TUI8DAT, JANUABT 6 .1N8 PAOl TWELTB ilanri^rater Ett^nittg l|»niU> Dnlljr Cbnalutka X h at numstir. m i « r e . K . i The Wtsley Group of the South you sad I hope that 1 MmU go ia Metbodlsi w ees will meet tomor­ Novel Snow Remover Two Hearings At *Y” Tomorrow Receive Note tlM noaioM tlaw with my paronto 9,4X5 About Town row eveniim ht 7:45. The boatesaes Is Demonstrated Here to tha United Btataa o f Amariea. LIQUORS 'T. win be Mm. Muriel Towle, Mrs. With Wad ragardB, REASONABLE FRICBSt VahUa." Merle Dewsrt, Mrs. Gertrude Dun­ A demonstration of the new This Evening From Europe rnrniammmmgmA m D m Tvcnlar weekly reheers^ can and Mrs. Dorothy Weinboldr A raaponaa o f thla kind aaauraw o f the I t ead M. Concert Orchee- know removal apparatus was ARTHUR'S M anchatiar^A CUy of VUloga Charm given Town Ehi^neer Sheekey Junior Rad Ooaa>.memban that t n held at the .OommunUy Y Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh­ boxaa raaUy arrivik and glva pMaa- MS Mala SbMt which have been omitted during yesterday afternoon. The dem- Salary Increase for Pupils of Nathan Hale aa Page 16) (EIGHTEEN PAGES) p i l i s ters of the American Revolution, onstrfttlon started on the west ura to naady childran a b ^ d . Bura- VOL. LXVIL, N a 81 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1948 the hoUday ieason wlU commence will meet Thursday afternoon at ly thaae boxaa mutt help to offaat on Wedneeday evening, January side of Main atreet, working brary Employees and S^ool Are Thkiiked 2:30 at the home of Mrs. W, P. from B^elow street to the tha feallng of diatruat o f Amariea 14, at • o’clock. New members are Slox'er of 160 Mala street. south, ’rae apparatus picked Pension Law Changes For Their Gifts prevatent among peopla In othar incited to Join the orchestra. up the snow and blew it landa. Piano Sales and Servie# Senrdi Rnins of Bombed Jemsalem Hotel Mr. and Mrs. W alUr A. Strant I through a pipe into the ravine. Two public hearings, one a pro­ PupUs o f Grade dsven and eight Propose Stronger IflSB liorralne Mitchell.^a stu­ who have lived on Main street for The apparatus was then tak­ posal to incrcaae the library ap­ at Nathan Hale achool ware Small Conaole Piano $200 Truman Urges Cut dent at the University of Vermont s period of 46 yrars, have moved en across the mad and started propriation by $1,000 to permit thrilled when they received recent­ CHILDREN OF ALL AGES has returned to resume her studies to the lower flat of the house they from Strant street. again aalaxy increaaea, and the other to ly a letter from a Uttto displaced PHOTOORAPflED THE PIANO SHOP after spending a 12-day hoiiday at bought some time ago at 19 working south, throwing the effect certain changes in the town peracQ la appreciation for a Junior IN THE HOBOB the home of her parents, Mr. and Strickland street. Mr. and Mrs. snow from that side of the pension regulations, are scheduled Red Cross gift box, packed by NaaMvaaa ptoofa aa abUgat 6 Peart St. TcL 4029 Bizonal Structure I fn i Clifford MitchcU of 137 Pine Leater Wolcott and children will street into the ravine on the by the Board of Directors for its them 1 ^ year. At the time the aatn work aakaUttad. street move shortly from Hollister street east side of Main street. session tonight at 8 in the Muni­ box was aent, they wera pupUa In For Individual Tax; to the strant house which they re­ cipal building. Mrs. L’Heursux’s room. A small jrOdEPH ADAMS The next demonstration was t-ltS l The monthly meeting of the cently acquired. .given on Tolland turnpike, in Also to be considered tonight is picture of the boy accompanied the' Manchester Improvement Associa­ Buckland where a five foot a report on coats for the inataUa* letter. Below la the letter: In Western Reich tion will be held this evening ir Mystic Review, No. 2, Woman’s drift that was blocking the tlon of sanitary sowers on Au­ "Dear Pupils: Alice Cofran Uthuaaian halt Oolway street. Benefit Association, will meet this road was quickly removed. tumn street, and a meeting with *T was happy when I had got evening in Odd Fellows Hail. A TTie cost of this machinery is the Manchester Housing Authori­ from you the box with man/ good RecMngt Daily day and Robertson Sug­ Asks Price Powers full attendance of the guards ia glO.OOO. ty for the purposes of discussing things. I am a UtUs Latolaa dis­ Greek Troops hoped for, in preparation for the problems, particularly the heating place petsoa, 7 years oM, and 1 169 Chnrch SL Hartford gest Doubling Eeonom- question, of Greenhsven, the local RUMMAGE SALE installation of officers. ’Tuesday George OL HeH am going to the Lstvlah elemen­ Telephone 6-2024 Calls on Congress to evening, January 20. M*s. Maude veterans’ housing project. VICING ie Connell and Crea­ Manchester Grange will hold Its tary achool at EssUaigen (Ger­ By Wesley Group White la chairman of the commit­ C'-omes I'mler C a rte r Pushing West Meyers Denies ‘Family Doctor’ regular meeting tomorrow night George C. Hbit, who will talk at many). I send my best regards to tion of Second Legis­ Make $40 ‘Cost-of* south Methodist Church tee in charge of arrangements. The hearing on the library ap*- the YMCA tomorrow nlght'*at 8 at eight o'clock in the Masonic propriatlon measure is called un­ Living’ Slash and Off* Temple. It will be roll call night lative Chamber) Ger­ Ttara, Jan. S Starting at 2 A. M. TTie LaUiea Aid Society of the der terms of the charter, to give o'clock, served as director of the EARN Tow ard Fight Guilt; WiUBe Concordia Lutheran church 1 will and every member is request^ to opjmrtIirty"to“ M y Vllteroktod 1946 Rollins OoUege Conference •et It With Bi>oal In The Gym, At The Church beKa present.nwnwanf AA socialHyvniml hnlirhour Willwill fOI-fol I *^ . *^ *^« ._____ * __ / mans Discuss Plans sons to remark on the increase. on World Government. He haa THE meet this evening at 7:30 at the low the meeting. In Gorpor«ti4Hi Levies; church. The Directors have previoualy In­ been working seaknialy for the Frankfurt, (krmany, Jan. Commando Units Seek' T ried Feb. 16 dicated sympathy with the library Atlantic BY tlOING Prompt Action oH St. Mary’s Guild will hold Its workers’ request for a pay raise. creation of a World Government R E D C R O S S 7.—(ff)““Th® U. S, and Brit­ ing 1,500 to 2,000 Mr. and Mra. Harold D. Puter of annual meeting Thursday after­ Gerard street have returned after They did not share in the general under law. Day Or Evening Class ish n^Ultary governors of Marshall Plan Also ANNOUNCEMENT noon at two o ’clock in the Guild 12 per cent Increase given to oth­ Range an$r Fuel Spring Term Starts GnerrUlas in Hills Near Pleads Innocent to a ten-day vacation in Waahlngton, room. The business will include Associated with Mr. Holt In the Germany proposed to Ger­ Sought in His Message D. C. and Virginia. On their return er municip^ employees last fall. United World Federalists of Con­ Jan. 19,1948 Border o f AllMuiin Two Indictments as the election of officers. Hostesses PeasloB Law Changes man leaders today means for 8 “ THE OFFICE OF trip they visited relatives in Penn- wlU be Mrs. Irene Chapin and necticut, which urged World Gov­ slyvania, and ran into the terrific The second matter, that of pen' ernment, are Thomas J. Dodd, ex­ REGISTER NOW strengthening the bizonal He Is Presented in Washinaton, Jan. 7.—(4^ Mrs. Maud Dauchy. slon law changes, has been fully governmental structure o f Athena Jan. .7—<P>—Greek gov­ ice storm in New Jersey. ecutive trial counsel at the — Pre8ident Truman <»IIed on discussed at previous sessions and Nuremberg trials, Mrs. Charles B. Limited EaroUniant ernment commando units pushed Federal Court Today DR. A. B. MORAN The Hustlers group of the South western Germany. (Sens. Lu a poUticaUy hostile (^naree.* Group B of Center church wo­ public comment la Invited at this Gilbert, former Nstlonsl president westward from Kontsta today to­ Methodist WSCS will meet at the time. The main changes would be L. T. WOOD^O. Eirielent Ptacnoant Sarvlea clus D. (Tlay and Sir Brian today to make a $40-a-penM)n men, Mrs. Robert Scribner, leader, church tomorrow as usual from o f the American Legion AuxUiary, Vataraa. Aavaptrd Under Robartoon, without waiting (or ward a battle with a force of 1,500 Washington, Jan. 7—UP)— MaJ. elimination of the clauses which Joseph Rourke, state secretary of NOW LOCATED AT will hold it.s monthly meeting at nine to four o ’clock to work on G. L Bill reconimendatlons from the repra- to 2,000 .OuerrlUaa roaming the Gen. Bennatt E. Myers today 'co8t-of-Iivinff” tax cut foi would permit one over 70 to retain the A. F. of L, Lucius Robinaoiv Ql BissenSt. • Tel. 4496 tAUillren the church this evening at eight rugs. Mrs. George Koon is the aaatatlvas of the eight atotaa in hUla near the Albanian border, Emene wm fcen dig la tte ralaa o f a aectloa o f tte Betalramis bote) la Jeraealem for vlctlma after It had pleaded Innocent to a Federal in­ individuals and offset it with o’clock.
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