No. 1/2016 Special Edition Polish Economic Society ISSN 1507-1383 BulletinPOLISH ECONOMIC SOCIETY ISSN 1507-1383 Headqurters of the Polish Economic Society, 49 Nowy Swiat Street, Warsaw Polish Economic Society 70 years anniversary Bulletin PTE No. 1 (72) 2016 I 1 Polish Economic Society Contents Introduction 3 21st Congress of the National Board of the Polish Economic Society 4 The New Authorities of the Society 6 u 8 Polish Economic Society’s Seventieth Anniversary – Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska 8 Thursdays at the Economists 12 The Transformation Process in Poland and its Results – Stanisław Rudolf 21 Poland’s Socio-Economic Potential and Barriers 12 u u to Its Use – Elżbieta Mączyńska 27 Poland’s Economy: Current Situation and a Look Ahead – Zbigniew Matkowski 32 The Main Directions of Activity of the PTE Branches – Bogdan Ślusarz 36 Economic Knowledge Competition: u 36 A Tradition with a Future – Stanisław Owsiak 40 International Cooperation of the Polish Economic Society – Stanisław Rudolf 45 Scientific Council of the Polish Economic Society – Jerzy Kaźmierczyk 50 New PTE Publications 52 Professor Antoni Kukliński – One of the Founders of the Strategic Thought Forum 54 54 u The Uneven Distribution of Income Threatens Civilization 55 Professor Edward Szczepanik – Economist, Soldier, Statesman – Kazimierz Starzyk 56 Polish Economists in the World 59 News 61 u56 Economist’s Questionnaire – Stanisław Owsiak 62 62 u 2 I Bulletin PTE No. 1 (72) 2016 Polish Economic Society Ladies and Gentlemen Bulletin PTE The Polish Economic Society (PTE) has for the second time prepared a Bulletin in English. This Bulletin is addressed to societies of economists in Free Magazine other countries, and through them to a wide range of economists abroad. In this way we hope to reach foreign readers who so far have not been in Publisher: contact with the Polish Economic Society, our aim being to increase and Zarząd Krajowy Polskiego enhance our wide-ranging international cooperation. Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego The contents of this Bulletin introduce the nature and 00-042 Warszawa, objectives of our activities, as well as their scope and scale, ul. Nowy Świat 49 with emphasis on our international activities. As can be Tel.+48 22 551 54 01, seen, both the National Board of the PTE and each of the Fax + 48 22 551 54 44 23 PTE Branches are engaged in and open to such coop- www.pte.pl eration. In addition, the reader will find a brief description www.kongresekonomistow.pl of the activities of the Forum of Presidents of Economic Societies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, President of the National Board: organized by the PTE. Elżbieta Mączyńska http://www.pte.pl/pliki/pdf/VADE_1-36_www.pdf) [email protected] This Bulletin is also addressed to economists of Polish origin who per- manently reside abroad, working either as academics or engaged in busi- Edited by: ness (or retired). We maintain constant cooperation with many of them, Bogdan Ślusarz, Bogusław Fiedor, who participate in our seminars and congresses. Some have sent their CVs, Stanisław Rudolf, Stanisław which we have put on our website (http://www.pte.pl/130_ekonomisci_ Gliński, Paweł Adamczyk, Michał polscy_w_swiecie_pte.html). We are very anxious to expand such coopera- Plewczyński, and Iwona Dudzik tion and hope that this Bulletin will contribute to that. This may be in the form of scientific, business, or organizational cooperation. Reviever: The main objective of this publication is to provide foreign readers with Maciej Kozłowski information about the nature and forms of the PTE’s activities. The variety Graphic design, DTP: of these forms has its roots the PTE’s long tradition, which goes back 200 Studio Ling Brett years and is associated with the involvement of Polish economists in the nation’s socio-economic development. It is worth emphasizing that 2015 Translated by: marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the PTE in its cur- Tadeusz Wejchert rent form. The Bulletin contains a text dedicated to this anniversary, which describes the stages of development of our Society and the diversity of its Print: activities, although only some of them are presented, such as: a series of sowadruk.pl seminars entitled Thursdays at the Economists, the Economic Knowledge Competition, the Forum of Strategic Thought, international collaboration, publishing activities, the activities of the PTE branches, and the activities of the Scientific Council of the PTE. We also describe the 21st Congress of Polish Economists, an important event which took place in May 2015. It was an election Congress, crowning the term of the previous authorities and appointing new PTE authorities for another five-year term of office The texts in the Bulletin relating to Poland’s transformation should be of interest to foreign readers. They describe the transformational changes which have taken place in Poland in the last quarter century, as well as present the views of economists on the future directions of Poland’s socio- economic development. Out of respect for tradition and pro memoriam, we also present the achievements of the deceased Polish economists, pro- fessors Antoni Kukliński and Edward Szczepanik. On behalf of the PTE National Board and myself I heartily encourage you to read the Bulletin, to cooperate with the PTE, and to visit our web- site, www.pte.pl, including its English edition. http://www.pte.pl/198_ English_version.html Elżbieta Mączyńska, President of the PTE Bulletin PTE No. 1 (72) 2016 I 3 Polish Economic Society 21st Congress of the National Board of the Polish Economic Society On 28 and 29 May 2015 the 21st Congress of the PTE took place in Warsaw. Such Congresses take place every five years and are an important event in the Soci- ety’s activities. One hundred delegates, selected the next term. These directions are Knowledge Competition; publish- individually by the PTE Branches, set forth in a programme resolution ing activities, etc. attended the Congress, as well as of the Congress, which provides a l Making more extensive use of the current authorities of the Soci- summary of the ongoing discus- the network nature of the Society ety and invited guests. Prior to the sions, postulates, and opinions. l The necessity for a wider open- Congress the various PTE Branches ing of the Society to young econo- held their own Congresses, at which Special attention in the mists they elected the said delegates. The discussion was paid to: l The need to strengthen the po- l The desirability of the continu- National Congress summarizes and sition of the Society, both at home ation of such projects of the Na- evaluates the activities of the Socie- and abroad tional Board as the “Thursdays at ty for the period ending its five-year l Focusing more on the problems the Economists” meetings, together term. It also determines the future of economic practitioners with publication of their transcripts directions of activity of the Society on www.pte.pl; the Economic and elects the PTE authorities for PROGRAMME RESOLUTION 21st National Congress of the Polish Economic Society 29 May 2015 n Having reference to the more eration included in the PTE statute. gional conferences, seminars, etc., than 200-year long tradition of the The PTE will cultivate this diversity l Continue to develop its publish- organized movement of economists as an essential feature of its identity ing activities, on Polish soil, the Polish Economic and as a development opportunity. l Continue to organize the Eco- Society (PTE) underlines its com- n Being aware of the enormous nomic Knowledge Competition, mitment to maintain the integra- pace of changes in the contempo- l Initiate special training programs, tion of Polish economists who share rary world in connection with the including with the use of Europe- common professional interests and dissemination of the new, informa- an Union funds, a concern for the country’s develop- tion-based civilization, as well as the l Develop the culture of strategic ment. The PTE also emphasizes its intensified conceptual confusion thinking in Polish society, pluralistic and apolitical character. surrounding the rapid new develop- l Continue working on the eco- It is and will remain open to all Pol- ments and forms of economic life, nomic education of society, edu- ish economists – of different origins the PTE, as a non-profit organiza- cation for entrepreneurship, etc. and traditions, different generations, tion, sees the need to spread the n Another main direction of the from all regions of the country as current economic knowledge, tak- PTE’s activity involves presenting well as those working abroad, with ing into account the developmental opinions and views regarding the different outlooks and economic challenges facing the country. For current socio-economic situation specialties, dealing both with busi- this purpose, the PTE will: and prospects for development of ness practices and science - who hold l Continue to organize congresses of the country. In particular, the PTE dear the goals and the rules of coop- Polish economists, national and re- intends to offer professional help 4 I Bulletin PTE No. 1 (72) 2016 Polish Economic Society to the public in understanding and interest. In addition, the PTE par- environment, effective access to solving major problems through: ticipates in the issuance of the bi- the media should be emphasized, l Organizing debates and discus- monthly magazine “Ekonomista”, including the use of various forms sions on contemporary econom- while “Bulletin PTE” is an internal of systematic cooperation with tel- ic and social issues important publication aimed at ensuring that evision, radio, and the press. The for Poland, taking into account the activities of the PTE will reach PTE’s website will also be further the various trends of economic all circles, the release of which is developed and its content supple- schools, aimed at improving cooperation mented with educational issues.
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