ic citizen Newsstand: 25¢ Notional Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (76t Postpaid) # 2,540 Vol. 109 No.4 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday, August 18-25,1989 Regulations on Documentation for Redress Payment Smoother WASHINGTON-A series of requests volved: proof of current name and address, such to ease requirements for documentation (1) ORA will write to the individual as a copy of a bank statement or utility by redress recipients has been adopted, that he or she is potentially eligible for bill. the Office of Redress Administration $20,000 lump sum payment in redress In some instances, ORA will request of the Department of Justice announced to citizens and permanent resident additional information, such as: Aug. 22. However, all suggestions aliens of Japanese ancestry interned by could not be accommodated because of the United States government during (c) Where the ORA does not possess federal admini trative procedures. World War D and request documenta­ an official record of an individual's date The final regulations implementing tion to verify identity. of birth , a birth certificate or other docu­ Section 105 of the Civil Liberties Act (2) ORA wiU then acknowledge by menl establishing the date of birth will of 1988 were published in the Federal postcard that the individual has been be required. Register on Friday, Aug. 18. verified. (d) Where a change of name has oc­ Pocific Citizen Photo By George Johnston In all cases, documentation is used (3) As funds become available, ORA curred, a copy of a marriage license or ALL ALONG THE GUARDTOWER-A visitor from Japan looks at a to verify identity only. Individuals were wiJJ then send an official notification other record showing the name change model displayed at the camp exhibit held during the Nisei Week Japa­ advised not to submit documention of eligibility to the individual, at which must be submitted, or nese Festival in Los Angeles' Little Tokyo. Presented by the Japanese until they were notified by ORA to do time the ORA will request the U.S . (e) Where a guardianship exists on American Vietnam Veterans, it was co-sponsored by the Japanese o. Direction for ubmitting documen­ Treasury to issue payment. behalf of an eligible person, a copy of American Notional Museum, the Notional Japanese American Histor­ tation and a postage-paid envelope to Documentation has been simplified: the guardian's power of attorney will ical SOCiety, the Eastern California Museum, the Manzanar Committee the ORA will be furnished . (a) your ignature on a declaration form be. requested. and the Japanese American Historical Society of Southern California. A three-step proce s will be in- of identity furnished by the ORA, (b) Submitted material will not be re­ turned. For convenience, the office will also 'Vincent Chin'· Type Case Explodes in Raleigh, N.C. install a non-toll free heJpJine for those RALEIGH. N.C. - According to the aI 0 consider a request from the Wake The brothers reportedly began push­ . our brothers went over to Vietnam who wish to ask questions on submit­ Raleigh's News & Observer, two County eli trict attorney's office to in­ ing and harassing five Asian American and never came back." ting documents. Because document brothers, Robert C. and Lloyd R. dict him for second degree murder. men , including Loo, when they entered Outside the bar, the confrontation be­ submission i straightforward, the ORA Piche, pleaded guilty Monday (Aug. At the end of the hearing, Wake Di - the bar. References to the Vietnam War came more violent, including an unsuc­ reports that it is not necessary to seek 21) to misdemeanor charges stemming trict Court Judge L. W. Mike Payne sen­ and the brothers' di like of "Orientals" ces fuJ attempt to trike one of Loo's assistance of legal counsel. from the July 31 death of Ming Kai tenced Lloyd Piche to ix months in also were made prior to the attack. Lon companions with a hotgun. Loo was Under the original proposal, ORA Loo, an immigrant Chinese American prison for di orderly conduct and sim­ Tang, one of Loo's friends, told the struck in the head with the butt of a was tringent in requiring only original from China. The killing has been de­ ple assault. court that Lloyd Piche had aid. "I don'l handgun. He died two days later of documents which would then be re­ scribed by the police as ~'racially moti­ The action came after a four and a like you because you're ietnamese turned. vated." half-hour probable cau e hearing during Colltilllled 011 Page 8 Robert Piche received a two-year which nine witnesses Ie, tified 10 event:. sentence for carrying a concealed that led to an attack on Loo in North weapon, as ault with a deadly weapon, Raleigh. The as ault apparently fol­ disorderly conduct and po session of lowed a stream of anti-A ian epithets drug paraphenalia. A grand jury will in a local pool hall July 29. Rhode Island's Aug. 14 Holiday Nickname Offensive to Nikkei PROVIDENCE, R.l.-=-For years up bu ine for the Ocean State mem­ Hiroko Shikashio tayed indoors on bers. The holiday presents hostility to Rhode Island's observance of Victory ' Japanese busine s leaders considering Day, Aug. 14, only state in the Union opportunitie in Rhode Island, accord­ to observe a holiday in commemoration ing to members of the Japanese consu- of the end of World WarD since 1948. late in Bo ton. The Japan-born wife of Dr. Tommy Rep, Ku. hner, who un ucces fully Shikashio, an Idaho-born Nisei, who sponsored a biII last pring to rename has been living here for 20 years. told the holiday to Peace Day, Remembr­ the Providellce }OIuna/·Bufletin, "It re- ance Day or Veterans Day U, believes ally felt awkward ju 1 to step out of the the current name is "an insidious thing." REDRESS PAYMENTS MADE TAX-EXEMPT-Washington state Gov, Booth Gardner, flanked on his right by house. It Wa! almost painful." Though Mo~t people acen't sensilive 10 it, "but known as Victory Day, the holiday be- those who arc are deeply hurt." state Rep. Gory Locke and on hiS left by his aide, Bell Nishioka, smiles as he completes signing of SSB 6152, joined by JACLers who assisted in researching and promoting the legislative redress activity: (from came known a V-J (Victory Over Since the bill nevcr made it out from left) Wayne Kimura, Washington Coalition on Redress; Cherry Kinoshita, Notional JACL and PNW redress Japan) Day. committee, the effort through court was choir; Kip T okuda, Seattle JACL Boord; Sam Shoji, Keiro Nursing Home social worker; and Naomi Iwata-San­ On behalf of the 46-year-old painter. inslit\.lted. Japan Society board chair, chez, Seattle Chapter president. the Japan Society of Rhode h.land hired Hiromi Minco Lima, 44, a \tale re~i­ lawyers to have the name changed or dent since 1973 and bu~ine woman, Wash. State Joins force the public to u~ the hOliday's declared, "I have lived longer in thi:­ NEWS IN BRIEF official name. Jennifer Wood, one of country than I have ever lived in Japan . Tax-Exempting the two attorneys hired by Japan Soci- J give every effort to this society. ft's ety, said, "Unfortunately, the name not the holiday itself that's bothering Inouye Urges Writing Senators Redress States Victory Day has caused persistent use me. It's the name. I feel a bit of dis- WA HmGT N - en. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) urged grn sroot. redre EATILE - A, Ii result of language of the appellation, V-J Day, by the pub- crimination against the Japanese race." supporters to write 10 enal Appropriations ub- ommittcc III moors in order in erted in Substitute cnate Bill 6152 lie, by the press, businesses and state In Japan (on Aug. 15), she noted, to increase redress approprinti ns ~ r fL a1 year 1990. The ree mm ndation \Va. by Wruhington 'tale Rep. Gary Locke. offices ." people observe the end of war as "End made at a meeting July 25 of Inouye IUld JA L-LEC eeuti e Direct r J redre payment~ are n w e. empl The nickname, she added, "discrimi- of the War Day," '. Kagiwada and G .rny~e Uyehant. who fQnn~r1y held the position, Ideall , th in me wh n determining eligibility for nates on the basis of race, .. and im- Recounting painful epithets that letters ,should amv m earlr September after th , nat ,r:. return from ,rec . public III sistan program and in d fer­ pugns the character of Japanese Amer- cem to urface every year about this accordmg to ~ycharn. Be~adel! ~n uy , the sub-committe members mclud mining h w much pel'S n mu I n- icans in the United States, many of time, Professor Steve Rabson of Japa- mcst F. ~olhngs (D· . ;), halr; Dale Bumpe (D-Ark.); FnmJ... Laut'nberg tribute t \ ard the t of medical care, whose families have been here for gen- nese language and literature at Brown (D-N.J,); Jim Sa.~ 'er (D- Icnn .); Brock Adam (D-WlI.sh.); Warren Rudman A sL ted by legi lati aide Bell Nishioka, Locke. (D-37th Dist.), erarions, or many of whom fought in University, said, "Victory Day has the (R~N.H.); Tc~ Stevens (R-Alaska); Mark Hallield (R •. re.) Robert K~ten (~- World War D." effect of racism . It's totally inapprop- WIS.) and Phil Gramm (R-Te as).
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