
Gen. MacArthur Named Keynote Speaker For GOP Convention Taft Ba(ke~s ~ Win 3 Other The Weather I utte~ tII.... l'r ....... _ HI! aM CD""" NeIer ___ Major Posts day. Thursda, _~q CHICAGO (JP) - The GOP ar­ ab ower. and ~ 'e C'O(II t . W,h Wa,. M: rangements committee Tuesday at owan named Gen. Douglas MacArthur 10 6'1. Blah Tumlla,. II; as Republican keynoter. With Sen. I w 5$. Robert A. Taft's forces In com­ r.t. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Wedn.-day. June 11, 19S2-Vol. 86, No. 178 plete command, his acceptance was immediately received. MacArthur Is a Tatt supporter and his selection for the party­ rallying speech at the start of the July 7 nominating convention • here wn protested vigorously but \'ainly by backers of Gen. DWight D. Eisenhower. Msc:-Arthur Indirectly h:lB criti­ dted Eisenhower, Tart's chief ri­ ena e e u s• ruman val tor the presidential nomln - tlon. The Eisenhower forces put up DO candidate against MacArthur. Taft MaD l ...t.aIle4 Begins Drive ADMISSI,[ Clark Se~ds Sharp Note Tells President Flattening other objections by Eisenhower backers, the ' arrange­ ments committee instlllled two To End Evil other Tnft men and a MacArthur GISJRATI To Red Truce Delegates To Employ T-H rooter in major convention postl. TOKYO (WEDNFSDAY) (IP) - Gen. Mark Clark today told the • Walter A. liallanan of West ILLED [ Virginia, a Tatt backer, was In Government .. Communis the Alli~ truce dl'le,ates would r um dailY meellnp In Steel Fight named temporary chairman - a : ~ :,:.. ;:-.Iii with Red n gotlation "wh n your dele,.aUon ,.Iv . po! IlIv Indlclulons . WASHINGTON (IP) - Attor­ that there is hoPt' of mnkln, proare . loward. achlev ment of n hon- post shorn ot the keynoter tluties ney General Jomes P. McGronery · '"' .... w... In order to permit MaeArth'Ur \0 launched his own version of al orabh.' armIJltlce." WASHINGTON (JI» - Prl'ldenl Clark'. st.tl'ment. rell'a'l'd In 1M-mILe Korean front, ifnj. Gen. serve In the sole role ot keynoter. the government's anti-corruption ER C"R Truman mf't a Iwltt rebuff Tues­ Rep. Joseph Martln of Massa­ Tokyo, WD. dellllered to the R d Gl n Ilorcu., new U.s. fifth Ir campaign Tuesday by ordering day wh n he a ked conen for chusetts, minority leader of the federal district attorneys through­ just beror II 37·mlnul mCC'tln, (01C' comm nd r . id he saw no house who had advocated Mac- out the country to moke lull re­ of Iht' full truc am.; 111 Panmun- lin Ihal Ihe Red. W It' ma .Ih, power to seh.e the nrlke-bound Jom. They /lIT cd to met't apln anywhere for an of( n. Ivt'. ports on delayed prosecutions. stcl'l Indu u·Y. The n te, reJt'ct- tomorrow. A Chlnt' I' ('ompany of about 175 I n office exactly two weeks, 1111 his pieD, told him to u. I' the McGranery assembled the field Replyinll to a Junl' 9 le!ler from men struck we~t of Chor"'on In Gen. Kim II Sun" North Korean thl' Western sector and was re­ T.ft-Hru tley law Instead. stotr her~ to issue his instructions Dramatically tosalng the Issue personally. Ipr mler, ond Gen. P n, Teh-Hual. pul ed. Allied raldln, partie Chlnt'SI! Rt'd commllndcr in Korea, 'tiled two allBcks ot th It own back 10 the White Hou e, the He asked tor immedlate - nnd I chamb r voted 4e to 30 10 dop I conllnuln, - reports on cases Clark said the UN "has endured in thi· eClor. (' ne ot tour duys for many days "our mnll ously of harp filhtln,. propo al by Senator Byre (D-Va .) which have been pending over­ false char es bll cd on dlstortlon! "reque tin~" Truman to seek a lon& without action. mentioning and ha I! truth·, pr en ted in p le­ Tort-Hartley Inti-strike Injunc­ six months as an example of "an nary slo onl for propa"naa tion to meet the steel crisis. unreasonable period." purpo Sen. Taft Accuses The enlt uho turned down Delays · prosecutions, the At­ He aid th UN d le,alion ··has Ihree dltcer nt propo'ais to give torney General said. must be ex­ met and will conlinu to meet at Ihe Pr sident /luthorlty to t'1~e plained to him at ante. such tim s as practicable, and at President Truman of Ihe steel Indu try on an emergen­ He Indicated thnt private law III tim when your d I aUon cy basis pendin, a tt1ement ot practice by public prosecutors­ .ldv po itlve Indication thaI the dispute. permitted in ca s where govern­ White House 'Deal' thl're Is hope or makin, prolr ., Trnm.n C.1I1 el&lon ment Ins ore not involved-Is go­ to"'ord nchll'vl'ment ot an honor­ WASHlNGTON W) - Scn. In,. to come under close scruUny. abl rmIUee." Robert Taft (R-Ohlo) 8CCU. ed OnlY a few hour earlJer, Tru­ In this connection, the D.A.'s Bri •. Gen. William P. NUCkols, Prl'sid nt Truman Tue 'day of man had ,on b for an extra­ were directed to submit to their U. command ,polt . man. said In­ tr:;in, to ,et conare to c rry ordinary Joint e. slon of coner . , boss, not later than .Tune 27, com­ out a While 1I0u "deal" with h. lily a mbled at his reque t, COolI, other fOl'(:ed I'ff S "Is ilh!n Ih plete data on such matters as the re.lm of po,.lblilty." CtO·St elwOrk r. Pr ident Phil­ to appeal not only for power to nMure and extent of any private Tuesday Was Another Registration Day Becaw.e of the Ince lint harp­ Ip Murray (or iwra ot the steel t ke over the steel mills once more Gen. Douglas MacArthur practice handled b the prosecu­ Inl(. the Allie· Saturday d cia red Industry. but also to rll. e watel lind chlll~e workil\l! condillons. Takell by Surprise tor or his assistants. YOU IlAD TO HAVE TilE REGt TltATION torl1\5 nUed out before OU uJd enter the field hon 1\ thr -day la orf in the talk lind Thc aim, he 5· id, was to ~ t Tnt da)'. That· \\hal ou 1'1' (left to rlrht) Ed Mauer, AI, Le. l:ln; rank JonI' ,G, reston; D. Ken­ th union a Pi! rlll·e without the ln his all ch, Truman laid spe­ ------- turn d down d lIy Communi. t d 0 Arthur for the presidential nom­ Il d)'. G. Cedar Fall. and lr O. lIollal\llOn. Cedar &.pldA. doll1l" prior to r ..I terln.. enral hundred Il\IInds for a r 'umptlon In th bother or n strike, then confront cifically he did not wanl to use ination, was named permanent tndents repleTed ror the ummer. Ion Tn da. la will b &In to4a) .t , t.m. 011 of the rno t mee\ln .. the mill owner. ' with nn accom­ the Tart-Hortley law ond ex­ chairman, Police Chief Asks frowd.!d desks In the ,1 .. ld hon I' wa that of the roUt'" of t>ducat!on wheu· man 10 a tea hen en­ pli h d r ct. pr I'd doubl that it would be Gabrielson Appobd, MllliIdn rolled for cour e . * * q"he Ohioan PI . nt d that vi w uct'ellsful in Jl ttlng the &t I mill National Chairman GUY E . Ga­ Studenf Cooperation --------- Heaviest Fighting in In tal kin, wit h r porte~ back into full- vln, production. brielson, publicly neutral in tHe Iowa. City Police Chief E. J . about the preSident's call to con­ Somt' con«rc s members bitter­ nomination battle between Eisen­ gr s Tucsdny tor the ei:ture l;v hi~ Rup~J1 Tuetcla,. ked the CQo crltlclz('(/ Truman on doubt!! hower and Taft, then Il.ppointed operUlon of SUI stadellts in ob· Mystery Drug 2Months Reported power the supr me court ha. about th efreetivcne of the T-H Sen. Eugene Millikin as chairman AHorneys Seek To Legalize laid he does not have. lervtn~ the city's parklll~ ordin- SEOUL (WEDNESDAY) 1;1') - cl. They sold h was virtually of the pIa tform-draftlng commit­ ances. A Chin e battalion supported by Then With arguments ha d nn In illn. the at 1 wor~ to defy tee. Millikin is a Taft deleeate A car may not be parked III a Helps Prevent a heavy artlll ry b rra,e drove Ihat outline he helped quarter­ a court Injunction. from Colorado. • parklDC" spue loncer tban the in Id an Alii d hili po iUon on back a senate majority that hand­ "elr I D latement Liquor by the Drink In Iowa ed the Pre Id nt p s rie· ot wlft In accepting the keynoter as­ Ume limit. of tbe meter. he sald. Ih w tern eront TUesday but signment, MacArthur telegraphed rebutf und wound up with adop­ Meanwhile, Chairman Ernest T. 1'hBe will be II patrolman Dn II SIOUX CITY, lAo (JP) - County -----------­ Kidney Stones wos driven of! In the h vic t Weir of the National Steel corpor­ Gabrielson from New York that motore,eIe cllaLJr.lnr can contin­ Attorney Wallace W. Huft said fi,hting In two months. tion .of It legislative demand thal "The invitation to make the key­ the pr Id nt use the Taft-Ha rt· ation iSSUed a statement on behaLt ually.
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