Up to Now Newsletter of the St. Margaret of Cortona Region of the Secular Franciscan Order Covering the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and portions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania Philippus, OFMCap Philippus Fr. Volume 21, Issue 1 Let us begin again, for up to now we have done nothing. August 2017 New Spiritual Assistants t. Margaret of Cortona Region is blessed to have three new Spiri- lic priesthood for the Franciscans in 1977. Soon after that, he Stual Assistants appointed: Br. Matthew Hindelang, OFM Cap., Fr. was awarded an M.A. in Government and International Studies Charley Miller, OFM, and Fr. Kevin Queally, TOR.. from the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind. Br. Matt Father Kevin has served in many positions around the coun- Br. Matthew Hindelang was born and raised in try, including high school and college-level teaching, hospital Frankenmuth, Mich., a small town, “but a big ministry college chaplaincy, etc. Father Kevin also served the tourist trap,” he says. “The town is Bavarian Order in Rome for five years. Presently, he is Parochial Vicar at themed and home to such establishments as Holy Family Parish in Portage, Penn. Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland (the worlds In addition to these ministries, Fr. Kevin has worked with the largest Christmas store) and Zhender’s Restau- members of the Secular Franciscan Order for nearly 30 years. rant, famous for its all you can eat family-style chicken dinners.” He was with the St. Anthony of Nagasaki fraternity through its Br. Matt has a very long discernment story, but it ends up emerging stages and, after they were established, was part with him doing some volunteer ministry with the Capuchins in of the regionalization process. He worked with a fraternity in Chicago. He finally decided to enter the Capuchin province in Pittsburgh, Penn.n from 1992 to 1996, as well as being Provin- Pittsburgh in 2006. After the year of postulancy and novitiate, cial and Regional Spiritual Assistant for Lady Poverty Region he took vows in 2008. Br. Matt completed a Master’s degree during that time. He was appointed to the Conference of Na- in Pastoral Studies at the Washington Theological Union and tional Spiritual Assistants to the OFS from 2003 to 2015, and decided to remain a lay brother. He is currently assigned to Ca- also served two terms as its President-in-turn. puchin College (their house of studies), where he is involved Fr. Kevin has been involved for many years promoting the with fraternal service and any other needs that arise. Church’s social teachings on Justice and Peace. This has led him to be involved in many activities all over the United Fr. Charley States, including the Province Justice and Peace Committee, Fr. Charley Miller has been a friar since 1962. the Justice and Peace Committee of the Franciscan Feder- His ministries have included high school teach- ation in the United States. He has also served on the Inter- ing in Brazil, hospital chaplaincy, retreat house, Franciscan Commission for Justice and Peace at Rome, and on parishes (six different ones, including St. Fran- the National Council of Pax Christi USA. cis of Assisi in Virginia), family and marital counseling, substance abuse counseling, friar In Thisis IssueIssue.. .. .. administration, and spiritual direction. He is currently assisting in the formation program for men entering Regional Miinniistter’’s MMessage............................................. 2 the Franciscan Order in Silver Spring, Md. Fr. Charley served Regional Formam tion Dirireecctot r’s MMeesss agage ............................ 3 for a time as Spiritual Assistant to the St. Francis of Assisi Fra- Mark Your Caalelendndara ............................................. ................................. 3 ternity, Triangle. He has also experienced the very active fra- What Are We Dooining?g ............................................ ............................. 4 ternity at Holy Name Parish in New York City. Francisscann Misssionon Serrviv cec ................................ ............................ 5 Formattion Trainingg Reeggisistrtrata ion........... ....... ............................ 6 Fr. Kevin What Are We Reeaaddinng....................... ............................................. 7 Around the Regegiioon ...........................................................................8 Fr. Kevin M. Queally, TOR, is originally from Yon- JPIC Report ........................................................................................8 kers, New York. He was educated at St. Francis Franciscan Saints anand BlBlessedss......... ................................ 9 College (now University) in Loretto, Penn., and My Favorite Saints........... ......................................................11 then studied theology at St. Francis Seminary, JPIC Action List................................................................13 also in Loretto. He was ordained to the Catho- Websites of Interest ........................................................13 Regional Minister’s Message %XLOGLQJD)UDWHUQDODQGHYDQJHOLFDO:RUOG Instrumentum Laboris /HDGHUVKLS ,·PZULWLQJWR\RXRQWKH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV $XJXVW)HDVWRI )LQDQFH WKH3RUWLXQFXODWKH)HDVW 6SLULWXDO$VVLVWDQFH WKDWFRPPHPRUDWHVWKH )UDQFLVFDQ<RXWK OLWWOHFKDSHOWKDWZDVWKH LQVSLUDWLRQWR6W)UDQFLV 7KHInstrumentum LaborisDOVRUHPLQGVXVWKDW 7KHOLWWOHFKXUFKRI6W ´DV6HFXODU)UDQFLVFDQVZHPXVWUHPHPEHUWKDW 0DU\RIWKH$QJHOVZKLFK RXUFRPPLWPHQWWKURXJKSURIHVVLRQLVWRWKH )UDQFLVFDOOHGWKH´OLWWOH HQWLUH2UGHUWKDWLVWRDOOOHYHOVRIIUDWHUQLW\« SRUWLRQµZRXOGDOVREHWKH ORFDOUHJLRQDOQDWLRQDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOµ,WJRHV SODFHZKHUHKHDVNHGWREH RQWRVD\WKDW´WKHVWUXFWXUHZLWKLQWKH6HFXODU WDNHQZKHQKHNQHZWKDW )UDQFLVFDQ2UGHUGRHVQRWDOORZIRU´ZHµDQG´WKH\µ KLVGHDWKZDVQHDU SHUVSHFWLYHV IRUH[DPSOH´ZHµDWWKHORFDOOHYHO DQG´WKH\µDWWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHO :HDUHDOO 7KHVLPSOHVSLULWXDOPRYHPHQWWKDWEHJDQKHUH RQHDQGZKHQZHVSHDNRIWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHO ZRXOGEHFRPHDJOREDOPRYHPHQWZLWKLQWKH ZHLQFOXGHDOO6HFXODU)UDQFLVFDQV,WLVLPSRUWDQW XQLYHUVDO&KXUFK/LNHDOOWKLQJV´ELJµWKHUHFDPH WRUHFRJQL]HWKLVDVSHFWLQRXUUHÁHFWLRQVRWKDW DQHHGIRUVWUXFWXUHRUJDQL]DWLRQDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ WKHUHLVQRPLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIZKRLVUHVSRQVLEOH ÀQDQFHVDQGSHUVRQQHO,WLVLURQLFWKDWWKHWLQ\ IRULPSURYLQJWKHPDQDJHPHQWRIWKH2)6DWWKH 3RUWLXQFXODLVQRZKRXVHGLQVLGHDODUJHEDVLOLFD LQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHO:HDOODUH«HYHU\6HFXODU 2XU2UGHUOLNHWKH)LUVWDQG6HFRQG2UGHUVDQG )UDQFLVFDQµ 7KLUG2UGHU5HJXODUKDVDOVRJURZQIURPDVLPSOH 7KHGRFXPHQWJRHVRQWRDVNWKHQDWLRQDO PRYHPHQWRISHQLWHQWVEOHVVHGE\)UDQFLVKLPVHOI IUDWHUQLWLHVWRGHWHUPLQH´ZKLFKRIWKHSURSRVDOV WRDZRUOGZLGHRUJDQL]DWLRQ,QIDFWRXU2UGHU WKH\DUHSUHSDUHGWRVXSSRUWDQGZKDWUHVRXUFHV LVKXJHYDVWO\ODUJHUWKDQDQ\RIWKHLQGLYLGXDO ÀQDQFLDODQGKXPDQWKH\DUHSUHSDUHGWRRIIHUWR 2UGHUVRIIULDUVDQGVLVWHUV:HDUHRUJDQL]HG LPSOHPHQWWKHVHSURSRVDOVµ2XUQDWLRQDOIUDWHUQLW\ DWWKHORFDOUHJLRQDOQDWLRQDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDO FUHDWHGD0DQDJHPHQWRIWKH2UGHU&RPPLWWHH OHYHODVWUXFWXUHWKDWLVUHODWLYHO\QHZGXHWRRXU ZKLFKKDVGHYHORSHGDUHSRUWVXPPDUL]LQJWKH XQLÀFDWLRQDIWHUDORQJKLVWRU\RIEHLQJGLYLGHG LQIRUPDWLRQWKH\FROOHFWHGLGHQWLI\LQJSRVVLEOH DORQJWKHOLQHVRIWKH)ULDU3URYLQFHV6RLW·V SURMHFWVDQGRIIHULQJDÀQDOUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ DSSURSULDWHWRDVNZKHWKHURXUFXUUHQWVWUXFWXUH DQGRUJDQL]DWLRQDUHEHVWVXLWHGWRZKRZHDUH &RSLHVRIWKHInstrumentum Laboris LQERWK WRGD\ (QJOLVKDQG6SDQLVK DVZHOODVDPHPRIURPRXU QDWLRQDOPLQLVWHUDQGWKHUHSRUWIURPRXUQDWLRQDO ,QDWWKH*HQHUDO&KDSWHULQ$VVLVL,WDO\WKH 0DQDJHPHQWRIWKH2UGHU&RPPLWWHHFDQEH 2UGHUDVNHGWKHTXHVWLRQ´+RZVKRXOGDQ2UGHU IRXQGRQWKH1$)5$ZHEVLWH ZZZQDIUDVIR OLNHWKH2)6EHPDQDJHGDWDOOLWVOHYHOV"µ6LQFH RUJ DVZHOODVRQRXUUHJLRQDOZHEVLWH KWWS WKHQWKURXJKVXUYH\VDQGDQDGKRFFRPPLVVLRQ VDLQWPDUJDUHWRIFRUWRQDFRPLQVWUXPHQWXP SULRULWLHVDQGSURSRVDOVZHUHGHYHORSHGIRU ODERULV 3OHDVHWDNHDPRPHQWWRUHDGDQGUHÁHFW FRQVLGHUDWLRQDWWKH*HQHUDO&KDSWHULQWKHIDOO XSRQWKHP,ZRXOGDSSUHFLDWHDQ\FRPPHQWVRU RI7KLV\HDUWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RXQFLO VXJJHVWLRQVWKDW\RXFDQSURYLGHWRPHEHIRUH, RIWKH2)6 &,2)6 LVVXHGDQInstrumentum DWWHQGRXUQDWLRQDOFKDSWHURQ6HSWHPEHUDWWKH Laboris OLWHUDOO\DZRUNWRRO LQWHJUDWLQJWKHPRVW 0RXQW6W)UDQFLV&HQWHUIRU6SLULWXDOLW\LQ,QGLDQD VLJQLÀFDQWSURSRVDOVWKH\UHFHLYHGDQGWKHQVHQWLW WRWKHQDWLRQDOIUDWHUQLWLHVIRUGLVFXVVLRQ 3HDFHDQGDOOJRRG 3DWULFN0DUWLQ 7KHGRFXPHQWLGHQWLÀHGHLJKWSULRULW\DUHDV 5HJLRQDO0LQLVWHU )RUPDWLRQ )UDWHUQDO/LIH Volume 21, Issue 1 August 2017 Page 2 Regional Formation Director’s Message Help me, St. Francis and Clare, to obey the word of God! Dear Brothers & Sisters! Peace of Christ! Let’s focus for a minute on obedience. During our profes- sion, we profess the following, “I promise to live all the days I am writing to you, first and foremost, in praise of our Cre- of my life the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Secular ator, who has given us so many beautiful and bountiful Franciscan Order.” blessings. To Him be glory forever! Secular Franciscans do not take vows, but the life-proj- I am also writing to thank those who have sent back their ect of the Secular Franciscan enshrined in the Rule and survey form. So far, I have received 12 surveys, but I am still Constitutions propose for them a kind of ascetical way waiting patiently for the rest. I urge you to email them to me by which they can live according to the form, or mold, by the end of this month, so I can begin putting together an- of the Holy Gospel: the way of the “evangelical coun- other manual for this year’s formation in October to pass on sels,” so they may be obedient, poor, and docile to love to you. This manual will be a compilation of all the answers (nafraformation.org). you give me, so we can learn from each other’s experiences. (Please see the attached registration
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