Shreveport Springhill Sulphur Thibodaux Tioga Varnado Vidalia

Shreveport Springhill Sulphur Thibodaux Tioga Varnado Vidalia

College alternative. Jonathan Dagenhan, gen mgr; Ruston Wayne Wilkinson, chief engr. Louisiana Radio "KLPI -FM -1973: 89.1 mhz: 4 kw. Ant 285 ft. Stereo. KVKI(AM)-1950: 1550 khz; 10 kw -D. 500 w -N. DA-N. Box 8638, Tech Station (71272). (318) 257 -4851. 1300 Grimmett Dr. (71107). (318) 422 -3122. Encore Louisiana Tech University. Format: Div, rock. Spec Communications Partnership of Shreveport (acq 12- KBYO(FM)- Co-owned with KZZM(AM). April 29. prog: Class 3 hrs, Black 2 hrs, jazz 8 hrs wkly. Dr. 86). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Blair. Format: Relg. Billy 1983: 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 320 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Dan Reneau, Ares: Dave Nitz, advisor; Paul Batten- Wilson, gen mgr: David McMillan, gen sls mgr; A. T. from AM. Net ABC /I. Format: Country News statt 2; f ield, gen mgr; Cheryl Cline, news dir; Jerry Harkins, Moore, chief engr. news progmg 80 hrs wkly. Target audience: 18-54. chief engr. Everet J. Stroop, VP, gen & gen sls mgr; Allen Hill, KVKI -FM-May 1959: 96.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,000 ft. prog dir; Laura Cowley, mus dir. Rates: $10.75; 8.75; KRUS(AM) 7, 1947: 1490 khz: 1 kw -U. Box 430, Stereo. (318) 221 -9696. Format: Adult contemp. -Nov 10.25; 7.75. 500 N. Monroe St. (71273- 0430). (318) 255 -2530. KWKH(AM) -September 1925: 1130 khz; 50 kw -U. Ruston Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 4- 1 -69). Net: AP. DA-2. Box 31130 (71130). (318) 688 -1130. Shreveport Format: Black. Target audience: 25 -55; black adults. Great Empire Broadcasting (acq 6- 16-77). Great Thibodaux Spec prog: Black gospel 12 hrs wkly. Dan Empire Broadcasting. Net: MBS. Rep: Christal. Format: Hollingsworth, pres, gen & gen sls mgr, chief engr; "KNSU(FM) 15, 1972: mhz; 10 w. Ant 286 Country. Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. FF Lynch, -Feb 91.5 Larry Gipson, mus dir; Mary Poe, prom mgr; Rachel ft. University Ares; Frank Gunn, gen mgr; Jerry Frentress. gen sls Box 2664, Univ. Station, Nicholls State O'Neal. news dir. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; 8.50; 8.50. mgr; Jim McCloud, prog dir; Leslie Welch, mus dir; (70310). (504) 448 -4448. Nicholls State University. Format: Div. Target audience: 18-24. Shawn Murphy, KXKZ(FM) -owned with KRUS(AM). June 29, John Lee, news dir: John Rutten, chief engr. -Co gen mgr. 1966: 107.5 mhz; 100 kw Ant 1,066 ft. Stereo. Prog KWKH -FM -Nov 5, 1948: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,087 sep from AM. Net: AP. Format: C &W Target audience: KTIB(AM 24, 1953: 640 khz; kw -D, 1 kw -N, ft. Stereo. (318) 688 -1130. Prog sep from AM. Format: )-Dec 5 25-55. Dan Hollingsworth, prog dir; Bob mus Day, Modern country. DA-2. Stereo. Box 682 (70301). (504) 447 -9006. LaTerr dir; Audrey Bonnette, news dir. Rates: $24.85: 24.85; Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11- 16 -73). Net: AP, US 24.85; 24.85. Progmg. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Fr 4 hrs wkly. Slidell James J. Buquet, pres; Raymond Saadi, gen mgr; Roy Pugh, stn mgr & chief engr; Jimmie Cole, prog & mus Shreveport WLTS-FM-Sep 8, 1970: 105.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 902 dir; Marie Bergeron, news dir. ft. Stereo. 3525 N. Causeway Blvd., Metarie (70002). KBCL(AM )-September 1957: 1070 khz; 250 w -D. KXOR(FM) -May 1, 1966: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 440 (504) 843-9587, Phase II Broadcasting Inc. (acq 316 B Gregg St. (71104). (318) 861 -1070. Results ft. Stereo. 106 Ridgefield Rd. (70301). (504) 446-5604. 1- 1 -74). Net: CBS R /R, Transtar. Format: Adult con- Unlimited Inc. (acq 6-1-83). Format: Big band. Randy KXOR Net: temp, lite rock. Edmund J. Muniz, pres, gen & gen Inc. ABC /R, ABC/FM, US /2, La. Net. Alewyne Ill, gen mgr; Patty Alewyne, stn mgr; Tommy Format: sls mgr; Manny Fieldstein, nati sls mgr; Bob Mitchell, Top -40. Spec prog: Oldies 10 hrs wkly. Moore, chief engr. Rates: $12; 10; 12; Joseph M. III, pres; -. prog dir; Johnny Scott, mus dir; Ben Sudduth, news Costello Kim Cancienne, gen sls mgr; Brian Keith, prog dir; Joe Pollet, chief engr. KDAO(FM) -Dec 21, 1984: 89.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant dir; Ernest L. Harvey Jr., chief engr. Rates: $115; Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. 960 ft.222 8515 Youree Dr. (71115). Louisiana State 115; 115; 40. University Board of Supervisors. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: News, class. Spec prog: jazz 15 hrs wkly. Tioga Dr. Copping, pres; Tom Livingston, gen mgr; Cathe- South Fort Polk prog prom mgr; rine Fraser, dir; Anne Scarborough, KZRO(FM) -Not on air, target date Fall 1989: 101.3 KISY(FM )-May 25, 1984: 98.3 mhz; 8 kw. Ant 328 ft. Rod Matthews, chief engr. mhz: 3 kw. Ant 328 ft. Box 59322, Dallas, Tex. (75229). Stereo. 92 West Shamrock (71360). (318) 445-5306. Cavaness Broadcasting. Net: MBS. Format: Adult KEEL(AM) -1922: 710 khz; 50 kw -D, 5 kw -N, DA-2. (214) 484 -6414. Stuart McRae. Format: Btfl mus. contemp. News staff 2. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs, oldies Box 20007 (71120); 710 Shreveport (71101). (318) Stuart McRae, pres; Kim McRae, gen mgr. Rates: 15 hrs wkly. Ms. Joel Cavaness, pres; Roger 425 -8692. Multimedia Broadcasting Co. (group owner; $20; 15; 20; 10. Cavaness, gen mgr; J.A. "Jay" Coleman, gen sls mgr; acq 1975). Net: ABC /I, AP, NBC, Transtar, La. Net. WSDL(AM) -Dec 5, 1963: 1560 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-N. Dave Graichen prog & mus dir & prom mgr: John Rep: Katz. Format: News. MOR, sports. News staff 5. Stereo. Box 1175 (70459). (504) 566 -7485. Inter Talley, news dir; Woody Fryer, chief engr. Target audience: 25 -54. Leeann Lewis, gen mgr; American Broadcasters Inc. (acq 3-74). Net: MBS. Howard Clark, prog dir; Delores Davenport, mus dir & Format: C &W Don Kern, gen & gen sls mgr; Jim prom mgr; Scott Hedges, news dir; Rick Benson. chief Sommers, prog dir; Eric Jones, mus dir; Shelia Green, Varnado engr. prom mgr; George Mayoral, chief engr. Rates: $15; WBOX -FM- November 1985: 92.7 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 300 KITT(FM)- Co-owned with KEEL(AM). May 17, 1968: 10; 15; 8. ft. (CP: Ant 321.4 ft.). Stereo. Box 280, Bogalusa 93.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,020 ft. Prog sep from AM. (70427). (504) 732 -4288 or 839 -2990. Northlake Audio Format: Adult contemp. News staff 2. Target audience: Springhill Inc. Net: US2, La. Net. Format: Adult contemp. Spec 25 -54. prog: Black 8 hrs wkly. Purvis Melvin Hall Ill, pres, KBSF(AM) -June 30, 1954: 1460 khz; 1 kw-D. Box KFLO(AM) -July 10, 1975: 1300 khz; 5 kw -D. 318 gen mgr & chief engr; Andrew M. Moses, stn mgr; 127 (71075). (318) 539 -4616. Springhill Broadcasting Lane Bldg. (71101). (318) 222-2744. Nor-Max Broad- Barbara Klein, mus dir. Rates: $12.94; 11.76; 12.35; Co. (acq 2- 3-59). Net: AP. Format: MOR. Johnnie K. casting Co. (acq 6- 1 -77). Format: Relg. Tommy 5.88. Hill, owner; Keith Hill, gen mgr & prog dir; Lavelle Moore, amer; Pam Woodward, prog dir; Danny Hughes Jr., chief engr. Rates: $3; 3; 3; 2.50. Perkins, mus dir; Billy Franks, news dir; A.T. Moore, chief engr. Rates: $11; 11; 11: -. KTKC(FM) -Co-owned with KBSF(AM). Sep 5, 1975: Vidalia 92.7 mhz; 3 kw Ant 185 ft. Stereo. KITT(FM)- Listing follows KEEL(AM). KAIN- Licensed to Vidalia, La. See Natchez, Ms. KMJJ(AM) -1950: 980 khz; 5 kw-D. Box 197 (71161). KVLA(AM)-Dec 1984: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. Box 1129, (318) 425 -7724. KCIJ Communications Inc. (acq Sulphur No. 12 Dotson (71373). (318) 336-7466. Joseph Aaron Radiocasting Inc. (acq 8 -87). Net: CBS R /R. Format: 1- 1 -85). Net: Sheridan. Format: Black. R.E. Galloway, KEZM(AM) -1955: 1310 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Stereo. Btfl mus. News staff one. Target audience: 21 plus. pres: F.M. Ridenour Jr., gen mgr. Box 940, Lake Charles (70602- 0940); 320 Parish Rd. Kenneth C. Hill, pres; Robert Cupit gen mgr; Brenda (70663). (318) 527.3611. Ladas Broadcasting Corp. KMJJ -FM-Dec 5, 1976: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Hicks, gen sls mgr; David Cupit, prog dir; Gwen (acq 1 -87). Net: SMN. Format: Oldies. News staff 2; 725 Austin Pl. (71101). (318) 227 -8020. Radio U.S.A. Swovelaud, news dir; Ernie Saudidge, chief engr. news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target audience: 25 -45; Ltd. Format: Btil mus. Joe Miot, sls mgr. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; 8.50; 6.50. up -scale baby -boomers with money to spend. Spec KOKA(AM)-Aug 1, 1954: 1480 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 103 prog: loc sports. Harry Ladas, pres & gen mgr; WQNZ(FM) -See Natchez, Miss. (71161). (318) 221-9802. McCright Broadcasting (acq Jeaneise Hartwick. gen sls mgr; Perry Camgaux, prog 11- 16 -84). Format: Adult contemp christian. Dale dir; Betty Mueller, mus dir; Jane Bowmann, prom mgr; McCright, pres: David Koon, gen mgr; Rodney Ray Carroll. news dir; Russ Ingram, chief engr. Ville Platte Stanford, gen sls mgr; Marvin Wrenn, prog dir & prom Rates: $12.50; 10.50; 12.50; 10.50. mgr; Richard Kidd, mus dir; Keenan Roberts, news KVPI(AM )-November 1953: 1050 khz; 250 w -D. 17, 1977: 100.9 mhz; kw. Ant Drawer J (318) Ville Platte dir; Rod Matthews, chief engr. Rates: $12; 10; 12; 8. KTQO(FM )-Dec 3 300 (70586). 363-2124. Broad- ft.

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