ѮF$BOEJEBUFT 5PEBZT-JWJOH1BHF ѮF4IVDL 5PEBZTJTTVFJODMVEFTB GFBUVSFTUIFIPVTFT /4IBH0ZTUFS GPVSQBHFQVMMPVUTFDUJPO JODMVEFEPOUIJT 3PBTUJTUPEBZ XJUIWPUJOHJOGPSNBUJPO ZFBST1FDBO'FTUJWBM BUQN BOEUIFêSTUJOBTFSJFTPG )PNF5PVS BU7JOFMBOE DBOEJEBUFJOUFSWJFXT 4FFQBHF$ 4UBUJPO ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Tursday, October 18, 2012 Tieves face Jury to decide stifer terms Volume 122, Number 32 Whiteville, North Carolina for break-ins today about nNew law gives DA bet- 75 Cents ter tool to handle crimi- Cox, badge nals for repeated break- nTown manager of Chadbourn on ins and thefts. trial for impersonating an officer in Inside Today 2011. By BOB HIGH By BOB HIGH 4-A Staff Writer r4UBUFOPUSFMFBTJOH Staff Writer 8BUFSCSPPLF Charles A nine-woman, three-man jury will decide E u g e n e Thursday (today) the fate of Stevie Lee Cox, SFTQPOTF Barsh, 30, of Chadbourn’s town manager, in his trial on a the Clark- charge of impersonating a law enforcement DIDYOB? t o n a r e a , officer last spring. is the first The state’s case ended Wednesday at 4 p.m., Did you observe ... defendant and it took most of the day. Cox was arrested in in Colum- March 2011 after he allegedly showed a High- Mike Cutchin, with bus County Lynn Wilkie way Patrol trooper a police chief ’s badge and his face painted like a to be arrested for habitual told the officer he was the chief in Chadbourn, tiger, giving free bubble breaking and entering, a new according to records. tool being used by the District Cox was in Chadbourn Police Chief Steven gum to kids at the Law Attorney’s staff to address Shaw’s car returning with Mayor Ken Waddell, Enforcement Asso- the continuing problem with and two members of Chadbourn’s ABC Board property crime. from a meeting with lawmakers in Raleigh ciation booth at the Barsh, on probation after when he was stopped for speeding on U.S. 74 County Fair? ... Leba- a conviction of selling a con- about two miles east of Boardman. non United Methodist trolled substance, has only one State Trooper Ronnie Walker, reassigned to prior break-in conviction, and Cumberland County this year, swore the first Church Pastor Carl this is the unique formula for See Jury, page 5-A Zorowsky having to the new law. It takes only one prior conviction for breaking kiss a goat afer chal- and entering, and not three, lenging his congrega- such as being a habitual felon Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist tion to increase church or habitual drunk driver. Property membership? ... WHS “Property crimes are kill- No flu drive-thru ing this county,” says Lynn Brenda Sellers gets a fu shot without leaving her car at the Columbus junior Madison Hege Wilkie, assistant DA who is County Health Department last Friday, during a frst-ever drive-thru fu still unbeaten in all handling most of the break-in owners not cases here. shot service. Nurse Tammy Stevens administered the shot, one of more her singles and doubles than 60 that day. tennis matches as the See New law, page 5-A happy with WHS season continues into the second round of 2012 deer Waccamaw Siouan tribe revaluation the playofs Tuesday? ... season opens nBoard calls for second public hear- John Plasky making his pow wow this weekend ing on schedule of values. frst solo fight Tuesday? to slow start By NICOLE CARTRETTE ... No mail delivery at The Waccamaw Siouan Tribe horse riders, advertising businesses Staff Writer the Ned Reynolds home By JEFFERSON WEAVER invites the public to attend its 42nd and politicians, are invited for $6 per Staff Writer annual pow wow celebration this person. Float units will be included in This room won’t hold them all. at Lake Waccamaw due weekend on the tribal grounds, 7275 the parade judging with prizes of $50, That is what Commissioner Edwin Russ One of the most anticipated Old Lake Road, Bolton, in the Buck- $25 and a Native American beaded to a big hairy spider on said about a number of Lake Waccamaw resi- days of the year started not head community. ribbon for the top three winners. dents who promised to fill the commissioners the mailbox? ... Council with a whimper, but a some- Friday’s program includes school Traders open at 9 a.m. Chief Lacy chambers at their next meeting. Tool featured on the what muted bang Saturday day activities from 9 a.m until 2 p.m., Wayne Freeman will give the wel- Russ said residents were upset about the as the conventional hunting displays and vendors from 2:30-6:30 come and invocation at noon. The “Modern Marvels” TV 2013 proposed schedule of values and public season for whitetail deer got p.m., and line up for grand entry at new princess will be crowned and the hearing scheduled for Oct. 15. series Tuesday night? under way. 6:30 p.m. The grand entry at 7 p.m. grand entry, posting of colors, flag “I’ve been asked to postpone the hearing,” Archery and muzzleload- will include the flag song, prayer, song and veterans honor song will be Te show was on the Russ said, adding that he had received many ing seasons came in during veterans song, inter-tribal dancing held. Intertribal and exhibition danc- phone calls. topic of how to make September and early October, and exhibition dancing. ing will begin at 1 p.m. and continue In July, county tax administrator Richard axes. ... respectively, but for most hunt- A parade will be held Saturday at through the afternoon. Drawings for Gore said values at Lake Waccamaw had in- ers, deer season means modern 11 a.m. with “Honoring Our Soldiers door prizes will be held and tiny-tot creased and would be reflected in the new 2013 firearms, dogs and crowded Past and Present” as the theme. and competition winners will be an- values as part of the property revaluation but woods. Line-up will begin at 10 a.m. Parade nounced. Monday night he said the county “would not County Deaths entries, including groups, clubs, See Pow wow, page 2-A See Deer, page 9-A Whiteville See Revaluation, page 7-A Deb Tyman Wiley “Dragman” Allen Jr. Gary Michael Rogers Tabor City Mysterious weed in lake is hydrilla Tanya Mae Long By RAY WYCHE piece of its branches one-inch in length, and officials Ladosca Stevens Fecher Staff Writer agreed Tuesday that small pieces of the weed could Hallsboro have come from a boat or boat trailer using the Jessie Porter Godwin A mysterious aquatic plant that fouls boat pro- launch ramp. A piece of the weed could have been pellers, makes boating and swimming difficult, and brought in on the talons of a fish-eating raptor such William Lorenzo Spears has the potential to make fishing less productive as bald eagles. (Their presence around the lake has Lloyd Curtis Mitchell has been identified as hydrilla, an invasive species. been confirmed.) Bolton Rob Emens, an environmental specialist with Another possible way the harmful weed found the North Carolina Division of Environment and a home in Lake Waccamaw could have been from Fred Bennett Hydrilla Clarendon Natural Resources, made positive identification a homeowner emptying a home aquarium’s water after a short air-boat ride from the Canal Cove Road just west of Dale’s Seafood. Infestations of the into the lake as hydrilla is often used in the home Harvey David Richardson boat launch Tuesday afternoon, where the noxious underwater weed are not visible from the shore fish tanks. weed was first discovered. in most locations and according to lake residents, Getting rid of the weed is no easy matter, Emens Emens docked at the nearby pier of James extends from the shore for about one-half mile out said. The two standard treatment methods are grass Index Grantham where Lake Waccamaw State Park of- into the lake. carp, a large fish that is an invasive species itself ficials and others were awaiting his verdict. Hydrilla is a familiar pest plant in many areas of that eats only vegetation, and a chemical herbicide. &EJUPSJBMT" Emans doubled-checked his identification by the state, and can thrive in any body of fresh water, “I would say a combination of the two is your best 0CJUVBSJFT" consulting a field manual he had aboard the boat. even in ditches. option,” Emens added 4QPSUT# The hydrilla outbreak was first discovered “It has shown up in Wake County and it is in the Emens went on to say that the standard treatment around the boat ramp and extends from the Wac- mountains,” Emens said. pattern is to first “box” the infested area to stop the $SJNF" camaw Sailing Club along the northwest and north How the plant got into Lake Waccamaw is impos- -JWJOH$ shorelines to the site of the old Weaver’s Pavilion sible to determine; the plant can reproduce from a See Hydrilla, page 2-A 2-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, October 18, 2012 Trapping class expands to include other critters By JEFFERSON WEAVER The class was originally ated habitats more attractive Staff Writer designed to help local trap- to beavers. pers learn how to take ad- The impact of coyotes on What started as a class to vantage of the county’s new deer and small game is a big help area outdoorsmen learn beaver bounty program. Re- issue with area sportsmen, how to catch beavers has sponding to complaints about Jones said. Interest in coyote expanded to include other continued beaver problems trapping – either for the furs, species. in the county, the Colum- or for sale to hunting pre- The N.C.
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