raw- YORK AAffiY tRIBITNE. SATURDAY. APRIL 5. 1901\ . THE TRIBUNE SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS. European S-Orcrnscmcnis. CnroTicau .foreign Resorts. .fomgu/ornga Hcsorts.Resorts. .foreign Rc«on«. iorrign Rrsartf. CORONATION NOTES. LONDON SHOPS. LONDON HOTELS. • EUROPEAN RAILWAYS. The Gordon Hotels cnBONATKWC. The GORDON COMPANY are the GREATEST HOTEL PROPRIETORS ia thm STRAWBERRT HIT.T> TWICKENHAM. THE THE SCENIC LINE. WORLD and have carried HOTEL MANAGEMENT to the highest state of perfection. KOVAI. NEAR IX>KDOK. MIDLAXD RAILWAY OF EXCLASD. THE MANSION OF HORACE HOTEL, I FAMOIP HISTORICAL LANGHAM Th© nl»r»s'ii!|; and pleturfs.-)u«- from Vorth ° most route vi.i. L.E \N!' COCSTEKH W> LUEGRAVE. England. GORD hotels FOR THE rOHOXATIOX SEA- LONDON. to South throuch the centre 01 EXPRESS THE are TO L.XT rCHXISHED" TRAINS LIVERPOOL. (Centrali f» LONDON and PRIN- HOTEL METROPOLE sOV- i"*1"'1 "' \u0084•»:\u25a0• T oßtera: r.umi-rou? m.iimtti'-f-nt eoter- In -<> irt-^inp Turkish Unrivalled Situation Portland Place. CIPAL. TOWNS. Also LIVERPOOL. (Exchange) to Scot- tanrir r^orif; I«e-<1 and rooms. Bath. At Top of St. land. THROUGH TICKETS PARIS and all Dairy and «"hap»>l, beautiful Park .in! Kefcent TV. to LONDON. *$h* Mo'V! Pkltaer*. parts. TYPE of Rolling Stock Express a'K^J^.SSSiaW Th?mo« rmntacp. about \u25a0">'> arres; crratly Convenient for the Best Shops, Theatre*. Etc. NEWEST on BRIGHTON I*™ 1 «-»rderi" \u25a0** Trains. BAGGAGE CHECKED through from hotel, resi- ' r^du-f'd'rpiitai fur terir of ><-ars. Arpl> SECRETARY. 1 New York any of London. Obtain London. England. ART IN JEWELS. Every flodero Comfort and Convenience. dence or pier in to part The "Clueen of English Watering Places." hotel VirriWM. „,, I!K.HKMTWIB. Princes UoteL PlocadWy. gul.1»«. time tables, maps &c. at the MII7LAND tvni> H»rKL| ii,,r*^ up.i.nsrTiVx \ post Tariff. COM- FIRNT - ""111' ' Illustrated Catalogue free. Moderate PANY'S AGENCY (Mff?r«. Thos. Cook & Son), 261 and TheThe most comfortable and luxurious seaside wRuMEI'tR H'>rFl.. 1 r1ttM d>, .('IX KTl< S PROCESSION. Broadway. New J ."^LiH*.lL- ( thf *boy*. ROOMS. WINDOWS, . 1.186 York. HOTEL SETROPOLE x / !>\u25a0: tor JVivate- 85, in World. BnTEL «:7KsfiM.V: fU3DL TO \u25a0 ,*] list now ready. New Bond Street, Hotel the 4-i-iTv ri ail th* Jx-ft |M>sltions. ' ' BK6Bm HOTEL EOTiU U^L TOWN fr .r -a un>licat<an. FURNISHED"• HOUSES and 14-3, Regent Street, LONDON, Cable address "Metropole. Brighton." aiREVk Rft*W. x V-i \T^ KB* <r>UN"Ti;V I SES to l>-t. A;>riv. with HOTEL, rf',~«ulrrnirnts. to Mfssrs. nEALE & MYRTLE. 3. 4-3, NEW THS ooiEtPoiNr HOTELS Tj*T.?s/LnrErr> ?.%'* \u25a0 37, 38 &. Burlington W. UORREX'S FRANCE AND O—.'iuii ftwet. :. r,-- . "VV.. Knpland. \ 11 BELGIUM. Arcade. ** magnificent I/IMiOX.-ATew ?«-lf.-t paring jni"Ft!i ' LONDON. I****6 and most Motel 1 M\g\irr\\ <2k{*\\ ij by nn American lad . Em') comfort. '"4 n ST. C& \ received \u25a0•• -- CORNER NORFOLK & STRAND. CIOR'"'VATION. M Charges. traiiv 1.-vaT»<J. Kor parriruiars \u25a0 SEL.BT. tmt London, OUICI \^W\Zll la Europe. Moderate Bed' Most convenient location for Americans in * overlooking Law Courts. Very moderate charges. Grand Motel rooms from Sl-so per ay. S*U- witi»i«»niin.tM.i paßis iOMnnMbVIIUUIIi eomtmiaed suites.— A. Jud*h. Manager. I.oNImiN SHOPS. BOULEVARD CES CAPUCINES AND PLACE- \ Cbarißi Crtw. HOTEL & DE L'OPERA. 1,000 ROOMS WITH PRIVATE LEADING CITY DRAPERS for- BATHS. TARIFF ON APPLICATION. SILKS. DRESSES. COSTUMES. MANTLES, DIEUDQNNERESTAURANT, London. (Ryder Street, St. James Street.) fiotel, LINEN, SOROSIS SHOES. ETC., ETC. Greatly renowned for It« excellent Cuisine. Condon ."{•>. DINNER, Grand 1.1 •"«. till.& '». «d. midland ll'i:o\. «d. : Chatham, to the Coronation are requested 'American money exchanged -full value. 1 Supper. 4«. «>d. Hotel Adjoining St. Pancras Station. A magni- Visitors Ltd. < Parties, rooms, Otis Filectric Llevator to all I'loors. iii-niin unite of rooms forDinner most convenient to make early application for Receptions, etc. eeebPAßlS.^= ficent Hotel with the LATEST NOVELTIES J. Spence &Co., 70, St. F^aul's Church\ ard location forvisitors. New Smoking Lounge. WILLIAMTOWLE, Manager the MMi«o4 Opposite Cathedral, FGH FASHE&?^A3LE ATTIRE. St. Paul's London. Continental, Orchestra every evening. Railway Hotels. THE HOTEL CECIL Hotel European Trains de Luxe and Palace Hotels. OXFORD ST. & REGENT ST. Parisian Home of GIBRALTAR. IPARIQMillw* Distinguished Americans. FROM LONDON. FIRST CLASS HOTELS. LONDON. First Class in Every Respect. The onlyexpressly f j ' Mediterranean Express to Nice. Moat* | Cairo *" Ghe*ireli Palae*. constructed Hotel in Gibraltar. Highly' recommend- : Carlo, etc. Shepheards' Hotel. - /JEW &EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS ed. Perfect Sanitation, Telegrams Cecil Gibraltar.' GRAND HOTEL de I'ATHENEE, Bone Express to' Genoa, Rome, and | Monte Carlo .. Rlriera PaTaco. : 15 RUE SCRIBE. Naples. ; Nlc* Riviera Palae*. IH SILKS FOR OPPOSITE THE GRAND OPERA. Accommodation mast I>e -r+n+rwA In advance for trnlns nml botrl* nt International Sleeping Car Co.. SO. Cookspnr Street. London. 3. Place de I'Opers. Part*. 1302. HOTELS IN ENGLAND. The Modern Hotel of Paris. A. ARMBRUBTER. Manager. ' "^ '" W MH? [ IsT^BBB Ml El MSB SBBB^^ l"^' HOTELS IN THE BRITISH ISLES PARIS—HOTEL BINDA. J LONDON 11, Rue de I'Echelle, corner of Avenue de The Rendevous of Fashion. highest I'Opera. Furnished withall modern comforts. Hotels of the order. MIDLANDGRAND HOTEL CHAS. BINDA,Proprietor. LIVERPOOL AUSTRIA AM)SWITZERLAND. ITALYAM)SOUTH OF FRANCE .... Hotel de Lille et d'Albion, Paris, ADELPHI HOTEL "-i Rue St. Hooore. the finest part of Paris. Nrar Tan • leriea Gardens. Place Wndome & New Opera. Ist daaa. LEEDS Moderate terms. All borne comforts Free light «nd ser- LACES, RIBBONS, vice. arc Hall. Ladies' drawing room. Keftaurant. HOTEL Dlniriß room. Lunch & Table d'hote dinner at separate HOTEL BRISTOL Monte Carlo QUEEN'S tables.' Perfect sanitation. Electric ltKht througnout.I HOSIERY. FLOWERS. Lift. Baths. Telephone. Bcdrooia with steam heat It * BRADFORD desired. HENRI HA DIE. Proprietor. I Tht *»«"« "otel GRAND HOTEL, ld. ..... In house, Smoking AND DRESS MATERIALS. MIDLAND HOTEL ViennatIUIIIICI Austria. Ist class 250 rooms with baths. W lounge &verandahs. Railway ticket & sleeping cor I.orated on the t-"n«hl<m>i Karntherrlnsr. MORECAMBE BAY. Scribe, nml the fuvoritr resort el American*. Per- office. NOEL & PATTARO, Managers. In sunnier at Hotel ('ol»inr anil choice wines. MIDLAND HOTEL j feet French AK-LES-BAl.\S—Hotels Europe, Bristol. Victor!]. Goldsmiths & tSilversmfths Company, ||Jg3£ "BELFAST HOUSE." DERBY E^PARIS.EEE LTD., ?^nP^rs^S>\ Established i;66. | Boulevard dcs Ccpucines, &I,Rue Scribe. SAVOY &WEST ENDHOTEL m:, Rizoent St., London W. MIDLAND HOTEL r^rlchflrl Hotel-de-Loxe. «^^T^&dBUV DIRECT AND SAVE MOl\T i:riIRMM—IINMUDCMC V4i;i-l>S. I Rome, Italy. ( lIOTKL WELLINGTON. itdlldUdU Finest Position. by appointment GRAND HOTEL £ Choicest Stock in the WorlJ of INTERMEDIATE PROFITS. D AIX TO H.M. THE KINO. UOSS-ON-WVE. "THE RHINE OF K\<;l.\M>" ROYAL OVERLOOKING RIVER. Grand Hotel. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, Aix-Les-Bains. WEIMAR, The most beautiful WALPOLE'S SHANKI.IN—ISLE OK WIGHT HOTEL comfortable RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, 111)1 l.li:lt>SHAN IN HOTEL...Elee. I.lKht. and CELEBRATED WISH LIKENS (AiK-ies-Bains) Marienbad. Hotel in Italy. Electric EMERALDS, OPALS, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. WARWICK li?ht throughout. American &C3 No charge for Hemming or Marking Household Goodi. WOOLPACK HOTEL Charming A BERNASCON. elevators. Suites AT MERCHANTS' PRICES. CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS SPECIALITY. 11.1-U (Mini". Iten iilif lly Sltunted. REGINAHOTEL with bathrooms attached. Carnage paid on ordrr^ovrr £.1 invalue. (Devon.) THE ILKKACU.MDE HOTEL. BROTHERS., LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT AT MARIENBAD The WALPOLE Ltd.. UETTWS-Y-COEb Under the same Direction as LINEN MANUFACTURERS. (North Wales.) ROYALOAK HOTEL AIX-LES-BAINS Company. Ltd., " House," 89, New London. LOVELY (BOHEMIA) Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Belfast Bond St.. < NORTH WALES) FINEST POSITION. VIEW3. THE SAVOY HOTEL LONDON. BETTWS-V-COED manager :i2. REGENT ST.. LONDON. W. WATERLOO HOTEL ALLSUITES HAVE PRIVATE BATH. ) of "Gd. Hotel Nstioaal." BIDEPORD, Most celebrated as a fir*t-cl»isHealth Resort - DEVONSHIRE. account its strong fTieacious Springs, A, Lucerne 7JMERICAN TANTON'S JFAMILV HOTEL. THIERRY FAMILY HOTBU 44. Rue de CHehjr, on of con- Pfyffer GROCERIES, I'ari.s. Recently renovated; clertri.- light; bath*; sisting of potassium of Sulphate iron, and most ))loonand BroiDers, Jj MMP Mineral ; in iti.i\ \u25a0team h<>.(t. coffee, wine inrl. Terms mii<l. ~~ invigorating Mud. **» LOWNDESTEREACE, Rt. JACKSON & Co., THIS BHJBLBOI RUE HOTEL The position of Marienbad surrounded as itis 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, i.imi by vast Forests IS UNEQUALLED. Aspecific Rome, Italy. i i v disorder from an impaired 172, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Royal Victoria Hotel. (Ivtlool.liikIlie- Lnke. against arising ENIGHTSBRIIGE, digestion. Livercomplaints. Gall-stones, disease LONDON, S.W. tiLENGARIKK-IRELAND AIX-LES-BAINS of the bladder, female maladies. Corpulency. DIRECT IMPORTERS. i:< < LBS HOTEL Louvre & Savoy Hotel Stasis of the Vena Portae. Gout Anaemia*. Dia- Gd Hotel — I rro. betes, and ordinary The Quirinal F.'R I^nrlt. illnesses CENTRAL RI;MtvpnMuitCulilonas!» r.r»triavi Hsttlis Us »<USiis»: Electrio I.iirM. Focinc Casino a CURHAUS, BATHS. NEUBAD.and splendid par: t\frtr.,: li;ac la nay M»t« DAINTY AND "CHIC" APPAREL. Truefitt, Ld., are of recent construction, and fitted withevery lid 8a««t of Ria». H. P. HOTELS IN SCOTLAND. grand luxuryand comfort. Brutifh!fiarl'n fall wall 6r*al iltli. Ihihlmnt >*:• BOND-ST., GLASGOW! -I. ENOCH HOTEL le hotel 13-14 OLD LONDON. W. (for Western Illclilnndfi). nn||qori~o There are Carbonic-acid, Steel, Mud. Gas. and* ItrtlesiUry irr»w;iMs»ta (Through to Burlinßton Arcade.) AVIt.—STATION HOTEL DnUuuLLO Grill Room.
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