SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Be My Valentine, Grey’s Anatomy Private Practice Ex- News Desperate Ent. H h (CC) News Charlie Brown (CC) Before and After Life (CC) (CC) Housewives (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of Law & Order: Law & Order: SVU Law & Order A News (N) Saturday Night Live Alec L j Fortune Criminal Intent tourist is murdered. Baldwin; Jonas Brothers. (CC) KBSL/CBSSATURDAYNews Paid NUMB3RS In NCIS A killer targets 48 Hours Mystery NewsFEBRUARY (N) M*A*S*H Boston Legal14 A 1< NX (CC) Program Security (CC) Jimmy Palmer. (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Whiff and a Prayer K15CG Sun- Perfect Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage (CC) d flower6 PM Day6:30 (CC) Up7 PM Goes7:30 By Show8 PM 8:30 mance9 PM Green9:30 (N)10 (CC)PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABCESPN News(5:00) (N)SportsCenterKake BeCollege My Valentine, GameDay Grey’sCollege Anatomy Basketball: OhioPrivate State Practice at Ex- NewsSportsCenterDesperate (Live) Midnight Fast-Ent. HO_h (CC)(Live) (CC)News Charlie(Live) (CC) Brown (CC) BeforeWisconsin. and After(Live) (CC)Life (CC) (CC) HousewivesMadness (CC) breakTonight KSNK/NBCUSA News(5:08) (N)Movie:Wheel Sweet of HomeLaw & Order:Movie: TheLaw Break-Up & Order: TT SVU (2006) LawA couple & Order end Atheir NewsBurn Notice(N) Saturday Bad NightLaw &Live Order: Alec SVU LP^j Alabama TTFortune (2002) (CC)Criminal Intentrelationship, but neither is willing totourist move. is (CC)murdered. Breaks (CC)Baldwin; Jonas Brothers. (CC) KBSL/CBSTBS NewsMovie: Something’sPaid GottaNUMB3RS Give TTTIn (2003)NCIS A music A killerMovie: targets Must48 LoveHours Dogs Mystery TTZ NewsMovie: (N) TheM*A*S*H Perfect ManBoston TT (2005) Legal A A teen 1<P_NX (CC)exec falls forProgram the motherSecurity of his young(CC) girlfriend.Jimmy (CC) Palmer.(2005) (CC) Diane(CC) Lane. (CC) (CC)invents a secret(CC) admirerWhiff for herand mother. a Prayer K15CGWGN Sun-Chicago AutoPerfect KeepingMovie: SomewhereAs Time inThe Time Lawrence TTZ (1980) Welk A playwrightRo- NewMovie: Red SomewhereAustin City in TimeLimits TTZSoundstage (1980) A playwright (CC) dPa flowerShow (CC)Day (CC) Uptravels backGoes in time By to Showmeet a lovely actress. (CC)mance Greentravels back(N) in (CC)time to meet a lovely actress. (CC) ESPNTNT (5:00)Slam DunkSportsCenter Special CollegeNBA GameDayNBA BasketballCollege: 2009 Basketball All-Star :Skills Ohio Competition.State at SportsCenterStar Star (Live) LeverageMidnight TheFast- Bank O_QW (Live)(Live) (CC)(CC) (Live)Pregame (CC) From Phoenix.Wisconsin. (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) (CC)Wars Wars ShotMadness Job (CC)break USADSC (5:08)Man vs. Movie: Wild SweetThe HomeMan vs. WildMovie: TheMan Break-Up vs. Wild TT Yukon (2006) ManA couple vs. Wildend theirHell’s BurnMan vs. Notice Wild Bad ManLaw &vs. Order: Wild SVU P^QY Alabamajungles of TT Belize. (2002) (CC)Dominican relationship,Republic (CC) but neither is willing toCanyon move. (CC)in Oregon. BreaksZambia (CC) Dominican Republic TBSA&E Movie:CSI: Miami Something’s GottaCSI: MiamiGive TTT Bang, (2003)CSI: A music MiamiMovie: The lab MustCSI: Love Miami Dogs TTZ Movie:CSI: Miami The ChainPerfect ManCSI: TT Miami (2005) Bang, A teen P_Q^ execBreathless falls for (CC) the motherBang, of his Your young Debt girlfriend.loses (CC) body.(2005) (CC) DianeSunblock Lane. (CC) (CC) inventsReaction a (CC)secret admirerBang, for her Your mother. Debt WGNHIST ChicagoModern MarvelsAuto Movie:The St. Somewhere Valentine’s Dayin Time Massacre TTZ (1980) (CC) A playwrightRumrunners,Movie: Moonshiners Somewhere and in Time TTZThe (1980) St. Valentine’s A playwright PaQ_ ShowChocolate. (CC) (CC) travels back in time to meet a lovely actress. (CC)Bootleggerstravels (CC) back in time to meet a lovelyDay actress. Massacre (CC) (CC) TNTNICK Slam(5:00) Dunk Movie: Special NBAiCarly NBATrue BasketballDrake: 2009& H2O All-Star SkillsGeorge Competition.George StarHome StarHome FamilyLeverage TheFamily Bank QWRl (Live)Barnyard: (CC) Orig. PregameiKiss FromJackson Phoenix.Josh (Live) (CC)(CC) Lopez Lopez WarsImprove. WarsImprove. MattersShot Job (CC)Matters DSCDISN ManZack vs. & WildHannah The ManMovie: vs. Charlie Wild and theMan Chocolate vs. Wild Yukon ManSonny vs. WildSonny Hell’s ManZack vs. & WildHannah That’s-Man vs. WildCory in QYR] junglesCody of Belize.Montana DominicanFactory TTT Republic (2005) Johnny(CC) Depp. CanyonChance in Oregon.Chance ZambiaCody Montana RavenDominican HouseRepublic A&EFAM CSI:(4:30) MiamiMovie: A WalkCSI: toMiami Remember Bang, TTCSI: (2002, Miami Romance) The lab A CSI:Movie: Miami A Cinderella StoryCSI: MiamiTT (2004, Chain FreshCSI: MiamiFresh Bang, Q^R_ BreathlessMovie: (CC)high-schoolBang, delinquent Your Debtcourts a minister’sloses body. daughter. (CC) SunblockRomance-Comedy) (CC) HilaryReaction Duff. (CC) PrinceBang, YourPrince Debt HISTHALL ModernMovie: BackMarvels to You andThe Me St. (2005,Valentine’s DayMovie: Massacre Before (CC) You SayRumrunners, I Do (2009, MoonshinersMovie: and The Nanny ExpressThe St. (2009, Valentine’s Q_SW Chocolate.Drama) Lisa (CC) Hartman Black. (CC) Romance-Comedy) JenniferBootleggers Westfeldt. (CC) Drama) Vanessa Marcil.Day (CC) Massacre (CC) Colby Free Press Friday, February 13, 2009 Page 7 NICK (5:00) Movie: iCarly True Drake & H2O George George Home Home Family Family Rl Barnyard: Orig. iKiss Jackson Josh (CC) Lopez Lopez Improve. Improve. Matters Matters cwb0005-7 DISN Zack & Hannah Movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Sonny Sonny Zack & Hannah That’s- Cory in R] Cody Montana Factory TTT (2005) Johnny Depp. Chance Chance Cody Montana Raven House Website offers career guidance FAM (4:30) Movie: A Walk to Remember TT (2002, Romance) A Movie: A Cinderella Story TT (2004, Fresh Fresh R_ Movie: high-school delinquent courts a minister’s daughter. Romance-Comedy) Hilary Duff. (CC) Prince Prince How can parents help their chil- year college degrees. By the time HALL LMovie: BackOCAL to You and Me (2005, TVMovie: Before YouL Say I DoISTINGS (2009, Movie: The Nanny Express (2009, Susan SW Drama) Lisa Hartman Black. (CC) Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Westfeldt. Drama) Vanessa Marcil. (CC) dren find the right career path? students are high school seniors, Check out the Kansas Career Nickerson they’ve mapped out individual ca- sponsored by the cwb0005-7 Pipeline website! reer paths and identified a Kansas Two-thirds of Kansas public •Smarter training program on their way to schools are signed on to use this Workplace success. And most importantly, new tool, which offers students the students and their parents can save SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15 opportunity, through many learn- money, confusion, stress and that ing activities, to identify, define, ships with companies that may drop-out dilemma due to lack of research and pursue their career eventually hire or provide scholar- career direction. 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 path, starting in fifth grade. More ships students for more education. And finally, parents and others, KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power (CC) Paid Houses First United Doesn’t that make sense? H h Charles Stanley America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Program For $300 Methodist Church than 29,000 students have already ask yourselves if you are dissat- KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Colon NHL begun exploring careers through The Pipeline is ready to offer isfied with your job? Would you SUNDAYL j Program (CC) Program Program BibleFEBRUARYProgram Detox Hockey15 the Pipeline. subscriptions to businesses to fea- rather have a different career? Is KBSL/CBS Houses Newspr- Cake Horse- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Dino Sushi Motorcycle Racing: ture a company or industry on the 1< NX For $300 ing TV Trump-It land (EI) (N) (CC) Nation Squad Pack (EI) AMA Supercross The program is the brainchild of there something you’ve always K15CG Mister TBA Ninos Plaza Make- Mama- Wish- Lomax: Animalia Keeping Wealth- To the Andy Solter, working with partners website. Business owners, manag- had a desire to do? The pipeline is d Rogers6 AM 6:30 en-Casa7 AM Sesamo7:30 Noddy8 AM Movies8:30 bone9 A (EI)M Hound9:30 10 AM Kids10:30 Track11 AM Contrary11:30 in education, business, commerce, ers, human relations profession- for you, too! Check out the adult KLBY/ABCESPN InSportsCenter Touch With (CC)Dr. GoodSportsCenter Morning (Live) ThisOutside Week-GeorgeSports HourSportsCenter of Power (Live) (CC) (CC)Paid Houses First United als, are you listening? Here is a HO_h Charles Stanley America(CC) (N) (CC) StephanopoulosLines Reportrs Program For $300 Methodist Church and economic development, and career exploration option. Do you KSNK/NBCUSA (OffPaid Air) PaidChang- TodayEd (N) (CC)Joel MeetMovie: the Sweet Press Home (N) AlabamaPaid TTPaid (2002, YourMovie: ThePaid Break-Up ColonTT (2006, NHL launched last year with a website, pipeline of potential workers and know what’s out there? Is there LP^j Program Programing Young Osteen (CC)Romance-Comedy) ReeseProgram Witherspoon.Program BibleRomance-Comedy)Program VinceDetox Vaughn.Hockey (CC) immediately employable adults KBSL/CBSTBS Houses(5:50) Movie:Newspr- A Lot LikeCake Love TTZHorse- CBSMovie: News I Am Sunday Sam TT Morning (2001, Drama)Face A theman triesDino to SushiMovie: BridgetMotorcycle Jones: Racing:The www.careerpipeline.org, offering a better alternative? With a little 1< NX For $300 ing TV Trump-It land (EI) (N) (CC) Nation Squad Pack (EI) AMA Supercross students a chance
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