Vol. 7, No. 37 Thursday, September 12, 1968 Ten Cents Foxcroft 30· Stearns 0 Dover-Foxcroft tromped over Stearns 30 - 0 for a great sea­ son's start. "Tinker" Shepard­ son's outstanc!ingpass receiv­ i ng and TD runs helped a fast moving Pony team turn in a great grid per formance. Top Left: Danny Dinsmore is shown as he (27) toppled over the line for a touch down. Bottom Left: Dinsmore again brought down by Stearns tackle aftei· a long run. (Staff photos by Paul Knaut) PVHS OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT OPEN HOUSE TO BE HELD Superintendent of Schools, Richard M. Sawyer is announ­ cing an Open House 7:00-9:30 p.m. Thursday Evening Sep­ tember 12, 1968 at the new Penquis Valley High School. Eve rybocly is cordially invi ted to tour the building. Coffee and sandwiches will be served. _P_a~g~e_2____ ________________________________~s~ep~re~m=b~erl2 ,1_9 _6_8__________ _ THE T OWN CRI E R THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday • evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLlCATIO NS. eommuni ty We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION. AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. , ~o.,pi tal We accept no financial responsibility for errors Then~ is under way a survey being conducted by the Health in advertising but will gladly pri.nt cor rections. Facilities P lanning Council, Augusta, of the three hospitals ill Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOW1{ CRIER mav be obtained through our office. our area, PlummerMemorial, MayoM: emorial~. and Milo Com­ If you have news or available photos of any sort munity. we urge you to cali an editor or drop in. Dead­ Statistics for August: Admissions-74; Discharges-76; Census line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate 72. 9% capacity. copy received ear lier in the week. Receptionists are: Friday, Betty Fowles; Saturday, Edity Wh­ Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to ite and Hilda Brown; Sunday, Geneva Russell and Edna Hans ­ 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ com; Monday, Agnes Blanchard; Tu~sday, Phyllis Hamilton; play ad space by the column inch. WHdnesday, .M:Yrna Dunham; Thursday, Muriel Quimby. ADMISSIONS \:VEEK OF SEPT . 2nd: EDITOR -JOANNE BRIGHAM MlLO: Susanne Robinson Milo-943-7384 Richard Hamlin Mary Leavitt Hollis Buck Ella Hoxie Lucy Buck Eddie Annis FOR SALE Willis Osgood Sr. Ma r cia Badger Used Refrigerator, Works Pearl Hamlin BRADFORD: If you want to BUY, SELL, Perfect-Also 1958 Chevy Sta­ Stephanie Howard Barbara Moulton RENT or SWAP, try "Tcv.'ll tion Wagon. Call 943 -2636 Ethel Stockwell Lee Cottrell Crier" Class ified. Lana Ellison BROWNVILLE: LOST Morna Lewis Sheila Hughes FOR .RE NT In Milo, a tan Ai redale, ans- Alyce Hoskins Isabelle Clark Large desirable Lots, city wers to the name of "Whlskt:!rl:'': Enid Fos!Ltty Mar shall Lundin warer and sewer age, $25.00 Anyone having information plea- Ivis Campbell a month. se call 943- 7727 or see Charles DISCHARGES: K..l'lAPP TRAILER PARK Huff in Milo. MILO: Clarence Earl Parkman Kimball St. , Milo-943-2639 USED FURNiTURE FOR SALE Donald Ricker Maxine Scanlon BRO\VNVILLE: FOR SALE Combination Gas &Oil Stove, Willis Osgood Sr. Sheila Hughes 1968 HONDA 360cc motor­ 4 Drawer Chest of Drawers, Stephanie Howard Hollis Reid cycle, 6000 miles , two-s eater, Square dining table & 4 chairs, George Hussey BRADFORD headlight, taillight, blin.l(ers, "White" Drop Head Treadl:~ M.orna Lewis Lee Cottrell mirrors. Nine month warran­ Sewing Machinf. , 2 Cushion Enid Foshay Barbara Moulton and baby ty, cost $834. , sa1e price ­ Divan, Library Table, O<.ld Ivis Campbell $600. cash. Tables Etc. Tel. 943·-269 0, Ella Hoxie Mrs. Bernard M. Sm ith, Li n­ Ethel Perry, 1\Ulo, Maine. Births: To Mr. and Mrs. James Badger , Milo, a daughter; coln Center To Mr. and 1\:Irs. Eugene Moulton, B r adford, a son. FOR SALE Transfers: Clouse Applebee, Brownville to Hibbard Nursing FOR SALE Beds, springs, rnatresses, Home, Dover- Foxcroft. New mobile homes - on dis­ bureaus, tables, chairs,. etc. play, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Mrs. Alice Sargent, 34 Clin­ Knapp Trailer Sales , Milo, ton Street, Milo 943-7460 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Baby sitting in my horne. 7 day. Mrs . Scanlin, Ricker's Maine. FOH. SALE a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. thru Fri- Trailer Park. FOR SALE Atlantic Combination gas and s!~~~~d e::e~le::f~~~~~~~~~: ~-·-----~ o fi u_s____ a '' ·AI L· AI l E May be seen at my camp. Se- oil Range. Good running cond­ u u m R I . bee Lake, via Cove Pond at - ition. No reasonable offer ref­ Sebec Village. Address Mail: used. Tel. 943-2630. Milo, Maine, Marie Page. \Vith Kitchen Privileges FOR. RENT FOR SALE Better completely furnis hed Gas and oil r ange with new Large# Attractive Rooms, All Utilities Home-during winter m onths. wood grates, chrome pipes, Call Hotwatcr, oil-heat,firepiace, Reasonablb mnd linen For ni shed constant level valve, etc. 943-2375 heated ·garage, nea;r-center of Very Clean, $ 50. 00. Tele. Rates or town . Sorry no children. 943- Nerdy Reno vated 965-3406, DoriF; Lozier in 94:3-8820 2676. Brownville Jet. 19 Pleasant Street l'ililo THE TOWN CRIER September 12, 1968 Page 3 &UilfORD To Attend B. Y. U. GOLDEN LINK REBEKAH LODGE #37 HOLDS SECOND oi H'if'-' NOMINATION OF OFFICERS Golden Link Rebekah Lodge #37, met Friday night for the PISCATAQUIS COUNTY second nomination of officers. COUNCIL, AMERICAN Ten members met at the hall LEGION at6:00p.m. and went to Joan's The Piscataquis County Cou­ Lunch for supper, then retur­ ncil,. American Legion will ned to the hall for their regu­ hold its first session for the lar meeting. season on Saturday evening, Seven P. N. G.'s answered the Sept. 21, at the Bernard 0. Roll call. Plans are being made Jones American Legion Home to hold a rummage sale Sept. in Brownville Jet. , according 14, at the I. 0 . 0 . F. Hall din­ to an announcement made today ing room. Any member or any­ by Piscataquis County Comm­ one interested in donating may ander James Emerson of Guil­ get in touch with Maud East­ ford. manor HarrietAnderson. Next Legion and Auxiliary mem­ meeting will be held Sept. 2 0, bers are asked to note that· all with refreshments after the Council meetings this year will meeting and entertainment by be lield on the thir:d Saturday" of Alma Jenkins. the month and will be preceded .by a 6:30 supper. PISCATAQUIS POMONA MEETS WITH PARKMAN GRA~GE P iscataquis Pomona met with Parkman Grange Thursday ev­ ening, an early suvper preceded the meeting. Worthy Master Merwyn Lander conducted the meeting. The 5th degree was con­ ferred upon Phillip and Marge Hayden and Uel Rockhill, with Ray Wise installing Master. Election of officers was held as follows: Master-Merwyn Lander, Overseer-Ernest Dodge ,, Lecturer-Rosa NcCue, Steward-Ernest Tweedie, Asst-Stew'd Keith Curtis, Chaplain-Rachel Carr, Treas. -Maurice Fair­ brother, Sec'y-Thelma Tweedie, Gate Keeper-Robert Grant, Cere-Katherine Nuite , Pomona-Viola Lander, Flora-Mildred Dodge, L.A.S. -Elizabeth Cur tis, Pianist-Beryl Ellis, Execu­ tive Committee -Doran Nuite-(3 year term). Susan and Harold Smith, children of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Committee repor ts were given by E rnest Dodge on legislative Smith of Dover-Foxcroft, l eave Friday for B righam Young matters, and Beryl Ellis Women's Activity Committee chair­ University naar Salt Lake City, Utah. Susan will be a Soph­ man, displayed entries in the sewing contest. omore while Harold will be a Freshman. It is believed thlt Installation of officers will be held Oct. 3rd, at Valley Grange. the Smith youngsters may hold the record for distance trav­ eled to school (2500 miles) among those young people going Cont'd on Page 6 on to school from Dover- Foxcroft this year. \ ,(Staff photo by Frank Knaut) YOU'LL be Kicking YOURSELF I/' if you wait until it's 30 Below, )/ in the middle of a Blizzard, be­ ,,/•' fore you sign up for Automatic ,,·: - 04463 Tel. 943- 7:J 84 I I Fuel Deli very! ... or get that II 1\ \ Heating Plant in top shape! '\ \ , \ • \ ', ', ' , '"' '-<::::: ~"/ FULL-GOLOR WORK - A SPECIALTY! fcl. 943 -255!? Art Work & Advertising All PhoLo-of(set - The 943-2260 Lay-out - A Specialty! fu•l 1(.,• ..,•• - H<01ing Equ;pm•ru Modern P rioting Method • v~ l 0~- 943 -7445 ~ ~ Appliances - Bottled Gas - i vtt ·=..;___---=============== . ~ - L-· · -----~·J Milo, Maine 04463 I ~ . I P age-i September 12, 1968 THE TOWN CRI ER Editor-Town Crier-Milo, Maine. This epistle should get interesting answers. I will s end you copies. Milo, Maine 04463 Sept. 4, 1968 Secretary Air and Water Environmental Improvement Commission We wel0ome all Open Letters and Letters to the Editor. State House Augusta, Maine The opinions ex-pressed in this column are not necessarily those of the editors. Deat· Sir: We feel that a newspaper should express the views of the people, I believe the Penobscot River fishways are nearing comple­ however much we might agree or disagree with them. tion with planned re-introduction of Atlantic Salmon, Alewive, Shad and possible other anadromous fishes to the Penobscot Mr"-l. John Brigham River and Its tributaries. Milo, Maine I understand also that the Penobscot r iver has been chosen bv Editor 04463 The Town Crier the FederalGovernmentforapollution cleanup program to such Milo, Maine ex tent as to become a model for cleanup of other United States rivers. Madam: How far has this program progressed? I know.
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