Sample file LEADER OF THE PACK! WHITE WOLF Magazine is the hottest new RPG magazine around. A loyal following is still growing. WHITE WOLF contains RPG adventures and articles, as well as special features by the game designers themselves. An example is our 8·page "Segment Jorune" feature in every issue. WHITE WOLF presents short stories by up•and•coming writers as well as masters such as Robert E. Howard and Isaac Asimov. We cover the world of Play by Mail Gaming and review games and gaming accessories in every issue. We offer all this plus a beautiful full color cover for only $22.00 for twelve issues. WHITE WOLF Magazine Subscription Office 1298 Winter Place Anniston, AL 36201 (Please ask about our overseas rates) Sample file UNLEASH YOUR IMAGINATION ... DEAlER $99.95 INQUIRIES PER SET INVITED 58PCS. Tlred of playing your game on the same old board? Move up to the world of 3-D terrain stmulatlon with BA1TLESCAPEIM from GEO-HEX.Sample Based file on our award wtnntng and critically acclaimed 9EO-HEXTM Terrain Simulation System. BATII.ESCAPEIM is both a flexible terrain display system for m1niatures and hex grtd gameboard rolled into one. NO ASSE:MBLY IS REQUIRED !! Covered in your choice of either grass green or desert sand flocking. each BATIIESCAPErM set comes completely finished and ready for use. Now you can model streams. rivers. hills, islands. cliffs. etc. • from the moment you open the box. And while the unique. patented shapes allow you to create an endless variety of landforms. the overlying 1.5 inch hex size grid allows you to use boardgame rules and movement systems. So leave flat. featureless gameboards behind: ask your local hobby dealer about us or contact us directly at the address below. and enter a realm of adventure with BAITLESCAPErMI 528 NE HANCOCK PORTLAND, OR 97212 (f£)3) 288-4805 WHITE WOLF Magazine #14 RUNES by Stewan Wieck ....................... 2 February, 1989 The editor discusses a few controversies. Letters ............... ........ .. ............. 3 Publisher: White Wolf Publishing You demanded it, so you had better write some letters. Editor-in-C hief: Stewart Wieck Devil on the Moon by Stewart Wieck .............. 4 Assistant Editor: Stephan Wieck A shon encounter/adventure for the Enforcers super- Art Director: Richard Thomas powered role-playing game. Cartographer: Ken Cliffe Automated Cha mpions by John Habem1as ......... 9 Cover Art: P.D. Breeding-Black How should you handle those mechanical heroes? Here · Contributing Artists: Alben Deschesne, Scott Snead, and are some tips in Champions temtinology. Richard Thomas A New Experience by Ken Cliffe .... ............ 12 Contributing Writers: Ken Clife, John Haberrnas, Mark A new way to calculate experience in V&V. Now the Rien-Hagen, SkyRealm s of Jorune, Lisa Stevens, Richard powers of the villain affect your xp reward. Thomas. Jim Townsend, Jim Trunzo, Steve Tymon, Segment Jorune by SkyRcalms Publishing ........ 15 Jonathan Tweet, Sten Westgard, Stephan Wieck, Stewan It 's back up to the full eight pages this issue. Wieck The Fate of the G rog by Lion Rampant ........... 23 The designers of Ars Magica expand on the grog and his place in their game. Demon Killer (part two) by Steve Tymon ......... 28 Keep up with this exciting novella. The action really swings into gear this issue. The Silicon Dungeon by Jim Trunzo ............. 36 Index to Advertisers Tune in for our first computer product reviews. Something's Rotting in Dankmart by K.G. and S.W. 38 A very strange adventure which might tit better in one of Avalon Hill .............................. .... 35 our October issues. Bard Games ... .... ........................... 31 Items for Any Realm by Richard Thomas .... .... 49 Cutting Edge Games ........................... 37 Richard presents descriptions for the items you see in the Cyborg Games ........ ....... ...... ......... .. II column's togo. Digest Group Publications ...................... 14 The PBM Corner by Jim Townsend .............. 54 Empire Wargames .... ..... ........... ......... 25 Want to stan your own PBM company? Then you'd better Emprise Game Systems ......................... 54 listen up! Geo-Hex ............................. back cover Capsule Reviews by Stewart Wieck .............. 57 Graff Simulations .............................Sample 56 file More shon reviews. A look at a new Talislanta book. a Kings layer Publicatioons ..................... ... 9 strange pizze game, and the new Enforcers module. Lance and Laser .............................. 12 Review: Cyberpunk by Stewan Wieck ........... 58 Lion Rampant .... ............... inside front & 58 The atmosphere is rich in this new game by R. Talsorian Majestic Graphics ................ .... ......... 57 Pandemonium Games .......................... 55 Games. Protecting the Shield by Sten Westgard ........... 59 Rat Partha ......... ........ .................. 27 A shon piece about the shield in Rolemaster. Reality Simulations ............................ 53 On the Horizon ........ ... ............... ... 60 SandBar Software ................. ..... ....... 36 As ~I ways, a brief glimpse at our next issue. Stellar Games ................................ 13 Steve Jackson Games .......................... 59 Tansfaal Enterprises ........................... 56 21st Century Games . .. .................... ..... 8 Waterford Publishing House ..................... 10 White Wolf Publishing ....... ...... inside back & 60 Wishful Thinking . ............................ 52 WHITE WOLF Magazi ne (ISSN 0897-9391) is published bi-monthly by White Wolf Publishing. The mailing addre>S for all items is: White Wolf Publi~ h · ing, 1298 Wimer Place. Anniston. AL 36201. The phone number is (404)·832-9994. WHITE WOLF is distributed through subscription and distribution ser­ vices throughout the United States and Canada. Overseas subscriptions are available. All subscriptions are priced as follows: any U.S. address= S22. uny Canadian address• S32. overseas via surface mail= S45. overseas via airmail= S80. All rates are for twelve issues. Checks or money-orders should be made payable to While Wolf Publishing. Subscribers are given constant notification of the lust issue of their current subscription by the number followang their name on the address label. WHITE WOLF Magazi ne and White Wolf Publishing are both copyright While Wolf Publishing. All material primed in these page\ is the exclusive proper· ty of White Wolf Publishing unless prior arrangmems have been made with the author/artist. None of the material may be reproduced in "hole or in pan without prior wriuen permission from the publisher. ---·1 tides for Villains and Vigilantes, Champions, Enforcers, Ars Magica, Rolemaster and some fantasy material which can be used in virtually any fantasy system. So while I apologize to the people at TSR, Inc. and any reader whose sensibilities were disturbed, l will not apologize for the differences between WHITE WOLF Magazine and other game magazines. RUNES2?? On a completely different front, there were a few people who made varying comments concerning the use of the "Sacrifice Wish" in my adventure "The Cloud Abode" in Evidently. it is possible that some of you may have gotten WHITE WOLF Magazine# 13. The consensus of the com­ the wrong idea after reading the promotional letter that was ments was that the need for the faerie to give up his life was enclosed with the copies of WHITE WOLF Magazine # 13 unnecessarily harsh. Yep, it was harsh. But was it really un­ that were mailed direct. In this letter we (>?inted out the necessary? Not every adventure, even when the characters economics of purchasing WHITE WOLF Magazine over are victorious in their deeds, needs end with a complete vic­ The Dragon, TSR, Inc.'s gaming magazine. tory. The choice concerning the Sacrifice Wish was meant This statement was promotional only, and should not be to induce some deep thought. The characters had the oppor­ interpreted as an attack on The Dragon. It's like the deter­ tunity to gain almost anything they wished, but at what gent commercials on TV explaining how one company's cost? Were they willing to see the faerie Myrm die so that product cleans better than "the leading brand" when you can they could receive their just rewards? Role-playing, like plainly tell that the none-so-subtly wrapped "leading brand" life, is not all black and white. is Tide. Sure, the other may clean better, but how economi­ cal is it? Other questions could be raised as well. In our recent promotional when we pointed out the cost factors we purposefully did not mention that each issue of The Dragon is about twice as long as each issue of WHITE WOLF Magazine. Such promotion is simply bad business. Different products offer different things and no one is likely to be superior in every way. Whatever our shortcomings may be when compared to such magaz ines as The Dragon, I obviously feel that WHITE WOLF Magazine is a superior magazine. Other­ wise I would spend my time writing articles for The Dragon FREE 11 and fold WHITE WOLF Magazine. FANTASY ROLE PLAYING I feel that WHITE WOLF Magazine offers diversity. That is our strength. The Dragon prints articles for its products al­ SUPPLEMENT most exclusively. And l cannot fault them for doingSample so. I file may resent what I view a shallow approach to the game "The MASTER" hobby by ignoring smaller companies run by enterprising in­ dividuals with often very fine ideas, but I cannot deny TSR newsletter Inc. 's right to promote its products over others. That, afterall. is what they are
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