commonwealth against Thomas about two years ago, are compelled to EMlstoi Crt Um Oil __ -50c ters jwill deliver sermons commemor­ Dennis, of Pittsville. The trial was remain open to scholars for .a period with kypophospkites, Urge bottle ADVICE Eastern Shore College ative of the Resurrection of Christ. the culmination of. an affray between of nine months in each year, the CtifMiJ Synp HTHttosfliti, 50e County School Board at a meeting Sattftary. The Sunday Schools will also celebrate ohn W. P. Insley and Tom. Dennis, Ml pint bottles •PHONE 290 the festival and special services have hich occurred in November, 1905. held Thursday, decided that it would been arranged for the children's de­ )n the night of the scrap Mr. Insley, be necessary to close some of the Brticttil UzMftrs ft Tlroat Pis- oooooooooopooouooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo partments. who was" well acquainted with the de- schools before the expiration of the tilUs, In Mm if 40. __ lOt allotted period. This is owing to the i Ghana. endant, was in S. H. Farlow's store when Dennis came in partially under fact that there are not sufficient funds At the Wlcomico Presbyterian be influence of liquor and began a to conduct these schools without in­ Church, of which the Rev. W. T. M. tirade in which Inffley was made the curring a debt to the county, for i Good News For Ladies We Match All Valuesp:'f Beale is pastor, the following program target of his remarks. which the members of the school We have just secured the exclu­ will be rendered. , t .\ board would be obliged to stand re­ sive agency for W. A. Fowler & £•:&•' ' Mr. Insley, it seems, had been in the Company's PERFECT CLEAN­ We Match All Prices* * tabit of hiring teams from Dennis, sponsible, and as there seems to be no ER FOR KTD GLOVES, which &.",; Organ Prelude, "Largo" Handel. and had procured a team at another prospect of getting together the re­ we guarantee to perfectly clean the You may have read differently, but never-the-less it's table during the day, which greatly quired amount. most delicate colors of Kid Gloves, the truth that there is no way owning Jewekry any An them, "Day ofWonder" Schneck- Silks, Ribbons, or other Finery, er. ncensed the defendant. Mr. Insley, The meeting Thursday was a spec­ cheaper than our way. It can't be done. this finan­ without leaving a stain, streak or Hymn 287, "Lift up your glad voices >n the night in question, assumed the ial session called to discuss spot. No gasolene or benzine, no No one except the manufacturer could possibly un­ in triumph on high, for Jesus has lefensive and remained perfectly quiet cial situation, with a view, If possible, water, no odor. Quick, convenient, until the remarks of Dennis became of making an arrangement that would and guaranteed satisfactory, ft dersell us, and they're not selling: at retail Our selec­ r- risen and man cannot die." comes in cakas wrapped in tinfoil. j;' >• so abusive as to demand a reprimand. be satisfactory to both the tax-paying tions are complete. Offertory, "Te Deum," E Flat f. ' ••' ' / '<:'•'' *"•*„' Dudley Buck :n the evidence it was shown that I parents and to students who desire to ISeEieft. Siit kj nil for I6c, A visit will give you pleasure. ;v Ap Hymn 805, "Triumphant Zton, Lift nsley told Dennis that if there was ' attend the public schools for the en- fx Thy Head." no other way to settle the dispute he tire school term. Sermon, Text: Col. 1-8. would be qbliged to tight, and took off After considerable discussion it was Harper & T€ _ Hymn 241, "Lift up. lift up, your its hat and overcoat for the purpose. decided that all of the smaller schools voices now." Dennis made a rush at him, how­ in the outlying districts would be clos­ * Salisbury, Maryland Organ Postlude, "1 Know That My ever, and before Insley was able to ed April 12th; the remaining district Redeemer Llveth." defend himself he had been seriously schools and the smaller rooms in the ilashed about the head with a razor. central schools will be closed April EVENING. Messrs. Toadvin & Bell, for the de- 26th. The Central and High Schools SALISBURY, MB. Organ Prelude, "He Shall Feed His 'ense, made a plea of self-defense, but will remain open until May 24th, ••••••*•••••••••••••••••• Flock "-Handel after hearing the evidence, the Court which will be the close of the regular Anthem, "Sing Alleluia Forth" and jury decided that as they prac­ nine months term as required by the Dudley Buck tically come together at the same school law. Why People Buy Shoes . Hymn 298, "Glorious things of Thee moment and as it had been shown that It was learned yesterday that this is The Peoples : are spoken, /.ion city ot our God." Dennis had instigated the tight, that the case, not only in this county, but Of E. Homer White Shoe Co. Offertory, "Christ our Passover" the defendant was guilty. After a in Somerset, and probably other National Bank Williams short deliberation, the jury returned counties in the State. As it is now solicits the patronage ot (be public. Hymn 483, "I heard the voice of a verdict of guilty, of the charge of stands the law compels the connty Jesus say." If yon do not have a bank account, FII^ST, because *toe carry the best assault and battery, and Dennis was boards to keep the schools open for a or are thinking of making a change Subject, "The Penetent's Prayer" period of nine months, under certain Luke 18-13. at once sentenced to a fine of $100.00 in your banking relations, we will to be had for the money, ^ y ril * and costs in four appearances. conditions, and at the same time the welcome von as a depositor and Hymn 477, "Just as 1 am without school appropriation is not a sufficient one plea." Among the other cases disposed of accord yon all the advantages that SECOND, because *toe carry the during the week were: amount to carry out the order of the can be derived from doing busi­ Organ Postlude, "March, Tann with last hauser." No. 4 Appeals. James Ennis vs. law. The law was complied ness through a bank,. We have best and latest styles made. Thomas Benson. Appeal dismissed year, however, thereby, incurring a SL refer** r. E. Onnjk. established ourselves in the confi­ with cost to appellee. E. H. Walton bebt for which the board is held re­ dence of the public by our eco­ At St. Peter's Episcopal Church the for appellant; Ellegood, Freeny and sponsible. nomical bnaineaa methods, backed Resurrection will be celebrated with Wailes for appellee. It was stated after the meeting by the business ability of our board E. HOMER WHITE SHOE COMPANY even greater ardency than the other No. 25 Trials. Mayor and Council Thursday that while there has been of directors, with resources of over (Sitttsstrs ti Olelirtii ft WMti) churches. The vested choir, assisted of Salisbury vs. B.. C. & A. Ry. Co. an increase of several schools and an by the congregation, will render the Tax suit. Settled. R. P. Graham for addition of about twenty-five teachers S15O.OOO.OO following program, winch has been defendent; L. At wood Bennett for during the past eleven years, the Start now by opening an account, prepared by the Unstor, Rev. Davic plaintiffs. school appropriation, coming directly with Howard. No..16 Trails. J. A. Waller vs. Ed­ from the county, has not been increas­ «.00 A. M, Carrol service and cele win Bell Co. Argument demurrer; ed one iota. It was stated that the The Peoples National Bank of tbe Holy Communion. only help that has been rendered the Masonic Temple Building bration demurrer overruled and leave to plead. SALISBURY. MD. Organ Prelude, "Christ is Risen To­ No. 1 Appeals. New York, Phila. board during this time has dome from the State. Eleven years ago the V. PKRR r. Prttident- day" Ashford & Norfolk Railroad Co. vs. J. L. > S. KING WHITE. Caihitr. Processional, Carol, "Day of Lif Woodcock. Judgement reversed re- county levy was $11.000 and the rev­ and Joy." with cost to appellee.
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