WELCOME TO THE PARISH OF THE MOST HOLY & UNDIVIDED TRINITY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN GRIMSBY, CLEETHORPES & IMMINGHAM St Mary on the Sea Church Corpus Christi Church Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Heneage Road, Grimsby Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes Allerton Drive, Immingham DN32 9DZ DN35 7LJ DN40 2HP Parish Priest Fr Andrew Cole Rev Stephen Durkin 07505 559360 St Mary’s Presbytery [email protected] Heneage Road Rev Richard Jones 01472 342301 GRIMSBY DN32 9DZ [email protected] 01472 342301 / 07943 059747 Sr Ann Helen Byrne CSJP 01472 692370 [email protected] Sr Bridgetta Rooney CSJP [email protected] Website www.holytrinitygci.uk Parish Administrator 01472 342301 Facebook/Twitter @holytrinitygci Amanda Mellows [email protected] SUNDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 2020 – SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday 22nd February 4.00 pm Mass in Immingham 6.00 pm Mass in Cleethorpes Sunday 23rd February 9.00 am Mass in Grimsby (Polish) 9.15 am Mass in Cleethorpes 11.00 am Mass in Grimsby 3.00 pm Holy Hour in Grimsby Tuesday 25th February 10.00 am Mass in Cleethorpes 11.00 pm Cleethorpes Churches Working Together Prayer in Cleethorpes Ash Wednesday, 26th February 9.30 am Mass with Distribution of Ashes in Grimsby Day of Fasting & Abstinence 11.30 am Mass with Distribution of Ashes in Immingham 1.30 pm Liturgy with Distribution of Ashes in St Mary’s Catholic Academy 2.00 pm Open Prayer Time in Cleethorpes 2.30 pm Liturgy with Distribution of Ashes in St Joseph’s Catholic Academy 6.15 pm Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in Cleethorpes 7.00 pm Mass with Distribution of Ashes in Cleethorpes Thursday 27th February 10.00 am Mass in Cleethorpes Friday 28th February 12.15 pm Mass in Grimsby Saturday 29th February 10.00 am Holy Hour in Cleethorpes 11.30 am Lent Service & Lunch in Immingham 4.00 pm Mass in Immingham 6.00 pm Mass in Cleethorpes Sunday 1st March 9.00 am Mass in Grimsby (Polish) First Sunday of Lent 9.15 am Mass in Cleethorpes 11.00 am Mass in Grimsby Eucharistic Adoration This Week Sacrament of Reconciliation This Week Sunday 3.00-4.00 Grimsby Sunday 3.15-3.45 Grimsby Wednesday 6.15-6.55 Cleethorpes Wednesday 6.15-6.40 Cleethorpes Thursday 10.30-11.00 Cleethorpes Saturday 10.00-10.45 Cleethorpes Saturday 10.00-11.00 Cleethorpes Saturday 3.40-3.55 Immingham Stations of the Cross This Week Saturday 5.40-5.55 Cleethorpes Friday 11.30 Grimsby Our Parish Schools 7.00 Cleethorpes St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy Sunday 3.00 Cleethorpes Philip Avenue, Cleethorpes (01472 690672) Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy Richard Mellows (01472 752017), Sarah Pollard (01472 Wellington Street, Grimsby (01472 357982) 357982) & Shelagh Winter (01472 593780) Collections Last Week £1498.10 Thank you for your support of the Church’s mission. A Parish of the Diocese of Nottingham – Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees. Charity Number: 1134449 / Company Number: 7151646 Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for February: That the cries • Stations of the Cross will usually be at these times: of our migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal Sunday 3.00 pm Cleethorpes trafficking, may be heard and considered. Friday 11.30 am Grimsby Cycle of Prayer: During Lent, we pray for: candidates for Friday 7.00 pm Cleethorpes the sacraments; women; the needy and hungry of the St Mary on the Sea Church: The sacristy, upper room & world; penitents & wanderers. We also pray for Fr Colum, ancillary areas will be cleared and tidied this Friday, 28th Fr Tony, the sick & housebound of our parish, the mission February after Mass. Personal items should be removed of St Mary’s & St Joseph’s schools, and all whose by Thursday evening; anything that is left will be anniversaries occur at this time. presumed to belong to the parish and will be disposed Holy Hour – 23rd February 2020: To prepare ourselves for of if no longer needed. our Lenten pilgrimage, all are welcome to Holy Hour in St St Patrick’s Night – 14th March 2020: Our parish’s Circle Mary on the Sea Church this Sunday, 23rd February, at 3.00 of the Catenian Association are hosting a celebration in pm followed by pre-Lenten light refreshments in the the parish hall on Saturday 14th March beginning at 7.30 Presbytery. pm with music, food, a quiz and a raffle. Please bring Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 26th February: something to drink. Tickets cost £5.00 per person, including food, and are available from members of the • Almsgiving, prayer & fasting are the three Social & Fundraising Group. This is a ticket only event. disciplines which we should make a special effort to follow during Lent. On Ash Wednesday, we will hear SEND: St Joseph’s school came first and St Mary’s school Jesus teach us in the Gospel, ‘When you give alms,’ came third in a recent survey of parents of children with ‘when you pray’ and ‘when you fast’ – not ‘If’ special educational needs here in North East Lincolnshire (Matthew 6:1-6,16-18)! So, we both give things up and which asked: ‘How well have the following schools take them on during Lent, a God-given opportunity for supported your children’s special educational needs?’. I us to contemplate and develop our threefold am not only extremely proud that our schools have been relationship with others in almsgiving (reflecting the so highly praised by parents but not in the least bit Kingly Mission given in Baptism) with God in prayer surprised, as I see their wonderful work on a weekly basis. (reflecting the Priestly Mission) and with ourselves in We have a duty to support our schools and any parent who fasting (reflecting the Prophetic Mission). sends their children to our parish schools is making the • A Deanery Penitential Service will be celebrated on best possible choice for their children’s future. Fr Andrew Monday 30th March at 7.00 pm in Corpus Christi SVP: There will be a retiring collection this weekend to Church. support our parish group’s work on our behalf. The SVP • Deanery Station Masses will be celebrated at 7.00 are looking for good quality beds, furniture and household pm, preceded by Stations of the Cross & the items; if you can help, please speak to a member of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 6.15 pm: SVP. Thank you. Tues 3rd March St Augustine Webster, 200 Club Draw 20/1 Winners: Barton-upon-Humber 1st £25 No. 105 Mr & Mrs D West Thurs 12th March St Bernadette, Scunthorpe 2nd £15 No. 227 Noreen Sedman Tues 24th March Corpus Christi, Cleethorpes 3rd £10 No. 121 Bernie & Sally Smallbone Tues 31st March St Thomas of Canterbury, 200 Club Draw 20/2 Winners: Gainsborough 1st £25 No. 60 Gail Fenelon • The Eucharist in Scripture continues each Thursday at 2nd £15 No. 180 Mary Wood 7.00 pm in the parish hall until Thursday 26th March; 3rd £10 No. 127 Linda Cody this week’s theme is the Lamb of God. 200 Club Draw 20/3 Winners: st • Lenten Breakfasts will be held in the parish hall after 1 £25 No. 25 Beatrice Turner nd 9.15 am Mass on Sundays, and Lenten Lunches in St 2 £15 No. 14 Ann Robinson rd Mary’s Presbytery after 11.00 am Mass; this year, the 3 £10 No. 92 Colin Beresford monies raised from these and our Lenten alms will 200 Club Draw 20/4 Winners: st support CARE’s provision of a food bank here in the 1 £25 No. 108 Mary Abba nd Borough of North East Lincolnshire. 2 £15 No. 90 Ann Gamble 3rd £10 No. 71 Kathleen Conroy • Lenten Lunches will be held in Immingham, beginning with an act of worship at 11.30 am, on the following Please contact the parish office to arrange collection. Saturdays of Lent: Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the 200 Club th this year! 29 February Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 7th March Christian Centre Thank You: We would like to thank all those who gave us 14th March Trinity Methodist Church cards, flowers, good wishes, hugs and kisses on the 21st March St Andrew’s Church occasion of our Golden Wedding Anniversary. John & 28th March Hope Church Lillian Hughes .
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