..-«* JH PLAINS -spwric? UUUA. 1927 ?.;••: TLJ: AVENUE SCOTCH K ATri. H j 07076 SCOTCH PLAINS TANW00D TH—E Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S USK4UJN OUR 36th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 52 hM|i NM « Satdi Main, NJ. Thursday, December 28,1995 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS SHE SAYS ISSUE WAS 'EXTREMELYDISTRESSING9 Mayor Stender Expresses Anger Over Location of Creche Next To Sign for Christmas Trees Governing Approves Increase in Parking Fees At Fanwood Train Station by SO Cents to $2 By SANDY J.DEV1N Fanwood Carriage House. It offends me that a symbol, a deeply Specially Written for The Ttrni However, not all council members religious symbol, should have been Amidst the smiles and accolades sang the mayor's praises. Republican placed by a commercial sign for a of many Fanwood Borough Council Councilman Andrew MacDonald said Christmas tree sale," she added. members, departing Mayor, Mrs. earlier that "although he wished With regard to other business, the Linda d. Stender, presided over her Mayor Stender well, in her present Borough Council adopted an ordi- last councir meeting Tuesday. and future endeavors, she has not nance permitting the sale of liquor at "I'm proud and honored to have lived up to her campaign promises." 9 a.m. only if Christmas Eve day and served as mayor," said MayorStender. He also added he "felt she used her New Year's Eve day fall on a Sunday She also said she felt "grateful for the office as mayor merely as a political as is the case this year. opportunity to contribute to this com- stepping stone toward attaining her Councilman MacDonald said al- munity." new office as freeholder." though he realizes, "Fanwood should Presenting the mayor with a piece be competitive with Plainfield and of jewelry on behalf of the council, In a voice trembling with indigna- Scotch Plains and other towns that which was engraved with her name tion, Mayor Stender called the De- are allowing the sale of liquor on a and date of tenure, "1992-1995," cember 21 council session the "worst Sunday at 9 o'clock in the morning, I Mayor-elect and Council President, meeting of her tenure." Referring to have a problem with that, therefore) Mrs. Maryanne S. Connelly, charac- thecrechecontroversy, she said, "The shall vote no." terized Mrs. Stender as "serving way the meeting evolved from that The council also voted unani- Fanwood and Its citizens with integ- point on was extremely distressing to mously to adopt the ordinance in- rity, rare dedication and leadership." me." creasing the daily parking fees at the She further stated that in Mrs. Using Tuesday's council meeting Fanwood Train Station by 50 cents. Stender's capacity as mayor she was as an opportunity to get a letter from The cost has now been raised to $2 #»w» nniinimu William A. Burke for The Tlmat instrumental in the removal of the OH WHAT FUN.. Just as the song says, these guests enjoy a horse-drawn sleigh ride at the Jerseyland Park on December the Reverend James A. Bricks into from the original $1.50. 23. Last week's storm gave the state its first white Christmas in over a decade. borough's underground storage tanks, the record, Mrs. Stender praised his An ordinance which permits fund- renovation of the community house, statements as echoing her own feel- ing by a community development reconstruction of Paterson Road, ings. block grant to allow senior citizens to Helen and Second Streets, thecleanup Reverend Bricks wrote that he was use the Scotch Plains buses was also of the Dean Oil property, the Mount "troubled by the behavior of some of passed unanimously by the council. Fanwood Zoning Board Grants Sign Laurel developers agreement, the the supporters of the Fanwood Lion's RCA agreement, renovation of For- "Hopefully,"'Mayor Stender said, Club right to display the creche on "this is the last year we will have to do est Road and the Grand Parks, the public property." Senior Citizen Housing study, envi- this by local ordinance." For J&M Detailing on South Avenue Particularly upsetting, he said, was Legislation which would change ronmental resourcing inventory up- the "vocal outbursts, cat calling and date, the inclusion of Fanwood in the local agreements entered into by or- South Avenue Couple Given Permission to Keep Deck Despite Setback Violation hooting and verbally punishing those dinance to a resolution, has passed new Plainfield Area Regional Sewer- people whose opinions differed from By SUZETTE STALKER minated. age Authority, reduction of aircraft the state Senate and Assembly and is Specially Written far The Times enue received board approval forhim theirs.". awaiting Governor, Mrs. Christine In response to an inquiry during and his wife to maintain an existing noise overthe borough, the borough's He said he was disturbed "those Three new applications were heard the public hearing by Mr. Eugene holiday decorations, the Fanwood Todd Whitman's, signature. 16-foot by 16-foot deck on the rear of that see themselves as the defenders "This is good news and will save and unanimously approved last Bellamy of the Fanwood Fire Pre- their house for family use and enter- Centennial celebration, and interlocal Thursday by the Fanwood Zoning of Christ cannot conduct themselves our borough money," said Mayor vention Bureau, Mr. Manno testified tainment purposes, as well as to cover agreements. with more.restraint." Board of Adjustment, which also that no painting or motor vehicle re- a bare spot in their lawn. Stender. She further credited Mrs. Stender MayorStendersummed up her feel- Councilman Bruce H. Walsh added memorializedoneresolution concern- pairs would be conducted at his es- with "persistence in acquiring out- ing a previous case during its final The applicants required a variance ing by saving, "A symbol that to me this idea was "first brought forth by tablishment. because their rear yard setback of 12 side funding which enabled many should have been sacred and valued meeting of the year. The application met the approval our borough attorney, Dennis Estis, feet violated the 25-foot minimum funded capital projects, saving the has been converted into something and it will save not only our borough The first application, submitted by of the Fanwood Police Traffic Safety residents of Fanwood many tax dol- Mr. and Mrs. Lance Wildstein of 23 required under the local ordinance. ugly by the comments and behavior money but all 500 towns in the state Bureau, which determined the busi- Mr. Martins reported the deck, which lars." of a lot of people." Madison Avenue, was for board ap- ness would have "no adverse affect money as well." is ihree-and-one-half feet off the On behalf of the administration ' Mayor Stender said she was also "I think he deserves the recogni- proval to expand the living quarters on vehicular or pedestrian traffic," as ground, features a railing and lattice- staff and construction office, Bor- of their home to benefit their growing "very disappointed in the Lion's Club tion," Councilman Walsh said. well as the Fire Department, Health work and does not i nterfere with storm ough Clerk, Mrs. Eleanor McGovern, and the placement of the creche." family. The area earmarked for reno- Department and Environmental and water drainage on the property. also presented Mayor Stender with a With regard to new business, a vation, Mrs. Wildstein testified, cur- "I am offended by its location for resolution for monetary transfers Shade Tree Commissions, according Officials confirmed the Fanwood Richard Morrison photograph of the which they would not move the crib. rently has "limited closet and bath- to board members. Police and Fire Departments, the C0M7WUC00MMGEI ' room space" and "could easily ac- Alfonso Martins of 466 South Av- Borrd of Health and the Environ- commodate an addition." mental a?id Shade Tree Commission.-* A variance was required because ••••••• had no objections to the app'ication. the proposed front-yard setback of Under old business, the board me- Judge Melvin Whitken Reappointed approximately 27 feet did not con- morialized a resolution of its Sep- form to the minimum 35-foot setback tember 21 approval of an application mandated by local ordinance. Offi- by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Salerno of 41 cials noted the Fanwood Police De- Russell Road who had requested To Superior Court of Union County partment, Fire Department and Fire board permission to install an exte- Prevention Bureau, along with the rior basement stairway as a second He Served as Fanwood Municipal Court Judge From 1973 to 1989 borough Board of Health, Environ- egress from the furnished basement By ARTHUR HU Seton Hall Law School in Newark mental and Shade Tree Commission, which serves as a bedroom for one of Specially Written for Vu times recalls was when he defended a man where he graduated in 1962. After his had no objections to the application. their daughters while she is home Judge Melvin S. Whitken of who was accused, along with lOother Joseph Manno, owner of J&M from college. graduation from law school, he went defendants, of killing a police officer Fanwood was reaffirmed by the New into private practice as an Assistant Detailing of 27 South Avenue, suc- The board, though it approved the Jersey State Senate on December 7. during the Plainfield riots of 1967. cessfully petitioned-the board for City Attorney for the Elizabeth Board The trial, in which the prosecution Salerno application after determin- Judge Whitken, 58, now has tenure of Adjustment. permission to erect a 30-inch by 20- ing it not violate municipal prohibi- until age 70 on the Superior Court. Judge Whitken became a Deputy foot identification sign above the tions against converting a single-fam- Appointed to the post in 1989, from September 9 through Decem- roofline of his establishment, which ily residence into a two-family dwell- Pubic Defender for Union County ber 24, 1968.
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