VOLUME 31/NUMBER ~!WI[j)ENER COLLEGE/F~IDAY, OCT. 8,1976 Under fire the SAC looks.· ahead by Michele Sinex S.A.C. President Anita Perrone over is a mater of student opinion. "Just think, yesterday I was a ,gave her reply. To this, Anita replies that any meaninJl;less little accountant and Perrone approves of the ex­ student who does not like the band today I . am the producer of a planations offerd by the Dome as to chosen should jZo to the S.A.C. and Broadway Flop!" Thus did Mel why the concert was not a try to su,gJl;est other jZroups or Brooks' character Leo Bloom screamin,g success. The bijZjZest musical styles that have been unknowin,gly summarize the plijZht problem was Widener's inability to overlooked. Most important of all, of the Student Activities- Com­ use outside media for advertisinjZ. they should join the S.A.C. to have mittee (S.A.C.). At the bejZinninjZ That cannot be helped but a hand in the votinjl. Anita stresses of the year, the S.A.C. was just the hopefully avoided in the future. that the S.A.C desperately needs ,gan,g who put the "Disco" in Anita says what can be helped is :new blood, especially un­ "Disco Collejle." After ' the less the choice of the jZroup. Under the derclassmen, and she adds that than successful Starz-AnjZel present system, S.A.C.'s promo disgusted students who do not air concert, all eyes were turned mana,ger, Bill Honey, informs the Ut1!!fJ! epinions to the S.A.C are not towards the S.A.C. as the jZanjZ that Committee of available bands. takin,g advant'3l!e at the Activities does not know how to pick a jZood These ,groups are then voted on by Fee that they pay at the bejZinninjZ band. all S.A.C. members and the of the year. Last week, the Dome r!!sponded ' majority winner does the show, The criticism of S.A.C. was to S.A.C.'s critics and this week Whether or not the show jZ oes (Continued on Page 5) Computer Photo courtesy of Public Relations Answers s~g"t to questions Remember Watergate? Then- you'll remember Sam Ervin, former Senator from North Carolina. He will be making a half-day visit to Widener College on Thursday, October 14, Beginning at 3:30 in the by Elliot The component parts are on order addition of another read out video Alumni Auditorium, members of the Delaware County and Delaware Richter to meet the jlreater demand. These unit. - The BurroujZhs 1700 now in use, is State Bar Associations and faculty and students from Widener's Dela­ "There is more access to the are due for delivery on November two years old, and is rented. It is ware Law ~ School, are attending a hour and a half panel discussion. computer center at Widener 22. Also under consideration by the likely that the additional com­ At 8PM Senator Ervin will deliver a p'ublic address, "Post-Watergate Colle,ge than the student will ever committee set up to investijZate the ponents on order will be rented for Morality" in MacMorland Center. find when he jZoes out into in­ .. needs of the computer room is the (Continued on Page 5) dustry," said Ted Locke, ad­ ministrative head of the computer center. Locke stated that the center is open for academic News briefs (student) projZramminjZ seven hours a day durinjZ the week and four hours on Saturday morninjZ, and that pro,grams will usually be The ·lGst shot may run within one day. He compared that to an averajZe runninjZ time in industry of three days. "The system was desilZned to handle a be fired soon quarter to a third more users than we have now ," Locke added, "but The BATTERY Robbinett has Widener students for Philadelphia we're still studyinlZ ways to im­ just about run out of money and if Orchestra Concerts at the prove it even further." funds are not ob'tained this will be Academy of Music. There will be Despite Locke's analysis, most the la'st football jlame in which four concerts in all, the first beinjZ projZrammers in the fields concede they will be able to participate. on Wednesday, October 13th. that the BurroulZhs 1700 system Money is needed for the repair of Contact Doctor Gottlieb in room employed by Widener is capable of the cannon, caisson, and for 402 Kirkbride or call on Extension handlin,g about 180 student purchasinJl; powder. Someone I 392. The concerts run from 8PM to projZrammers in the times alloted, please help keep this Pioneer 9: 45 PM. Transportation is' not but the computer center reports tradition alive. made available. over 200 students now involved in projZrammin,g courses. There are two committees The women's tennis schedule, All clubs and orJl;anizations, new, . studyin,g the computer situation. left incomplete at the season's old and reorjZanized, seekinjZ SGA One is tryinjZ to determine who is start, has now been filled in as fundinjZ this semester have been usin,g the system the most to follows: Friday, Oct. 8- Bucks Co. asked to check with the business . recommend any time allocation Comm. ColleJl;e; Oct. 6- Beaver; office to see if there is a balance chanjZes, and the other is studyinjZ Oct. 11- Johns-Hopkins; Oct. 14- remaininjZ on their account. This is the possibility of additional Eastern; Oct. 18- Penn State Del. so the SGA can distribute the Co.; Oct. 22 - Mont$[omery County; components and hardware to the money in a fairery more efficient . system. Oct. 26 Franklin & Marshall; and fashion. The sooner the reQuests Oct. 28- Penn State Del County are- in the sooner the return to' the There is money in the budjZet for once ajZain. jZroup. additional equpment and the primary need at the moment is for It has been tentatively planned that the computer room will be open Free tickets are available to (Continued on Page 5) an increased memory capacity. on a 24 hour basis in the. near future. ~ \. .......... 2 - THE DOME, FRIDAY, OCT. 8,1976 Editorials Widener History Dealing with Remember.• a tight squeeze ·the way, if was by Ken Tully ticketing and perhaps clearing out the street before we have to regret action While we wait for a final decision a by Tom Kerr "Bi~ deal," you say. Well, yes, it is. This dangerous safety hazard exists on 14th wasn't taken sooner. year thin~s are jlettinll done. In response street. Not only is it a tight squeeze for President Moll thinks it would be a high to our safety article, fire extinjluishers cars, when there is parking on both sides, risk to have parking on the MacMoreland In the late 1800's, the United States were checked and the situation was rec­ but with students crossing the road bet­ Center side of 14th Street and he's also experienced what is known today as "The tified. Other areas concerninlZ Campus ween the parked behicles someone is afraid people hiding behind cars might Industrial A~e," the emerllence of the safety are still beinll investijlated. l>6und to ~et hit. There will be an open mug someone, especially between Walnut machine which was to free mankind from clipped off soon, or a head on collision. and Potter. manual bondalle. The next 10llical step, the Meanwhile other matters cleared away The President would prefer no parkinl[ computer, freed man from excessive But what is imortant for everyone is to while important ones like this, that should on either side. Letter from complaininjl mental bondalle. The next,illollieal step, in realize this; thinlZs can chanlZe. The old have been resolved over the summer ne~hbors and the difficult time am­ a reverse direction, occured at Widener adalle about "The Widener Way" of doinjl months, dra~ on. We're dealinll with bulances or firetrucks would have Ilettinl[ Collelle. As opposed to increasinll ef­ thin~s. is no lonller valid. Tbe Dome will do someone's life in this case and I have a . in are only a couple of the arlluments cited ficiency. the Computer Center located in aU it can to chanlle it. This year let's do feelin~ this should take priority on the in favor of clearinll the street. Kirkbride Hall has become a "monkey­ thin~s the ril(ht way. If thinlls do foul up, a~enda . Moll is willing to meet with a student wrench" in the proverbial system. let's correct it, not cover it up. Chester police should be notified to start committee to discuss the matter, interest Unusual'delays in print-outs, as compared of the students." If he does Ilet a meetinll with last year, are now par for the course. Tbe Dome was promised that safety with the student committee he hopes the would improve, and for the most part it situation will be cleared away in one But that's history. What's important is did. Now we've been assured that the Lauds session. thatthe problem is presently beinl[ rec­ computer confusion will 'be straillhtened SGA President Byron Zizos says he is tified. Both Ted Locke, Associate Vice­ President for Fiscal Affairs, and Dr. John out. As always, we'll let you know what's willing to organize such a committee and happeninll. an.d that he has been waiting for the ad­ Shultz, Chairman of the Committee " mini~tra tion-namely Dean Lindsley and presently studyinll the computer situation, Chief Oberhoff-to finish looking into the have assured Tbe Dome that this problem matter with the Chester police_ will be resolved.
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