KATE RAYNOR STUDYGUIDE ISSUE 36 SCREEN EDUCATION 1 Synopsis Hadi Mahood has been living in Melbourne, Australia, hav- ing fled Iraq in the first Iraq war, a refugee from Samawa in Iraq’s Shiite South. Watching the news broadcasts in Aus- tralia about the war in his country, he has many unanswered questions about the war and decides to return to the city of his birth, filming his journey and the many encounters he has along the way. Flying into Baghdad is currently too dan- gerous, so Hadi lands in Kuwait and then makes a six hour road trip with a truck driver. He is greeted at the Kuwait/Iraq border by his brothers and by corrupt border guards jokingly asking for ‘donations’. e learn a little about Hadi’s guns, guns, guns. Through it all, the background as he travels film is informed by Hadi’s empathy for Waround Samawa. Many years his countrymen and his desperate hope ago, he was an art teacher. (The Ameri- that somehow his homeland can steer cans have bombed the school where its path to some sort of peace and he once worked because Saddam prosperity. Hussein stored weapons there.) He was imprisoned during 1988 for refusing Curriculum Links to attend Saddam Hussein’s student training camps and fight in the Iraq/Iran Iraq, My Country would have relevance War. After his release, he was then to VCE students studying SOSE and forced to join the army for a year. Middle East Politics. Due to scenes of violence, it would not be appropriate From everything we see in Iraq, My for middle or junior secondary stu- Country, this is clearly a place of chaos. dents. While Hadi interviews a man about his experience of torture under Saddam, Activities And Discussion bombs go off at the Police Department, Points where Hadi’s brother works. Much of the film is relentlessly depressing, with (NB: Much of the factual and statisti- ISSUE 36 ISSUE 36 seemingly endless images of a country cal information in this guide is derived mired in violence and misery. But for from web sites referenced at the end all that, the footage has a sense of raw of the guide and from the World Book SCREEN EDU SCREEN EDU and powerful immediacy, capturing Encyclopedia on CD-ROM.) aspects of the conflict we are unlikely C C to see here on the nightly news. This Iraq: Background and ATION ATION is a land of date palms, goats, skinny, History yapping dogs, mounds of rubble and bomb-wrecked buildings, policemen ‘We hope the [new] government will 2 hiding behind black balaclavas, and make our lives better because we’ve suf- 3 fered a lot under the oppressive regime.’ because it lay between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. What can • Iraq is an Arab country at the head you find out about Iraq’s ancient of the Persian Gulf in south-western heritage and history? Asia. Situate the country on a map • Find out information about the of the globe. Locate countries in the ancient city of Uruk. Until recently region that are currently sympa- it has been protected from looters thetic to the US-led coalition. by Japanese troops, but since May • Find Hadi Mahood’s hometown, 2005 this role has been taken over Samawa, on a map of Iraq. by Australian troops. • Iraq is bordered by Turkey, Iran, • Select an article on the current Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and situation in Iraq from a daily news- Syria. Write an account of Iraq’s paper. Summarize the article and relations with its neighbours over make a presentation to the class. the last three decades. • Collect articles about Iraq from • Create a timeline showing the major the newspaper for a month. What events in Iraq’s history during the themes dominate the coverage? twentieth century and up to the Can you identify any important present. matters that are not regularly ad- • Write an account of the Iran/Iraq dressed by Western media? War (1980–1988). Which side did • Describe the natural environment of the Iraqi Kurds support? the south of the country as you see • In 1990, Iraq invaded and occupied it in this film. neighbouring Kuwait. The United • Iraq became part of the Arab Em- Nations condemned the invasion pire in the 600s A.D. and absorbed and imposed a trade embargo on Arab Muslim culture. Today, about Iraq. A coalition of thirty-nine na- seventy five per cent of Iraq’s tions, including the United States, people are Arabs. Iraq also has a opposed the invasion and sent large Kurdish population that has forces to the region. In early 1991, struggled on and off for self-gov- they defeated Iraq in the Persian ernment for many years. Iraq has Gulf War of 1991. Write an account eighteen provinces. Two Kurdish of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and political organizations control parts subsequent events. of northern Iraq, with the Kurdish • The world’s first known civilization groups operating under United developed along the Tigris and Nations protection. Other ethnic Euphrates rivers in what is now groups in Iraq include Armenians, Iraq. The ancient Greeks called part Assyrians, Turkomans and Yazidis. of Iraq and the surrounding region Iraq’s official language is Arabic, Mesopotamia (‘between rivers’) which is spoken throughout the ISSUE 36 ISSUE 36 SCREEN EDU SCREEN EDU C C ATION ATION 4 5 country. Kurdish is spoken in Kurd- Revolutionary Command Council ish areas. About ninety-five per cent (RCC), which was made up of top of Iraq’s people are Muslims. More Ba’ath Party officials. The president than half of the country’s Muslims chaired the RCC, and the RCC are Shiites (members of the Shiah determined government policy. A branch of Islam). The other Muslims Council of Ministers, appointed by belong to the Sunni division. Most the president, carried out govern- Arabs living southeast of Baghdad ment operations. Iraq’s legislature, are Shiites. Central and south-west- the National Assembly, had 250 ern Iraq is a mixture of Sunni and members elected to four-year Shiite Arab populations. The Kurds terms. The Ba’ath Party control- are Sunnites. Christians and other led elections through a govern- groups make up about 5 percent ment-appointed commission that of the Iraqi population. When the determined who could run for the Ba’ath Party ruled Iraq from 1968 Assembly. US officials have claimed till 2003, most of its high-ranking they hope democracy will spread members were Arab Sunni Mus- throughout the Middle-East from lims. Many Shiites resented the their intervention in Iraq. In what Sunni monopoly on governmental ways did the Ba’ath Party era con- power. What can you find out about travene the basic principles of de- the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, their mocracy? Do you think the region political, religious and historical will eventually become democratic divisions? in terms of its governance, judiciary • The cultural heritage of South Iraq and culture? was suppressed under Saddam • Iraq’s economy has depended Hussein. How has it begun to re- heavily on the export of oil. Iraq’s emerge? major oil fields are located in south- • Research the story of Gilgamesh ern Iraq near the Kuwait border, and the history of the Uruk people. and west of the city of Kirkuk in the • Iraq’s Constitution of 1970 states north. From the 1950s through to that Iraq is a republic. How- the 1970s, income produced by the ever, from 1968 till 2003, the ruling oil industry improved living condi- ISSUE 36 ISSUE 36 Ba’ath Party controlled all branches tions for Iraq’s people, but war has of the government and eliminated had a devastating effect on the or restricted all political opposi- country. Trade routes have been SCREEN EDU SCREEN EDU tion. Under the 1970 Constitution, disrupted, ports closed, and facto- a president headed Iraq and was ries destroyed. In addition, the UN C C commander of its armed forces. trade embargo imposed in August ATION ATION The president was elected to an 1990 halted all oil exports from Iraq. indefinite term of office by the The embargo was partially lifted 6 7 in 1996. Hadi notes ruefully that France, Germany, Russia, and China whereabouts of Saddam’s family Comprehension Questions Answers despite having some of the largest said the war was unjustified without members and high ranking officials oil reserves in the world, queues for clear UN backing. in his government? 1. Why is the date 17 July 1968 significant? 1. It is the date on which Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party took control of Iraq. petrol stretch over two kilometers. • A young man interviewed by Hadi 2. Why is the date 9 April 2003 significant? 2. It is the date on which the coalition troops took control of central What can you find out about the After the initial strike on March 20, makes the bitter claim that Saddam 3. Who was Enkidu? Baghdad. We see Iraqis toppling statues of Saddam Hussein. current state of the oil industry and the US-led coalition continued its stole five years of his youth, forcing 4. Why is Samawa sometimes called the capi- 3. Enkidu was a friend of Gilgamesh. the economy in general in Iraq? campaign of heavy bombardment of him into prison and the army. He tal city of mass graves? 4. Saddam transported victims there. • Iraq was importing about seventy Baghdad. Tens of thousands of coali- desperately gestures at his tattered 5. What is the name of the organization exhum- 5. The Red Crescent Society per cent of its food before the 1990 tion ground troops advanced through shoes: ‘How can I build my future? ing mass graves in Samawa? 6.
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