Scholars Crossing 1985 The Fundamentalist Journal 6-1985 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 6 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_85 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 6" (1985). 1985. 5. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_85/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1985 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. sinat McGuffds Readers were different. Theg were Christian Now they're aaailable again after 725 Woirs. You colnget the full set here wrd SAV'E $60 Rev.William Mccufley published his legendaryReaden in the lg30s. _Ff,EE B0Ol( rr"" *frh ..ch sor: Mc6u,feyard Hts ReadercpEtv. Moatlv an.! later editions,from 1857 on, were revised without his approval, and ex- toucafiontn lgth untury Americaby Join H. wastlrhofilll purgatedm-ost.references (o rcligion. Th€y a€re still excellent texts, but no longerChristian texls. or 9 finiJhesil, he'sreading better, and undentanding mole, than most hishschoolen. Nowa Clristianpublisher, Mon Media, has reprinttd the originah. We are-offeringthem, with pride and admiration,-for parenr, lodparents Ecl$tic FourthRerder. Quite beyond the averaee collesian t0dav. vet andgnndparents who care enough to teachat home,or atleast tolelp, withinthe reach of welltrained l&lol2-yearolfu. Ooins of arirh6rs thechildren ftey lov€. th€yJhouldneet: Johnson, Webster, Mi[6n, Jefrerson, $hiller, Aacon, Southey,Bryant, Shalapearc, etc. The Ori$nrl McGuffeys:7 superbtexts ,,progfessive" EckcticPrognsive Spellirg Book. b€caus€it starts with young PiclorirlEcl€clir Primrr for Childltn, Forkindergarten or pre- Daslcsand butlds l0 anadvanced vocabulary worthy of a gndualestu_ kindergarten:the alphabei,simple sentences and storils,charming dent. Not only definitionsbut pronunciationsand usige in good ongnarengavlngs, sentences. Frlectic Plincr. More advanced.For fint-gnden and bright MarkSullivan, in hisGvolume history ,Our Tines. ranls Mccuffev uo kindergarteners. withWashington and Lincoln in inlluence.And a wonderfulinlluenie it was.Do your children deserve less? F,chcaicFiBt Rcrderlor YoutrgChildlttr. For second-sradersor brishr first-graders.Lols of spelling,and the words get ,,would" '\talked" ashard-as a-nd and "deranted." Staillingcall from eminent pmfesor F,clccticSecond Rerder. 85 lesons,each a wellwriflen story with a ol English moral,some frorn Sripture or American history.Each leson is fol- "tet'shing back Mccufley's - low-edby l; questionsdrawn from it (e.g.,How did Washington receive Reader to Colllge"is h0vrCarl 80de, University0f Maryland, titled his article in I||r Chmicl!0t HighGr Infayette?What is rheFifth Conmandmenl? What is emuhton?) and ..fonook"). [ducalior,Virote Eode: "l guaranteethal regular dos€s ot Mccutfey-will by..2)sp€lling words ("believed," "myrrh," Whenyour brightentheir eyes and bring roses totheir cheels teichthem t0 con. childrennasler this book, they'll be yean ahead of theirpeers. centrate0n the printedpage ..give them some ol the memorable poetfyand prose 0f AnglGAmerican EdedhThid R€oder. our inheritancemake them bet- Authorslike Addison, Irving, Byron...Bible termen and women, not to mentionbetter,spokefl menand women.,, selections.. .excursions into history like the maneloui. ,,Alexander the Great"- adultscan read this book with pleasure. After your child of8 Howto get thas569.95 stipcased set for Ot{[ySg.9E! t----- I Ho* the Club Worksorks .o*tt*t"-nlll-",.r"1FrtrrcEErrftrrrrE fflI o^^., I , arree copv orrhe 15 oAKLANDAVENUE ' HARRlsoN,NY lo52' ! iff l,lii:i'-lfr,fi,?:sarealrevouier I I fllft*#l{*l,lfril4{flT*ilif#:,h#+ I youd0 wanl an Alle,nale. indrcate your + iii"*:,?gi!:1,:j:ir""sitr,i:i,r}"nii#Hs,ir"'a1,s*3*r,"tr,..,i:caseo set PLUS I I w shesor lhehandy ! my llee copy ol Mcctfieg and Hts Readers.n""2I ';-agree tor-";6 bdv I ! !il#:J:,'f,,Tlll*:lh1+1fidtf'l*"'#Hf8T'i!n :'?:S'lfifJ3i,T?,ii"':B:iffi?liftf;ii"eou,"Jo'1" | ! pi*-jf,!!*rfd$fifl{i{1fi:1p;q#.4;t " iiil6i*:!?r:'i"'i*:r*:,'$i;nin:'r""ilntai:iJ?li:ll:f,x'i? I ! ;:','i,Ti,Ti[flJxilXii1;,,t#:',iii':,fli '*'u i f{!*'iffi:t*tffl;li;',,f#tr.$1*,*;i-,*ff;I ,,.* i ! 3,,1,9:l'Td"1'..XiT*#i'.13 B:tl'Ji,313,:"i"**" I o*,".._ I l",l L____ __i: Throughouthistory the islondsof Would you hove the couroge to ihe Pocifichove beckonedto ex- ollow vour childrento form their plorers, merchonts, ond mis- own convictionsond stondords? sionories,This month we present Curtis Goldmon tried it. ond he on overviewof Oceonio,from ihe shoresthe outcomeof his"Honds- doys of WilliomCorey to Gospel Off Porenting"technique, Alive in '85. ThunderIn the Pulplt -/O ' FEATURES More ond more couoles ore TheForgiving Fother deciding thot divorce is ihe Do os Billnoton t5 Life with Celebrliy Dods- onswer to thek oroblems, but ls li ReollyAny Different? mony never reolize thot "Shot- Plollle tered Generotions"result from this 50 "MisterSundoy School" "Honds-Off"Porenllng opporent solution. 21Investingin the Freedomto J. StonleyBond Choose-AngeloElwell Hunl Willom D Lee ?/ BlbleStudy In Revlew 28The New Adulterers-Sloves-- I & 2 Corinthions $f to SexuolFreedom lorold L Willmington Dovd Jeremoh SuccesslulTeochlng ldeos --6./4 tF, Potle/scloy Leorningto TeochLike the Sholtered Genelollons- -- v?l I WhenDreoms Die MosterTeocher The Long-rongeEffects ol DovidW Anderson RonoldT Hobermos Divorce-Anoeo FlweliFunl ?7 Missions Foce lhe Focls Husbonds,LoYe Your v' 56 Try lt in Your Town 34WlYes-JohnMccArthur. Jr. Hittingthe Torget RogerDrxon Co Thomos qO MinistryUpdote DEPARTMENIS ' TheMoking of o 57 " Revivolist-A.Leonord T A, News You Soid lt .do Inleryiew 6 +L "- CourtRules on Corefor Doug Miller-Ministeringto Hopelesslylll-N/or'i' Vowyer Jerry FolwellCommenfs the PeopleTime Forgot roReochingthe Greoier Public $t, NewsBriels FundomenlolismIodoy 45 35fl',"fi,1Ltrron-Hecosro 12 I Am Proudto Be o Long Shodow Atter All Fundomentolist Bily VickBorllett 66 It's Loter ThonYou Think EdwordDobson ond W omD Lee TrumonDo lor 4 FundomentolislJournol |ames M. Gray, Presidentof MBI 1904-1934 On this eternalfoundation- the truth in Christ-the Moody BibleInstitute has been buiit t sinceits earliestdays. Now, in its 100thyear, Moody continuesto t look to JesusChrist for guidance ,f and support. God has set His sealof approvalon Moody abun- r danily. Men and women trained here have taken the Gospel throushoutthe world. We watch in wonder the dailv financial miracle,as God's p6ople sup- -port Moodv's varied ministries! "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is JesusChrist." May His name be praised! rfisI, 6\ io ?= YEARS ,flfooDVt BIBLE INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT831 820 NOBTH LASALLEDB. cHtcAGo, 1L60610-3281 Slrlmel's Dust Teenagers.Who needsthem? TheY are nothing but trouble. Invite the youth group to your houseand You'll be sorry. Theywill trash up the inside during their activity, only to return after midaight to "T.P." your yard in aopreciationfor vour hospitality.Tell themit wasnice having thim, andthey will be back every weekend! It's not much better whentheY are your own kids. Tell them to be in at l1:00,and they roll in at 1l:15just to seewhat youwill say.Where have they been?"Oh, nowhere."What havetheY been doing? "Nothing." Liars! WhY can't they ever be honest about any- rhins? You would think thev were folloiwinga bad exampleof somekind. 1llEStNiOR |116l{ SUNDAV Solo0! Ct'a9S/" "AqruAltv,l rrtt IERVSE{,RE Agotjr {EACfll^lo Youth pastors aren't much helP either. They are usually nothing but overgrown adolescentsthemselves. riehtlypointed out how little secular- meansunfamiliar. Peoplewho know Theii linso is asbad as the kids':"Yeah isis know aboutFundamentalism, and nothing about Fundamentalism,and man,whit a geekl"You needa diction' how muchevil theyconsequently at- therefore don't like it, have a nasty arv of translatableterms to understand tribute to it. The is by no habit of it for act of them. Sincethey don't read and can't spell,they spendall their time making un' words nobodvever heard before. It's a soodthins fu called"elders" to run thi churcheis.You surecouldn'I dependon thesekids for anything.Who ever heard of a teenagerin the Bible who ever amountedto anything?Of coursethere are a few isolatedexamples like Miriam, Samuel,Daniel, David, Jonathan. Elisha, Hezekiah, Josiah, and Esther.But what did theyever ac- comnlish?There are evensome scholars who believe that Jesus'youngerdis- ciples, like John, may have actually bien in their late teens,and that his mother, Mary, may havebeen onlY a teenaperherself when shebore Him. Who iver heardof suchnonsense! You can't dependon kids in a crisis. Who ever heaid of sendingout a boy to do a man's job! Goliath, who? Shimei ThreeCheers.., Two iterns in the March Fundamen- talist loumal mightily piqued my interest. One was Edward Dobson's article on, among other things, Fun- damentalist fanaticism, in which he 6 turdcrn€ntqlistJournol ,.J Ihe rilmlenesrll t^ I claimedfor Families FindNewDircctionand rpose Contemporaryto it with authority. -Gontemporary- Hislg,l'.witleuthurirv.teaching is practi- Desperatelv -' lssues... lf.,l."T:ifBlf,fical,direcl, and - Bibli- - Ndiled "l commendthe filmsfilm. cally*ii" basedl'lj."i:t "These films aredes. for their their,BiblicalBiblical bal,bal. BillBiti Rodenberg,Rod.enbery.Asm.Asso. peratelyneeded be. arceanceandano depthoeptn in ln ciateriale Pastot BethelBelhel causeper)ple loday dealingoealrngwithwrlh mntem-contem- IndefendentlndependenlPresby.Presbl. are very experience. poraryrssuesissues-femi - Iemf- teiankian Church,Chureh,Hous. orientedand expe- nism,nrsm,chauvinism,chauvlntsm, kttt,TX. rimental in their divorceolvorceand remar-lemar- relationships.John riage.MacArrhlr.diAMacArthur did BfgakS MacArthuiJr.helps justiceto thewhole themcome rogrips lli'S:l,t*L*nt"'i,#Xli',i't*^.t, giili'ersDown 'MacA [il,\i."il,f;?ir' WalnulCnreChapt'l nh ur'slea ching Deimashryes. pastor Indianap,lis.lN. is takenstraighr from lJnion ialtev Church. the Striptures.and H t.hit6otr: KS.
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