VOL. XXV, No. 4 OVERSEAS EVANGELISM SPECIAL APRIL, 1952 See N NORRECADE [Norre Street], in Copenhagen, If you are fortunate, at this point you will likely is an old cathedral. When you step into the hear behind you the quiet low voice of the old O central auditorium, decorated with the re sexton: strained elegance and chaste simplicity characteristic "My friend, this statue was made by a very great of the Nordic people, your eye is drawn to an attention- artist who was also a Christian. He left here a lesson arresting figure dominating the altar area. It is a giant for posterity. You do not see the eyes of Christ from figure of Christ with His hands outstretched. where you stand, so you do not get the meaning at all. As you come closer you see lettered on the pedestal Get down on your knees, friend, right here in front of the words "Come unto Me." You see the beauty of the the figure. Now look up. Now you are looking into general effect, and you note details the fine hands, His eyes, those wonderful eyes full of love, tenderness, the tender, expressive face. But there is something and understanding." strange about that face. The eyes are downcast; you do And so it is that from our knees we can best look not see in them the invitation suggested by the out into the face of Jesus, the Saviour. stretched hands. KELD.J. REYNOLDS. in This Issue N APRIL, 1951, we brought out a spe I cial overseas evangelism issue of THE MINISTRY. This was so well received that we Official Organ of the are doing it again this month, with the MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS prayer that it will be a special inspiration Editor: to our overseas workers and of genuine in ROY ALLAN ANDERSON terest to every worker in the homeland. We Associate Editors: are a missionary-minded people, and many WILLIAM H. BRANSON, Louis K. DICKSON, workers now laboring in the homeland will LOUISE C. KLEUSER, GEORGE E. VANDEMAN ROBERT M. WHITSETT undoubtedly some day find themselves in mission service. Office Editor; Advertising and Circulation Manager: We have four feature articles this month: BEN GLANZER "The Missionary Vocation," by Paul Brad ley; "Missions in 1952," by V. T. Arm strong; "Christ©s Approach to an Alien Faith," by Paul Quimby; and Earth©s Mil lions Waiting," by Robert Reynolds. These VOLUME XXV NUMBER 4 will be read with profit by every worker. See pages 4-9. AT A GLANCE We draw special attention on page 11 to two new films announced by the Pacific FEATURES _ _.._._.__. ..._.. ....._...._-._.._.___. 4 Union Conference. The Missionary Vocation Missions in 1952 Christ©s Approach to an Alien Faith Earth©s Millions The Health Evangelism section on pages Waiting 17-21 will, we believe, be of practical value NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ............___ 11 to a large number of our readers both in PASTOR _- _ _. .... .... .... ._. .._..._...._... 12 Lay Evangelism in the Local Church the homeland and overseas. PULPIT .... ___ .......... ...... ....... .................. 14 Our evangelists and Bible instructors will Regular Study Habits of the Preacher read with great interest Edgar Keslake.©s HEALTH EVANGELISM ..............___...__ 17 description of a native evangelistic cam The Physician of the Soul Proper Exercise of the Right Arm Temperance Message Brings Results paign held in Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. BIBLE INSTRUCTOR _ ... ..............____ 22 See page 26. Building Our Membership, Part II Teaching Prayer On pages 38-40 are listed our overseas Habits Efficiency in Bible Work Justification (Bible Study Outline) workers who have been ordained during EVANGELISM ... __ .... ................. 26 the past two years. We have tried to make Evangelistic Effort at Bo Evangelistic Coordination New Methods Bring New Results this list as complete as possible from the RESEARCH ...... .............. ....... .... ..........._ 32 information received in our office from the A Study of the Term Torah Zion in the New field. Testament This Month©s Cover SHEPHERDESS ............... .... ....... __ .......... 35 The Ministerial Family, Part II THE Rio dos Sinos [river of clocks] flows ORDINATIONS ......... ........ .......... 38 through a corner of our Taquara Academy MUSIC ...................._..._._..___..... 41 property in Taquara, Brazil, and provides Interpretation of Gospel Songs Singing Evangelism the setting for the baptismal scene on our in Baltimore front cover this month. The baptism took BOOKS ............................... .......... ......_._... ..... 44 place at the time of the February, 1950, NEWS --.-- ...-....... ....... ............. 48 camp meeting, when 22 people were bap POINTERS _.............. ... ....... ........... 52 tized. The women were baptized first, fol lowed by the men. The picture was taken by R. Allan Anderson, of the General Con Printed and published monthly for the Ministerial Association ference Ministerial Association, who was of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publish visiting the field at that time. Aracely Sil- ing Association, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., $2.50 a year; 25 cents a copy. Add 35 cents for yearly subscriptions to veira Melo, the evangelist for the Rio countries requiring extra postage. Entered as second-class mat Grande do Sul Conference our oldest con ter December 19, 1927, at the post office at Washington, ference in Brazil, with a membership of D.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. 4,500 officiated at the baptism. Renato Emir Oberg is the president of the confer ence. B. G. APRIL, 1952 Page 3 The Missionary Vocation W. P. BRADLEY General Conference Associate Secretary ©VERY man and woman the nature of an appointment to labor in called to labor in the behalf of the people of a particular area. E service of God is by that But this does not nullify the inherent uni very act also called to be a versal nature of the gospel minister©s call missionary. In our thinking ing to go to all men. Every Christian min we tend to divide missionaries ister is an ambassador at large. into two categories, home mis "Go, preach My gospel," saith the Lord; sionaries and foreign mission "Bid the whole world My grace receive; aries. This is a distinction that is made only He shall be saved who trusts My word, for the sake of convenience in organization. And they condemned who disbelieve." There are not two types of calls in God©s work, one that applies to the home mission A Penetrating Question ary and another to the foreign missionary. I still recall quite vividly the circum Both are activated by the same gospel sum stances under which I was ordained to the mons. gospel ministry. The committee having ju When Christ was first calling His disci risdiction had voted to approve of my ordi ples into service, their assignments were nation. A small committee of three leading naturally of a local or at least a regional ministers met with my wife and me to in nature. Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, form us of the committee©s action, to ex "Follow me, and I will make you fishers amine us, and to prepare for the service. of men." Matt. 4:19. This was a general During the interview these ministers asked call, with no territorial assignment as yet. us questions about doctrine, about our re When He sent out the twelve apostles He lationship to Christ, even about our per instructed them to direct their mission to sonal finances. Finally the chairman looked the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matt. searchingly at each of us in turn and said, 10:6.) When the seventy were appointed "I want to ask you as you prepare for this they were told to go "into every city and solemn service of dedication and the laying place, whither he himself would come." on of hands: Are you willing to go to the Luke 10:1. And finally, when Jesus enunci ends of the earth in the service of the Lord? ated the gospel commission, He definitely Do you have any reservations in your mind commanded in the broadest terms that His regarding where and how you will heed the representatives should go "into all the call of God?" world, and preach the gospel to every crea It was a penetrating question, one not to ture." Mark 16:15. be answered lightly. But as I have often The missionary enterprise, overseas as thought of the occasion, it has seemed to well as at home, is therefore the imperative me that it was a proper question, not at concern of every Christian minister, for it all out of place in connection with the set constitutes the very substance of his calling. ting aside of a man to the gospel ministry. If there is no worldwide mission, he has no My wife and I were being asked to recog calling. If there is such a mission, but he nize the principle that my ordination was refuses to recognize its authority, he has to a world task, and that I would be untrue missed the basic purpose of his vocation. If to the Lord I served, and to the church in his own planning he places territorial whose official representatives laid their limits on the field of his call into the min hands upon me, if I placed geographical istry, he is thereby negating the operation limits upon the service required of me. of the gospel as the plan of salvation for It follows from this that a minister or all men. The world is a unit; the human any other gospel worker should never be race is one in the sight of God.
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