Infrastructure Delivery Plan As approved by Council 27th April 2016 1 This Infrastructure Delivery Plan was approved by Council on 27th April 2016 as background evidence to support the consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy :Draft Charging Schedule. Comments or suggested additions to this list should be sent by 5pm Friday 17th June 2016 to https://www.horsham.gov.uk/planningpolicy/planning-policy/current-consultations Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Improve on street parking at Church Transport Lane/Foster Lane junction £40,000 £0 £0 £40,000 WSCC £0 2025 improving sports pavilion car park Speed Management - A24 south of Transport £24,800 £24,800 £0 £0 PC £0 2016-2025 Ashington First School Transport Improve speed tables in London Road * £0 £0 WSCC £0 2020 Extend street lighting to some areas of Transport * £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 the Jvillunactigeo n improvements at Rectory Transport * £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Lane/Meiros Way Transport Noise reduction A24 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2020 n to Community g Additional Sports Pitches * £0 £0 PC £0 2015-2025 n i Facilities h s Community A Improved accessibility to allotments * £0 £0 PC £0 2020 Facilities PC or Community Lights and footpath for Youth Shelter, Ashington * £0 £0 2015-2025 Facilities traversing wall Community Centre Community Trust Play Equipment £10,000 £10,000 £0 £0 HDC £0 2020 Facilities Extension of Community Centre Community Parish (new sports/youth wing to allow £500,000 £500,000 £0 £0 £0 2025 Facilities Council demolition of adequate old hall and sports pavilion) Education School Safety Zone £20,000 £20,000 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2020 2 Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Start 2015- Transport Traffic Calming £200,000 £0 £200,000 £0 WSCC £0 16 Broadbridge Heath to Oakhill cycle Transport £285,000 £0 £285,000 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 route Cycle facility - Old Wickhurst Lane - Transport creation of cycle route; upgrade £33,000 £0 £33,000 £0 Developer £0 2015-2025 from footpath to bridleway, signage, Lpanromd ostiouonth of Broadbridge Heath - Developer * (Directly Transport Provision of new east - west link £0 £0 providing £0 2015-2025 providing) road from A24 to A281. directly on Land south of Broadbridge Heath - Dtheev seitelop er * (Directly Transport provision of new grade-separated £0 £0 providing £0 2015-2025 providing) junction on the A24 (part - A24 road directly on bridge and western roundabout S106, the site A24 Farthings Hill junction Transport only) £1,449,000 £0 £1,449,000 WSCC Developer £0 2015-2025 improvements and other New vehicular access onto Hills Farm Developer * (Directly Transport Lane £0 Developer providing £0 2015-2025 providing) to serve first phase of Berkeley directly on Broadbridge Heath Brdeveoadbloprimedgen tH eath traffic the site S106 and Transport management £250,000 £0 £250,000 Developer £0 2015-2025 WSCC scheme Warnham Lanes traffic management S106 and Transport £110,000 £0 £110,000 Developer £0 2015-2025 scheme WSCC Arriva/Comp Transport More Buses * £0 £0 2015-2025 ass/Metro 2016 Transport Downs Link Improvements £100,000 £0 WSCC £0 onwards Secondary School - expansion of S106 and Education Tanbridge House School to 10FE in £5,750,000 £0 £5,750,000 WSCC (inc WSCC £0 2015-2025 permanent accommodation Basic Needs 3 Grant) Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Primary Schools - relocation and S106 and Education expansion of Shelley Primary £9,700,000 £0 £9,700,000 WSCC (inc WSCC £0 2017-2018 School, moving from a 40 Basic Needs PriPubmliasryhe Scd Ahoodmlsis s- iEonx pNuanmsiboenr o tof a S106Grant) an d Education Ar60un PANside (2F E) from Sept £4,431,000 £0 £4,431,000 WSCC (inc WSCC £0 2015-2025 f2017.rom 1FE to 2FE from September Basic Needs Ea2014rly iYes raersqu -ir ceond totri bucattieorn f otor wards an S106Grant) an d Education edxtraevel opment east of A24 £250,000 £0 £250,000 WSCC (inc WSCC £0 2015-2025 classroom at Arunside Primary Basic Needs School, to provide a pre-school Grant) S106 and Sixth form Education Sixthfacilit yF. orm – Collyers Expansion £1,084,600 £0 £1,084,600 £0 2015-2025 other provider Education Primary School * £0 WSCC £0 2017-2018 Libraries Service improvements £150,000 £0 £150,000 S106 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Open Space, Land Extension to existing Leisure Sport and ? ? £0 provided by ? Centre? Recreation S106 re Broadbridge Heath DC/09/2101 Community 2015 - Improve outdoor facilities £200,000 £0 £0 £200,000 HDC £0 (Wickhurst Facilities G2025reen developmen Community t) 2015 - Village Centre Improvements £25,000 £25,000 £0 £0 HDC £0 Facilities 2025 Open Space, Sport and Football Pavilion £700,000 ? £0 HDC £0 2016 Recreation Improve quality, capacity and Community accessibility £200,000 TBC TBC £0 TBC TBC TBC Facilities of play areas Improvements to Scout TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC facilities 4 Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Developer Junction improvement - A29 Oakhurst * (Directly S106 Transport * £0 providing £0 Lane providing) directly on Trigger Lighting request on the footbridge over the site Transport the A29 to better enable children to * £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 safely cross the youth club. Marringdean Road to Natts Lane S106 and Transport pedestrian improvements to join up * * * WSCC £0 2015-2025 CIL footpaths in Marringdean Road leading to Natts Lane. Transport Bus Service and stop improvements £12,000 £12,000 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Transport Railway station improvements £0 £0 2015-2025 Traffic calming - entrance to Transport Billingshurst * £0 2015-2025 on East Street Improvements to the school travel 2015 - Transport £95,486 £95,486 £0 £0 WSCC £0 plan 2025 Billingshurst Secondary School - land and 2015-2025 Education contributions towards expansion of the £10,000,000 £0 £10,000,000 £0 WSCC £0 (Sept Weald School and contribution 2017+) Pritowmaardrys ScMuhoolti Usls e- lGanadm anes dA rea 2015-2025 £4,800,000 - Education c(MonUtriGbuA)ti ionsnclud es sixth form £4,800,000 £0 £0 Developer £0 (Sept £5,400,000 taoccwaormmds todahe ctionons etrxupansctionion co.s ts of one 2019+) Eanewrly Years - contributions towards an Education e1FExtra p clriasmasryroo scmhoo at l.th e primary £250,000 £0 £250,000 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 school to provide a pre-school Pfaoctielitnyti. al partnership project with £75,000- Libraries Village £75,000 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 £100,000 Community and Conference Centre Villexisatigeng e bunhanildincgem ent scheme - Transport Billingshurst Station (delivery of £100,000 £0 £100,000 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 scheme to improve accessibility and streetscene) 5 Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Improvements to Billingshurst Billingshurst Community Community £35,000 £35,000 £0 £0 Parish £0 2015-2025 Facilities Buildings Council Community Billingshurst play area £700,000 £700,000 £0 £0 HDC £0 2015-2025 facilities improvements Billingshurst £42,000 Green Space Station Road Gardens £210,000 £168,000 £0 Parish (Parish 2015-2025 Council Council) Green Space Allotments £20,000 £20,000 £0 £0 2015-2025 Public and Fire and Rescue - provide hydrant Community within £10,000 £10,000 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Facilities drill yard Community Dedicated Youth Facility - Billi Eye Parish £800,000 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Facilities Project Council WSCC/Netw Transport Car parking for station TBC TBC TBC TBC £0 TBC ork Rail Billingshurst Provision of day care facilities for Community senior TBC TBC TBC TBC WSCC £0 TBC Facilities citizens Surface Water Management Plan and Flood Risk TBC TBC TBC TBC WSCC £0 TBC sustainable drainage Community Provision of burial ground TBC TBC TBC TBC HDC £0 TBC Facilities Provision of additional health services Health TBC TBC TBC TBC NHS £0 TBC including dentist Sussex Police Provision of additional PCSOs TBC TBC TBC TBC £0 TBC Police 6 Funding Funding Existing Infrastructure Total Cost Funding Delivered Delivery Infrastructure Project Source Source Comm Location Type (Min) Source S106 By Timescale CIL (Min) Other Funding Billingshurst S106 and Transport Five Oaks roundabout A264/A29 * * * WSCC £0 CIL Upgrade footpath leading up to St. Parish Transport £10,000 £0 £0 £10,000 £0 2015-2025 Nicholas' Church Council All-weather hard surfacing of Downs Transport £150,000 £150,000 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Link Downs Link A283 crossing – provide Transport 2m £30,000 £0 £0 30000? WSCC £0 2015-2025 wide central refuge + 30mph speed limit WSCC to Transport 20mph speed limit £4,000 £0 £0 £4,000 £0 2015-2025 confirm Bramber New Footway – Maudlyn Lane to Transport £6,000 £6,000 £0 £0 WSCC £0 2015-2025 Soper Lane Upgrade Clays Field as a Public Community amenity £0 Parish Plan £0 2015-2025 Facilities area Balfour Transport Improvements to 30mph signage £17,000 0 £0 £17,000 £0 2018 Beatty Investigations to determine flood Flood Risk prevention measures required due TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC £0 TBC to issues arising from housing Rdeevedelsoignpm
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