E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1997 No. 101 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m., and was therefore, expect rollcall votes Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask called to order by the President pro throughout the day. unanimous consent that the order for tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. As a reminder, under the consent the quorum call be rescinded. agreement reached last night, a vote The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without PRAYER will occur on final passage of S. 1004, objection, it is so ordered. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John the energy and water appropriations Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, may I Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: bill, immediately following the first ask whether we are in morning busi- vote relative to the foreign operations ness. ``Oh, to grace how great a debtor The PRESIDING OFFICER. We are in ``Daily I'm constrained to be bill. It is hoped the Senate will be able ``Let Thy goodness, like a fetter to complete action on the foreign oper- morning business. ``Bind my wandering heart to Thee.'' ations bill during today's session of the f ÐHymn by Robert Robertson. Senate. DESTRUCTION OF THE EYE OF Merciful God, we are debtors to Your It is also the intention of the major- THE NEEDLE ARCH ity leader to begin consideration of the grace. We want to live our whole lives Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise in grateful response to Your goodness. legislative appropriations bill this today to express my outrage over an May Your goodness bind our hearts to week, as well as complete action on the incident that occurred in my home You. There is no limit to what we are nomination of Joel Klein under the re- State last May. Over the Memorial Day able to accomplish when love is our maining 3-hour time agreement. weekend, vandals on the Missouri motivation. Help us to live this entire I thank my colleagues for their at- River destroyed the Eye of the Needle day as an expression of our love to tention. Arch, as well as several other stone You, for all the grace You have lav- f pinnacles nearby. ished upon us. Rather than living by RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Lewis and Clark, camping in the tra- obligation or oughts, may we do our ditional homeland of the Blackfeet In- work today as our way of telling You The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. dian Tribe, first noted these structures how much we love You. We are so SMITH of Oregon). Under the previous in their historic journal which, I might thankful for Your care, for the privi- order, the leadership time is reserved. add, is replete with misspellings: lege of living in this free land, for our f ``Seens [sic] of visionary inchantment families and friends and for the oppor- MORNING BUSINESS [sic]'' and ``eligant [sic] ranges of lofty tunity to serve You in the formulation freestone buildings,'' describing the of public policy for the welfare and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Eye of the Needle Arch along the Mis- prosperity of all people. Our goal is to the previous order, there will now be a souri River. enjoy this day to the fullest. Through period for the transaction of morning Former Montana Senator Lee our Lord and Saviour. Amen. business for not to extend beyond the Metcalf had the foresight to designate f hour of 11 a.m., with Senators per- that stretch of the Missouri as ``wild mitted to speak for not to exceed 5 and scenic,'' thus ensuring that genera- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING minutes each. tions of Montanans would marvel at MAJORITY LEADER The Senators from Nebraska and these wonders. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Georgia are recognized for 20 minutes. But what took Mother Nature mil- able acting majority leader is recog- The Senator from Nebraska is recog- lions of years to painstakingly carve nized. nized. out was destroyed probably in a matter f Mr. HAGEL. I thank the Chair. of hours. The actions of the vandals (The remarks of Mr. HAGEL and Mr. have been decried in both local and na- SCHEDULE CLELAND pertaining to the introduction tional newspapers, and the people of Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, on behalf of S. 1021 are located in today's RECORD Montana have been united in their con- of the majority leader, today the Sen- under ``Statements on Introduced Bills demnation of the acts. People have do- ate will be in a period of morning busi- and Joint Resolutions.'') nated over $10,000 in reward money for ness until the hour of 11 a.m. By pre- Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, I suggest information leading to the arrests of vious consent, at 11 a.m., the Senate the absence of a quorum. the individuals responsible. I rise today will begin consideration of S. 955, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to add my voice to those who cry out foreign operations appropriations bill. clerk will call the roll. for the loss of a true Montana treasure. Amendments are expected to that ap- The legislative clerk proceeded to My motivations for speaking on this propriations bill, and Senators can, call the roll. subject are personal. To me, the Eye of · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7511 S7512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 16, 1997 the Needle was a symbol of what makes ernment, that it was bipartisan in its Arkansas, Susan McDougal lived under Montana the ``Last Best Place.'' Its im- goals and primarily designed to influ- the following conditions. She did not probable existence was a miracle of ence the Congress of the United States see the light of day for 3 months. She creation and a testimony to Montana's and not exclusively the Presidential was jailed in a unit that was con- rugged spirit. candidates in 1996, and that it also at structed for 10 people but in reality I plan to float the Missouri this this moment remains unclear whether usually held more than 20. As indicated weekend. I will see firsthand what has or not to what extent it might have by these photographs, she was usually become of this treasure. In many ways, succeeded in either influencing the shackled both by hands and feet when- I am not looking forward to the experi- elections or more importantly the poli- ever she went to court or to the doctor ence. cies of the United States Government. or to the dentist. This was not cus- To know that this landmark was de- These have been contentious issues tomary practice. Indeed, no other pris- stroyed by human hands gives me that divided the committee until this oner in that facility was shackled by pause to think on the absolute sense- day. hands and feet in this manner virtually lessness of the act. Tearing down a I am very pleased, based on state- at any time, no less when receiving marvel of nature is not a statement of ments made by both Democratic and medical treatment. defiance, not a statement of courage, Republicans members of the commit- When in transport, marshals were or even machismo. No, it is simply an tee, that I believe our investigation under instructions not to remove her act of raw brutality, an act of utter now proceeds with a common percep- shackles at any time including when stupidity. tion of these facts. I believe that is she required to urinate. She was al- In every cloud, there is a silver lin- critical for the committee doing its lowed one visit per week, and only through glass. She was forbidden any ing, and though it is not easy to see in work and in eventually uncovering family or friendly contact through visi- this case, there is a positive lesson to whether and to what extent this for- tation. She was denied potable water. learn from this incident. In an ironic eign involvement violated our laws. She could only drink from a rusty way, we have gained a deeper apprecia- f shower or a sink attached to a toilet. tion for the wonders that surround us. She was allowed no reading materials They are precious; they are fragile. JUSTICE except for the Bible, of which I am sure Perhaps this incident will remind us to Mr. TORRICELLI. Mr. President, on she would have been grateful except protect the things that are near and a separate second issue I want to ad- she was forbidden to have any reading dear to our hearts. For all our sakes, I dress this morning the larger context glasses, even when she offered to buy hope this is the lesson we learn. of the continuing downward spiral in the national political dialogue, and them with her own funds. Mr. President, I yield the floor and After a brief stint at the Carswell specifically how it addresses the case suggest the absence of a quorum. Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, of a single American. We have trag- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The where she was placed in a work camp ically in our time witnessed this dete- clerk will call the roll. with other women, many of whom were rioration in the public dialogue. We are The legislative clerk proceeded to serving 30 and 40 years on narcotics now witnessing how its venom can in- call the roll. charges, she was transferred to Califor- Mr.
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