FOR QUALITY PRINTING SUPPORT THE TRY THE TIMES CANCER SOCIETY JOB PRINTING DEPT. FUND CAMPAIGN ANP THB .NEPrPNK TIMES VoLLXXIV, No. 17 ~ and of the independence of the SIX CENTS OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953 __Unltert States of A m erica th e m t h year Sacred Music Sessions Brig* Gen John S. E. I oung Retires Association Releases run rrogram Here July 20 Thru 25 After 26' Years With U.S. Marines 1953 A combat record made four At the time of his retirement lie For Season In Ocean Grove years? after his graduation was Deputy Commander, Marine from .the Naval Academy won Corps Air Bases. After his gradu­ DISCUSS EVENTS FOR Dr. Walter D. Eddowes for.: Col. John' S. E. Young, of ation from tlie Naval Academy in GROVE’S 100TH YEAR Memorial Day Parade And Ocean' Grove, the rank of. June, 1926, he trained at Pensacola; Reports Arthur L. Jacobs Brigadier General in the Ma­ and received his w ings as a Na'fral A preliminary discussion of A viator ;ori Sept. 19, .1929- A fter Service First On Calendar/ rine Corps as he was retired events leading up -to Ocean last; month after 26 years the Nicaraguan, campaign, he re­ Grove’s 100th anniversary in On Conference Faculty service? turned to Pensacola as Flight In­ 1969, and a review of this, sea­ PhilSpitalny Alii-Girl Or­ structor and trained many who are son’s program highlighted the California, at Los Angeles, as sub­ Ocean Grove’s 17th annual now . flying for the Navy, Coast quarterly meeting here last stitute for one on sabbatical leave, Conference of Sacred Music Guard and Marino Corps, including Friday of the Ocean Grove chestra And Chorus Aug. 1 this position being held concurrent­ will be held July 20 thru 25, Vice Admiral “Black Jack” Reeves, Campmeeting Association. ly for part of the time with; the r \' • * r* » ift-o to present annual oratorios in the according to Dr Walter D. who, until his retirement, was com­ The Rev. Dr. Harry M. Ocean Grovet-. s.. 19o3rx season.. i . Oceanx Groven Auditorium. j ** • in• an ef-> Federation position. mander of all flight training in the \vill open Decoration Day with . * , . t Eddowes, Auditorium minis­ Taylor, of East Orange, as 1 . Since Dec. X, 1950, he has held Navy. •. fort to acquaint.music lovers with ter of music and conference Centennial chairman for the the, annual. memorial_ , ,parade the finest in classical church m u sie . dean. the position of minister of music Gen. Young took over Parris Is­ and service, sponsored bv the . community, conducted the an­ .• tt i a -p i ■ 1 he program follow s, Arthur Leslie Jacobs, currently ih the First Methodist Church, land when it was “one half mile of! niversary discussion. community s Veterans ot For-! minister of music in the First Meth­ Memphis, Tenn. eign Wars, according to the -SUNDAY .WORSHIP SERVICES, swamp land.” “Wind Sock,” the of-! Reporting for the business 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P . M. odist Church, Memphis, Tonn,, is ficial publication of Marine Air committee, John S. Yeo, co- summer program released last the first faculty member, signed June 11— A. M. & P. M.!—Jack Station a t C herry Point, N. C., chairman, revealed that the Friday following the quarter­ W.vrtzen of the Word of Life for the Conference. Mr. Jacobs has PUBLICITY CLERK ASKS pays Brig. Gen. Young this tribute; jetty extension project is un­ ly meeting of the Campmeet-l H o u r? ' lectured on techniques and admin­ FOR LISTING CHANGES “With exceptions, the present field derway; a sub-surface street ing Association. I June 21-^A,.M. & P. M.—Dr. E. G. istration of church music in many The Auditorium will open fori Homrighadscn.of Princeton The- at Parris Island is tbe result of Col. drain has been installed on i • • •» .'i 1 ologtcal Seminary. Frinceton, parts of the country, including Mrs. Fannie Cyphers, clerk Young’s efforts.” In the years that Main Avenue between Beach worship services on June 14, with New Jersev. Union Theological Seminary, of the Publicity Bureau, has followed during the second World ami Ocean Avenues; consider­ Jack Wyrtzen’s “Word of Life” June. 28— A." M. & P. M.— Bishop Northwestern University, Boston asked that all changes and new wt.i', he was a builder of air bases able painting has been com­ Hour/1 and will 'close September 13,1 Hoy H. Short of the Methodist -".University, Westminster. Choir listings of .hotels.'rooming and throughout the Pacific and served with messages by the Rev. Dr. B. | Church, Nashville, Tenn. _ pleted inside the Auditorium, TT ■ r\ v tv- * ♦ *. o July —A. M. & P. M.—Bishop ■ College, Lynchburg, Va., College guest houses for the 1953 Va­ on many Naval Boards in Wash­ and improvements arc nearing Harrison Decker, District Supenn-... Kl.C() p_ Cm.son of thc Methodi3“ and. the American Baptist Assem- cation Guide be mailed, to the ington. completion at the North End tendent, and Howard W, Selby,, Church, Philadelphia, Pa. bly iit Green .Lake, Wisconsin. Publicity Bureau, P.O. Box 65, Brig, Gen. Young Gen. Young is the oldest son of Hotel. Ocean Grove Association president. July 12—A. M. & P. M.—Dr. H arry Denman, Executive Secretary of Ocean Grove, by May 1st. This The record was made in the Mrs. Eleanor D. C. Young, 06 Webb Attorney Frank C. Proper! Headlining the special events guide is mailed to prospective the; Board of Evangelism of the Nicaraguan, campaign when he was Avenue. Her two other sons, also made a preliminary report as will be the first Ocean Grove Methodist Church, visitors, libraries and travel flying .over the Central American graduates of tlie Naval Academy chairman of the committee appearance of the celebrated j July 19—A. M. & P. M.—Rev. Lynn bureaus by the Neptune Town­ bush, in what was not much more and Naval Aviators, are Capt. studying revision of the Phil Spitalny All-Girl Orches­ J. Uaricliffe, D. P., minister. Hyde Park Community Methodist ship Publicity Department. than a crate, smoking out the ban­ Edwin J. S. Young, U.S.N., Naval by-laws. - tra and Chorus on August 1. Listings are free of charge. — Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. dit Sandinc. His work aided in the War College, Newport, R. I.; and The trustees officially wel­ The Salvation Army returns tp | j u|v ^O—A. M.-Rev. Harry M,' capture of tbe bandit loader and Capt. Joseph BAH. Young, U.S.N., comed Richard F, Gibbons, Ocean Grove the weekend of An- Taylor, minister, Calvary Mcth- won for him the Navy Cross and Maxwell Air' Base, Maxwell Field, Ocean Grove's new manager, tfust 15-10, with the. Territorial j odist Church,-East Orange, N*. J. the Distinguished Flying Cross. Staff Band concert on the .first! k. Zeiter, p. p., Montgomery, Ala. who began his duties ou u, n ' t- ' T minister, Hanson Place alethodist Services Monday April 6. night. Commissioner Ernest I.t Church, Brooklyn, "N.- Y. Pujr'mire, national.commander, and : August —A. Mr—Dr. H arold C. Commissioner Donald- .McMillan, I Case, President/Boston2 Univer- For Allen Bryan St. Paul’s Woman’s Society Reelects j — _— Eastern commander, will bring-the ; ‘ jit.v, Boston, Mass. _ - c I... P- M.—Rev. George A. Fallon, Sunda, messages, j D. D., minister, Lakewood Meth- Ocean Grove Resi­ Miss L. May Cooper As President iNagle, folmson Fonndcrs Day, July 31, has odist Church, Cleveland, Ohio, dent For 35 Years licen set .aside for a public, re- ; August 9—A. M. & P. M.-—Rev; Active In Community Circle Leaders 1953-54 Win Nomination ccption of President and Mrs Jam es McGihlay, D. D„ B aptist St. Paul’s Woman’s Society of Temple, Brooklyn, N. Y; Christian Service, with its 13 cir- -KdlthEdith Fredericks—leader, MMrs.' rk.;|. \T , ^ ■'fit . Howard IV. Selby. President Funeral services were held in St, August 16—A. M.— Commissioner cles, elected its board of officers, RalP!> Wiggin; co-iqader, to bd-an-llll. l lC p il!]lC i V O . Selby will deliver an address Ernest I. Pugmire, National Com­ Paul’s Church on Monday at 2 P.M. department chairmen and circle nounced. ' - ! on Ocean Grove’s past and fu­ mander of the Salvation'Army. for one of its active official boar-d leaders for the year 1953-54 in the Ethel Harpst—leader, Mrs. Hen- ture and an historical playlet/ P II.—Commissioner Donald Mc­ members, Allen J. Bryan, 67, who Voters Here Also Favor Millan, Territorial Commander Samday School Temple of' the r>; Harley; co-leader, Mrs. Richard ■ on this world-famed commu-' died last Friday at Fitkin hospital Paul L. Troast Over ■' for the'Eastern Territory of the Arthur L. Jacobs church- on Tuesday. Attendance EisoJe. - I nity will also be presented. nfter a short illness. Rev. Herbert Malcolm Forbes Salvation Army. numbered 106 members and guests. Lucia Grieve- — lender, Mrs. | Among conferences scheduled August 23— A, M.— Bishop Fred­ Outside of his academic work, J. Smith, the pastor, conducted the Installation will take place-in the Claude Richmond; co-leader, Mrs For Governor are: June 4-0, Women’s Society of erick B. Newell, of the Methodist Mr. Jacobs’ musical training has ■services, which w ere attended by Church, New York, N, Y. church Sirnday morning, May 24 Charles E. Blanchard World Service, Evangelical United been entirely with private,teachers a large gathering of friends and Neptune Township voters P. M.—Rev. ,f. Wallace Hami!tonv Miss L.
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