June 12, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E845 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMBATING SEXUAL ASSAULT IN TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE THE MILITARY COLONEL JOHN D. WROTH OF PETE VONACHEN HON. CHERI BUSTOS HON. ANNA G. ESHOO HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO OF ILLINOIS OF CALIFORNIA OF WEST VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Wednesday, June 12, 2013 commemorate the life of Harold ‘‘Pete’’ Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, our nation’s Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Vonachen, an American veteran from Illinois, armed forces are the best in the world, but I recognize Lieutenant Colonel John D. Wroth’s who passed away on Monday, June 10th, rise today to speak against a form of cancer recent retirement from a distinguished military 2013 at the age of 87. Pete was best known as ‘‘Mr. Baseball’’ around Peoria, and as a spreading within the ranks that is compro- career in the United States Air Force. His dedicated community leader and philan- mising the integrity of our armed forces. service to our nation is one of honor and de- thropist. His loss will be felt throughout the For 25 years, Congress has pressured the votion, to which the people of West Virginia community. Department of Defense to take bold action and the United States of America owe a tre- Pete Vonachen, who graduated from Brad- against sexual assault among our service men mendous debt of gratitude. ley University in Peoria with a Bachelor of and women, and for 25 years, we’ve heard the Born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, John Science in business administration, started out same promises. In hearing after hearing, Wroth received his bachelor’s degree from the in the restaurant business, opening they’ve offered the results of study after study; University of Charleston in 1987 and began Vonachen’s Junction in 1955. He carried over many of the same philosophies from his res- told us about their zero tolerance policy; cre- serving his country in 1989, the year he re- taurant days to his other businesses, including ated task forces; and promised to prioritize ceived his commission from the United States a recognition of the importance of people. this issue within the chain of command. Air Force Officer Training School. He has led Pete treated everyone as a friend, regardless Despite these promises, sexual assault in unit deployments to Europe, the Pacific and of whether you were a coworker, customer, or the military is at an all–time high and rising. Southwest Asia and, as a graduate of the elite competitor. According to the Defense Department, there Air Force Weapons School, he led as mission As his name and reputation grew, Pete pur- were more than 70 assaults per day in 2012, commander on the first night of Operation AL- chased the Peoria Suns Minor League base- an estimated 26,000 total and a 30 percent in- LIED FORCE in the Balkan Peninsula and ball franchise in 1985, later changing the name to the Peoria Chiefs, a tribute to crease over two years. Worse, only three per- served as the Master Air Attack Plan Team Peoria’s last baseball team. With the help of cent of estimated sexual assaults in the mili- Chief in support of both Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. In addition, Lieutenant Colonel his close friend the great baseball broadcaster tary in 2012 were prosecuted. Countless serv- Harry Caray, he was able to reach an affili- Wroth has served as a unit scheduler, stand- ice members continue to have little faith in the ation agreement with the Chicago Cubs. military justice system, and countless more ardization/evaluation officer, tactics and train- Under Pete’s leadership, the once struggling suffer in silence for fear of retaliation. ing instructor, flight commander, platform in- franchise became the first Midwest League structor and lead electronic warfare instructor The existing military justice system has team to draw more than 200,000 fans in one at the U.S. Air Force Weapons School. clearly demonstrated its inability to solve this season. Pete Vonachen also served his community problem. As the civilian institution tasked with Lieutenant Colonel Wroth has received nu- in many roles, including as the Director of the military oversight, it is incumbent upon Con- merous awards and decorations throughout his service to our nation: the Meritorious Serv- Peoria Cerebral Palsy Board, a member of gress to act. OSF St. Francis Medical Advisory Board, the ice Medal, the Air Medal, the Air Force Com- The amendment offered by my colleague, Chairman of the Children’s Hospital of Illinois mendation Medal, the Air Force Achievement Representative SPEIER, is an effective and Medical Center, a Peoria Park District trustee, Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expedi- meaningful solution. This amendment is mod- the Director of the Peoria Area Chamber of tionary Medal, and the NATO Medal. Further- eled on legislation, the Sexual Assault Train- Commerce, and the Peoria Rotary Club, more, Wroth led the Air Force ROTC of Duke ing Oversight and Prevention Act (STOP Act), among others. University to a number one rating for all small Mr. Speaker, I am forever grateful for Pete’s which I’m proud to cosponsor. detachments. contributions as a serviceman and leader in The STOP Act rightfully removes the sexual Currently, Lieutenant Colonel Wroth is his community, and am deeply saddened by assault response process from the military his passing. I offer my sincerest thoughts and Chief, Nuclear Operations Branch serving on chain of command and replaces it with an ac- prayers to his wife Donna, the rest of the the Nuclear Command and Control System, countable, civilian-controlled oversight office. It Vonachen family, and the entire Peoria com- and is the primary liaison to the Department of ensures that trained, impartial prosecutors re- munity. Homeland Security and the White House Mili- spond to allegations of sexual assault, not f tary Office. higher ranking commanders with a potential CONGRATULATING TERRY AND In addition to his devoted service to our bone to pick. ROSY BROMELL country, Wroth also managed to raise a won- It provides victims with real access to jus- derful family with his wife, Lydia. Together tice, via an objective response system. And it they have four children, Ian, Sarah, Jacob, HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER means no more fear of retaliation, lost pro- OF LOUISIANA and Dylan. motion, re-victimization, and pushback. Sexual IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, the exemplary service of Lieu- assault is a scourge that weakens our military Wednesday, June 12, 2013 and our nation and has absolutely no place in tenant Colonel John D. Wroth is deserving of Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, it is with society. I encourage my colleagues in the the utmost respect. His dedication to country great pride and pleasure that I rise today to strongest possible terms to support this sen- and family is a model for all of us, and I am proud to call him a fellow West Virginian. commemorate and congratulate Terry and sible amendment. Rosy Bromell on the occasion of their 50th ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Jun 13, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12JN8.001 E12JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 12, 2013 wedding anniversary, which they will celebrate Ice Flyers enjoyed a successful regular sea- With over 59 years of experience in the pre- with their loved ones on June 15. Mr. and Mrs. son, finishing with the third best record in the cast concrete manufacturing railroad and in- Bromell have led incredible lives, truly worthy league. The team also enjoyed tremendous dustrial construction industry, Century Group of this distinction. support from the Pensacola community, draw- Inc. continues its legacy of innovation and su- Terry and Rosy are the parents of four won- ing more than 100,000 fans to their home perior service. It is due to the efforts of busi- derful children: Alicia Lowther, Teena Doxley, games this season. nesses and individuals like the Century Group Ty Bromell, and Rose Marie Dillon. They are The President’s Cup series between the Ice Inc. that Louisiana continues to grow and also blessed with seven grandchildren: Ric Flyers and the Huntsville Havoc was a closely prosper economically. Lowther, Jonah Doxey, Sarah Doxey, Erin Dil- contested affair. In the first game, the Ice Fly- f lon, Ruth Dillon, Vivian Dillon, and Ellie ers prevailed at home in overtime 2–1; how- Bromell. ever, the Havoc fought back just three days MOURNING THE PASSING OF Both graduates of Louisiana Tech Univer- later to claim a series tying 2–1 victory, send- SENATOR FRANK LAUTENBERG sity, Terry and Rosy are well–known and ap- ing the series back to Pensacola for a third SPEECH OF preciated in the North Louisiana area. In 1983, and final game. the couple opened their family–owned and A passionate crowd of nearly 4,700 fans HON. RUSH HOLT independently operated insurance agency, showed up at the Pensacola Bay Center to OF NEW JERSEY Bromell Agency, Inc. For the past 30 years, watch as the Ice Flyers faced the Havoc in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Bromells have benefitted both Ruston and third and final game of the President’s Cup se- Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Shreveport families and businesses with their ries on April 14, 2013.
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