2f' TfiATS LIGHTING-Ul* TUfl TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Sunrise: 5.20 a.m.—Sunset: 7.80 p.m. Ugh ting-up time: 8.00 p.m. MORNING— Fine Rule of road: KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT AFTERNOON — Ditto gtyp lopl fc*ptte attu (JtoUmtai laito INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) HAMILTON, BERMUDA, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1933 VOL; 18—NO. 162 3D PER COPY—iO/- PER ANNUM 1 w> TARIFFS AND QUOTAS OFF CONFERENCE AGENDA BEAVERBROOK WANTS BRITISH SEE GOLD BLOC NATIONS PRESENTATION OF MEDALS i DESERTING CONFERENCE AT PROSPECT IN THEJIOUSE THEY_SAY • EMPIRE ECONOMIC UNIT Faint Hope of Full Agenda and An interesting ceremony took Objection to Use of That debenture issues seem to be place at Prospect on Sunday when in the air. * * * Concordat Puts German Catholics Out of Poli­ Representation His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-C h i e f, presented War Reparations That if "first come first served" tics—King's Cup Race Won by DeHaviland— LONDON, 8th July (O.P.)—Dele­ Long Service and Good Conduct holds true, someone is going to gates to the World Economic Con­ Medals to members of the Bermuda Balancing the 1933 be out of luck soon. Princess Alice Says Royal Family Are ference are eagerly awaiting the Garrison. The presentation took *• * * outcome of the steering committee place after the Church Parade at That one wonders whether anyone Not Robots—Scotsman Sends Gift to meeting which is expected to de­ which His Excellency read the les­ Budget stopped to think whether tbe clare that the|Conf erence can go for­ sons and an appropriate sermon modern dialling system at a cost Queen—Russian Plane Goes to Aid ward with all the problems origin­ was ably preached by the Rev. Unexpected opposition arose in of £124,788 was justified by the Gower Williams, C.F. the House of Assembly yesterday limited number of subscribers Mattern—Million Dollars Dam­ ally laid out. At the same time here. they are fully prepared to see re­ After the Service the troops j to the Finance Committee's pro­ * * * age in Colorado Cloudburst- presentatives of the powerful Euro­ formed up on the parade ground posal to utilise Suspense Account, pean gold standard countries de­ in* three parts of a square. The re­ Reserve Fund and Bermuda's share That information on the point was Fog Forces Lindberghs sert the Conference, leaving only cipients of the medals were Staff of war reparations as current re­ definitely available. official observers. It is believed Sergt. V. Blackman, R.E., Sergt. venue for budget balancing pur­ * * * Down that the steering committee will Clarke, R.E.. (Sergt. Instructor poses. There was strenuous on- That the cynic says that those re­ endorse the decision of the com­ B.V.E.), and Fusilier Latham. jection to using the war repara­ sponsible had great faith in the mission that monetary questions * After the medals had been award­ tions—"blood money," as some Legislature. POUND REACHES HIGHEST PEAK SINCE can remain on the agenda, and will ed, His Excellency spoke to the members termed it—for current * * * also reverse the decision of the men in his usual brief and forecful revenue purposes, and it was urged That perhaps "faith" is not the sub-committee which barred tariff manner, stating that he was al­ that it should be used for some word. DECLARATION OF WAR * * * discussions. ways pleased to present Good Con­ permanent object. Mr. Tucker The gold bloc nations have duct and Long Service Medals; suggested the creation of an endow­ That the fluctuation in the dollar GOLD STANDARD DOOMED RUSSIAN SEAPLANE OFF TO strengthened their lines for a for two reasons. Firstly that any ment fund to support war veterans is puzzling the experts. ASSIST MATTERN possible battle with the non-gold man who had served for eighteen and their dependants. Mr. Misick * * * countries by an agreement made at years was entitled to the honour, urged the needs of education, and That this proves once more that an SAYS LONDON "EXPRESS" and secondly any man who could MOSCOW, July 8. (CP)—A power­ Paris on Saturday to defend the o,ther members objected to using expert is a man who is a long way «erve eighteen years in the ranks from home. ful seaplane is ready to leave Khab­ gold standard by full co-operation the money for balancing the budget LONDON. 9th July (R.P.)—The without being found out was equaUy * * * between central banks and the gold In order to stem the rising tide gold standard is doomed, says the arovsk for Anadir Chukuotka, entitled to it. The latter remark 1 Siberia, to rescue Jimmie Mattern, countries led by France. Oppo­ of opposition Mr. Trott moved to That some are wondering whether Sunday "Express," asserting that prdvoked great amusement among the depreciated dollar wiU Cur­ long missing aviator who is strand­ nents saw much significance in the amend the Bill under considera­ the conference between the cen­ the troops. tail travel. ed in that sparsely settled district. refusal of the Eank of France, how­ tion so that although the £11,098 tral banks of the European gold * * * The Soviet Government announce ever, to endorse the creation of a- The Parade was in command of of war reparations are used for bloc countries at Paris yesterday current revenue, in the next five That America travelled when the showed that the last effort to keep that the seaplane will be permitted gold fund to defend gold currencies. Captain Lindsay, M.C., North­ umberland Fusiliers and the de­ years an equivalent amount should dollar was at par, when it was at a the world on Gold was hopeless to fly to Nome, Alaska, with Premier Daladier on Sunday, tachment of R.E. in command of be built up, with accumulated in­ premium, and when it was at a because of French refusal to place Mattern, or to get such supplies reiterated France's determination Lieut. Vincent, D.C.M. terest, to fce devoted to some ob­ discount. big gold reserves at the disposal of for him as he may need. to save the gold standard. He * * * promised a vigorous, daring, but Immediately following the pre­ ject upon which the House in the other gold countries. The article * * * meantime might decide. That to the vast majority, the further states that there is a grow­ never too venturesome policy. sentation, the March Past took COLORADO CLOUDBURST Mr. Spurling bore out the in­ change in the dollar means very ing demand for the making of a Meanwhile the delegates are wonder place when His Excellency took the DAMAGE $1,000,000 Salute, bringing the interesting formation contained in this journal little. complete economic unit out of the ing whether and how far Great and memorable ceremony to an some days ago, to the effect that * * * British Empire. Britain will enter the commodity DENVER, Col., 10th July (O.P.)— appropriate close. possibly the Savings Bank suplus That the hotel interests here have * * * price raising plan with the United declared that only dollar business Seven deaths and property loss of States and the British Dominions. oo would provide an additional £25,- POUND GOES HIGH ON CANA­ a million dollars are the latest is possible. In a personal statement, Lord 000 of sorely needed revenue. The DIAN EXCHANGE reports of the damage done by the JUNIOR DINGHY RACING * * * Beaverbrook says that the Ottawa Finance Committee, he added, did cloudburst which struck five sec­ not know officially what the figure That one wonders whether they will MONTREAL, July 10 iCP.)—The tions of the State of Colorado on Conference failed because the Brit­ ' hold that view if the dollar is at a ish Government refused to carry j Fourth Race^Cunningham would be. pound sterling touche.4 ^.01 in Saturday. .' Mr. Misick was led by this to discount. Canadian dollars at the opening of out in practice what they had ac j « Series : * * # enquire whether other invesment * * * the currency exchange here today, cepted in principle. "Although LINDBERGHS FORCED DOWN BY funds would not also return sup- That the visit of the Ridley cricket after closing Saturday at 4.95-3116. i Ottawa postponed out opportunity FOG This race was started at 10.30 luses to the Treasury, and Mr. team will be appreciated. The American dollar opened weakly ,' with the Dominions," he writes, a.m. instead of 3 p.m. to avoid any Spurling informed the House that * * * at 1.04J. "we can proceed with the develop­ SOUTH WARREN, Maine, July possible interference by the out­ That a smarter set of young sports­ ment of a free trade policy in re­ the surplus reserve in the Currency A New York despatch states that 10 (CP.)—Lindbergh and his wife, going "Queen of Bermuda.'* There men cannot be imagined. lation to the Crown Colonies. Note redemption accounts last year sterling advanced 12 cents at the en route to Greenland on an aerial was a light south wind which gave a * * * When we have achieved a Colonial was £8,000 or £9,000, which was opening there today, being quoted mapping expedition were forced course from Princess, Hinson's Bay, That it is a pity they don't bring customs union we can come back paid into the Treasury as revenue. at 4.83 American dollars. down by fog and spent the night Soncy Bay, Hinson's Bay, Soncy, down the "old boy"' who scored a to the Dominions." A sin .lar sum might be anticipaiel * * * here. They are going to North finishing opposite Princess.
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