USOO5909256A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,909,256 Brown (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 1, 1999 54) TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR 56) References Cited TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING NON COMPRESSED HIGH RESOLUTION U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ANALOG SIGNALS 4.736,240 4/1988 Samuels .................................. 348/708 76 Inventor: Robert T. Brown, 7915 Hollywood Way, Sun Valley, Calif. 01352 Primary Examiner Nathan Flynn 21 Appl. No.: 08/644,010 57 ABSTRACT 22 FileFilled: Mayay 9, 1996 A telecommunication System for wideband analog input Related U.S. Application Data Video signals, data Signals, facsimile Signals, and the like which comprises a Synchronous pixel analog modulator 63 Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/235,358, Apr. 29, circuit for converting the wideband analog input signals into 1994, abandoned. a multi-bit multi-level discrete code Signal, and a transmis (51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... H04N 7/01 Sion gate modulator circuit for modulating the multi-level 52 U.S. Cl. ............................................. 348/723: 348/426 discrete code signal on a carrier at high Speed and within a 58 Field of Search ..................................... 348/384,390, limited bandwidth. 348/845, 426, 723, 724; 332/10, 124 R, 145 4 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets ... Modula' Ed CARRIER ........, FITERE actitional --- a ? {F ) ( . ) - INPUTs Er Moe ses... ... ? lil pancrass "Pyr Of Y.-- X SISN? as 24 fier 1. (2- ) or AX43. s- Y go ULING y -- a-- - - - c TT F10 - 2)--" ...' ( - ) l FILTER FR&EN'r wea 39MHz MU at 03 REQUEN'? x Me Encoe CATA stream of JT Resultant fire R sf Nse -- x ! K x - Rs. x ^- ^^ LEWELS INPUT --- : r1 2k & R & 4 st () - - w-* -- . -- U IN I. ----- 4K & - R. t Ys F- s 8K & - R8N T INPUT 2.S. ----- -- Mx^^-w -: ra l 5. : -xx- : fD) I L Il 10, Base, T {SAIN&IN 2 & i.............: l l l. {- : ... -- : C --- 2. 9 : . ( 1.4. ) M Encoded si REAM, INPUT 3 : - : R3. N IT curts 8- -- .--x\- FREEN Y MHz GáIn 3 Ti, sea. 950MHz : v.- INPUT N)- - - - - ? - RN Ta Awef RMS some &AMr E FRE&EN.Y 5,909.256 1 2 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR existing formats and future formats of encoding Systems TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING NON such as SECAM or PAL operate on a base frequency to COMPRESSED HIGH RESOLUTION which the base frequency used in the System of the invention ANALOG SIGNALS can be interpolated out at any given frame rate or field rate. It is accordingly a general object of the present invention This application is a Continuation in Part of application to provide a System which incorporates the features and Ser. No. 08/235,358 filed Apr. 29, 1994 now abandoned, in advantages described above and which is capable of receiv the name of the present inventor. ing Signals from high Speed data Sources and of transmitting the Signals without compressing or limiting the resolution or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION quality of the Signals. The present invention is concerned with a telecommuni Another objective of the invention is to provide a System cation System for the transmission and reception of wide which incorporates a Standard of encoding that is universal band analog information signals. Such as Video, data, fac for presentation formats. Simile Signals, and the like. Still another object of the invention is to provide a system The system of the invention was conceived for the pur 15 capable of expansion and integration of existing and future pose of transmitting and/or recording high definition video formats of data and information Sources for transmission and and audio signals and other data Signals is particularly Storage. directed to a System, to be designated herein as a component A feature of the invention is the use of the component direct transgated video (CDTV) system which provides for values of input Video to maintain a 256 gray Scale level, and the pickup, processing, Storage, transmission, reception and a resolution of 1600 H by 1280 V pixels per color. A presentation of high Speed data in analog mode. particular embodiment of the invention utilizes 640 H by The system of the invention was conceived for the pur 480 V component video with dual sub-carrier stereo audio, pose of transmitting and/or recording high definition video and AES/EBU data. and audio signals and other data Signals. The System was A general objective of the invention is to provide a System devised specifically for the purpose of transmitting high 25 which is capable of pick-up, processing, Storage, quality video information without the inherent problems transmission, reception and presentation of high Speed data encountered in prior art Systems. The System of the inven in analog mode. tion responds to Standard Video information and operates in The System of the invention, unlike the prior art Systems, the component mode of red, green and blue, plus Sync, audio does not require the large bandwidth commonly associated and other components. The System allows a resolution of with the type of data communications under consideration. over 1600 lines per color. The system may be applied to The System of the invention has a feature in that it permits, existing communication Systems. Such as Satellite and wide but is not limited to, the transmission and reception of band terrestrial. The uniqueness of the system, which will be non-compressed, ultra high resolution, Video and multi discussed and explained, is that it provides a very narrow channel Signals over existing communications Satellites. band transmission signature thus allowing Stacking or mul 35 Because of the narrow bandwidth requirements of the sys tiple carrier utilization. tem of the invention, the Signals may be Stacked for multi The input of the system is based on the utilization of video channel access without any corresponding loss of Signal component channels, whether they be derived from Standard quality or resolution which is normally encountered when Signals. Such as NTSC, or originated or developed by an 40 compression techniques are used. advanced camera technology. The Signals are generated and The transmitter portion of the system of the invention processed through the System and transmitted via a carrier to includes a transmission gate modulator circuit, and a Syn a Satellite, for example. The Signals are then returned to the chronous pixel analog modulator (SPAM) circuit. The syn receiver portion of the System in which they are reconverted chronous pixel analog modulator circuit converts analog and displayed on Standard monitors in red, green and blue, 45 input signals into a 4-bit (GRBA) digital signal, and the or projected on high resolution Screens that can be con transmission gate modulator circuit provides for the modu structed up to but not limited to 40 feet. lation of the 4-bit (GRBA) Signal on a carrier generated at The resolution capability of the system is over 2400 lines the transmitter. The analog input Signals may, for example, per color. The Signal-to-noise requirement for Satellite use is be television, facsimile, data Signals, and the like. about 24 db signal-to-noise ratio which is substantially half 50 The transmission gate modulator circuit of the invention the requirements of conventional prior art television SyS provides a unique mode of carrier modulation by high Speed tems. Prior art television signals in Standard transponders digitally encoded data within a limited bandwidth, this being require about 56 db Signal-to-noise ratio in order to produce achieved without loSS of quality and without Signal degra a broadcast quality picture. Even with its signal-to-noise dation. The circuit is designed to avoid inherent loss of requirement of 24 db, the System of the invention provides 55 Signal quality due to harmonic aberrations which are a signal-to-noise ratio in video of about 60 to 65 db, even encountered in most prior art modulators. though the carrier only has a ratio of 24 db Signal-to-noise The transmission gate modulator circuit of the invention ratio. achieves its objectives through the use of digital techniques. The audio portion of the processed Signal may be carried Digital encoding of analog input signals is accomplished in in the form of a standard AES/EVU digital signal, and the 60 the transmission gate modulator circuit by the Synchronous System also carries, for example, command Signals which pixel analog modulator (SPAM) circuit, which will be are standard FM channels for Sub-audio or informational described in detail in the following specification. The SPAM codes. The System by its own uniqueness of operation circuit provides a Standard of encoding of the analog input provides its own encoding. The System allows interpolation Signals into a digital code which is universal for presentation to standard formats such as NTSC, PAL, SECAM by com 65 formats. puter conversion, or interpolation of the component signals. The SPAM circuit uses the component values of input The base frequencies of operation are designed So that Video Signals to maintain a 256 gray Scale level, and a 5,909.256 3 4 resolution of 1600 Hx1280 V pixels per color. The SPAM Sets the modulation index (phase modulation) to the Selected circuit utilizes Synchronous comparison of the data levels of bandwidth. Accordingly, the circuit provides amplitude/ the analog input signals which are Summed to provide a 4-bit phase modulation which is termed herein as “ampliphase' 1.6-level continuous pixel perfect code. The transmission modulation. The block 20 produces a phase coherent Signal gate modulator circuit receives the digitally coded signals burst at the predetermined carrier frequency of, for example, from the SPAM circuit and it triggers the enable gate of a 8.1 MHz. This signal burst is directly proportional to the phase coherent oscillator included in the transmission gate ramp signal (C) applied to the enable gate of the oscillator modulator circuit.
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