Digital Collections @ Dordt The Voice Archive University Publications 2-1969 The Voice, February 1969: Volume 15, Issue 2 Dordt College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/dordt_voice Recommended Citation Dordt College, "The Voice, February 1969: Volume 15, Issue 2" (1969). The Voice Archive. 226. https://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/dordt_voice/226 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at Digital Collections @ Dordt. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Voice Archive by an authorized administrator of Digital Collections @ Dordt. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I DORDT COLLEGE I I I NUMBER 2 VOLUME x'4 SIOUX CENTER, IOWA FEBRUARY, 1969 for it to use in any port of its science pro- I Business Courses Begin This Fall gram. During the last five years Dr. Maatman Dakota, where he was awarded a member- and Dordt research students' have published PROF. HENRY J. DE GROOT ship in the Beta Gamma Sigma honorary the results of their work in eight articles I ACCEPTS POSITION society. He subsequently has attended the which appeared in technical journals. Five University of Wyoming, the University of of the students describe their research in Missouri, and the Store University of Mon- regional meetir'Js devoted to student re- tana. In 1964 he became a Certified Pub- search. I lie Accountant. For the past nine years he has taught National Business Administration courses at Sioux Falls College, attaining the rank of As- Foundati on I sociate Professor. Grant Much of his time has been devoted to church and Christian education matters. Dr. Edwin J. Geels has received noti- For many years he served as Elder on the fication from the National Science Foun- Sicux Falls Christian Reformed Church dation of a grant for support of Undergrad- I uate Research in Chemistry. The grant in consistory, and also as president of the Sioux Falls Christian School board, of the amount of $ 3,040. 00 wi II support the which he is currently the secretary. He research of two Dordt chemistry students recently completed a three-year term as a under the direction of Dr. Geels during I this coming summer. The twelve week re- trustee on the Board of Calvin College and Seminary. search program wi 11 be from June 9 through He is o member oftheAmerican Institute August 29. The National Science Foun- fv\aiors in Business Administration of Certified PublicAccountants, the South dation also notified Dr. Geels of its in- I and Business Education Available Dakota Society of Certi f ed Publ i c /vccocn- tention to support this project during the tonts , the National Association of Church summer of 1970 if sufficient funds are made Dordt is pleased to announce that this BusinessAdministrators, the Midwest Econ- available by Congress. coming fall courses in business administra- omics Association, and has been active as I tion and business education will be intro- an accounting consultant. duced. What is even more significant is the fv\r. De Groot comes to us with his wife Beaut dul Chapel Pulpit acceptance of a teaching position in this (formerly Arnolda Ruys), a son David, who field by Mr. Henry J. De Groot of Sioux Given as Memorial will be a sophomore at Dordt , a daughter I Falls College. He will join the Dordt steff Ruth, who will bea high school junior and in September. The following year Dordt Recently Dordt received a memorial gift a daughter, Janna, who will belnthe sixth plans to appoint an additional teacher in from the wife and children of the late Mr. grade. this orea. Hans Faber. Hans and his wife, Sadie, I Born four miles south of Sioux Center, worked together in the college snack bar. GRANT FOR he graduated from Orange City Christian Mrs. Fcber hos continued inthis position School and Northwestern Academy and CHEMI CAL RESEARCH at the college. The late Hans Faber not Junior College. After a course in account- only loved the students and the college but I ing with Nettleton Commercial College, he Recently the chemical research group, was also loved and appreciated by the stu- worked for a firm in Sioux Falls, and for directed by Dr. Russell Maatman, was dents and faculty. It is both a loving ges- the Production Credit Association in Her - granted S 12, 000. The funds were pro- ture on the part of the family to present lan, Iowa. World Warlltookhimto Europe vided by the Petroleum Research Fur-d , this memorial and very fitti ng that the col- I for three years as Special Agent in the administered by the American Chemical lege use this gift to obtain the beautiful Army Counter Intell igence Corps. Society, a private organization. pulpit from which God's Word is sounded Upon his army discharge, he began his The new support has been provided to in our chapel services. public accounting career in Fort Dodge, enable the research group to continue its I Iowa, then became manager of a gasoline study of certain catalysts. Catalysts are jobber with a group of filling stations in materials which are important in many South Dakota. In 1957 he returned to col- chemical reactions, particularly chem- lege work, graduating Summa Cum Laude ical reactions of industrial significance. DordtCollege received recently a mem- I from Sioux Falls College in 1959. His The grant funds are used in part for student orial gift from Mrs. R. M. Wassenaar and Master of Busi ness Admin istration (M. B. A. ) wages, equipment, and supplies. Of the her daughter, Judy, in loving memory of I was earned from the University of South $12,000, ~2,OOOis given to DordtCollege Gerhart Gelder. I Page 2 Dordt College Voice February, 1969 Playing Basketball The colleges that have a good staff of those losses, there wasn't any trouble. recruiters usually have good teams, be \ think the reason is because playing for the Kingdom's Sake? it football, basketball, track or bad- basketball isn't our main concern. The I minton. education comes first with basketball One friend of mine estimated that re- used to assist in that education." cruiting means 75 per cent of a team's The physical aspect of Dordt's ath- performance. The other 25 per cent is letic program has also been a boom. I coaching. Although I've never come The college dedicated a new phys- across any statistics to verify this, I'll cal educotion building lost fall and have to agree. a newall-weather track has been Yet there is one Northwestlowa cclle je added. The track, one of the few I coach who doesn't recruit, at 1(,:J~tnor of this type in the state and the ani y in the csuc! way. one in Siouxland, was financed through the cooperation of the city "No Assistance c t Dordt" of Sioux Center, the school district I ond Dordt College. Coach Jim Timmer of Dordt College in Dordt plans to to ke advantage of tl,e Sioux Center, Iowa, puts it this way: new facilities by adding a track pro- gram this spring. This will be joining I "We don't offer any athletic scholar- the established list of baseball, cross ships or aid at all, so there isn't any country and basketball. reason to try to prompt a kid to come Head Basketball Coach toDordt through those recrui t ing means." Our readers may still wonder what this I Prof. of Physi cal Education Dordt , a private college, is closely write-up in the Sioux City Journal has to associ ated and d irectl y supported by the do with the titl~this artfCTe"Playing No doubt some of our readers will raise Christian [";2 formed demonimation. Most Basketball for the Kingdom's Sake?" We their eye brows at the title of this article. of its 790students, therefore, are mem- shall try to make that clear. I Others might be a bit curious. " Now bers of the supporting church. Dordt Coil ege was establ ished and oper- What?" they may ask. After momentary "The only recruiting I do is through ates for the purpose of preparing covenant surprise the good Calvinists will upon fur- tal king to the d ifferent cocclres ond youth for Kingdom leadership and service ther reflection assume that this article aims educators from our church related in all fields of learning and all areas of I to place basketball, and perhaps all sports, high schools," said Timmer. "Bot l life. At this institution all study and under the Scriptural injunction, " .. what- really don't do any recruiting other extra-curricular activity have this goal in soever ye do, do all to tile glory of God". than telling the kids the type of mind. We believe that this is extremely (I Corinthians 10:31). These fine folks Christian education we have. and important and that our people should, and I would like to see how one handles this of course the parents are concerned generally do, agree with this. There are topl c-i-jvst how do you play basketball to about the education of their boys very few colleges, even Church-related God's glory? And then the more puzzling and encourage them to come to ones, which are seriously committed to a problem--how does this become cdventc- Dordt. Kingdom-oriented, Bibically directed ed- I geous for the Kingdom of Christ? Obvious Iy, Coach Timmer, in his third year at ucation. Here is one of the greatest trag- what is adventageous for the Kingdom will Dordt, is off to the best start in the edies of our times.
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