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Vojwfstjuz!jo!3114.15/!If!ibt!bmtp!ubvhiu!bu!uif!Ibswbse-!Qbstpot-!Sfottfmbfs-!Qsbuu-! uif!Ofx!Kfstfz!Jotujuvuf!pg!Ufdiopmphz!boe!Pijp!Tubuf!Vojwfstjuz-!xifsf!if!ifme! uif!MfGfwsf!Õ3:!Gfmmpxtijq!gspn!3111Ñ3112/!TjmwfsÖt!xpsl!ibt!cffo!fyijcjufe!boe! qvcmjtife!xjefmz/!If!jt!uif!bvuips!pg!Qbnqimfu!Bsdijufduvsf!$2:!Sfbejoh0Esbxjoh0 Cvjmejoh-!qvcmjtife!jo!2::7-!boe!uif!fejups!pg!Nbqqjoh!jo!uif!Bhf!pg!Ejhjubm!Nfejb;! Uif!Zbmf!Tznqptjvn-!qvcmjtife!jo!3114/!If!jt!dvssfoumz!xpsljoh!po!b!npophsbqi! foujumfe!Nbuufs!jo.Gpsnbujpo;!Ofx!Ejsfdujpot!jo!Dpnqvujoh! gps!Bsdijufduvsf/ Dpvstft!Ubvhiu;!Sfqsftfoubujpo!Tfnjobs-!VH4!Eftjho!Tuvejp-! VH5!Xbmmfocfsh!Tuvejp-!Tdsjqujoh!gps!Bsdijufdut .& Architecture and 1945 Mayor Jeffries creates 1947 The city hires Eliel 1950 The Veterans Memorial development committee to examine plan to Saarinen and Associates to Building, designed by replace slums with low design the Civic Center Plaza architects Harley, Elliington income housing. The plan on the Waterfront in and Day is dedicated. The metamorphoses into a plan to downtown. (JMT67) first building to be built in the remove slums without public Civic Center plan. (JMT 67) housing urban renewal 1942 (September) Urban 1942 Detroit Housing 1949 27 urban renewal 1949 Projects drag because 1945 in "What Detroits Slums 1946 Mayor Jefferies 1947 Blight elimination plan 1950's (early) Detroit City Plan Land Institute and other Commission completes 5071 projects planned by City of over 20 government and non Cost Its Taxpayers" James announces Detroit Plan in earmarks Gratiot as the first Commision - West Side proposals for urban dwelling units. Construction Detroit from 1949 to 1971, governmental groups have to Sweinhart advocates the November site for redevelopment on the Industrial Project (Corktown) redevelopment are the focus halted because of WW II cost $116.1 million in Federal approve or develop some adoption of zoning laws and site of Detroit's oldest Black (TS164-165) of a conference at Cranbook grants and $174.2 million of aspect of urban renewal redevelopment plans to neighborhood named for its Academy of Art in Bloomfield its own funds. projects. eliminate slums. rich soil - Black Bottom (JMT Hills.(RMF239) 58) Housing 1940's Early Parkside Homes 1942 Sojourner Truth Housing 1944 UAW publishes 1944 (November) Dearborn 1944 Ciry of Dearborn, Ford 1945 Proposal for public 1947-48 First black families 1949 To get Taft-Ellender- 1949 Edward Turner of the 1949 To the question of where 1950 In his first weeks of are built for whites on the east project is built for blacks in a "Memorandum on Postwar City Council passes an anti- Motor Co., and Ecorse housing in Oakwood, a move into the 12th Jewish Wagner Housing Reform Act MIC and NAACP argues that to begin urban renewal office Cobo vetoed 8 / 12 side of the city (JMT23) White Area. Violence from Urban Housing" arguing for a public housing legislation (TS Township sue the FPHA to working class area in SW street neighborhood. (TS funding the DHC the construction of crowded George Emery answers in public housing projects in neighbors stalls the coordination of urban 76) stop public housing in Ecorse Detroit is shelved (TS 80) 242) recommends 12 sites for public housing will simply "coloured sections there may white outlying areas of the city inhabitation for months renewal, new housing and (TS 77) public housing (TS` mirror the Ghetto (TS 87) be less likelihood of (TS 85) (JMT24) regional planning (JMT33) organized opposition" (JMT58) Grassroots and Militant 1952 Lansing native, Malcolm Black Activism Little (X) moves to Detroit to work in various jobs including the Ford assembly line. Begins working at the original NOI temple (DA1) Anti-racist Activism 1948 Shelley vs. Kramer - 1948 Coordinating Council on 1950 NAACP argues that overthrows the legality of Human Relations (CCHR) Cobo's policy will "produce restrictive covenants, this founded, endorsed by MIC, more segregation than now does not make discrimination religious, civil rights groups exists and will produce illegal (Detroit Sipes vs. (TS 191) extreme hardship on the McGhee) (TS183, JMT86)) families who have to be relocated"(JMT59) Racist Action 1938 (July 30) Ford is 1941 A developer builds a 1943 Belle Isle Race Riot. 1943-1965 Whites founded 1943 The first housing 1944 Orville Hubbard: 1946 25 home-owner's assoc. 1948-1952 demonstrators 1949 De-Witt Clinton 1951 Legislative Research awarded the Grand Cross of wall in the Eight-mile / "White crowds attacked 192 neighborhood director Josephine Gomon's "Housing the Negroes is file an amicus curiae brief vandalize new single-family neighborhood assoc. formed. Committee, a neighborhood the German Eagle on his 75th Wyoming area to shelter his innocent blacks, Blacks organizations. Multi- segregationist housing policy: Detroit's problem" in supporting racially restrictive homes built for blacks in the It sucessfully keeps blacks assoc. backed group calls for birthday , at a Public development from the Black fought back." 35 dead (29 functional, they struggled to "no housing project shall resistance to public housing covenants (Sipes v. McGhee) Courville, 7 Mile -Fenlon from moving in for 15 years the abolition of the MIC Ceremony in Dearborn. 100 neighborhood and secure black) 17 killed by police keep spaces white (TS 211) change the racial character of for blacks in Dearborn (TS 76) (TS 221) Areas (TS 238) until 1963 (TS 256) (TS224) Swastika pins are given to FHA financing (JMT85) (JMT17) a neighborhood" (JMT25) Ford emplyees to wear (RC368) Labour Struggles 1937 (March 8th) UAW 1937 (July) UAW has 370,000 1941 (June) Ford finally signs 1945 UAW President R.J. 1951 Local 600 suit against launches a massive sit down members nationwide, 200,000 with the UAW after a Thomas urges Detroit City Ford's decentralization strike at Dodge Main, with in Detroit. And the whole protracted war of intimidation, council to establich an policies (TS 157-162) 10,000 workers sitting down industry is unionized except using Harry Bennet's "Service industrial development in the plant. Chrysler signs an Ford. (CH26) Men", and paternalism (CH26, authority to assemble agreement within months RC) devlopment sites (CH26) Industrial and Economic 1940's Using National 1945 UAW President R.J. 1945 Pennsylvannia Railway 1947 Ford sets up an 1947-1955
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