f 3 V? - ^ • ( university o f Auckland] ______ C d a p p i t m ± 1 A V w v lu CREDITS PYMPLE'S SPOT Editors: Curly, Mo & Larry Hack: Max Chappie [Tel: (09) 390-789 Ext 840] PYM SEZ Technical Editor: Tony Bell Technical Consultants: Independent Media Services [Tel/Fax: (09) 624-3257] Ad Lad: Joe Babich [Tel: (09) Ext 841 Fax: (09) 303-2236] study or complete your degree. Plea come and see us, we do have some infl­ Printers: Rodney and Waitemata Times Ltd uence (believe it or not) with registry. On Moonlighting Typesetter: Teresa Platt Morning Report last Wednesday two stu­ Special God-sent Angel Typesetter: Darien Pearce dents from Auckland were interviewed, Bong Manager: Martin Gill one who could pay and one who not pay. Paparazzi: Wendy Newton, Mark Roach During the interviews someone rang in Contributing Writers: Chris Keall, The E-Team (Jonathon Roberts, Tony Gray, and offered to pay the third instalment. Niven Brown), Peter McLennan, Ginni Welch, Ross Perhaps we should launch a ‘Sponsora McLeod, Travis Brickie, Student’ programme as it is obvious the General Assistance: Sammy the Slug, Flossy, Stove government don’t give a damn! Catering Service: Paul McD Gourde It was a sad day for student politia Free, free — we're all free! Hee, Hee, Heel action last Wednesday. We celebrate! Well Chaps and Chapettes here is the ‘Goff Fawkes’ and it went sour. The festi­ last revolting meaningful dialogue from vities were planned to add a bit of hu your Education Vice President on the mour to what has been a sad year for CONTENTS Education Campaign. I’d first like to education; to protest against the tertiary thank all the apathetic bastards who fee imposed by slimey pus brained Goff; Cover: Photo by Wendy Newton .............................. 1 didn’t join in, their meaningless input and and as a gesture of farewell to Goff who Presidential C o lu m n s......................................................................................................2 lack of action through the year. To the will lose his seat. However a person, who E D IT O R IA L E ditorials.............................................................................................................................3 few who care and got involved — keep is not a student, managed to ruin the We finally i Feature: Opinion P o lls ..................................................................................................,4 it up. whole protest, by lunging at and knock­ which probabl Tutors Hog Limelight at E la m .......................................................................................5 The Boycott is going well — 2700 stu­ ing to the ground a 66 year old woman. any one else. Environmental A u d itin g .................... 6 dents have not paid their third instal­ You Dork, if you are reading this, and As I sit here < National Polytech Students Conference .................................................... 6 ment. That’s two thirds of the total I sincerely doubt your ability to do even read right — S View from the C h a p p ie .................................................................................................7 number of student paying by instalments. that, don’t show your ugly face around ponder on wlu Students 1, Old Ladies 0 .............................................................................................. 7 Good on you for not paying! The boy­ the university or the Students Associa­ as we gave ou tion. Just PISS OFF. Public E ye ..........................................................................................................................8 cott register is still filling up daily — it these spiels, I This is the last week of term so we’re must be mad. S p o rts ................................................................. 10 has over a thousand names on it. To the other 1700 who haven’t paid why haven’t going to have a Rage in the Qaud on The amount Drinking Horn ................................................ 11 you signed the book? Because if you are Tuesday. There will be food, booze, en­ to produce this Television ........................................................................................................................12 in financial difficulty and can’t pay the tertainment, meaningful short speeches, credible, and is Rhubarb and Bollocks ........................... 13 bloody thing we (AUSA) are unable to The fees boycott rage will start at around ing a productio W om enspace...................................................................................................................14 protect you past October the 5th if we 12 noon and go on.... in the Quad. |- usually it’s Student Rights at ATI ......................... ................................................................... 15 don’t know who you are! So see you there. But despite 1 Letters ............................................... 18 If you are having trouble paying the Roger Pym and loss of sai N o tic e s ....................... 19 third instalment here is some good advice Education Vice President year. Partly bee — come and see Ella or myself and we PS. On a personal note — to the Great gained in produ will arrange an appointment for you with Grey Slug — I have a certificate of Profi­ of all the peop registry. There is still some money left in ciency from the Belfast School of Pyro­ Which is a DISCLAIMER the hardship fund. technics so approach any brown package dreaded ‘Thank with extreme caution. The world can well this list isn’t s draccum is published by the Auckland University Students' Association Incor­ We are also in negotiation with the uni­ do without demented pus sucking in- reflects the hel porated. The views expressed in Craccum do not necessarily represent those of versity in the hope that you will be able to sit your exams and pay the third in­ dividuals such as you. With a brain full the publisher, the editors, or anybody and if we get into trouble for printing words of raw sewage you’ll never succeed at like tit, bum or vibraphone, Gary Williams from ATISA has said he'll go to jail for stalment by say the end of the year. The university or anywhere else so do the us, which is jolly good of him. reality is the fee will have to be paid be­ fore you can proceed to the next year of world a favour — do yourself in. DEADLINES Next year sometime. Don't bother us anymore. See Jo. Just go away! PREZ SEZ — AUSA apologising for student behaviour, PREZ SEZ — ATISA through the Easter riots, the Capping pub-crawl and the ugly incident at last week’s protest. My apologies to the me have as much chance of making a dif­ dia and general public have been sincere ference in this election as I have of win­ because I do not believe that the isolated ning lotto without a ticket. actions of one or two individuals should That leaves the apathy vote! Now this reflect badly on the thousands of indus­ D IT O R IA L : has possibilities! trious students who do not make the front 1990 has beer By non-voting I can really sit back and page news. However I strenuously uphold me. I arrived on i blame the country’s problems on every­ the right of students to protest on politi­ student knowin body else. I can say, T told you so’ and cal issues which affect them and the wider University and ‘well, I didn’t vote for them’ at every community. Historically students have opportunity. been in the vanguard of protest, challeng- down ^ I could generate this really good sneer S 1 ing governments and taking oppressive re- ^ (^ tc and walk around being superior. gimes to task. L .a!? .^ou c. I could graffitti walls with the anarchy Teenaa Koutou Katoa. Well, this is my No-one can condone aggressive, vio-^ rn sign and look cool. last column for 1990, my last opportuni­ lent, arrogant or idiotic behaviour though In fact I could dedicate my whole life ty to communicate with a wide group of and I would hope that next year we will to shutting people off and being right out students for the year. I’d like to start by have a myriad of things to celebrate over of this one — non-action. thanking all those who have contributed rather than taking to the streets in anger I would never have to speak to anybo­ around the Association with our various or despair. dy ever because they stuffed it up. projects — and those whom I have had I’d like to wish you all well for the ex­ Kia ora. So, in the year 2020 when I’m stroll­ the opportunity to work with and get to ams, the summer and your life as stu­ Elections are coming up and I feel ing down the stinking beach in my envi­ know. This year has been a rewarding and dents. It has been a pleasure serving quite dead about them. Could also be ex­ ronmentally safe clothes scrounged from valuable experience for me on many lev­ students through the Association and I ams, Christmas, end of year rush, I don’t the cast-offs of the fascist-right-rich with els and I would encourage students to par­ hope it is equally so for next year’s Presi­ know. my grandson and he says ... “Did people ticipate in student politics because, dent, particularly as it is the centennary I don’t really feel like voting. Vote for really have a say in their lives once ultimately, it is so satisfying. of the Association. a party who have attacked their own ‘eq­ Grandad?” This has been a tempestuous and heady A special thank you to our staff, in uity of access to tertiary education prin­ I’d reply “Yes, but that was before ... year, heralding much change, stress and Reception, Accounts, the Custodians and ciple. ’ before..... ” pain for many students. Those who sur­ Caterers who have been so helpful to me On the other hand I couldn’t bear the “Before the 1990 election, Grandad, vive the changes will be made stronger for and my children in a million ways thought of National’s policies on educa­ when National won by default because it, those who do not will become just throughout my term phi|ip Ross for, nobody did anything about it, Grandad?” more tragic statistics for historians look­ tion, social issues and the environment.
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