REVISTA ISTORICĂ SERIE NOUĂ TOMUL XXIV, NR. 5–6 septembrie – decembrie 2013 SUMAR CURENTE ŞI IDEI POLITICE VICTOR RIZESCU, The Nation of the Westernizers: Mainstream and Minority Varieties of Romanian Liberalism........................................................................................................... 405 RELIGIE, CONFESIUNE, ETNIE NINO CHIKOVANI, Ethnic and Religious Factors in the Process of Cultural Self-Identification of the Georgians (Historical Aspects) .................................................................................. 427 IONUŢ-ALEXANDRU TUDORIE, Et tenentes frenum equi ipsius … Altfel despre relaţia dintre împăratul şi patriarhul bizantin în secolul al XIII-lea........................................................... 439 RADU NEDICI, O intenţie amânată: crearea ierarhiei greco-catolice independente la Oradea în anii 1758–1759..................................................................................................................... 461 ELITE ŞI PROTIPENDADĂ CRISTIAN PLOSCARU, „Duhul nesupunerii franţuzeşti” în Moldova. O „zavistie” boierească la 1803–1804 şi motivele sale .............................................................................................. 479 DRAGOŞ LUCIAN ŢIGĂU, Aspecte din activitatea industriaşului Pierre Keilhauer la Bucureşti (1880–1900)......................................................................................................................... 497 EDUCAŢIE, INTELECTUALITATE ŞI POLITICĂ RADU TUDORANCEA, O altfel de confruntare: contrastele din mediile literare şi universitare în România Primului Război Mondial.................................................................................. 513 CRISTIAN VASILE, Sistemul educaţional în timpul regimului Ceauşescu: între reformare şi tentativa de reideologizare (1965–1978) .............................................................................. 533 „Revista istorică”, tom XXIV, 2013, nr. 5–6, p. 401–604 402 SURSE ŞI IZVOARE LIVIU CÎMPEANU, Informaţii noi despre voievodul Vladislav al III-lea într-un document inedit (1523) de la Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Viena...................................................... 551 PETRONEL ZAHARIUC, FLORIN MARINESCU, Documente din arhiva mănăstirii Dohiariu de la Muntele Athos (1617–1653)........................................................................................ 557 ALEXANDRU-IONUŢ CRUCERU, Un document privitor la hotarul moşiilor Ariceşti şi Cărbuneşti (jud. Saac) de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea................................................. 589 NOTE ŞI RECENZII GAVIN BOWD, Fascist Scotland. Caledonia and the Far Right, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2013, 306 p. (Raul Denize); GIOVANNI GIACOMO CAROLDO, Istorii veneţiene, ed. ŞERBAN V. MARIN, vol. I–V, Arhivele Naţionale ale României, Bucureşti, 2008, 296 p. + 288 p. + 288 p. + 256 p. + 248 p. (Alessandro Flavio Dumitraşcu); HADRIAN GORUN, Relaţii politico-diplomatice şi militare ale României cu Franţa în Primul Război Mondial, Edit. Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 376 p. (Florin Müller); VICTOR RIZESCU, Tranziţii discursive. Despre agende culturale, istorie intelectuală şi onorabilitate ideologică după comunism, Edit. Corint, Bucureşti, 2012, 464 p. (Florin Müller); MIHAELA CRISTINA VERZEA, Partidul-stat: structuri politice (1948– 1965), Edit. Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2013, 478 p. (Mihaela Stroe)............................ 595 HISTORICAL REVIEW NEW SERIES TOME XXIV, NOS. 5–6 September – December 2013 CONTENTS POLITICAL CURRENTS AND IDEAS VICTOR RIZESCU, The Nation of the Westernizers: Mainstream and Minority Varieties of Romanian Liberalism........................................................................................................... 405 RELIGION, DENOMINATION, ETHNICITY NINO CHIKOVANI, Ethnic and Religious Factors in the Process of Cultural Self-Identification of the Georgians (Historical Aspects) .................................................................................. 427 IONUŢ-ALEXANDRU TUDORIE, Et tenentes frenum equi ipsius … A New Approach to the Relationship between the Byzantine Emperor and Patriarch in the Thirteenth Century....... 439 RADU NEDICI, A Postponed Intention: The Establishment of the Independent Greek Catholic Hierarchy in Oradea in 1758–1759 ...................................................................................... 461 ELITES AND UPPER CLASS CRISTIAN PLOSCARU, “The Spirit of the French Disobedience” in Moldavia. A Boyar “Rivalry” from 1803–1804 and Its Reasons......................................................................... 479 DRAGOŞ LUCIAN ŢIGĂU, Aspects from the Activity of Industrialist Pierre Keilhauer in Bucharest (1880–1900) ........................................................................................................ 497 EDUCATION, INTELLECTUALS AND POLITICS RADU TUDORANCEA, A Different Type of Confrontation: Contrasts in Literary and Academic Circles in Romania during World War I ............................................................. 513 CRISTIAN VASILE, The Educational System under the Ceauşescu Regime: Between Reform and the Re-ideologization Attempt (1965–1978) ................................................................. 533 „Revista istorică”, tom XXIV, 2013, nr. 5–6, p. 401–604 404 SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS LIVIU CÎMPEANU, New Information on Voivode Vladislav III in an Unpublished Document (1523) from Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Vienna.............................................................. 551 PETRONEL ZAHARIUC, FLORIN MARINESCU, Documents from the Archives of the Docheiariou Monastery of Mount Athos (1617–1653) ........................................................ 557 ALEXANDRU-IONUŢ CRUCERU, A Document on the Boundary Delimitation of the Cărbuneşti and Ariceşti Estates (Saac County) from the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century ............ 589 NOTES AND REVIEWS GAVIN BOWD, Fascist Scotland. Caledonia and the Far Right, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2013, 306 pp. (Raul Denize); GIOVANNI GIACOMO CAROLDO, Istorii veneţiene (Venetian Stories), ed. by ŞERBAN V. MARIN, vols. I–V, National Archives of Romania, Bucharest, 2008, 296 pp. + 288 pp. + 288 pp. + 256 pp. + 248 pp. (Alessandro Flavio Dumitraşcu); HADRIAN GORUN, Relaţii politico-diplomatice şi militare ale României cu Franţa în Primul Război Mondial (Political, Diplomatic and Military Relations between Romania and France in the First World War), Edit. Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 376 pp. (Florin Müller); VICTOR RIZESCU, Tranziţii discursive. Despre agende culturale, istorie intelectuală şi onorabilitate ideologică după comunism (Discursive Transitions. Cultural Agendas, Intellectual History and Ideological Respectability after Communism), Edit. Corint, Bucharest, 2012, 464 pp. (Florin Müller); MIHAELA CRISTINA VERZEA, Partidul-stat: structuri politice (1948–1965) (The Party-State: Political Structures. 1948–1965), Edit. Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2013, 478 pp. (Mihaela Stroe) ........................................................................................................................... 595 CURENTE ŞI IDEI POLITICE THE NATION OF THE WESTERNIZERS: MAINSTREAM AND MINORITY VARIETIES OF ROMANIAN LIBERALISM VICTOR RIZESCU* Between 1900 and 1940, westernizer liberalism embraced, in Romania, three ideological formulations clearly distinguishable from each other. They can be discovered as crisscrossing in the pages of three periodicals. Published over the year 1923, from January to November – and significantly focused on debating the preparation and reverberations of the constitutional revision adopted in the same year, in March –, the journal “Dreptatea socială” was underlined by a “liberal socialist” vision that sociologist Dumitru Drăghicescu (acting as a director) offered as an elaboration of his broader social philosophy shaped at the interplay between the European social-democratic tradition and his core Durkheimian ideas. This view is much too easy to be mistaken for the one that it (strangely) cohabitates with in the pages of the same journal: the argumentation in favor of enhancing the interventionist cast of the local mainstream liberalism advanced by Ştefan Zeletin, in conjunction with his open acknowledgement of the oligarchic and bureaucratic nature of the policies customarily employed by the National Liberal Party as a privileged driving force of modernizing social change. Between January 1933 and December 1937 – and decreasingly so over the following years, up to December 1940 –, the journal “Libertatea economică, politică, socială, culturală” (headed by economist George Strat as a chief-editor and by industrialist Ion Gigurtu as a director) advanced a vision of free trade liberalism in stark opposition to the same mainstream and deeply entrenched interventionist wisdom in the course of being strengthened by the rising authoritarian ideologies of the Left and the Right. The few statements that Drăghicescu gave here spelled out his disagreements with the unqualified individualist philosophy of the journal, nevertheless maintaining a line markedly different from the Zeletinian one. In its turn, “Libertatea”’s stance – prodigiously served by journalist Ştefan Antim (with a legal training) and occasionally also by the elder H. Sanielevici (an influential, although always marginalized figure of literary criticism as well as of broader topics of journalistic interest) – was anticipated by that of another periodical: “Curentul nou,” with Sanielevici as a director and issued first in 1905– 1906, and then again
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