Whittier College Wardman Library Poet Commons Acropolis (Yearbook) Archives and Special Collections 6-1911 1911 June Acropolis Whittier College Follow this and additional works at: https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/acropolis ON WE HOLD IT UP TO YOU Our offer to make to order the best fitting suit, of the choicest materials and most perfect finish for a moderate amount of money. In thorough work- manship we challenge any tailor in town to beat us, and the materials, linings, etc., are guaranteeds to be of the best. And we have in our show- rooms at present, fabrics and patterns that cannot be duplicated at anything like our prices. We make the best $35.00 suits in Los Angeles City. SHIELDS & OPP 201-205 Delta Building 426 South Spring Street Los Angeles DW.B NICOLE CARL. ENTOLMANN FRED WALTER,JR. ODE PADS AND TALON PRESIDENT AND GEN'L MAR. SECRETARY, irJ '1 flrIrj(3 MAN U PACTU R 1 N .1 JrwFI I- R ,t%D WATCfl1 tI4IIt FACTORYAND SALESROOMSAT 217 S-SPRING ST., F MONIES;___________ SANDEr MAIN 9300 LOSANGFLES,CAL. ROME EXCHANGE 9900 The jno. R. King Citrus Nurseries WHOLESALE ONLY An excellent line of Washington Navels, Valencies and Eureka Lemons for sale. Specialty on contracts for stock to be delivered in season of 1911 and 1912 at very reasonable prices. CITRUS STOCK EXCLUSIVELY—NO SIDE LINES NORTH CITRUS AVE. NORTHMAGNOLIA AVE. Phone JNO. R. KING, Proprietor TRY THE Whittier Hdw. Co. for all your athletic game sup- plies. If they do not have it in stock they will order it. SPAULDING AGENCY ii4-ii6S. Greenleaf Avenue "Quality remains long after price is forgotten" Moore's took Store For Bibles at low prices. Fountain pens, 1.00 and up, guaranteed. Kodaks, supplies and finishing. Also free lessons. Go To WHITE'S for Carpets, Mattings, Pictures and Picture Framing 1 2 5 South Greenleaf Ave. Barn phone 131 Res. phone 37 I B U V— I SE L. L_ Th e Fa s h ion Stables A. H. WOOD WARD, Prop. GOOD 7'LTRNOU7'S 28 N. Grccnlcaf Ave. WHITTI ER A IC I AN TiAe r3en €/ We,c (€he dead, ' (e ci4e t/iil4 eØe4u4 maØtd ot )Iã€Y zy. ihs4enIA eb r/6(e € dehaii lsYkvI h 14 ION MI N 'JadooD jaz 'BI:¶ °'I &ajun. ) A ajjvqD IL WTII!M wJ4s • AV irs 3 the Acropolis JUNE, 1911 For The Sake of The Living By Bailey W. Howard '13 The fact that he had been taken "on The wind made the fine rain sting and trial" by no means cleared up Gray's finan- the street lights seemed to be surrounded by luminous clouds. Neither man spoke cial horizon. The only thing that could' until they had boarded the street car. keep him from starting again on the weary "Only been here two weeks, you say," round of newspaper offices was to make said Phelps when they had reached the good. As he sat idle, the busy clatter of comparative comfort of the inside of the the typewriters seemed to drill into his car. brain how really superfluous he was in the "Yes," answered Gray, "and it's been a city room. mighty unprofitable two weeks, so far. All Gray looked up, for perhaps the hun- I've done is pay carfare looking for a job." dredth time, to the city editor's desk. At "Come from the east?" the same instant the city editor raised his "Yes; Chicago. My wife was very sick head and his keen glance met the wistful and we had to make a change for her gaze of Gray. Gray jumped to his feet and health. But I'll not inflict any more hard was on his way to the desk almost before luck talk on you." the city editor had beckoned to him. At "Go ahead," urged Phelps, sympathetic- the same time a buzzer sounded twice and ally. "I'v been through about the same another man started to his feet and retched mill and I know how it helps to talk things the city editor's desk with Gray. over with some one. How's the wife "Phelps this is Mr. Gray, a new man. I'm now?" going to give him a chance on that suicide "Fine. Just getting along fine. Why, case. Run down to the morgue with him even in this short time I can notice a big and see if you two can't work up some new improvement. All she needs now is a few stuff between you. Have your copy in little luxuries and she'll be all right. If I early." can just get on The Telegraph steady so The city editor turned to answer a phone there will be some money coming in, I'll call and the Iwo men hurried out of the be satisfied. I'll tell you, 'Hard-Up' and I room, Gray with the anxious stride of a were close friends for a while." man with his first story to cover and "Sickness certainly costs money," agreed Phelps with the alacrity that five years of Phelps, remembering the time when his po- "newspaper hustle" had made habitual. Nei- sition on The Telegraph had proved a life ther spoke until they paused at the street saver to him. door to button their overcoats and settle their hats before pushing out into the cold The conductor jerked open the car door drizzle that the wind drove about in clouds. and growled "Sutter Street," through the "Ever been to the morgue?" asked crack. The car slowed down and the two Phelps reporters were soon across the wet asphalt "No; I've only been in town two weeks." and before the single lighted window in a "That all? Well, we take the car at the dark building. next corner" Phelps opened the door of the morgue Che 3cropolis They were greeted by a man- seated at a and if Mr. X can be identified as the lighted desk near the window. signer of that letter that fellow will con- "Hello, 'Pheipsy,' what's new?" fess. Of course, it's a slender clue and it "I was just going to ask you that, Star- all depends on identifying Mr. X, but the ling? This is Mr. Gray, one of our new paper that does that will sure score a beat. men. We came in to look at Mr. X." Gray, if you want to get in solid on The "Well, you're not the first to do that to- Telegraph, all you have to do is identify the day. He's received callers all day, but no suicide." - one has recognized him any more than he Gray, who only knew what he had read recognizes them. In other words, he's still in the newspapers about the case, looked Mr. X. Sit down, can't you?" up. - - "Only a- minute. Got to get our copy in "It would certainly mean a lot to me to early." make good," he said. "But I'm afraid there The two reporters sat down and Phelps is no danger of .my- identifying Mr. X, as continued the conversation. you call him." "Did you see the Herald's latest the- "Well," said Phelps, rising, "we'll go and ory?" see him anyway." "Yes, and it's about the poorest yet. It's "You know the way," said the office man. just like them, though, to swear the man is "Be sure you close him up when you leave. innocent just because he had on a fifteen He's been here some time, you know." collar and those found in the room were Phelps nodded and led the way to the all sixteen and a half. - They've got to show "cooling room" with the maner of one who me why a man wants to wander into some- had been there before. A blast of cold air, body else's room to kill himself when there sickening with the odor of embalming - are hundreds of other places just as good fluid, rushed against their faces as Phelps and a lot handier. In my mind the fifteen pulled op.n the thick, heavy door of the collar makes it all the more evident that "coolfng room." Gray stayed by the door Mr. -X and the guy in jail were pals and until Phelps had walked to the center of roommates, because the fellow in jail does the room and turned on the small-candle- -. wear a sixteen and 'a half collar." power electric light. In the dim half light, - "Well, of course, there's nothing in the Gray could distinguish several iron "cooling Herald's theory," answered Phelps. "It's boards" at one end of the room. One of - just another one of their 'pipe dreams.' By these was covered with a sheet. - the way, all those ring settings found in Phelps handed Gray - a pocket search- the room with the sufdide have been iden- light. - tified." - - "That's the 'mysterious suicide' over "That so? Well, even that doesn't prove there," hc remarked in a matter-of-fact anything on the guy in jail. He's got a tone. "You can see him better with this - double - chance, anyway. If they identify lamp. While you are looking at Mr. X I'll the suicide as the fellow that signed the see what 'bonehead' theory the Herald has note he had on him when they caught cooked up tonight." - him, he can'get off easy by 'peaching' on He pulled a paper from his pocket and the -gang; while if the police can't identify sat 'down on a cooling table under the elec- - Mr.
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