Page Twelve THE DETROIT TIMES; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1911. NEWS AND VIEWS EDITED BY PAUL HALE BKUSKB TRUTH AMD SINCERITY THE TIMES SPORT PAGE . • * ; ‘Not Good Enough , Decision of Dog's Breeder HEART With thi (ATHLETICS STOLE but Tickle*'Em-Jock is Best tn This Country KID SHEER OFF KIR OR WATER THE bporting HEART Editor. NEW YORK. Feb. 21 —This is the best dog In the laud. , TO nmiotiis SAME TO THIS Rims' SIGNS He Is Tlekle-'EmJock. as homely I The writer once knew a very astute dog as you’d care to see. a verdicts i judge of ball players whose He was born la ixmdon and his Detroit Chiropodist • Aotor • Pugilist were always reached by watching the owner decided he was different from actions of a man immediately after the rest of the family. He wasn’t wel- Passes Through St. Louis on the MSBH a he had made proprietor -■ come and was sold to the Way to Tulsa. MOTORJOAT minfi si fielding error or of a bird and dog store. • Latest Creation of Detroit Boat fWorked Tipping Bureau From wi\« him had failed in so- Trickle Em-Jork barked at the oth- ft CH%HOC ing through with er dogs, tested the parrots and made Builders Designed To Behind tLe Catcher and Always his assigned task friends with customers. His broth- ST. IXHHH. Mo., Feb. 21—Tommy I I Detroit, heavyweight st bat. ers and sisters were gaining fame as Dugan. of cham- Navigate Two What Was passed through Knew This man reasoned that every good well bred Scotch terriers. pion of Canada, St. to now and One day Sam Wilson l-ouis today to Tulaa. Okla., to ace Realms. Coming. ball player is sure fall saw Jock. a then. No such thing as human per What Wilson didn't know about dogs, the tight between Carl Morria. tie fectlou exists. He believed that, with wasn't. He offered sls for Jock and Oklahoma man a hope'— *Vndj (Iremau. other equipment up to the normal the bird store mart couldn't say “yes Jim Flynn, the Pueblo If Inventor's Flans Are Well Laid, Pitcher, Teils Tuesday, Ftlkenberg, Cleveland standard, the successful ball player is fast enough. They meet and Dugan la hopeful getting All Speed Records Are Sure and the one whom minor failures onl> Wilson took Jock to the dog of on with the winner. How He Disoovered Plot promised spur on to redoubled efforts. Players shows. Everywhere he won blues. He has been a match with- days. To Be Broken. Foiled It. who showed themselves disconcerted Andrew Albright, a Scotchman In in 15 after making a mistake he always set America, heard of Jock. When he lacking the class needed in Os course the Tommy Dugan In the down as saw a photograph of the dog he offer- A craft that swims through the wa- That they got the opposition teams the big leagues ed Wilson 9500 for him It was Wil- above dispatch will be readily recog- last nised by Detroiters as Kid Sheer, the ter with the speed of a flen, that file* battery signals last season was admit- Jimmie Casey, the Detroit scout son's turn to burry up with a “yes.” year, is another who subscribes to Albright entered In chiropodist actor-puglllst who has through the air with the velocity of a boasted by the Athletics, Jock the West- ted and even theory to a certain extent. Asa kennel taken to white-hoping It. i ’’Flying Fish,’* Mack men did It was a this minster club's annual show. bird—that is the the but how s result, Detroit is to try out a young There were 2017 dogs at: Sheer, In his peculiar, mesmeric < the benched —all strange aerial motor boat that this mpstery until after they had won player in the south this year, sorts, from hlg packs of hounds, way. really wheedled a ticket out oil ball mas* week stood complete In the shop of American league pennant. This is no who owes his chance solely to the tiffs, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, the Tulsa folks and will undoubtedly, Michigan Boat com- tipping scandal. The Athletics fact that he made an error of Judg- down to toy dogs. They were the face Carl Morris some time in the the Steel Motor Signal with IMP. TICKLE-’EM-JOCK. future, way getting the catchers' signals ment—and didn’t let it interfere cream of the dog world. For three near if his nerve holds out pany at Detroit. of least. IxH-al rlngsters will scout Sheer's was on tj»e level. Their secret waa his efficiency in the days the judges worked, selecting the come the most famous dog in the “I wouldn’t take S7OOO for him," awld Built after the fashion of a giant sig went down to Springfield in the finest dog in each of the 300 classes. Albright. nearest to claim to the championship of Canada kept so they could get the Cubs* “I United States. “He came the bird, this combination of monoplane series, which they Three-I. league one day to see our The lucky owners raised ihe prices Is friendly. When the photog- perfection of all dogs in the show or anything else. His latest boxing! cals in the worlds’ Jock the and Is skim man Cavett work in a game." re- of their dogs. Then the judges pick- raphers picture wasn't a Asa matter of fact, he is the stand- has been in the south where he motorboat expected to did. took his he along water, liter- Falkenberg was the first counts the genial little dentist, “and, ed the best dog in the show, including bit up. thought was a a perfect dog, even if he Is showed his usual proclivities of wln-| the surface of the Fred stuck He it ard of ally its tall feathers, 65 player to get onto the Athletics’ sys- incidentally, to watch the work of all breeds and sexes. game and ran about in glee. Hs was hotaiely." ning with ease or else losing without on at from knew, as did the clubs that were playing thati After the votes were cast it waa dis- the Albright know little being damaged. to 70 miles an hour. tem. The tali Nap pitcher both getting ready to jump at photog- Mrs. said: "I a playera, that the Athletic bat- day. covered that Tickle-’Em-Jock had won rapher when his picture was snapped about the fine points of dogs, but from Since Sheer was defeated here one The hull of the “Flying Fish” is other water-tight aluminum tank, ters nearly always knew what kind of “There was a high wind blowlug this distinction. Kicked out of a ken- Any dog that wins the houor that the first I loved Jock because he has night in Allie Day’s gymnasium i»y steel and coming. Palky spent several and It made fly balls very hard to nel and consigned to a bird store be- is Jock's is valued by dog fanciers at the disposition of an angel. But isn’t George Memslc, the lightweight, his five feet seven Inches w’lde, seven feet hall was deep. ateeplesa nights figuring It out. Judge. In the early stages of the cause be “lacked class," he has be- $5,000. he the darling, homely thing, though?" local prestige hasn’t amounted to any- two Inches long and two feet game one of the vlaiting batsmen hi-' thing. The bow end is slanted, but all other How It Worked. angles 90 degrees a long, high fly that was misjudged are Is how they did it: The player /■ . .» (n Is eight-cylinder aero- Here by Shaller in left field, the wind car- ♦ this set an turn it was to bat next stood * ii plane engine—the only eight-cylinder whose rying it over his head. Before that waiting almost behind the catcher In- particu- BASEBALL WRITERS PICK aeroplane engine in the world, it Is straight from the time, 1 hadn't noticed Shaller stead of In a path tore CLUB TO a of compactness, but, beltelng He LOCAL GIANTS IN OLD LEAGUE RICE PREJUDICE model plate, was larly, but after that! Wow! “Sam GavM Is the bench to the home which ill Its size, it eata up gasoline at a great. winged every other after that ball and it into the where the next batter of he Myron Townsend, sport- rate and whirls the propeller at ter- waiting to infield like a streak of light. Then the team waited. The player and rific speed. signals from be- began to play. He ranged far ograph man of the Cincinnati Dest Data" bat got the catcher’s that TEST Commercial-Tribune, Lease's Above the hull is the single plane- down BOXING invited 45 pulled drives IS COMIC 001 wide LAW and Harry," meant a > hind. "Get on. the fence. He gave the sot <. < -26 feet from tip to tip and six and curve coming, and “Touch all the looked ticketed to baseball writers of fast la chases give their opinions on the boy one-half feet wide. The frame is Eddie," meant this Is a straight the other outfleldere a series of to Charley Smith, the Cleveland bases. He stole, he Bout Will Be Staged in Detroit To- result of the coming National British Sportsmen Insult Langford Sox, covered with canvas, khaki fast ball, and on. by his efforts at bat. who pitches for the Boston Red so.
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