PROJECT EDUCATION OF ROMA | HISTORY ROMA CHILDREN COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L´EUROPE IN EUROPE DEPORTATIONS 5.5 FROM ROMANIA Deportations from Romania Vasile Ionescu The Deportation of Itinerant Roma, July-August 1942 | The Deportation of Sedentary Roma Deemed “Undesirable”, September 1942 | The Treatment of the Roma in Transnistria | The Postwar Years and the Treatment of the Roma Deportations in War Crimes Trials | The Future of the Past: The Recognition of Slavery and the Holocaust against Roma The fate of the Roma did not receive attention by the Romanian state for almost a hundred years after slavery had been abolished in 1856. Then, after they had come to power in 1940, it took but two years for the fascist Iron Guard to start with mass deportations of Roma. Like many Jews, the Roma were brought across the river Dniester, to South-Western Ukraine, then so-called Transnistria. They were deported there without even their most vital belongings and had to endure two years of hunger, illness and death. Only about half of the Roma deported managed to survive until March 1944, when Romania began to evacuate all its citizens from Transnistria. G E N E R A L BAR C U K R A I N E INTRODUCTION G O U V E R N M E N T ŞaRgoRot PECIORA O F P O L A N D SPIKOV 4 ANNEXED BY Long before the time of their liberati- HOTIN SECURENI VAPNIARKA TULCIN ROMANIA, 1941 th BRICENI MOGLEV- PODOLSKI beRŞad on from slavery in the mid-19 centu- A,B,C ry, and even in the decades preceding EDINETI scazineŢ, RubleniŢa GOLTA RĂŞcani SOROCA BOGDANOVKA the Second World War, Roma were not ceRnĂuŢi mĂRculeŞti VERTUIENI ACMECETKA taken into consideration as a subject BURDUJENI NOI bĂŢi DUMANOVKA BUG for public policies by the Romanian A 4 fĂlticeni LIMBENII RĂuŢel MOSTOVOI C state. In the absence of any integrative ALEXANDRU-CEL-BUN BEREZOVKA measures, the abolishment of slavery 2 DNIESTER 1 iaŞi T R A N S N I S T R I A basically meant the remission of the B cHiŞinau 4 ex-slave owners of any responsibility A,B N O R T H E R N towards their ex-slaves. In this manner, T R A N S Y L V A N I A HuŞi DALNIC ODESSA the freedom given was transformed into 1 ANNEXED BY a new form of economic dependence, HUNGARY, 1940 2 B even more dramatic than the previous TIRGU-MUREŞ one. In searching for living resources, PRUT B 1 a significant part of the liberated Roma DOAGA 2 ANNEXED BY THE were forced to (re-)discover an itine- focŞani SOVIET UNION, 1940 LUGOJ rant life style. Others, comprising an galaŢi historical wave of migration, left for B B L A C K S E A Western Europe, despite occidental R O M A N I A states’ repressive measures. IACOB DEAL PloieŞti ROMANIA 1941 - 1942 A 1933 border Ill.1A (based upon Ioanid 2000, p. xxvi) TRIGU-JIU B 1941 border BUCHAREST C 1942 border TURNU SEVERIN CAMPS, GHETTOS AND MASSACRE camp cĂlĂRaŞi SITES IN ROMANIA 1941 - 1942 ghetto CARACAL ANNEXED BY B,C Ill.1B (based upon Ioanid 2000, p. xxvi) GRECI 3 massacre BULGARIA, 1940 3 DANUBE A A,B,C B U L G A R I A The Deportation of Itinerant Roma, July-August 1942 The Deportation of Sedentary Roma Deemed “Undesirable”, September 1942 The Treatment of the Roma in Transnistria 55,073 16,711 A MUNTENIA 71,784 SATU MARE A B 33,525 3,530 | 37,005 C IASI B TRANSILVANIA C D G 28,430 3,764 | 32,194 T R A N S - B N I S T R I A MOLDOVA CLUJ-NAPOCA B ORADEA F BACAU 17,907 4,332 | 22,239 E D E TIRGU MURES D OLTENIA A C 15,909 2,010 | 17,919 H B ARAD BANAT C E A ALBA JULIA A 12,736 | 782 | 13,518 TIMISOARA GALATI C BRASOV BASARABIA R O M A N I A E BRAILA 7,560 | 448 | 8,008 E D D B CRISANA BUZAU 3,228 | 591 | 3,819 pITESTI BUCHAREST E DOBROGEA C C CONSTANTA 2,002 | 162 | 2,164 CRAIOVA OELTENITA BUCOVINA B GIURGIU CC A sub 0.4 % RURAL URBAN B 0.5 - 0.9 % E C 1.0 - 1.4 % The number of Roma by province D 1.5 - 1.9 % in rural and urban areas from the E 2.0 - 2.9 % Percentage of Roma as compared to the total 1930 census for the Romanian F 3.0 - 3.9 % population in Romania by region from the 1930 territory in 1942. G 4.0 - 4.9 % census. Ill. 1a (from Kelso 1999, p. 99) H 5.0 + % Ill. 1b (from Kelso 1999, p. 99) Most of the Roma, however, continued to manian state has faced – and is still facing appropriate legislation be passed to make live on the periphery of Romanian towns – a recurrent syndrome of non-acceptance marriages between Romanians and Roma and villages, being used as labour, practi- and exclusion of the “Other”, with painful illegal and to gradually isolate the Roma cing traditional crafts, unqualified, living consequences throughout its history. into some kind of ghetto. During the same from expediency. If, until then, the preju- The situation became explosive decade the Roma became the target of Ro- dices had arisen from the medieval racism after 1940, when the country entered into manian proponents of eugenics. [Ill. 3] towards the religious “deviants”, the new the sphere of Nazi political and ideologi- In this context, the Romanian hard feelings targeted non-inclusion of cal domination. After coming to power, government decided on the deportation Roma (“old Romanians”) in competition the iron guard considered for the first time of the Roma to transnistria. in the first for access to development resources (es- to adopt a racial policy toward Roma. The stage, it was decided that all the itine- pecially in the case of Jewish people, cal- legion journal, “Cuvântul”, published an rant Roma were to be deported, without led “new Romanians”). Being built on the article on January 18, 1941, that stressed exception, following the deportation of basis of an ethnic nation, similar to other the “priority of the Gypsy issue” on the sedentary Roma which was to happen Eastern European states, the modern Ro- government agenda and suggested that gradually. [Ill. 6] ria. Marshal Antonescu, himself, gave lised within the country at the time of THE DEPORTATION OF ITINERANT the order for the deportation “of all the deportation, were expelled from the ROMA, JULY-AUGUST 1942 nomadic Gypsies from camps all over military by order of the Army General the country.” The Roma travelled on Staff, sent back home and made to fol- The deportations began on June 1, foot or with wagons from one precinct low their families to Transnistria. Up 1942, with the itinerant Roma. That to the other, making their trip several until October 2, 1942, a total of 11,441 day, the gendarmes began to gather weeks long. Officially, the operation Roma were deported to Transnistria them in the capital cities of the coun- finished on August 15, 1942. Those (2,352 men, 2,375 women, and 6,714 ties and then send them to Transnist- Roma, who were at the front or mobi- children). [Ill. 2] COUNCIL OF EUROPE ROMA | HISTORY PORJECT EDUCATION OF ROMA CHILDREN IN EUROPE DEPORTATIONS 5.5 FROM ROMANIA “THE GYPSY SHALL BE STERILISED AT HOME” Drawing on the ideas of Robert Rit- ter, the intellectual mastermind of the Roma tragedy in Nazi Germany, Ro- manian “researchers” considered the Roma a plague: “Nomadic and semi-nomadic Gypsies shall be interned into forced labour camps. There, their clothes shall be changed, their beards and hair cut, their bodies sterilised [...]. Their living ex- penses shall be covered from their own labour. After one generation, we can get rid of them. In their place, we can put ethnic Romanians from Romania or from abroad, able to do ordered and creative work. The sedentary Gypsy shall be sterilised at home [...]. In this way, the peripheries of our villages and towns shall no longer be disease-ridden sites, but an ethnic wall useful for our nation.” Ill. 2 Ill. 3 (translated from Fãcãoaru, Gheorghe A group of semi-nomadic Roma in Romania on a photograph dating from before the (1941) Câteva date în jurul familiei si statului deportation. biopolitic, bucureşti) (from Kelso 1999, p. 102) imprisoned in camps within Romania. plan from water to land explains why THE DEPORTATION OF SEDEN- In the end, the authorities chose depor- the deportations did not begin until Sep- TARY ROMA tation. According to the initial plan, the tember 1942. During that month, 13,176 DEEMED “UNDESIRABLE”, Roma were to be transported by ship to sedentary Roma were deported to Trans- SEPTEMBER 1942 Transnistria in July, first on the Danu- nistria. At the same time, Roma were be and then via the Black Sea. This plan forced from their homes without even Those selected for the initial deportation was prepared in detail but ultimately their most vital personal and household were Roma considered to be “dangerous abandoned, and they were transported belongings and were not given time to and undesirable” along with their fami- by train instead. Ion Antonescu set the sell their possessions. So, heads of the lies – a total of 12,497 individuals. The beginning of the operation for August local gendarmerie and police stations remaining 18,941 were to be deported 1, 1942.
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