Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN: 0976-5921 International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2012, 3(3), An Approach to Samskara in Ayurveda Review article Singh Karam1, Verma Bhavna2 1. Lecturer, Department of Kaumarbhritya/Balroga 2. Lecturer, Department of Basic Principles, Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar, Mahatma Hans Raj Marg, Punjab, 144008 (India). Abstract Samskara (Sacraments) are a religious customs (rite), rituals sacrifices a religious ceremony. Samskara also build a wakefulness of the attainment of social status and rights for the individual. In Ayurveda, the word samskara also introduced as “Samskarao hi Gunaantradhyanum” means qualitative improvement is carried out by incorporating the specific qualities. The number of Samskara varies in different Hindu dharma granthas, it is about 16-40, but the applicable Samskara are 16 (shodash) in number which spreads from garbhadan to anteysthi samskara. In the present paper, it can be concluded that the Samskara described in Ayurvedic texts are based on the various milestones of child growth and developments and hence provide a rational guideline toward his care from very conception to adolescence. Keywords: Samskara, Sacraments, milestone, growth and development. Introduction 1) Samskara (Sacraments) are a religious In Hindu culture it is believe that customs (rite), rituals and sacrifices a every aspect of life is sacred, so due to this religious ceremony. The life of the reason each important stage, from performer receives a higher sacredness conception to anteyeshti (death cremation) after performing them, it is believed. In is distinguished as special rituals. The Hindu culture, Samskara cover the Samskaras are performed for the physical, entire life of an individual which social, and religious development of the begins from the moment he is individual. The sacrament composed of conceived in the mother’s womb till worships of Gods and words spoken as his death (compassing of the funeral mantras by the vaidya as per Ayurvedic ceremonies). texts. The sacraments occur at important 2) Sacrament also means conformation of events and give value to a person's life. some promise; things of unexplained Different meaning of Samskara:- significance, sacred influence and symbol. *Corresponding Author: 3) The Samskara are a series of Singh Karam, sacraments that serve as rites of H.no: 104, BSF Colony, passage (which is a ritual event that Jalandhar City, marks a person's progress from Punjab. 144008 one status to another) and mark the Email id- [email protected] various stages of the human life and to Ph. no- 08427826622, 9794342858 signify entry to a particular ashrama. 140 Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN: 0976-5921 Singh Karam et.al, An approach to Samskara in Ayurveda 4) The word Samskar is derived from root (sadhana) - an external discipline for word ‘Kri’ with ‘Sam’ upsarga, which internal spiritual tutoring. is being used for several meanings for In Ayurveda, the word samskara also example in sense of education, introduced as “Samskarao hi cultivation, and training, a purificatory Gunaantradhyanum” means qualitative rite or ceremony to change the qualities improvement is carried out by or intrinsic worth. incorporating the specific qualities (in A general definition of samskara, various dravyas or medicines as rasa encompassing nearly all of the above is "to aushadhi) (Charaka Samhita improve upon something while removing Vimansthana 1/21, p.680) (1). its undesirable attributes." Samskara or Sacraments give meaning to the teachings NUMBER OF SAMSKARA of the Vedas and Hindu religion. We need The number of Samskara varies in various Samskara from time to time for different Hindu dharma granthas, it is religious/spiritual motivation during this about 16-40, but the applicable Samskara passage of life. Samskara are rites that are are 16 (shodash) in number meant to purify and positively influence (Kaumarbhritya p.123) (2). These are: our lives throughout our growth and 1) Garbhadan (Sacrament of development, from conception unitl death. Impregnation or Conception) Samskara are religious rites which help 2) Pumsavana (Engendering a male issue) direct our lives towards Dharma (righteous 3) Simantonayana (Hair-parting) living). They help and guide us to higher 4) Jatakarma (Birth rituals e.g. at the time levels of morality and spirituality. when the child is being born) 5) Namakarana (Naming ceremony) Objects of the Samskaras 6) Nishkrama (First outing or outing There are several objects of the ceremony) Samskaras, as to pray the god for better 7) Annaprashana (feeding ceremony) things in coming days and to eliminate 8) Chudakarma or Mundan (Shaving of harmful powers that agitated (or trouble) head) human life at different stages. 9) Karnavedhan (Piercing the earlobes) 1) Samskara aim in the first instance at 10) Upanayana (Sacred thread initiation) material gain to the individual. During 11) Vedarambha (Beginning of vedic some ceremonies prayers are offered to study) gods for health, wealth, children, 12) Samavartan (End of studentship) intellect etc., which contribute to 13) Vivaha (Marriage Ceremony) family and social happiness. 14) Vanprastha (Renouncing the house- 2) Samskaras also build a wakefulness of holder's life) the attainment of social status and 15) Sanyyas(Leading the life of a monk) rights for the individual. 16) Anteyeshti (Death cremation). 3) Samskaras bring about cultural gains.The various ceremonies related CLASSIFICATION OF SAMSKARA to the samskaras help in the formation 1) The samskara can be categorising given and development of personality. above which range from conception (pre- 4) Samskaras convey a higher sacredness birth) to funeral (post-death) ceremonies to life. Various Impurities associated as:- with the body are cleared by a) Garbhastha (Pre-natal) Samskaras:- performing samskaras. The samskaras Garbhadan, Pumsavana, are a form of spiritual endeavour Simantoonayana 141 Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN: 0976-5921 International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2012, 3(3), b) Balyawasthantargata (Childhood) b) Various results of impregnation in very Samskaras: Jatakarma, Namakarana, young or old woman (Charaka Samhita Nishkramna, Sharirsthana 8/6 p.920 (1) and Astanga Annaprashana, Chudakarma, Hyridya Sharirsthana 1/9 p.339 (4). Karnavedhan. c) Specific rituals to be permitted by c) Adhyyanartha (Educational) Samskara: preceptor means putriya vidhi Vidyarambha, Upanayana , sacrament (Sushruta Samhita Vedarambha Sharirsthana 2/27 p.13 (3) and Astanga d) Grahasthartha (Marriage) Samskara: Hyridya Sharirsthana 1/27 p.343 (4). Vivaha d) The method of performing Putressti e) Death Samskara: Antyeshti. yajana (Charaka Samhita Sharirsthana 8/11 p.923(1) and Astanga Hyridya 2) The Samskara in Balyaawastha may be Sharirsthana 1/27 p.343 (4). classified as follows- e) Effect of psychology of the woman on 1. Ksheerap kala: a) During Neonatal the foetus (Charaka Samhita Period: Jatakarma, Namkarana. b) Sharirsthana 8/14 p.924 (1), Sushruta During Infantile Period: Nishkramana, Samhita Sharirsthana 2/55 p.18 (3). Annaprashan/Phalaprashana, The auspicious day and time are Karnavedhan. fixed for garbhadhana and the sacrament 2. Ksheerannad/Annada kala: a) During follows a set guide.The articulated mantras Toddler Period: Chudkarana Samskara. represents in this Samskaras are essentially B) During Preschool and school Age: prayers offered to God to help the bride Upnayana Samskara, Vedarambha (female) conceive a good son.The Samskara significance of this samskara is highly important, as these ceremony purify and THESE SAMSKARA ARE AS refine field (woman’reproductive system) FOLLOWS: and seed (sperms), thus the born child will (A) PRE-NATAL SAMSKARA posses high qualities. 1. Garbhadhan (Conception) Samskara: This Samskara relates to 2. Punsavan Samskara (Engendering a conception. Procreation is a compulsory male issue): duty enjoined on the Hindu to pay back his The term pumsavana literally ancestral debt, except when either or both means 'male procreation'. So, the process the partners are functionally unfit. In which is adopted for achieving progeny of ayurvedic texts, garbhadhan sacrament desired sex is known as Punsava karma. elaborated related to environmental This is performed in second month factors, specific dietetics and cleansing (Charaka Samhita Sharirsthana 8/19 p.926 measures which might influence the (1) or before vyaktibhava (Astanga reproductive capabilities and have great Hyridya Sharirsthana 1/37 p.345 (4). phsiological and psychological Different acharyas prescribe various significance. During this ceremony, certain formulations for use to pregnant woman rules which compose do’s and donot’s are which may result to male procreation only, advised like:- as their belief. According to Charaka a) Proper age for marriage and first (Charaka Samhita Sharirsthana 8/19 p.926 conception (Charaka Samhita (1), healthy sunga (leaf buds) of banyan Chikitsasthana 2/4/40, p.90 (1), tree, dhanyamasha and gaurasarsapa Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana 35/15 should be taken with curd during p.132 (3), Astanga Hridyum Pusyanaksatra. Similarly paste of jivaka, Sharirsthana 1/8 p.339 (4). rishbhaka, apamarga and sahachara taken 142 Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN: 0976-5921 Singh Karam et.al, An approach to Samskara in Ayurveda with milk etc. According to Sushruta e. The religious significance of this (Sushruta Samhita Sharirsthana 2/35 p.15 Samskara is to bring prosperity to the (3), description of punsavana given as: mother
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