EE S T T LE I I N R GR MS THE Y RTH JERSEY'S ONLY EEKLY PI TORIA MAG INE •,i•fon !•,zsf Paterson Fai Lawn c---field ,Hc•,ledon H •fhorne Lodi Little Falls Mountain View Nerth Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes Prospect Park Sincjac Totowa 3yne est Paterson TV F SPECIALS OCTOBER 18, 1959 OL. XXXI, No. 42 .LeeJ. ,Cøb-b Stars as "Don Quixote" WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc;. A Go•.Name to'Remember for FURNITUR'E LivingRoom - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Qu•alityand Low Price 39 Years .Serving the Public 435 STRAIGIt'r STR•_ff (Oorster 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. 'øHte Pirate With the Clock" -- MUlberry 4.7880 Headquarters for Ended Couples THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE JTAL ßN'AHERICA ITCHEN .,.,,'q'l.•l SEAl:00O A 'ECIAITY •• •' BROILED LOBSTER .-, --DAILY •,.• •ROGS' I.EGS - S•)!."F SHEI.L CR^Ls.•- BLUEFISH - RAINBOW TROUT - HALIBUT - SALMON - SHR!• PE- SCALLOP•- O•STFRS - CLAM - COD FISH - SWORD FISH - DAILY DINNERS, Lee J. Cobb •tars in the dual role of Miguel de Cervantes, the 168 BELMONTAVE. (Cor. Burkens).HALEDON - - . LAmbert 5-98•S celebrated Spanish aut%r, and Don Quixote, Cervantes' famed literary creation, in '% Don Quixote," the Du Pont "Show of the Month" on the CBS Television Network, Monday, Nov. 9. The .90-minute special •,• written for television by Dale IVasscrman ßffter four months of rcsearch in Spain, the !De'tieof Don Quixote's Jh_•_0u.•x•indmi!!-tjltinc adycnturcs. I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable asks- Youwant your child to havea better' placein thesun, don't you? OF'_COURSE YOU DO. But like someparents you fig- ure, "there'sstill plentyof time."Then, beforeyou knowit, they'reall grownup andneed your help to givethem that importantstart toward a profession, career or usin ss, or in setting up a home. Make sure now that your '•elping hand" will be there'-- whenit is needed.Equitable offers you a varietyot• policiesfor your youngsterat low rates.For more in • ation call.., I. PARRILLO 200 EAST R/DG•OOD AVENUE IUDGEWOOD, N.J. AVE'NG.ER--•"=o '(O0n Uurray, right), a youngman bent on avenging GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 .ihiS..fathe'•'s unju.s.tdeath, lashes out at the gangster Trock (George C,..$c'ott• left) in a scene from "Winterset," a TV adaptation of the •'cl•iSSicM•WeI• •Anderson drama to be colorcaston the NBC.TV Net- work's."Hall of' •'m6•,, Monday, Oct. 26. Piper Laurie is cast as Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of mind Mirlatona, the girl MiD loves, and Charles Bickford as Judge Gaunt, ,. the guilt-riddenjurist who condemned'Mio's father to death. i, .. Page Two THE• ß Team in "JackBenn y Hour'""NOv. ;7 Published Weekly by THE CHI•ONIC• COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street Pater•on, N. $. '"-"i:: ... -...... ::::.:.:.:. LAmbert 5-2741 '::i. :'.::?:??- VINCENT S. PARRILLO, •anaging Editor Entered as SecondClass matter August 24, 1926, at the Post --Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. OCTOBER 18, 1959 -- VOL. XXXI, No. 42 SingleCopy10Cents • 2•, $5.00aYear by Mail CONTENTS Danny Thomas'(right) gueststars in Jack Benny'sfirst comedy •p cial of the season, "The Jack Benny !four," Saturday, Nov. 7, on the CBS Television Network The McGuire Sisters also-'oin e_nnyin thishour-Ion comedyand musicspecial.: ..... FEATURES Chronicleof the Week 4 Short Story 14 American History 15 DEPARTMENTS Social World 7 Edff•)'rials 8 Editor Speaks 8 -•....,••n...plete Television _11-12-13 ß MAUGHAM CLASSIC -- Laurence Olivier plays the stockbroker .,•,_:•::;.,? CO V E R P I CT U - E. who -- at the age of 40 -- forsakes his family and career to devote his life to painting in "The Moon and Sixpence," a dramatization ' 'A• series of 39 weekly colorcastspecials wi]] be presentedTnes- of the Somerset Maugham novel which will be colorcast on the day nights on NBC-TV Network. Hubbell Robinson is execu- NBC-TV Network Friday, Oct. 30. Olivier is shown with Jean Marsh who portrays the Tahitian girl he loves. The all-star cast of the Fri- tive producer. Sir Alec Guinness (center), Ingrid Bergman day night special includes Judith Anderson, Hume Cro'hyn,..Jessica (upper left), proceeding clockwise Jimmy Stewart, Shirley Tandy and Geraldine Fitzgerald. ..1l•oth and Tony Curtis. Page Three .,-...• ..:•?: ".•. EpiscopaleansTo.Meet Mental Health Group In 'Passaic Plans for Up-County The-..ChurchesOutreach Pro- Alphone Pebbuti of Wayne, gramWill be the theme of the chairmanof the Up-County Re- •'all'i:.--'C0nvocation of the Arch- " deac0nryof Passaic,Episcopal gional Committee, organized by Dioceseof Newark..?de Convo- the Passaic County Mental eati0n will be held at St. John's Health Association, revealed that Protestant Episcopal Church, chairmenhad beenappointed for Pas-•aie,Monday, October 19 at the six townsparticipating in eighto'clock. the Committee'sprogram. The The Ven Chester E. Falby, purpose of the committee is to Archdeacon, has announced the develop a plan and comrnunity at- program will be presented by titude conducive to the establish- .. three of the Churches of the ß . ment and support of a clinic to Archdeaconry. They will respect- serve .the area composed of the ively describe one a•pect of this Outreach theme. He has extended West Milford, Ringwood, Wayne, a general invitation for all Epis- Pompton Lakes, Wanaque and Bloomingdale communities. copaliang to-attend. The Church'swork among the Acceptingthe chairmanships of Spanishspeaking .people of Pat- the towncommittees were Chris- ers0n-will be -presented.by the tianStager, Jr., PomptonLakes; Rev.Robert. H. Waiters,rector of Mrs. William Downey,Wayne; • the. Church" of the HolyCommu- Dr. StanleyHayden, Wanaque; nion, Paterson. Mrs. Maria Shroeder,Blooming- dale; Mrs. Molly McFarland, 'sisrantThe Rev. rectorFrancis of D.St. Daley, Paul'sas- WestMilford; and Ralph Kuhn, Ringwood. Chrlrch, Paterson, will make a presentation of the Csurch's Pezzuti noted that the area in Healing Ministry. ' questionreceives little or no as- ',OperationShepherd", a vital sisrancefrom existingclinic fa- aspect'of the Churchof the In- cilities becauseof extensive earnarian", West Milford, will be waitinglists. In takingthe lea- presentedby the l•ev. RobertM. dership,Pezzuti as a Boardmem- Jewell,vicar. her of the PassaicCounty Men- tal Health Association stressed Arrangements for the Convoca- the need for the local citizenry •CHAMP IN ACTION--Golfer Art WallJr., winner of thisyear's tion are under the direction of 'MastersTournament and the leadingmoney-winner onthe 1959golf to plan for a facility on a "grass the Rev. R. N. Bolles, rector of .circuit,.hows perfect form as heblasts out of a trapduring oneof roots" level. Emotional disturb- 'thefilmed matches on NBC-TV Network's new "World Championship the Host Parish, St. John's, Pas- anees are prevalent in our earn- Golf".erie.. Lookingon is the series' commentator Bob Crosby. Some saic. -- munitiesand we haveto plan "of the nation'sleading golf professionalswill appearin match-play R•gistrationof those attending to meetand treat these. Accord- ....=orrmetition on NBC-TVSunday afternoons starrind Oct. 18. the convocationwill be heldat ingly,town committees are be- 7:45p.m., followed bya briefser- ing formed toseek out and de- I•i•'"•"'"'•'"''•:'"•":•ii!iii:i:•..•...i-- bythe Host Parish-after the con- tal healthneeds of thisregion. ........ ': -'-' vice.clusionRefreshments. of the program.will beserved velopcitizen interest in the men- ":'"'•••',:•::::-:--..'"'"'"'"•'•••••••i!jii:iii!i::i::i::iiii'""'"'' ß The committees propose to contact clergymen, physicians, ß .: elective officials, service clubs, Turnpikeß Service Areas P.T.A."s,cators andchurch all othersgroups, who educa-serve SprQyed for •osqlli•oe$ in leadershippositions in theva- -':.. '. The New Jersey Turnpike rious towns. Through these con- maintenance crews -are busy facts they hope-to ascertainac- • .- ß.... sprayingservice areas with DDT tual appraisalsof needand more to combatthe mosquitoesheld re- importantlyevaluate how cogni- sponsiblefor the outbreakof en- zant communityleadership is of cephalitisin South Jersey. the need for mental health ser- vices. The spraying operation, it was announcedby JosephMorecraft, Through these meetings they J:r:,turnpike authority chairman, hope to enlist additional man- Will coverthe eightservice areas power {n helpingto developa along the southernlength of the clinic facility, Pezzuti added.In- turn,pikefrom Deepwaterto Mill- dividualsinterested in participat- town. ing in the planning activities are . .....The.crews, under:'the .direction chairmanrequested toin contact their theindividual town o'f :.Col. FE L. Dean, maintenance communities and volunteer their engineer, .are using a truck- m0•htedtank"with pump-agitator assistance. andin.'the spray•.imrn-ediate.hose• They ßareas will.around take CommitteeThe nextmeeting Up-County.,Regional isscheduled KI(D)BITzERS- Vi:ncen•price (right)'appears in-the-'ro[e-of tutor t.•i'•.'":Serlv{ce•.'stat.{.'o'n'S.i:andßrestaur-:;ßfor W.-edndsday; OctOber21,- at the -':--'"-,'ing toTeddyCheSS), Rooney'andWhile kibitzers a'sho'•business'½hirnpanzee"na'rned(f•bm left)' Art,Ling•l•tt'e0', Ann'.'-'Blyth'an•..-"Jerry (pl-ay-'•' ;•i•tsi.--.'sit:uated--'.:aIong.::t:he70-mile '.PomPton LakeS. High':.. '•."h9ol at ... Ed-:.Wynn;-ilook:on.::in-Art'Link'letter'..,:. s":t•&t•C•h:&j•;"•'•tt•'•p'•'e•:i:;.::'-' -{•':; "!:'._;-:.J.., '- ;"'-. ":'-: '-' '.... ..-8-i5 P.M:' ' :-:'' ......... ' ' :' ' " .. ',,' ß.... ..... "Startime"0olorca$;..of '"...... ' T0esday, Oct. 27 on ''""'•" .t."':" he..-::NBC.•.T.V. "'": ' ':':" .... ; :'Network..- ' ' ;" ""'"' Europe Beckons With Fall
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