A, _'t q::; 3, AVT . ::.._ I ;_, I;<:!' · J SOUTH CAROLINA ARTS COMMISSION VOL. 2, NO . 2 NOV. - DEC ., 1968 Sadie Jenkins Bottle, Editor SUCCEEDING Arts Commission members whose terms have expired, E. Milby Burton of Charleston, C. W. Cole of Aiken and Dr. Keller Freeman (Mrs. David L.) of Greenville were recently appoint­ ed to the South Carolina Arts Commi­ sion by Governor McNair . Mr. Burton, director of the Charles­ ton Museum, is a recognized authori­ ty on several aspects of the arts. Mr. Cole is superintendent of the personnel department of E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc . , Savannah River Plant in Aiken, and directs theatrical productions in the Aiken­ Augusta area. He most recently di­ rected "Funny Girl" by the Augusta Players. Dr. Freeman, a former pro­ fessor of intellectual philosophy at Furman University, last year served as curator of education at Greenville County Museum of Art. The new appointees succeed WilliamS. Dowis, Jr. , Florence; Emmett Robin­ son, Charleston and Mrs. Jack C. Ward, Green vi 11 e. * * * * * * * THE GREENVILLE CO UNTY MUSEUM OF ART AND ITS DIRECTOR, JACK A. MORRIS, JR. WE SAL UTE NOT SHOWN IN THI S PICT UR E, IS THE SIT E OF THE FUTURE EDUCATIONAL BUILDING, AN ACHIEVEMENT INVOLVIN G WID ES PRE AD CO MMUNITY EFFORT. South Carolina arti s t s Don Williams of Gaffney and Bonnie Na zarenko of Columbi a. In the Win s ton-Salem,N.C. TRAVELING ART Gallery of Contemporary Art' s 29th ON THE I R WAY juried show i n Oc tober, Williams ' exhibitions new for 1968- 69 in cl ude are construction projects from arts "Midwest Landscape" won the first­ the USC Touring Art Exhibits; Co l um ­ honors $400 cash award. A Nazarenko ce nters t o the ate rs , th ro ughou t the bia Mu se um of Art' s fine ar t rep ro­ state. work was also chosen for the show . du e ti ons and the Spartanburg City School s' new Traveling Exhibit. The Arts Co mmi ss ion ha s details. Ground was broken this Fall for the ******* Converse Fine Arts Center. Hartsvi lle's Center Theater renova­ ~on project, and the new Sumter Lit­ t l e Thea t re, are moving along, whi l e Florence Little Theatre is nearing completion. to those interested in the Arts : At Clafl i n College in Orangeburg, ob­ At the time you receive thi s ARTS-LETTER, th e State Budget and Con­ servi ng its centenni a 1 i n 1969, this trol Board is considering reques ts from s t ate agencies for funding Fall marks the opening of the new of 1969-70 programs. The South Carolina Arts Commission is f unde d Fine Arts Center. primarily through the State General Appropriations Bill. The Budge t and Control Board s tudies requests from agencies and make s its recom­ mendations to the Legi s 1a ture. ******* FAMED ACTRESS The Budget and Control Board has a momentous job in determining hm• much each agency should receive each year. The Board must take many Mildred Dunnock, star in "Death of a things into cons ideration when making these decisions . We think it Salesma n" in the film and during its might be helpful for the Budget and Control Board and your represen­ l ong Broadway run, will join with di­ tatives to know what you think of what the Arts Commission has been rector-scene designer Norris Houghton doing for the past year. for the S.C. Theater Association's se­ cond annual workshop, Feb. 14-16 at If you like what we have been doing, and would like to see the pro­ Dock Street Theatre in Charles ton. gram continued and expanded, why not drop a line to the Governor as Chairman of the State Budget and Control Board, and tell him about Miss Dunnock's and Mr. Houghton's ap­ it? You might send copies of that lette r, or original letters , to pearance at the meeting was made pos­ your county representatives, because it i s they who finally vote on sible with S.C. Arts Commission as­ pass age of the Bill . sistance . Most of their time will be spent in i nt ens i ve workshop sessions Perhaps you don't like what we're doing, and can sugges t ways in with ten- minute scenes presented by which we canbeClf better service to the people of the State . If South Carolina producing groups. this is the case, write to us and tell us about it. We admit that we don't know everything and we're very receptive to new ideas. SCTA pres i dent Donald B. McKellar, chairman of the department of Drama at Lander College in Greenwood, ur­ ges all i nterested South Carolinians to join the SCTA so that they may at­ tend t he February workshop free of DAVID C. SENNEMA charge. Executive Director S. C. Arts Commission ******* SOUTH CAROLINA ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 CHRISTMAS SCMTA Nov. 15: COLUMBIA: "Othello"; the Na­ tional Shakespeare Company; Uni versi­ gifts with the spark of originality Convention plans for Nov. 14-16 in ty of S.C. Student Union Artist Se­ abound in South Carolina. An origi­ Charleston include a piano concert by ries; Drayton Hall, 8 PM. nal painting by a South Carolinian; EOtlard Ki 1enyi ; a string workshop; an sculpture; craftwork; pottery to hold organ recital and/or workshop and a Nov. 21-23: GAFFNEY: "Take Her, She's and use as well as look at, may all Cadek piano workshop. Mine"; College-Community Theatre of be at a nearby art store or museum-­ Gaffney, Fullerton Auditorium. often at prices within a Christmas­ Dr. Virgil Smith, head of the Depart­ gift budget. Books by S.C . writers ment of Music at Coker College, is pre­ Nov. 21-23: GREENVILLE: "Next Time also come in a wide variety and sident of the South Carolina Music I'll Sing to You"; Furman University price range. Teachers' Association. Its annual con­ Theatre Guild, McAlister Auditorium, vention is being held in Charleston 8:15 PM. Then consider the pleasure offered with S. C. Arts Commission assistance. by a subscription to a local drama Nov. 21-24: COLUMBIA: "Hamlet"; South or music series . Many of these a­ ******* Carolina Theatre Company, Ft. Jackson round the state are s ti 11 open for Theatre No. 4. new members. For an idea of the high-calibre entertainment some of Nov. 22-23: HARTSVILLE: Coker College these series will offer, check the Players production; Coker College Au­ calendar of events in this ARTS­ A CITATION ditorium, 8 PM. LETTER. for photographic excellence has been Nov. 25 &26: CHARLESTON: Two Shake­ awarded to Greenville PIEDMONT wri­ speare plays by Queen Elizabeth's ******* ter Robert Smeltzer, by the National Federation of Music Clubs. Royal Windsor Players, Charleston GREETINGS Muni ci pa 1 Audi tori urn. in the spirit of Christmas, as ex­ Mr. Smeltzer's award-winning pictures, pressed in art masterpieces, may be of the Crescent Little Symphony in re­ Nov. 27: CHARLESTON: "The Apple Tree'; hearsal, have attracted attention over Jewish Community Center Special Se­ no farther than the art store down­ the nation. ries, Charleston Municipal Auditorium. town, or your community's art museum . The Columbia Museum of Art, for exam­ ple, features a full-color reproduc­ * * * * * * * Nov. 28 & 29: GREENVILLE: "Prologue, A Drama of Jon Hus", premiere of dra­ tion of its Botticelli fresco from ma by Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.; Bob Jones the Kress Renaissance collection, on cards for the Christmas season . ARTS EVENTS TO ENJOY IN S.C. University Classic Players; Rodehea­ ver Auditorium, 8 PM. ******* DANCE November, to be scheduled: TO Nov. 17: HAMPTON: Coleen Corkre Dance CHARLESTON: "Wait Until Dark"; Foot­ Company; The Community Concert Associ­ light Players in the Dock St. Theatre. our surprise and gratification, the ation of Hampton and Allendale Coun­ SPARTANBURG-GREENVILLE; Country Din­ S.C. Arts Commission recently re­ ties. ner Theatre production. ceived its first contribution from private sources. A check came to Dec. 2 & 3; 5-7; 10 & ll : CHARLES TON : the Commission from Dr. David E.Fin­ "The Nutcracker"; Charles ton Civic Dec. 3-21: GREENVILLE: "The Madwoman ley, native of York now living in Ballet, Municipal Auditorium. of Chaillot"; Greenville Little The­ Washington, D.C. atre. Dec. 12: GREENVILLE: "The Nutcracker" Dr. Finley, first director of the Na­ by the Greenville Civic Ballet; Memo­ Dec. 6 & 7; 10-14: COLUMBIA: "Hogan's tional Gallery of Art and a former rial Auditorium, 8:15PM. Goat"; Town Theatre, Columbia. head of the Commission of Fine Arts in Washington, was dedicatory speaker Dec. 13-15: COLUMBIA: "Cinderella" by Dec. 16: COLUMBIA: "The World of at the 1950 opening of the Columbia the Columbia City Ballet; Dreher High Charles Dickens"; characterizations Museum of Art. He had led in obtain­ School Auditorium. by Dr. George Curry; bonus for Town ing Dr. John Richard Craft as Museum Theatre members (merrbership open). Director, and later was influential in South Carolina's receiving the DRAMA December, to be scheduled: invaluable Renaissance Collection ANDERSON: "Bri gadoon"; the Anderson from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. Through Nov. 2: COLUMBIA: "Royal Gam­ Little Theater Gui 1 d. bit"; the Columbia College Players; BEAUFORT: "The Chalk Garden"; Beau­ ******* Cottingham Theatre, 8 PM. fort Little Theatre. CLEMSON: "Christmas Nightingale"; YOU Nov. 1 & 2: CHARLESTON: "You Know I the Clemson Area Youth Theatre. Can't Hear You When the Water's Run­ SUMTER: Musical by Sumter Little may at some time con temp 1 ate giving ning"; Broadway show at Charleston Theatre.
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