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Patent May 22, 2018 Sheet 1 of 4 US 9 , 974, 742 B2 L.921um FIG.1B FIG.1D un16% FIG.1A FIG.1C U . S . Patent May 22, 2018 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9 ,974 ,742 B2 westemAprepitantEmulsion 14 verytimeFosaprepitant 12 10 W * * inin * Hours FIG.2 * " W ntininmemoriame annondation * * ** ** * in * * . 000Z. 8000many O. ( wow ) vue cady eusela U . S . Patent May 22, 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9 ,974 ,742 B2 wwwww aprepitantDexamethasone www. Emulsion *Fosaprepitant wwWMwww. wnow inistrisining wwwww..MM FIG.3 M. Hours * M theway suseseandworkin TTT i Winniwwwbloge inmituwaHam *** * ** * * * ** * * * 1000 Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ) ml/ ng( Aprepitant Plasma U . S . Patent May 22, 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9 ,974 ,742 B2 meudsoudouoseumawexadsehen UosnoX30dadywithme ozol ? SINO FIG.4 # ## pripompi # *** * )mL / ng ( Dexamethosone Plasma mm US 9 , 974 , 742 B2 EMULSION FORMULATIONS OF AN NK - 1 Aggregation may in some cases be a precursor of further RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST AND USES coalescence into larger droplets . These processes may result THEREOF in large aggregates rising to the surface of the container, a phenomenon known as 'creaming ' , and ultimately to free oil TECHNICAL FIELD 5 being visible on the emulsion surface , known as ' cracking ' . Emulsion formulations must also be chemically stable . The disclosure relates generally to emulsion formulations The drug substance may degrade; for example , lipophilic and systems for the intravenous or parenteral administration drugs will partition into the oil phase , which will confer of an NK - 1 receptor antagonist for treatment of emesis . The some degree of protection , but hydrolytic degradation may emulsion formulations are stable for prolonged periods of 10 still occur at the oil -water interface . Possible chemical time . Also described are methods for preparing the stable degradation within parenteral fat emulsions includes oxida NK - 1 receptor antagonist emulsions and pharmaceutical tion of unsaturated fatty acid residues present in triglyceride formulations . and lecithin , and hydrolysis of phospholipids leading to the formation of free fatty acids (FFA ) and lysophospholipids . BACKGROUND 15 Such degradants lower pH , which may then promote further Emesis is a critical problem experienced as a result of degradation . Thus , pH should be controlled during manu anticancer cytotoxic therapy. Up to 80 % of patients will facture and parenteral emulsion formulations may include a experience chemotherapy - induced nausea and vomiting buffering agent to provide additional control. Any decrease ( CINV ) without prophylactic therapy (Vieira dos Santos et 20 in pH over the assigned shelf - life may be indicative of al. , 2012 , J Natl Cancer Inst , 104 : 1280 - 1292 ) . Navari et al. chemical degradation . ( 1999, N Engl J Med , 340 : 190 - 195 ) showed that neuroki- In the present application , emulsion formulations were nin - 1 (NK - 1 ) receptor antagonists improve CINV when used prepared and characterized to identify a formulation and in combination with cisplatin -based chemotherapy . NK - 1 process that will allow an NK - 1 receptor antagonist com receptor antagonists block binding of substance P to the 25 pound to be incorporated into an emulsion for intravenous receptor, thereby preventing or limiting induction of vom - injection and remain stable during the shelf life of the iting pathways mediated by the NK - 1 receptor (Aziz , 2012 , formulation . Ann Palliat Med , 1 : 130 - 136 ) . NK - 1 receptor antagonists currently approved and mar BRIEF SUMMARY keted include aprepitant and rolapitant HC1, which are both 30 available in oral form . Not surprisingly , oral dosage forms The following aspects and embodiments thereof can create a problem for patients suffering from emesis , described and illustrated below are meant to be exemplary specifically , for example , on days two and three of chemo - and illustrative , not limiting in scope . therapy. Accordingly , it is desirable to have injectable for In one aspect, a pharmaceutical composition suitable for mulations to simplify treatment for these patients . Described 35 intravenous administration is provided which comprises a herein are emulsions formulated for administering to a stable emulsion comprising an oil phase , wherein the oil patient by injection . These emulsions are formulated to phase comprises a neurokinin 1 (NK - 1 ) receptor antagonist, contain neurokinin - 1 receptor antagonists which may be a surfactant and a co -surfactant ; and an aqueous phase , poorly soluble in aqueous solvents or unstable in aqueous wherein the aqueous phase comprises
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