SS Enl CALGARY! Lea KnIjhU Wm T re» 8801 T-A St Uka Wm res 18 Riverside Apt* R1545 Lariviere P re* 1009 17th Ave E ._.E5248 Knoepni JA re* 1309 19Ui Av« W. ^.Vi(4370 Lake B ms 2110 lath St W _,W15U Larkin Joseph G re* 919 4th St NE..„_,_ H2851 Knop John P us 3035 Bth St W sfiofls Lakeland Mr* H F res 1638 15th St E ESOlO Larmpur Jame* res 622 SSrd Ave W, -.,M2637 Knott—£?• aljo Nott LAKE OP THE WOODS La Rose Beauty Shop 201 Beverldg* Bllc..._..M2265 Knott Mrs E res 9 Halfidd Court M4104 MILLING CO LTD 10th Av* & Larusc Suey re* 515 6ih Ave E M4504 Knowles Stev« res West Calgac? ~-WlS65 7th St W M7053 Li Rose TG res 211 17th Ave W M5279 Knowltsn CbaHes res 523 15tb Ave W. U12I6 Geo Fulteu Hall Local Mgr res 821 21st Larrabee Ralph E rc* 1503 Sth St W R248B. Knox C U res 1-309 13U> Ave W M41i4 Ave W M5131 Larsen AH re* 1407 Cenlre-A St NE H1509 Knox Comer Service Station SUrling R Mac- Lalonde Jean Dressmaker 20-236 Sth Ave W....M5957 Larsen Cart res Ottawa Apl* W1966- Lecblan 4Ui St & 6th Ave W._ ,(VJ2354 La March# Mr* C res 333 23rd Ave W _,..M390S Larsen W Garage—Shouiice ....,...«......91-5333. KrsX Marjaret res S3S lOth Ave NW -...H3110 Lamb Mis C res 1636 Sth St NW H1632 Urson A res 206 2nd Ave NE ,H3171 Knex RoM res 620 14th Ave NE H1501 Lamb H re* 1803 10th Ave W „.W3324 Larson Mr* B re* 2310 Sth St W W127S Knex United Church 6th Av* & 4th St W.„...JA7727 Lambert E re* 605 14ih Ave W M72S5 Larson C res 1704 17lh Ave NW U235 Ko Bros Fruit hferket 12S5 2nd St E.__ M1360 Lambert EWR res eilT Boulevard NW U512 Larson Mrs Margaret res 1031 Olh St E E5S36 Koib E W res 1910 5}^ St W ....._„____.M4867 Larlcr Mrs P re* 2420 16-A St NW L2029 Kolh'i Restaurant 207 8th Ave M4377 LAMBERT A; LEAK ELECTRIC Lan/e TH res 1928 .7a St W M1497 Koiring A L re* 117 Iloxboro Rd SQ39S CO (Neon Sign*) IZOa 7th Ave E ,...R2412 Lasher Chas E re* 1146 Sydenham Road W4017 It C Lambert res 115 2nd Ave W R2410 Kompf L J re* 2 Rita Court _._....M4397 Last Post Fund of Canada Inc 33 Belmont Korgaard A res 121 4tb Ave C .~..-_-..^...R2466 SA Leak r« 126 11th Ave NW H1892 Apt* M2554 Kosasky Rev Ch re* 340 7th Ave E .M5317 Lambertu* A M res 115 loth Ave E..,..._......M7596 Latui Mrs J T re* 627 lltb Ave W M9335.' Kosher Meal Market O Frledtoaa Prop 622 Lambly N rea 1107 6th Ave NW L2445 Laughton A-rcs 1311 ISth Ave W W1717i 4th St E M4830 Lamboume TE res 401 Alberta Corner _,..M3284 Launder C C res 2315 IGa St W W231fr Kot Mike re* 3S10 14-A St SB „_.E5341 Ijmmle Mary res 2-508 Sth St W .M9123 Laur M rc* 630 13Ui Ave E —.....MZ227 Ko»k Nick re* 802 10th St NE .,.-....«^_„._.R1298 Lammle's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor 908 Uurelia Apartments 223 lulh Ave W M4a73 KotsJ Steve re* 310 8lh Ave E -__M31S1 Centre St N _.H3198 Laursen Tony res 1426 2ist Ave NW L2S25; Kraemer Fred res 1108a Snd St W _,M9356 Lament A Real Estate 10 Aiberta M5921 Laut W re* 1624 2-llh Ave E E5S34- Kraft C re* 816 Srri Av* NW U27S Lament A res 1415 Shelbourne St W1663 Lavallec J H Mfg Co Ltd The 533 11th Av W M3936. Kraft E re* 742 514 St NW U292 l-amont A Douglas res 105 Sth Ave NtY K3363 Uavcil Miss M F rc* 1005 Hlb Ave W __.W49I5 Kraft & Gayner—See Gayner If C 1406 Ken- LampKIn Cha* W res 2S0I Carlcton St W3182 Lavcn J rc* 520 24lh Ave W ..M4839 iinSton Ed L2431 Lancaster AW Jr res 208 Sth Ave NE H3417 Lavin A rc* 431 6th Ave E M309S Kraft 0 A re* 23U Sth Av* NW L24SS Lancaster Cdw G rea 2024 SSnd Ave W S1136 La Vogue Beauty Parlor 8: Barber Shop The Lancaster Geo C res 1404 Jolict Ave-..- W4318 114 7th Av* W MldO? KRAFT THE FURRIER LTD Kraft Bids 222 Sth Ave W M3995 Lancaster KK res 14J6 3rd St NW H2707 Lavoi Frank P rc* ISII 12lh Ave W _...W3547 Lanee N J re* 237 14th Ave E ,.,..M37S5 Kraft WJ res 1602 I5th Av* W. W2788 Law F R res 1232 loth Ave W ,._..,W2318 Kramer Robert res 831 Prospect Ave..,„..___.W1297 LAND TITLES OFFICE 7ih Ave W Law G rc* 2327 IGth Sb E E5S19 Krani AJ re* SS09 7.A St W S0774 l-ong Distance Calls MS42 11 Law George rc* 1309 lltli Ave W .W2370 Kreller MW res 714 Rideau Rd -S0995 Counter Oerks (Gcn'l luformatian) „.._,...M842 11 Law George A re* 625 29lh Ava W S0677 Kreiler Theo res 1615 d-A St NW..._ H1925 Aeeounlunt M842 12 Law Mrs George C tc* S04 9lh St E ES324 Survey Offlce _...™_-..M542 13 Law Mrs H res 605 20lh Ave W ,.__..._..JM5619 KRESGB SS CO LTD 234 Stfa WM Peel Olfke Manager M842 15 Law J 5 rc* 302 20tli Ave W ____....M7204 Ave W MZ404 W Forbes Registrar (Private OfQee on1y)....M842 16 Law Mr* S rci 631 6lli Ave W __,..M2204 Krenhalm R V Dental Laboratory 1001 Executive Council M842 17 Lawless W H rc* 2S26 IB-A St E E4Q58 Southam Bids — M9908 Landels AF rea 636 19th Ava W M3775 Lawn Jack res 2201 2nd St W M5933 Kronholm R V res 208 Lawrence Lodge M373S Landymore Cecil E res 110 7th Ave NW.. H1020 Lawrence 0 I Piano Tuning & Rcpj 1728 14lh KmwIU S re* 924 ITlh Ave W .W2933 Lane—See also Laiiie Ave W W3450 Kruie—See also Cruie Lawrence F res 130 4th Ave E R2407 KrvK Land & Realty Co Lid 806 4ih St W....MS9S9 LANE CHAS E Real Estate In* & Loans 38 Cauaiin Ufe Bldg ,..._.M1573 Lawrence Gertrude re* 720 6th Ave W M9237 H Krusa Mgr res 605 23rd Ave W„ M3209 Lane Chas E re* 438 ll-A St NW L1S23 Lawrence J F rea 610 7lh Ave W M4331 Kujith Rev Albert res 75 6th St NE R1&06 Lawrence R F rc* 235 Olh Ave NE - .H1807 Kuwahira S res S20 18tli Ave E M244S LANE D AUSTIN Barrister A Solicitor Lawrence R Nigel re* 3202 7ih St W S026S 301 Alberian Bldg M2803 MWALITY FEEDS & REMEDIES Lawrence Mrs Tilly re* 932 10th Ave W W2764 Lane Mrs Helen res 1 Sibley Apt* R1229 614 17th Ave W ,.,iW9677 Lawrence W A re, 8U I3lh Ave W R2377 Kwonj Man Yuen res 206 (^ntre St R2SS2 Lane Wilfred L re* D24 Bird NW L1550 Lawfie John F rc* B28 Boulevard NW LH87 Kyle W P re* 1801 9lh SI W W2426 LANE'S STUDIO 114a Sth Ave E....M9041 Lawrie Mrs M H re* 3835 7',2 St SW S0955 Kynoeh William Stein Apt* 728 14th Av* W....R21D2 EL Lane rea 106 Searboro Ave ...W2001 Lawric Mrs May re* 202 16tli Si NW _._..L2632 CW Lane re* 834 Rideau Rd 50267 Kyte Robert A re* 325 6tb Ave W H3373 Uawrlc WG tes 325 Slet Ave W M3604 l-ang-—See alio Laing Laws C W re* 718 4lh St NW ,..L2318 Lang A res 439 13th Ave E M7084 L Laws Luther W rc* 202 2nd Aw NE H1922 Lang Mrs E A—Calgary _„..„.91-4713 Lavrson AC r« 1751 2nd Ave NW „.L2345 L»-honta Mr* F rc* 2318 1st St SE B1S77 Lang J L res 1007 13th Ave W .W2026 Lawson F J res 504 4lh Ave W R2674 Ubor Temple 829 llih Av* E__.™.._«.„.,.M1759 Langdon Mrs Mae res 20 El Pale Apt* R1664 Lacey—See else Leaey Lawson Gus rat 907 14tli Ave W W4433 LangeJI 0 B re* 1007 6-A St NW HZ0B5 Lawson H D re* 917 Srd Ave NW „.„L2235 LttVf B «* 2506 7th Ave NW L1719 Langfeldt Mr* E A res SOS 14tb Ave W ..RZ654 Lawson Major J K res 2216 7th St W ....W2J85 Lacey RHA re* IBSO lllh St W W2514 Langille W M res 419 11th Ave NE HI843 Lawson Robert tc* 1610 SOth Ave SW .Wi334 Lacey W A res Empress Theatre Bldg 81b Are LxngUnds JS re* 314 13th Ave NW H33a5 Lawson Mrs W re* Top Fir McDgugall School..M7597 E 447305 LANGLEY ELECTRICAL CO Lawson W J rrs 1405 7ih St NW H1362 Lachapelli F W res 707 6fb Ave W M9827 LTD 1301 lUb Ave E ESeSS Lawlhcr John res 934 14th Ave W W1744 Laehter K res 844 14th Ave W M5061 FA Potler Mgr re* HZ961 Lawton Jame* rc*' 221 IBth St NW ....L1577 Laeomb* Home Kldnapor* S1180 Langley Sylvester re* Sll Searboro Ave .W4331 Laxlon EtneJ re* 426 21*t Ave NtV H1966 La Croix Stanley res 442 12lh St NW. L1845 Langiolt Bert re* 1322 16th Ave W W4841 Uaycock Mr* MA r«» 2217 ]4thCt W W2229 LADIES' WEAR DISTRIBUTORS Langridge W J res 240 6th Ave NE H203S Laycock H E re* 40th Av* it 2nd Si NW H2238 LTD Who! Ladles' Wear 3rd Fir Trader* Ijngston Fred res 1023 2nd Ave NW L1127 Laycotk T Hiye* Braojide Stock Farm NE Bids IVI2292 Langston WH ret 311 0th Ave NE H2S68 10-25-1 H22SO LA FLECHE BROS LTD Tailors Lanlgan PE res 138 34lli Ave W M3940 Laycock W W—Calgary ;91-3S2S Southam Bldg B3B lit St W M1969 LANNAN A & COMPANY Laflace Albert res 829 I7lh Av* W „,._.W4Z78 Borrisler* 111 Sth Ave W M3429 LAYZELL AAuctioneer—Calgary j'j.goa La Cera Cljar Factory 644 1st Ave NE R1256 Lsnnin W res 823 14th Ave W R2761 Lea—Sec aUo lee and legh Laldlaw I res 233 3rd Av* W R1364 Unnon Mrs J E res 118 Sth Ave NE K2605 Lea A W res 703 Slflon Boulevard -.50294 Uing Ceorge—Caigary 91-63X3 Lanoix J 0 Auto Top bhd Furnlltir* Uphol- Lea H R res 1431 2^ st NW -Hl'OS Laing Mr* HattI# A rea 114 I2lh Av# E M4836 *l«rer 428 17tb Ave E M1075 Lei R C—Cheslermere Lake .91-2914 LaJng James C re* 1810 8lb St W W2397 Lanlg A W—Conrich 91-2622 Ui WF rc* 419 ISlh St NW .LU71 Laing W M re* 818 38th Ave W W4874 Laraway W A rc* 636 3rd Ave VV.
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