, • ^ \ w I ' I \' HONDA^, OCTOBER 8, 19B6 '6. 1 PAGE TWENTY-POUR iianrI|«Bter i|wali Average Daily Net Bress Run The Weather For'the Week Ended Breezy and mlld,r(bhatica 6f “■ TO« VFW Post and Auxiliary Winfield (Pop) Chace" o f 29 The Wlfittig Workers of ^ t h October 8, 18M ■howera ttmighti low 50-86; WlU sponsor i Hsrvsst Snppsr Vsdn St was among several Mfcthodlst “'C h u k h wlU meet partly aunny, wlndyf afid oooleT Saturday at ths Post Homs. About Town Manchester people who attend­ Wednesday at 10 a.m. atCkioper Ddnher will bs^ ssrvsd from 8 tomonow, high 60-66. U«nchMter Wales will meet ed the 17th annual banquet of HaU. After a poUuck luncheom to to 7 p.m. Tlcksts may Iw ob­ 14,837 tomorrow night at the Italian the Railroad Employes and Pen­ the group wiU tie qullto. ^ Manchesteir^A City of Village Charm tained at the door. American CSub, EWrldge St. sioners Assn, at Town Hall Inn, (Claaelfled Advorttslng on Page 17); P R IC E s e v e n C E N T S Weighing win be from 7 to 8. East Hartford, yesterday. At 96 The program for the Mental MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1966 •niere wiU be a short business years of age, Chace again was Aid FeUowship Social Center In The Army and l*»vy Auxil­ VOL. LXXXVT, NO. 3 (TWENTY PAGES) iary will meet Wednesday at 8 meeting. the oldest member attending. Hartford tomorrow night will be "An Evening with Art”. p.m. at the club hoUse. After the meeting, there wUl be a so­ TO* Wapplng Community The executive board of the Thursday evening, there will be Church Women will meet to­ Buckley School PTA will meet games, a curreht events dlwUs- cial bingo. IVo Act! morrow from 18 h.m. to 3 p.m. tonight at 8 at Um school. siOn, music imd refreshments. V st Fellowship Ha^l of the. Membership in the group is Mystic Review, North Amer­ ican Benefit Association, wlU Southeast VAN NUYS, Calif. (AP) church. The Rev. Roy Hutch- open to people who have under­ ans Manchester Emblem Club will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at — ••Get out,’^ said the man in eon, pastor of Community meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at gone psychiatric care. The cen­ stage makeup, a false beard CSnirch, wlU lead a dlscussloo ter is open every 1|uesday and Odd Fellows HaU. Mrs. Delores the Elks Home, Bia^H St. Mrs. Hood, state field director, wlU said a Lincolnesque long of comparative religions. Mem­ Alfred Pontlcelll and Mrs. Sam­ Thursday from 7:30 p.m. to 10 s i n c e attend, and will help make flniU black coat. bers are reminded to bring a uel VacanU wiU be in charge p.m. Those desiring further in­ plans for the state rally Satur- T 8 S S ••Are you kidding?” said sandwich. Coffee and dessert o f the meeUng. Halloween formation about the program Battered by Inez day, Oct. 18, a t « M ani^ster. ^ S B ^ S e ET—MANCHESTER Irene. D. Rcine, a secretary will be served. Baby-sitting will masks will be judged. Officers may contact the Mental Health Members are reminded to bring who WM driving to a bank be provided. WiU meet at 7:30 p.m. Association, Hartford. Renewal Plan Defeated articles for a cup Suction. ^ yesterday with $3,190 from MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — ' • '.i i < 'i her empfoyer. She hid stop­ Linne Lodge, Knights Of The Questers Wunnee Chapter Wild and blustery Hurri­ ped at an intersection. Members of the Ubrary staff Pythias, WiU meet tomorrow at will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at cane Inez battered the • .-I ••I’ve never been more 4. of Buckley School wlU meet to­ BANK CREDIT 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. the home of Mrs. James Curry, southeast Florida coast to­ serious in my life,” said the morrow at 9:30 a.m. at the Plans will be made for the meet­ Coventry. Mrs. Earl Herrick man in black aa he drew a CARDS ACCEPTED school Ubrary. Vincent Ramixi, day with brawling winde Agostinelli, ing of the Grand Lodge to be Will demonstrate the art of an­ small pistol. principal, wlU show a film on and tides alW headed for held Tuesday, Oct 18, at Hart­ tique flower arranging. Mem­ bers are reminded to bring itn- the “ Use of the lib ra ry ." Ths the Gulf o f Mexico, the end Miss Reine got out, the ARTHUR DRUQ ford. ^ man in black got in, then Turkington tlque containers and dried ma­ event la open to any interested of her murderous 11-day ------------- <t drove away with the money. terials. ’ person. rampage still nowhere in Members of the Regina Police said they found the Lead Slate DTtalia wlU mSet tonight at sight. car abandoned a few blocks 7:30 at the Italian American At 10:45 a.m. EST, the eye of away. 1 aub, Eldridge St - the unpredictable storm rolled By SOL R. COHEN just south o f Key Largo. North ■ lanchester Republicans KLH Members • of the WSOS of f c df the center galea hammered swept the town dectionfi North Methodist Church wiU MARLOW^ at the metropolitan coast line, State News yesterday and took control STEREO MUSIC meet tonight at 8 at the church. "Since 1911 — EVERYTHING II home of 2.6 million persons of the Board of Directors, M w. Winthrop Reed of M^i- for the Family and Home!" from Palm Beach to Miami. the Board of Education, Power lines snapped and fell SYSTEMS chester will be guest spoSker. Bill Signed the Board of Selectmen, CMIBEiTNmil in greaX showers of sparks, traf­ Her topic will be “R^gees of and the town treasurer’s 25 countries.” Mrs. ReM wiU fic lights danced crazily, palm trees whipped wildly, and de­ For Study of office. GOP pluralities, in 4 3 have articles made by rkugees L . WWW at Marlow’s with bris flew through the air as some instances, reached for sale. Mrs. Robert Stone is r K V 1 1 chairmap. ef the meeting, and ****"” *“”° !^ _ any purchase you Inez fell on Miami. 2,000. NORMAN’S -'.V' ‘ : R iver Park the T yler Circle wlU be host­ make; ypu may use And, as she raged on along . ■ 1 The only posts salvaged by. ,STOI' IN FOK sy' V'-'lR'-’ .■ ' '•■''J esses. either of these fine the chain of Florida Keys, to­ the Democrats were that of tha a n F.Aii FlU.INd ward Key West, Inez neared the i ' ^WASHINGTON (AP) — town clerk, and the offices charge plans! K - /*•' 1 mi DF MO.NST'IFVI'ION huge Gulf of Mexico, with Hs A^biU authorizing the Sec- guaranteed them imder minor!* r Miss Susan L. Ingram of 66 Welcome Here. just say "Charge It" •Crestrldge Dr., Vernon is at­ Inexhaustable supply of warm ' P p l retarjKof the Interior to ty representation rules. <- 44,1 HMM'IdUn KD. ' ’ i 1 tending Mount Ida Jonior Col- ^ moisture to fuel the hurricane's m ' '•< make a^ two-year study of Incum'bent Town Clerk Ed­ M \N( iiFST'F.i? lege, Newton Centre, Mass. engine and keep her going on the feasibility and desir­ ward Tomkiel ran unopposed and on. ability of a Connecticut and was elected to bis sixth ccnir AAARLOWIS Sea walls crumbled, and Downtown Main Street—Manchester River National Recrea­ secuUve two-year term. Open 6 Days—Thursday till 9 crashing surf dashed across ■Victorious candidates will streets and highways from Fort tional Area in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont take office Nov. 7, except the Lauderdale down into the low- three Board of Education candi­ lying keys. Rickety signs blew and New Hampshire was dates who were elected to tenna down and bounced across roads, signed today by President beginning next year. They take a peril to motorists who had to Johnson. office Nov. 6. 1967. They are brave the storm. The measures authorizes an RepubUcans Roger Bagley and Palm fronds, loose garbage appropriation of up to $100,000 Atty. John Fletcher, and iSf cans and o|her debris, flew Hurricane flags in Florida are unnecessary as the for the study. cumbent Democrat Beldoa through sections exposed to the strong winds of Hurricane Inez blow palm tre^ at Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D- Schaffer. highest winds. a Dinner Key marina. (AP Photofax). *____ Conn., principal Senate sponsor Cuba, battered for *8 hours by ' of the legislation, said the ac­ The proposed 146.8 mlUlcn Inez last week, found her com­ tion ••means we are on our way Downtown Renewal Project wae ing right back. Evacuation of to preserving the beauty and defeated by a mere 168 vote% . \ l: i the islsmd's north coast from usefulness of the Connecticut 5,323 to 5,165. Its defeat haa Caibarien in Las Villas Prov­ Three-Pronged Drive River and its valley for future ■l^n attributed to the contro­ ince to Vahia Honda in Pinar generations.” versy over a $2.5 million Capital del Rio Province was begun on Improvements Bond issue, seb^ ■■ liHCi an emergency bases'’ Handwriting Link duled for a referendum vote oa Continues Against VC LITCHFIELD (AP)—A state Nov. 8. Many officials believfi (See Page Nineteen) police handwriting expert tes- voters confused the Nov. 8 Bond ating in the mountains and low- SAIGON (AP) — U.S. air ca­ , J .U. tified today that a letter written Issue with the $2 miliira K4^ lands near the coast of central " .
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