Page 4 October 30, 2017 (1) Abdullah Wants ... garding the preservation of the historic abruptly hurled a water bottle at him alleged the Afghan government had was re-opening a probe into her emails. sites and said the ministry has man- and then rushed towards him and struck deal on the issue behind the cur- “Oh is that today?” the former Demo- other members of the militant outfit to aged to start the restoration of the his- punched him a few times in the face tains and asked why the government cratic presidential candidate quipped its sanctions list. toric Dar-ul-Aman Palace which will be and head. had adopted silence. on Twitter late Saturday, in response to Abdullah also asked the sanctions com- completed until 1398, besides inform- Some senators intervened and separat- Pakistani Ambassador in Kabul Zahid a post by election forecaster Nate Silver mittee to strengthen their observation ing the regards the plans for the res- ed the two and after it Asakzai was ex- Nasrullah Khan told reporters at a Sat- who noted the anniversary of Comey’s and assessment mechanism to limit ac- toration of Herat mosque, Taj Big Hill, pelled from the house at orders of the urday’s press conference that fencing of move and said it was “probably deci- tivities and movement of terrorists and Eidgah mosque, Rawza-e-Sharif, Ghazi Meshrano Jirga chairman. the Durand Line was aimed at prevent- sive” in last year’s White House race. bring their financial resources to a halt. Amanullah Khan tomb, and Qala-e-Jan- Hanafi said Asakzai attacked him for ing cross border movement of terrorists Comey shocked the country when he He said this way conditions for peace gi. (KP) no reason and threatened if the house and drug smugglers. informed Congress on October 28, 2016 would be prepared. didn’t take steps to restore his dignity, He had said the Afghan government that he was reopening an FBI investi- According on the statement, UNSC (5) Cases of 1,850 ... he would take action himself and he recongnised the Durand Line at least gation into Clinton’s unauthorized use sanctions committee head Umarov re- the cases of 1,850 prisoners at Pul-i- had the ability to defend his reputation. a line separating the two countries and of a private email server as secretary of iterated their commitment to working Charkhi prison had taken place in the Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar said that the fencing was being conducted state, months after declaring the probe and standing with the Afghan govern- past six years. as attacking Hanafi by Asakzai without on the Pakistani side of the territory. found no evidence of criminal wrong- ment in preventing security threats and Cases of some inmates have not even a legitimate reason blackened the rep- (Pajhwok) doing. bringing peace to the country. been decided by the primary court, utation of Meshrano Jirga and brought (14) Villagers Along .. The about-turn just days before the elec- According to him, they were coopera- he said. According to the law, a case under question the dignity of the house. tion followed the discovery of missing tive in the fight against terrorists, espe- should be finalized within a year. He ordered subjecting Asakzai to the President of all transport association Clinton emails with classified material cially the Taliban, and they would give Zabuli said 180 inmates were above “disciplinary regulation”. Rauf Hussain has urged to re-open the on the laptop of a former congressman. priority to the Afghan government’s 75 years of age and they should be re- Mualvi Mohiuddin Munsef, who heads border and let the trade resume be- Clinton has called Comey’s move a ma- suggestions. leased according to the law. “Some in- the Senate’s legislative affairs commis- tween the two countries to minimise jor factor in her loss to Donald Trump, He expressed gratitude to the Afghan mates cannot even walk due to their old sion, told reporters after the session the suffering of those dependent on the saying: “If the election had been on Oc- government for preparing needed con- age, one of them is 105 years old,” he that based on the ‘disciplinary regula- income from trade, local media report- tober 27, I’d be your president.” ditions for better functioning of the said. tion’ Asakzai would be denied a month ed. But Comey has said it was the right committee inside the country. (Pajh- About prisoners with incurable diseas- salary and not allowed to enter the Me- The Durand Line cuts through the Pa- choice and he would do it again if he wok) es, he said, no commission had so far shrano Jirga for one month. (Pajhwok) shtun tribal areas and further south had to. been created to identify inmates with (2) Noor Says He ... (11) Taliban Kill... through the Balochistan region, politi- Clinton won the popular vote by nearly such diseases. Some inmates were even cally dividing ethnic Pashtuns, as well three million over Trump, but lost the has hundreds of contracts and every infected with by transmissible diseases, The Taliban said the insurgents also as the Baloch and other ethnic groups indirect by all-important state-by-state contract involves bundles of papers. he said. captured the security outpost. living on both sides of the border. electoral college count. (AFP) How can a person be the president and Zabuli said 710 prisoners had been de- Taliban spokespeople often issue inflat- Although the Durand Line is recog- at the same time handle these papers,” clared as innocent by courts but they ed battlefield gains. nised internationally as the western said Noor. Kurdistan Leader were still kept behind bars illegally for Sunday’s attack came a day after Af- border of Pakistan, it remains largely “I am not interested to become head of years due to lack of a guarantee. ghan officials confirmed separate in- unrecognised in Afghanistan. (ANI) to Resign In November the procurement commission, I was of- The senator said 400 prisoners had been surgent attacks in the eastern Ghazni BAGDAD - The Kurd leader Masoud fered a ministry but I did not accept. If sentenced to death in the last few years province killed at least nine police per- (15) 13 Militants ... Barzani will hand over presidential I take a decision, then I will nominate but non could be executed. sonnel. said another five militants were killed powers on November 1 after bid for in- myself for the presidential election,” He asked the government to create a Bloody October in an airstrike that targeted a vehicle dependence backfired, which triggered Noor added. special court for addressing cases of October has seen repeated insurgent carrying the militants. a crisis. Noor said the current situation is worse Pul-i-Charkhi inmates as well as create raids against government forces across Police chief Shapur Ahmadzai said Iraqi Kurdistan’s leader Masoud Barza- than that during the Taliban regime a commission for addressing the issue Afghanistan, leaving scores dead. clearing operations were ongoing in ni will not extend his presidential term and said government leaders are inca- of incurable inmates. The deadliest attack was Oct. 17 in the different parts of the province and sev- beyond November 1, a Kurdish govern- pable of handling the situation. Zabuli added the inmates had warned eastern province of Paktia where Talib- eral militants had so far suffered casu- ment official told Reuters on Saturday. According to Noor, due to poor man- of going on hunger strike if their cases an suicide assault groups stormed po- alties. The report said his decision came just agement by NUG leaders, Afghanistan were ignored further. He also asked the lice headquarters and killed as many as But the Taliban rejected these claims. weeks after a referendum on Kurdish has itself become a safe haven for insur- Meshrano Jirga chairman to pave the 60 security forces, including the provin- The group spokesman Zabihullah Mu- independence backfired and triggered gents. ground for a meeting between the dele- cial police chief. jahid said their fighters had suffered a crisis for Iraq’s Kurds who had been Noor said due to the absence of Gen- gation and the president. A day after that deadly raid, Taliban no casualties in Kharwar district. (Pa- enjoying a period of unprecedented au- eral Abdul Rashid Dostum, the First Meshrano Jirga chairman Fazal Hadi insurgents led by a suicide car bomb- jhwok) tonomy. Vice President, Daesh and Taliban have Muslimyar promised to arrange a meet- er assaulted an Afghan military base in (16) Dozens Stage.. A plan to divide up the president’s strengthened in parts of Jawzjan prov- ing between the delegation and the southern Kandahar province, killing 43 powers was outlined in a letter Barzani ince and said Dostum needs to return president for discussing inmates’ prob- officers and almost wiping out the fa- with this issue, they would continue sent to the Kurdish parliament on Sat- to fight these groups. lems. (Pajhwok) cility. agitation. urday, the official told Reuters. “In the absence of General Dostum, Suicide bombers also struck two Af- The municipality has yet to take any (6) Fundraising .. The plan asks parliament to distribute a tribe has been ruined. Every single ghan mosques on Oct. 20, killing at action, but Agha Masoomi, municipal the president’s powers among the gov- day that he is not here, an Uzbek son my frontline workers and our partners, least 72 worshipers. One of the attacks, district chief, acknowledged the claims ernment, parliament and judiciary. gets killed, a Turkmen son gets killed. who have worked tirelessly to eradicate the deadliest one, targeted a crowded as baseless.
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