Jerome County Comprehensive Plan 2018

Jerome County Comprehensive Plan 2018

Jerome County Comprehensive Plan 2018 Acknowledgments County Commissioners Additional Contributors Charles M. Howell, Chairman Balthasar Buhidar, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Cathy Roemer, Co-Chairman Barbara Holyoke, National Park Service Roger Morley, Commissioner Bob Muffley, Middle Snake Regional Water Resource Commission Planning and Zoning Commission Dan Olmstead, Idaho Power Larrey Anderson, Chairman Doug McFall, Jerome County Sheriff Jim Schlund, Co-Chairman Ervina Covcic, Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (SEIDO) Arlen Morgan, Commissioner Gary Warr, Jerome Recreation Department Bill Baker, Commissioner Gene Brown, City of Hazelton Public Works Michael Tylka, Commissioner Hanako Wakatsuki-Chong, Minidoka National Patricia Heath, Commissioner Historic Site Robert Tanner Johns, Commissioner James McMurtrey, Intermountain Gas Company Virgil Tinker, Commissioner Jan Roeser, Idaho Department of Labor Jane Sabala, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 County Staff Josh Bartlome, Southern Idaho Solid Waste Arthur R. Brown, Planning & Zoning Administrator Kiley Mulholland, Idaho Department of Michael Seib, Prosecuting Attorney Environmental Quality Nancy Marshall, Planning & Zoning Assistant LeeAnn Moncur, Valley Recreation Department Administrator Matt West, Jerome County Sheriff Kacie Buhler, Planning & Zoning Clerk Mellissa Barry, Southern Idaho Tourism Mike McDonald, Idaho Department of Fish & Game Special Contributor Sam Wolkenhauer, Idaho Department of Labor Larry D. Hall, Executive Director, Jerome 2020 Steven Hines, University of Idaho Extension, Jerome County Wesley Hipke, Idaho Department of Water Resources JEROME C O UNTY C O MPREHENSIVE PLAN I 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Index of Ac ronyms & Abbreviations Cha pte r 1: Introduc tion Chapter 2: Exec utive Summary Cha pte r 3: History a nd Spe c ial Site s Chapte r 4: Population Chapter 5: Economic De ve lopme nt Chapter 6: Housing Chapter 7: Educ ation Cha pte r 8: Transportation Cha pte r 9: Public Se rvic e s a nd Fac ilities Cha pte r 10: Utilities Cha pte r 11: Tourism, Parks, a nd Rec rea tion Chapter 12: Natural Resources Chapter 13: Hazardous Areas Chapter 14: Prope rty Rights Chapter 15: Community Design and Land Use Chapter 16: Plan Implementation Appendix A: Data Charts Appendix B: Maps Appe ndix C: Reg ulatory Taking s Che c klist JEROME C O UNTY C O MPREHENSIVE PLAN I 2018 INDEX O F ACRONYMS & ABREVIATIONS AMI – Area Median Inc ome AST – Aboveground Storage Tanks BASE – Building s, Ante nna s, Spa ns (Bridg e s), & Earth (C liffs) BLM – Bureau of Land Management CAFO – Conc entrated Animal Feeding Operation C SI – College of Southern Idaho DEQ – De p a rtme nt o f Environme nta l Q ua lity EIRR – Easte rn Ida ho Ra ilro a d EMS – Emergenc y Medic al Servic es EPA – Environme ntal Prote c tio n Age nc y ESPA – Easte rn Sna ke Plain Aq uife r FERC – Fed e ral Ene rgy Re g ula to ry C o mmissio n FIRM – Floo d Insuranc e Rate Maps G IS – Geographic Information System HAC – Ho using Assista nc e C o unc il HHD – Hillsd a le Hig hwa y Distric t HOME – HOME Inve stme nt Pa rtne rship Prog ram HUD – U.S. De p a rtme nt o f Housing & Urban Develo pme nt IDAPA – Ida ho Ad ministrative Proc e d ures Ac t IDWR – Ida ho De p a rtme nt o f Wa te r Re so urc e s IDFG – Idaho De partme nt o f Fish & Game IDL - Idaho Department of Lands IFARM – Idaho Farm And Ranc h Muse um IHFA – Idaho Housing and Financ e Asso c ia tio n IRTA – Ida ho Re g ula to ry Taking s Ac t ISP – Ida ho Sta te Po lic e ITD – Ida ho Transp o rta tio n De p a rtme nt JC SO – Je rome Co unty She riff’s Offic e JEEP – Je ro me Early Educ a tio n Pro g ram JHD – Je rome Highwa y Distric t JRD – Je rome Re c rea tio n Distric t Page 1 of 2 JEROME C O UNTY C O MPREHENSIVE PLAN I 2018 LCO – Live sto c k C o nfine me nt O p e ratio n LIHTC – Low Inc o me Housing Tax C red its MC L – Maximum Co ntaminant Leve ls MPO – Me trop o lita n Planning O rga niza tio n NAAQ S – Na tio na l Amb ie nt Air Q ua lity Sta nd a rds NDMC – Na tio na l Dro ug ht Mitig a tio n Ce nte r NFIP – Na tio na l Flood Insuranc e Program NHTF – Na tio na l Housing Trust Fund Pro g ram NIETC – Na tio na l Inte rest Elec tric Transmissio n Co rrido r NPDES – Na tio na l Po lluta nt Disc ha rge Elimina tion Se rvic e NPS – Na tio na l Pa rk Se rvic e NRCS – Na tural Re so urc e s C o nse rva tio n Se rvic e NRI – Na tio na l Re so urc e s Inve nto ry NSCC – North Side Canal Company NSP – Ne ig hb o rho o d Sta b iliza tio n Pro g ram O B – O b ste tric s OHV – O ff Hig hwa y Ve hic le s Q RU – Q uic k Re sp o nse Unit SCC AP – So uth C e ntral C o mmunity Ac tio n Pa rtne rship SCPHD – So uth C e ntral Pub lic He a lth Distric t SIEDO – Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization SIRCO MM – Southern Idaho Regional Communic ation Center TMDL – Tota l Ma ximum Da ily Loa d UIC – Und e rgro und Inje c tio n C o ntro l USDA – Unite d Sta te s De p a rtme nt o f Ag ric ulture UST – Und e rground Sto rag e Tanks WAG - Midd le Sna ke Rive r Wa te rshe d Ad viso ry Group WWII – Wo rld Wa r II Page 2 of 2 JEROME C O UNTY C O MPREHENSIVE PLAN I 2018 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of the Jerome County Comprehensive Plan (“Plan”) is to inte g rate the conc erns and expressions of Jerome County (“County”) re side nts into a c o mprehe nsive statement of how the County should grow and develop. Furthe rmo re, this sta te me nt must me e t a ll le g islative req uireme nts, sp e c ific a lly the Idaho Loc al Land Use Planning Ac t. The Plan use s maps and narrative to desc ribe the County, provides a visio n o f a desired future, and rec ommends a se rie s o f ste p s to a tta in it. CHANG ES AND G ROWTH The 2018 Plan update s and ame nds the previous 1990 Plan. The County has had signific ant soc ial and ec onomic c hanges between 1990 and 2018. Ag ric ultural a c tivitie s have flo urishe d, and respo nding growth in manufac turing, transpo rtatio n, and population are evident. This Pla n will reflec t the c hanges and g rowth the County has experienc ed over the last 28 ye ars and will provide a guide to future growth in the ye ars to come. In a d d itio n, e nviro nme nta l fa c to rs will c o ntinue to c hang e and this plan strive s fo r req uiring e nvironme nta lly resp o nsible d e ve lo p me nt and use of the la nd s. Jerome County has experienc ed c onsistent population growth ove r the past 28 ye ars, with a population inc rea se o f a p p ro xima te ly 8,500 o r 56%. The City o f Je ro me is c urre ntly the population and ec onomic c enter of the Co unty--housing a population of a p p ro xima te ly 50% of Co unty reside nts. Ede n and Hazelto n are the o nly o ther inc orporated c itie s of the Co unty. Together Eden and Hazelton house le ss tha n 10% o f the to ta l C o unty reside nts. The County’s ec onomy c ontinues to be based largely o n agric ultural produc tio n and relate d ind ustrie s. Seve ral ne w dairy-produc t p roc e ssing plants have been established in the Co unty, and regionally, in the last 28 ye a rs--ma king this the lea ding industry in the Co unty. O the r a g ric ultural a c tivities inc lud e irrig a te d c ro p p ro d uc tio n a nd live sto c k g razing . Re tail and se rvic e industries have e xpande d to supp o rt the inc rea sing population. Sta te a nd federally owned lands ac c ount for more than 25% of the Co unty’s 387,000 a c res. There have been few c hanges in the loc ations of sta te a nd fe d e ral land s. Ho we ve r, imp rove me nts in histo ric a nd rec rea tio na l a rea s o ve r the last 28 ye a rs have inc reased the Co unty’ s o ffe ring s fo r c itize ns, visito rs, and tourists.

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