16 TTIE 3IORXIXO OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, XOYETrBTTtf; 4, 1931 company, I States Transoort and taken to Klnrtnn The wrcckinf tur ports ; West Lew ark. from Liverpool. U. S. bonds and notes f UG.S21 0fl whose steamers were revoked by the RATES TO EUROPE GUT Relief lifted the Princess May. which at iCOOS BAY ACTIVE Pacific coast porta. U. S. cf rtiflcau-- of indebt- HEWYDRKTEHMDHL Board, was a subsidiary of the Con one time wu a favorite passenger and MILLS RFSFBVF RWIR CUT ed nrss gress com freight steamer out of this port. ST. HELENS. Nov. 3. Passed at 12:30 certificates (Tltman Coal and Transportation P. M., Senator; passed at 2 P. M. ct 144. ST5 pany In opposition to the Latin Americas All or New York. line, government has de- Pa rial ma. others Hi.S22.tMKi All In the Canadian the vessels to be operated cided to inaugurate a Vancouver-Mexica- n 3. the new are owned ac- STEAMER LIXES APPARENTLY LUMBERING IS OS SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. Arrived Total earning assets $ l.MiM.'.M.otMi READY 60 DAYS line privately service. Anyo Maru. from Hongkong, Yokohama NOTE Dank premises' Jl,,i4;.ori II cording: to the information received t ACT BY AGREEMENT. PORT TOWNS END, Wash.. Nov. 8. THROUGHOUT DISTRICT. and Hilo; Canadian Farmer (Br.) Van- IlMTIOfl Five per redemption The steamer Princess, which will f Special. ) couver: Rosalia Mahoney. from Seattle; fund agsinxt: j En route to New York from F. start the service by leaving New Ho Ho. P. I., with a cargo of sugar, the Curacao, from Portland. Sailed Elisa- R. bank nnti $ R.fVlS Otut i beth, for Ban don; Molier (Br.), for Glas- I'ncolicted items 5r.!K.:t.'tl 'm iwk in a lew days, will be loiloweo Freights on Goods, steamer ilorrietown arrived this afternoon All other resources by another steamer 25 days later Canned Dried with a portion of her upper works carried Coquille Valley and Reedsport gow. lvt'.4.ooo Regular away as a result of being caught in the Total resources $5.111.5J.t)O0 service thereafter is Fruits and Grain Take Big Also Operation on Nov. 3. Iqul-to- a. Lumber From Northwest Is storm that came near sending the big Plants in MELBOURNE. Arrived $32,100,000 Decline in Week LIABILITIES. Japanese steamer Kashima Marti to the from Grays Harbor. Capital paid in $ 101.020.000 Slump With New Tonnage. bottom. For ten days the Morristown was Large Orders. Surplus to Be Handled Soon. Japanese Grain Craft Sails. battered by huge waves, some of which HONGKONG. Nov. 2. Arrived Manila Is Reported. Rfnerved for government fran- swept the decks of the big craft from Maru, from Tacoma. chise tax 64.026.00i) me Japanese steamer Port baia or j In stem to stern. is believed some of Deposit Drastic reductions freight rates It that MARSH FIELD, Or.. Nov. 3. (Spe (Towrnment RO OOO her plates were strained, so her master TSINTAR. Nov. 1. Arrived West Ka-do- r, OK 'hAflhe" 0if&ir,nip& verdhaevr- :- - ' cial.) Lumbering: in the Coos Bay MfmhtT hanks' reserve acct. !.(..". T4. (too decided to come to Seattle to have her from Portland. All others a ,tl7."..tio with a cargo of 264 338 bushels of nent by theI"various steamsnip lines surveyed and repairs made before district is on the upgrade and in the BIG AID IS EXPECTED exported by Suzuki Co. to operating from Portia Coquille valley the same condition LONDON, Nov. l. Arrived Astronomer, GOLD HOLDINGS Total deposits $l."42.3S,0OO " from Tacoma. INCREASE F. Ft. notes in actual circula- India. This is the second cargo of Pacific porta to Europe. UnU)n Bay B on prevails, while Reedsport, on the '"e1responsi- - S c where .he took at tion $2,408,122,000 wheat to go from Portland to India economic factors are held bunker coal. The Pacific steamship Lmpq.ua river, new orders assure con SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 8. Arrived F. R. bank notes In circula- a few weeks. The Port 'Said ble, chief among them being the pany is the Puget sound agent lor the Morristown, from Samarang; President, tion, net liabilities R .!... nnn large tonnage t iiorriftoan. tinued operation of the mills. In the from Los Angeles, via San Francisco Deferred availability Items. 4Sl.ttj:t ihm Mini win tnr it hmitpir oort for recent increases in the All other liabilities 2:t.;.s.'..tuo by Press orders to her Indian desti on tne European Dertn ana me un Coming from Salavany. Peru, via Vancou milling: line only one plant in thle Sailed Spokane, for southeastern Alaska 'cw Project Is Heralded as final pur- ver, B. C. where she discharged a cargo Reduction of Paper Held Under nation, precedented slump in European of raw sugar, bark southwestern Oregon district is idle Total liabilities $VU ..V'3.im as Iliggest In World; chasing. the Peruvian Belfast Report From Mouth of Columbia. Ratio of total reserves to ilepoit and in East arrived today in tow of the Santa Rita, permanently, that of the North Bend NORTH HEAD. Nov. 3. Condition Loans F. H. 71.0 per opera- , note liabilities combined Telegram Received Here. Rock Dredge Overhauled. There Is no conference of which called at Vancouver to bring her Mill & Lumber company at North the sea at 5 P. M., smooth; wind east, 18 cent. tors in the European trade, as there to Puget sound. The Belfast will load Bend, which company is supposed to miles. Considered Good Sign. Ratio of gold reserves to F. TK. note In trans-Pacif- for 3.1 NORTH BEND. Or., Nov. 3 (Spe- is in the ic and inter- the west coast, while the Santa Rita be employed in a lockout game among; circulation aftrr siting asMe per crni will load for San Francisco. against deposit lT O per rent. cial.) The Kruse & Banks shipyard coastal runs, but the five regular Arriving from the orient via Vancouver. the stockholders. The Winchester Tldea at Astoria Friday. nihilities of North Bend is overhauling the lines and other irregulars operating the Japanese steamer Tokushfma Maru Bay Lumber company on the Umpqua Hlah I.nw. oe 3:51 A. M 7.4 feetl 1:4! A. M S 3.feet of New government rock areage to usea between here and Europe have been arrived tonight too late for quarantine in river i closed down for 10 daye, but 3:15 M P. fool The The Fulton lumber terminal consistantly. spection, necessitating remaining until P. !.4 feet10:2l M....0.5 federal reserve system is mak- HELD Tork. which covers 723 acres of In lower Coos bay, in the vicinity of quoting the same rates her this condition is due to a shortage of ing a very strong showing, as ex STATE BLAMELESS Rocky point, to remove a rock reef in The new are quoted inde- sunrise Friday, when she will proceed to 10KS. is ground and is heralded by the eastern reductions Seattle to discharge and load outward. emplifled by the reduction Wednesday the center of the bay. pendently but consistently by the The. Moore Prosper one-ha- lf press as "the largest lumber terminal With 3.0OO.000 feet of lumber loaded on and Johnson of of 1 per cent in the re- Inability to Pay l lax Growers Junt in the world," will be in a position to various lines. Grays harbor and a shipment of general mills on the Coquille and the Stemm FOREIGN HALTED on goods, prob- discount rate of eight of the 12 federal handle lumber from the northwest New Tanker Here. The rate canned freight loaded at Seattle, the steamer ler mill at Myrtle Point are all oper ME reserve banks. The Pacific coast dis- Now Is Regretted. SO days, according to a tele- ably the most important commodity West Isleta sailed this morning for the ating, although the Coquille Mills was within new La Purlsma orient. trict included in the reduction, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.) The tank steamer moving to Europe at present, has company plant. In a re & SALKM. gram received yesterday by the 'Ore company The Steel Voyager, which came from the hands of the rediscount rate now being in- gon of Commerce irom of the Union Oil arrived been cut from 80 cents to 75 cents a ceiver. is temporarily Idle but is re- per L. F. Compton, warden of th state State Chamber yesterday with a cargo of oil the orient in ballast and was sent to Van WHEAT SELLS UNDER DOLLAR stead of cent. anwwer to questions IS. R. Shaw, general manager of the here hundredweight. Dried fruit in boxes couver, is scheduled to come to Puget ceiving: many offers of taking: it over The reserve note circulation of last penitentiary, in Is'ew company. from San Francisco. She is making is now booked at SI instead of the sound Friday to load Seattle for ports tor operation. MARK AT CHICAGO. directed by members of Marion York sea voyage. at Thursday of all the system was County today Plans for the establishment of the her second former rate of 31.15, and dried fruit in northern .Europe, The C. McC. Johnson mill on the a decline for the week of Realtors' association terminal, which purposes to handle in bags now moves at 70 cents in- Umpqua river has just closed a deal said he did not agree with statements SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) $32,100,000. The note circulation the by pre- lumber by water from the Pacific stead of 85 cents. Because of the The largest known shipment of silkworm for spruce pulp timber with the Lowest Price Recorded in Six week before, $2,440,900,000, was the made Itobert Craw ford in a Crown-Willamet- te ceding coast for distribution in the New York limited supply of tonnage equipped to eggs, amounting to two measurement tons, Paper mills that lowest reported since October 4.
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