Founded 1960 BERRIMA DISTRICT HISTORICAL & FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY INC PO Box 131 M ittagong NSW 2575 Telephone / Fax 0248 722 169 NEWSLETTER Website: w w w .berrimadistricthistoricalsociety.org.au Email: bdhsarchiv [email protected] No 470 March 2015 ABN 29 362 616 937 PA TRON: M ayor of Wingecarribee Shire: Councillor Duncan Gair President: M r Bruce M OORE 4872 3762 [email protected] Snr Vice President: M rs Linda EM ERY 4883 4271 [email protected] J nr Vice President: M rs Leonie KNAPMAN 4871 1804 H on Secretary: M r Philip M ORTON 4883 7862 [email protected] H on Treasurer: M rs Patricia DORIS 4872 3313 A rchivist: M rs Linda EM ERY 4883 4271 M useum Manager: M r John SCHWEERS 4872 1660 schw [email protected] M embership Secretary: M rs Peg HARVEY 4861 4521 N ew sletter Editor: M s Lav inia FORD 4869 4038 lav [email protected] R esearch Officer: M r M ax ROGERS 4861 3526 [email protected] A RCHIVES: Cnr Old Hume Highw ay and Bow ral Road, MITTAGONG. OPEN: M ondays, Tuesdays 10am -4pm and Saturdays 10am -1pm. Closed Public Holidays. Library collection contains reference books, journals and new s let ters of ot her s oc ieties. MU SEUM: M arket Place, BERRIM A. Tel: 02 4877 1130 Email: [email protected] OPEN: Saturdays, Sundays, NSW Public and School Holidays (except Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day) 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. M EM BE R S H I P : Any person w anting to join the Society m ay do so at any stage during the year by completing a form and paying the appropriate fee. Joining Fee $10.00 – Single $25.00 – Family $35.00. A FFILIATIONS: Royal Australian Historical Society, NSW A s sociation of Family History Societies, M useums A us t ralia Inc & Regional Chapter. Inside this month … GENERAL MONTHLY MEETING Diary Dates 2 M A RCH MEETING: Th u rsday 26 March 2015 at 2pm Kangaloon Road Names 2 V E NUE: Society Research Centre, Old Council Chambers Building, Berrima River Walk 4 Bowral Road, Mittagong Mittagong: Gateway to the GUEST SPEAKER: L inda Emery and Max Rogers South 6 Ca ptured in the Light Another presentation in the series Captured in the Light by And more … Linda and Max: the stories behind some of the interesting photographs recently added to the BDHS collection. A FTE RNOON TEA: To be served following the speaker - Members – please bring a plate or a donation. A P RIL MEETING: Th u rsday 23 April 2015 at 2pm V E NUE: Society Research Centre, Old Council Chambers Building, Bowral Road, Mittagong children. In 1844 George died by Diary dates drowning in the Wollondilly River. Archives Isabella died in 1855 and is buried in the Barber vault in the Old Marulan opening hours MARCH cemetery. 12 Management Committee Meeting 26 General Monthly Meeting Opening hours are as follows: APRIL Monday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 2 School holidays commence Tuesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 3 Good Friday Saturday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm 6 Easter Monday 9 Management Committee Meeting 12 Throsby Park open day BERRIMA DISTRICT 21 School holidays conclude 23 General Monthly Meeting Historic Glenrock in the 1930s MUSEUM Market Place, Berrima MAY Near the bridge 10 Mother’s Day 14 Management Committee Meeting Throsby Park open day 28 General Monthly Meeting OPENING HOURS 10 am – 4 pm. On Sunday 12 April, Sydney Living Museums will open Throsby Park to Weekends, Public Holidays and NSW the public for tours of the main House Public School Holidays. Barber 200th and the Cottage. Entry will be by Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day booked timed tour only. anniversary and Boxing Day. Each tour is 90 minutes, starting at the Groups also welcome at other times Cottage with a walk up the driveway to by arrangement. Please telephone Colonial history remembered the main House and an exploration of John on 4872 1660. On 8 February, the 200th Wedding the outbuildings, so there will be a fair Anniversary of George & Isabella bit of walking. Tour times: 11am, Barber was given an impressive 12:30pm, 2pm and 3:30pm. For more mention at St John’s Church in info contact Sydney Living Museums Research fees Parramatta, at the start of Sunday on 8239 2306 or visit their website. service. Their many descendants in attendance were invited to view the Research fees for non-members: entry in the Wedding Register. From the $20.00 per hour or part thereof for George Barber was born in 1875, the Editor’s desk telephone and postal enquiries. only child of George Barber and Jane $5.00 per hour or part thereof for Rumman. After George’s father died enquirers who attend the archives and The Southern Mail Friday 29 May at sea in 1800, his mother married carry out their own research. Charles Throsby, Navy Surgeon, in 1953 page 7 December 1801 and the following Mittagong Council year the couple sailed to Sydney. MONDAY, 18th MAY George completed his education in Kangaloon P.C.A. wrote that at a Membership details England and embarked for Sydney in meeting it bad been decided to 1812 on the Emu. This vessel was request Council to alter the names of Please note that all membership captured by Americans, with whom certain lanes in the Kangaloon area. enquiries and changes of address England was at war, and for a time The proposed new names had been details should be addressed to the George was held prisoner. He accepted as suitable, after Membership Secretary, c/- the eventually returned to England and considerable discussion. Cr. Alcorn Society's postal address or email to embarked again for Sydney, arriving said he was at the meeting and many [email protected] in July 1814. He joined his mother and names were suggested before those step-father at their Glenfield property proposed were decided upon. The near Appin. existing names with the proposed new names following in parenthesis' George married Isabella Hume, the submitted by the Association, were as Newsletter deadline only sister of explorer Hamilton Hume, follow:- Fahey's Lane (Kia-ora) ; Store at St John’s Parramatta on 6 Lane (Hawthorne) ; Chase's Lane February, 1815. He was 19 years of (Sugarloaf) ; J. A. Will's Lane Newsletter Deadline is 25th of every age and she 17. (Widgeewa) ; Ford's Lane (Trig month. It may be necessary to hold Station) ; Norman's Lane (to be submissions after this date till the In 1821 George received a grant of following month. 300 acres in the Tallong-Marulan named after the creek crossing it). district. He considerably extended his The names were approved and the landholdings and built a fine residence Shire-Clerk was instructed to take the Glenrock, where they raised thirteen necessary action to have the existing names altered. Berrima District Historical & Family History Society Inc page 2 Newsletter No. 470 March 2015 Max and Linda at March meeting Leisurely historic Mittagong tour Captured in the Light To be held on Friday 27 March, 2015 Thursday 26 March at 2:00pm This tour, conducted by our member Ros Dale, will Be informed and entertained at the March meeting by showcase two of Mittagong’s outstanding buildings in another in this very popular series. Max Rogers and the historic New Sheffield precinct that stretches from Linda Emery will present a slideshow of photos from the old town centre to Lake Alexandra. the BDHS collection. Hear the stories of local history First is Leslie Cottage, on the corner of Queen and evoked from their selection of images. Albert Streets. Owner Ms Lisa Delahunt will show us through this lovely residence built in 1879. Government supports museum Recently the Member for Goulburn Ms Pru Goward presented a grant of $5000 to our Society. Provided through the NSW Government Community Building Partnership Program, the grant is for improvement of facilities at the Museum in Berrima as part of the exhibition gallery space expansion. Specifically it helps towards the new disabled toilet amenity. Then we cross over to the iconic Old Public School (now Mittagong Library) where we will learn about the building itself and its various uses since 1878. We will then partake of a sumptuous morning tea in the library grounds (weather permitting). We will meet at Leslie Cottage at 9:55am. Cost of the tour is $5.00 per person. Please book and pay early at the Archives to ensure a place on this tour. Phone 4872 2169. For those wishing to see more of this historic area of Mittagong, after morning tea Ros Dale and Philip Morton will conduct a walk/drive tour around nearby streets, pointing out historic landmarks, including: 1. Houses dating from the 1860s along Pioneer St Pru Goward presents grant to members at museum between Albert and Edward Sts and in Edward Lane. The museum is open every day while A Camera on Gallipoli, the Australian War Memorial travelling 2. Residence at 10 Queen St. This stone cottage exhibition, continues its run until 22 March. belonged to George Dawson of Dawson Bros store. It is notable for its cast iron lace work, and for its Our Anzac Centenary exhibition ‘The Southern flagstones. Highlands 1200’ commences in the new gallery at the museum in April. This exhibition will focus on the 3. Methodist Church (1865). The foundation stone was 1200 Southern Highlands’ men and women who laid by the chairman of the Fitzroy Iron Works served overseas during World War 1 and will feature Company.
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