US 2010.0076220A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0076220 A1 Schubert et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 25, 2010 (54) NOVEL METAL, ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS (30) Foreign Application Priority Data BASED ON ALUMINUM, IRON AND CHROMUM Apr. 24, 2007 (EP) .................................. O71068O2.7 (75) Inventors: Markus Schubert, Ludwigshafen Publication Classification (DE); Ulrich Mueller, Neustadt (DE); Stefan Marx, Zuerich (CH) (51) Int. Cl. CD7C 63/26 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: OBLON, SPIVAK, MCCLELLAND MAIER & (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 562/.480 NEUSTADT, L.L.P. 194O DUKE STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: BASF SE, Ludwigshafen (DE) The present invention relates to a porous metal organic frame work comprising a bidentate organic compound coordinated (21) Appl. No.: 12/597.616 to a metalion selected from the group of metals consisting of (22) PCT Fled: Apr. 23, 2008 Al, Fe and Cr, with the bidentate organic compound being derived from a dicarboxylic acid, wherein the framework has (86) PCT NO.: PCT/EP2008/054887 a structure whose projection along has a pattern in which each side of a hexagon is bounded by a triangle. The present S371 (c)(1), invention further relates to shaped bodies and a process for (2), (4) Date: Dec. 4, 2009 preparing the porous metal organic framework and its use. Patent Application Publication Mar. 25, 2010 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2010/0076220 A1 Fig. Patent Application Publication Mar. 25, 2010 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2010/0076220 A1 US 2010/0076220 A1 Mar. 25, 2010 NOVEL METAL, ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS 0012. The object is achieved by a porous metal organic BASED ON ALUMINUM, IRON AND framework comprising a bidentate organic compound coor CHROMUM dinated to a metal ion selected from the group of metals consisting of Al, Fe and Cr, with the bidentate organic com pound being derived from a diacarboxylic acid, wherein the 0001. The present invention relates to porous metal framework has a structure whose projection along 001 has a organic frameworks, shaped bodies comprising these and a pattern in which each side of a hexagon is bounded by a process for preparing them and their use. triangle. 0002 Porous metal organic frameworks are known from 0013 The object is likewise achieved by a process for the prior art. They are notable, in particular, for their porosity preparingaporous metal organic framework according to the and can frequently be employed in applications comparable invention, which comprises the step to those known for inorganic Zeolites. 0014 reaction of a reaction mixture comprising at least 0003 Metal organic frameworks usually comprise an at one compound of a metal selected from the group con least bidentate organic compound which is coordinated to a sisting of Al, Fe and Crand the bidentate organic com metal ion and together with the metalion forms the skeleton pound or a salt thereof in the presence of an auxiliary of the metal organic framework. having at least one deprotonatable group in an organic 0004. Appropriate choice of metal and/or organic com Solvent at a predetermined temperature and a predeter pound makes optimization for the desired field of application mined pressure. 0015. It has been found that the above-described produc possible. Here, for example, the choice of organic compound tion process using an auxiliary forms novel metal organic can exert an influence on the pore distribution. In addition, the frameworks which have a structure different from the con metal can make a contribution in adsorption processes. ventionally prepared known structures made up of the same 0005. However, reaction conditions in the preparation of metals and organic compounds. metal organic frameworks and auxiliaries used in the reaction 0016. In particular, it has surprisingly been found that in can also influence the framework structure. the presence of an auxiliary a structure known as “MIL-68 0006 Thus, for example, zeolite-like metal organic frame for V'-comprising metal organic frameworks is formed, works are produced by Y. Liu et al., Chem. Commun. 14 with the structure being obtained spontaneously in these (2006), 1488-1490, with the aid of structure-directing agents. frameworks. Vanadium terephthalate is described by K. Bar Further Such frameworks are described in WO-A 2006/ thelet et al., Chem. Commun. 2004, 520-521. Here, a struc 116340. ture whose projection along 001 has a pattern in which each 0007. There is thus a continual need to provide specific side of a hexagon is bounded by a triangle is found. metal organic frameworks which have, in particular, extraor 0017. The present invention is described in more detail dinary properties which are attributable to, in particular, spe below. cific preparative methods. 0018 FIG. 1 schematically shows the above-described 0008. An interesting metal is aluminum since compara pattern, with the octahedra depicted in FIG.1 representing the tively robust metal organic frameworks can be obtained octahedrally coordinated metal centers. because of strong coordinate bonds. In addition, because of (0019 FIG. 2 shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of the its octahedral coordination, the Al" ion is in principle suit aluminum terephthalate of the invention. The intensity I(Ln able for building up three-dimensional frameworks. Further (Counts)) is shown here as a function of the 2-theta scale more, the salts of aluminum which can be used as starting (20). materials are readily available and inexpensive. Owing to 0020 FIG. 3 shows curves for the adsorption of carbon their similar structure, metal organic frameworks based on dioxide and carbon monoxide on an aluminum terephthalate iron and chromium are also of interest in addition to those framework according to the invention and an aluminum based on aluminum. terephthalate framework known from the prior art. 0009. A particularly interesting metal organic framework 0021 FIG. 1 shows the above-described pattern purely is aluminum terephthalate. This is described by T. Loiseau et schematically. A more detailed depiction is shown in FIG. 2 al., Chem. Eur. J. 10 (2004), 1373-1382. A conventional on page 520 of K. Barthelet et al., Chem. Commun. 2004, preparation gives a base structure in which parallel —Al 520-521. (OH)—Al-(OH)— chains are crosslinked into the second 0022 Particularly the case of aluminum terephthalate, the and third dimension of the dicarboxylic linker, so that they structure of the corresponding porous metal organic frame span one-dimensional channels having a diamond-shaped work of the invention can be recognized by the X-ray diffrac cross section. The base structure is known in the literature as tion pattern (XRD) having a main reflection in the range “MIL-53”. The crystal system is, (in the dry “ht” form) 4°<20<6°, preferably in the range 4.5°.<20<5.5°. orthorhombic and the space group is Imma. The same struc 0023. Here, the diffraction pattern can be determined as ture is produced in the conventional preparation of iron follows: the sample is installed as powder in the sample terephthalate and chromium terephthalate (T. R. Whitfield et container of a commercially available instrument (Siemens al., Solid State Sciences 7 (2005), 1096-1 103: S. Bourrelly et D-5000 diffractometer or Bruker D8-Advance). As radiation al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005), 13519-13521). Source, use is made of Cu-KC. radiation using variable pri 0010 Despite the known metal organic frameworks, there mary and secondary orifice plates and a secondary monochro is a need for alternative frameworks which have superior mator. The signal is detected by means of a Scintillation properties, especially in respect of the storage and separation detector (Siemens) or a Solex semiconductor detector of gases. (Bruker). The measurement range for 20 is typically from 2 0011. It is therefore an object of the present invention to to 70°. The angle step is 0.02° and the measurement time per provide Such frameworks and a process for preparing them. angle step is typically from 2 to 4 seconds. In the evaluation, US 2010/0076220 A1 Mar. 25, 2010 reflections are distinguished from the background noise by an 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexachloro-5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, at least 3-times higher signal strength. An area analysis can be phenylindandicarboxylic acid, 1,3-dibenzyl-2-oxoimidazoli carried out manually by drawing a baseline for the individual dine-4,5-dicarboxylic acid, 1.4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic reflections. As an alternative, programs such as “Topas-Pro acid, naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic acid, 2,-benzoylbenzene file' from Bruker can be used, in which case the fitting to the 1,3-dicarboxylic acid, 1,3-dibenzyl-2-oxoimidazolidine-4,5- background is preferably carried out automatically by means cis-dicarboxylic acid, 2,2'-biquinoline-4,4'-dicarboxylic of a 1st order polynomial in the software. acid, pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid, 3.6.9-trioxaunde 0024. The structure of the aluminum terephthalate frame canedicarboxylic acid, hydroxybenzophenonedicarboxylic work of the invention has an orthorhombic unit cell and has acid, Pluriol E 300-dicarboxylic acid, Pluriol E 400-dicar the space group Cmcm. boxylic acid, Pluriol E 600-dicarboxylic acid, pyrazole-3,4- 0025. The abbreviations used for the space groups are dicarboxylic acid, 2.3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid, 5,6-dim known to those skilled in the art and are standardized. Refer ethyl-2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid, 4,4'-diamino(diphenyl ence may be made, for example, to the Internet page of the ether)diimidedicarboxylic acid, 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl International Union of Crystallography (http://www.iucr.org/ methanediimidedicarboxylic acid, 4,4'-diamino(diphenyl iucr-top/it/index.html). Sulfone)diimidedicarboxylic acid, 1,4-naphthalenedicar 0026. The metal component of the framework of the boxylic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 1.3-adaman present invention is selected from the group of metals con taneedicarboxylic acid, 1.8-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, sisting of Al, Fe and Cr.
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