»!'* <I> f^? fI? ffi tfe tI» rl? <Iy g> ^I> tf> <& €l3 tf? <I> fp <fa y^* <Ti* ti> <I^ tt> <& <I> tf» *fe jl^a ^ ^^ <^ <ft ^ <^ ^^^ 9* *S PERTHSHIRE COLLECTION including KINROSS-SHIRE These books form part of a local collection permanently available in the Perthshire Room. They are not available for home reading. In some cases extra copies are available in the lending stock of the Perth and Kinross District Libraries. fic^<fac|3g|jci»^cpcia<pci><pgp<I>gpcpcx»q»€pcg<I»4>^^ cf>' 3 ^8 6 8 2 5 TAMES M'NICOLL, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 10 ST. JOHN STREET, TID "XT' "IIP rri "tur .ADIES' GOODS IN SILK, SATIN, KID, AND MOROCCO. lENT.'S HUNTING, SHOOTING, WALKING, I DRESS, IN KID AND PATENT. Of the Newest and most Fashionable Makes, £ THE SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUNDS AND REVENUE. The Accumulated Funds exceed £9,200,000 The Annual Revenue exceeds 1,100,000 The Largest Funds and Revenue possessed by any Life Assurance Institution in the United Kingdom. THE PROFITS are ascertained Septennially and divided among the Members in Bonus Addi- tions to their Policies, computed in the corrfpoundioxva.^ i.e., on Original Sums Assured and previous Bonus Additions attaching to the Policy—an inter- mediate Bonus being also added to Claims between Divisions ; thus, practically an ANNUAL DIVISION OF PROFITS is made among the Policyholders, founded on the ample basis of seven years' operations, yielding to each his equitable share down to date of death, in respect of every Premium paid since the date of the policy. The following Tables will show the SUPERIOEITY OF THE SOCIETY'S BOKUS SYSTEM, In its effect on Payments under Policies of £1000. Effect of COMPOUND Effect of INTERMEDIATE Bonuses, Bonuses, At Rate declared December, i8So Acci(vi7ilaied since December, iSSo Sum Inter- Total after Bonus if On Sum Excess "5^ on Assured & mediate Payment of 1^ Assured OF Society's & Bonuses, Bonus, 1886 Original Bonuses Bonus Sum 18S0 i88i-86 Premium 1824 ;^27I I £152 I -^2548 15 ;^22I 15 ;^2770 9 1824 1831 119 245 11 126 II 2309 4 200 18 2510 2 I83I 1838 119 215 II 95 II 2026 19 176 7 2203 6 1838 1S45 IT9 187 19 68 19 1767 9 153 15 1921 4 1845 166 i56t 56 1696 16 1852 1852 119 47 . 135 i860 119 145 5 26 5 1365 17 118 16 1484 14 i860 186s 119 136 18 17 18 1287 11 112 1399 II 1865 1874 119 119 1119 97 7 I2l6 7 IS74 No Bonus is payable if death occurs within five years of the date of the Policy. BONUS YEAR, 188 7. The Profits earned during the Seven Years, 1881 to 1887. will be divided among the Members as at 31^2^ December, 1887. All Policies on the Participating Scale effected on or before that date will share in the Division. EDINBURGH (Head Office) : 9 St. Andrew Square. GLASGOW OFFICE : 114 West George Street. AGENTS IN PERTH— fAessYS. R. H, MONCRIEFF & CO., Chambers, Blackfriars Street. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament. (general (Slouvi of directors. DAVID DAVIDSON, Esq., Chairman. ©bmbwrgh ^aarli of ^ir€Ct0r0. J. F. Walker Drummond, Esq. John Wharton Tod, Esq. Baird Wauchope, Esq. David Hon. Henry J. Monckeiff. Sir Gardiner Baird, Bart. James Sir James H. Gibson-Craig, Bart. George Auldjo Jamieson, Esq. Frederick Pitman, Esq. Right Hon. The Earl of Elgin. Evan Allan Hunter, Esq. Right Hon. Sir Thomas Clark, Bart., Charles Gairdner, Esq. Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Ralph Dundas, Esq. Charles B. Logan, Esq, Ma7iager—h.. Gillies Smith, F.R.S.E. Secretayy—VmiA'P R. D. Maclagan. Actitary—Tno^iK?, Wallace. Medical Officer—^oim Mom, M.D. F.R.C.P. Solicitors—J. & F. Anderson, W.S. Auditor—] AUKS Haldane, Chartered Accountant. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Nine-Tenths of the Whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch are allocated toT*articipating Policies. The last Division of Profits was made as at 31st December, 1885, when there was declared a Bonus of ^i 9s. per cent, per annum on the Sums Assured and subsisting Bonus Additions. Although the Bonus is at the rate of ;^i gs. per cent, per annum on the Sums Assured by the Policies of this Company efiFected since last Investigation, it is much higher on Policies of older standing, in consequence of the Bonus being declared fiot only on the Original Sum Assui^ed, but also on all subsisting Bomcs Additions. NE W AND IMPORTANT FEA TURES. Claims paid on proof of death and title. Premiums adjusted to each half-year of age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed and held at credit of Insured for five years. Paid-up Policy of liberal amount granted in place of lapsed Policy, if desired within six months. Inaccurate statements in Proposal Papers not to involve forfeiture of Policy unless accompanied by fraud. Policies in most cases free from all restrictions as to occupation, residence, and travel. ANNUITIES, Immediate, Contingent, or Deferred, are granted on favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Property of nearly every description insured at Home or Abroad at the Lowest Rates ot Premium corresponding to the risk. Losses Promptly and Liberally settled. Prospectuses and every information tnay be had at the Chief Offices, Branches, or Agencies. (EDINBURGH, 64 PRINCES STREET. ChiefX.- *•/-.«Offices, \lq>^Don, - 61 THREADNEEDLE STREET. AGENTS IN PERTH: Messrs. J, & J. Miller, Writers. Peter M'Gregor, National Bank of J. C. PiNKERTON, Writer, Scotland. Horace Skeete, Writer James Moir, Accountant. D. K, Steuart, Factor, Aberdalgie. D, N. Shaw, Contractor. CALEDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. Founded in 1805 for Fire Business. Life Department added in 1833. Funds exceed £1,100,000. Income £250,000. Claims Paid amount to over TWO MILLIONS Sterling, Head Office—19 George Street, Edinburgh BO/cRE) OF DIREeTORS. chairman—The Hon. E. C. Buller Elphinstone. John Turnbull, Esq. of Abbey St. Ba- Robert Stewart, Esq. of Ingliston. thans, W.S. John William Young, Esq., W.S. C. J. Henderson, Esq., Edinburgh. William Stuart Fr.\ser, Esq., W.S. R. H, Leadbetter, Esq., Glasgow. T. A. Hog, Esq. of Newliston. Charles Ritchie, Esq., S.S.C. Patrick Stirling, Esq. of Kippendavie Alex. Sholto Douglas, Esq. W.S. John Ure, Esq., Glasgow. Manager and Actuary—D. Deuchar, F.T.A. and F.F.A. piRE INSURANCES are granted on the most favourable terms, the rates of premium being strictly moderate, and the proportionate amount of Reserve Funds being greatly higher than in the case of most other Offices, thus affording exceptionally complete security. LIFE ASSURANCES are granted on a Special NON-FORFEITABLE System, one of the greatest improvements ever introduced into Life Assurance business. Economical Rates of Premium. Bonuses may be applied to make the assurance payable during life. Security unsurpassed. Life Funds separately invested and entirely exempt from liability for the Fire Business. AGENTS IN PERTH-- Messrs. OONDIE & CO., British Linen Bank House (Fire). R. M. KIPPEN, Solicitof. Tay Street. J. B. IVI'CASH, Solicitor, 28 High Street R. MARTIN & SON, Solicitors, Tay Street. T. REID, 270 High Street D. J. KEA Y, 5 George Street W. G. STEWART, 793 High Street J. A. ROBERTSON, Tay Street. C. STEWART, 49 South IVIethven Street R. JOHNSTONE, 45 Glover Street. J. WIGHTON, 5 Priory Place. J, SAUNDERS, 60 High Street. EAST OF SCOTLAND BRANCH— j>7 ALBERT SQ., DUJSlDEE.—R. J. NIVEN, Secretary, — . POUNDED 1823 THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. Funds—£2,000,000. Income—£290,000. : POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. 'pHE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY has made every Provision against the Forfeiture of Policies through omission or inability to continue the payment of Premiums : 1. A Free Paid-up Policy, for a Reduced Sum, may be obtained on application at any time after two Premiums have been paid, and while the original Policy is in force. 2. The time for payment of a Premium may be extended beyond the usual Thirty Days, on payment beforehand of a moderate fee. 3. After Three Years a Policy is not declared void for mere omission to pay a Premium. The surrender-value being more than the Premium, the policy is held in force until the next renewal date, subject to payment of the Premium, with a small charge in addition. I MODERATE PREMIUMS. Perfect Security—The funds I Liberal Conditions The Con- are ample and securely invested, and ditions of Assurance as regards the Periodical Investigations are Indisputability, Foreign Travel and conducted on the most approved Residence, etc., are specially favour- principles, requiring large Reserves. able, and exclude all unnecessary The Company transacts Life Busi- restrictions. Policies generally /r^i? ness only. after first Five Years. Total Bonuses, dEl, 500,000. EAELY AKD INOEEASING BONUSES. Claims Payable Immediately on Proof of Death and Title. Prospectuses, Forms, &-'c,, may he had on Applicatio'H HEAD 0FFIGE'~22 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. Manager-GEO'R.G^ M. LOW, F.R.S.E. Secretary- A^CB\BM.T> HEWAT, F.F.A., F.LA. DISTRICT INSPECTOR'S OFFICE : 54 OOMMEEOIAL STREET, DUNDEE. A GENT S- Messrs. MACKENZIE & DICKSON; Solicitors, Perth. s:f»iiici.a.l isroTioEj. General Revision of Rates and Conditions of Assurance. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LAW LIFE ASSUEANCE ASSOCIATION. ESTABLISHED 1S39. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. 720 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH, - WILLIAM SMITH, Esq., LL.D., Manager. 12 WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON, - FRANCIS E. COLENSO, Esq., F.I. A., Actuary TRUSTEES. The Right Hon. Lord Halsbury, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. The Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. The Right Hon. Lord Monckeiff, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland.
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