Colleen Murphy University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Law 504 East Pennsylvania Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 Email: [email protected] Website: www.drcolleenmurphy.com EDUCATION University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Ph.D. in Philosophy (2000 - 2004) Master of Arts in Philosophy (1998 - 2000) University of Notre Dame Bachelor of Arts cum laude (1993 - 1997) College of Arts and Letters Honors Program University of Oxford Visiting Student (1997 - 1998) ACADEMIC POSITIONS University of Illinois at UrBana-Champaign Roger and Stephany Joslin Professor of Law (2020 - present) Professor of Philosophy (courtesy appointment) (2019 - present) Professor of Political Science (courtesy appointment) (2016 - present) Professor of Law (2016 - 2020) Professor of Philosophy (joint appointment) (2016 - 2019) Associate Professor of Law with tenure (June 2015 - 2016) Associate Professor of Philosophy (joint appointment (2015 - 2016) Associate Professor of Philosophy with tenure (Jan. 2012 - 2015) Associate Professor of Political Science (courtesy appointment) (2015 - 2016) Associate Professor of Law (courtesy appointment) (2014 - 2015) Affiliate faculty Beckman Institute (Jan. 2014 - present) Center for African Studies (2013 - present) European Union Center (2015 - present) The Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies (2018 - present) The Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security (2013 - present) Texas A&M University Associate Professor of Philosophy with tenure (2010 - Dec. 2011) Ray A. Rothrock ’77 Fellow, College of Liberal Arts (2010 - Dec. 2011) Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2004 - 2010) Binghamton University, Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Law (PPL) PPL Visiting Scholar (April 2017) 3.TU Centre for Ethics and Technology (3TU.Ethics), jointly run By Delft, Eindhoven, & Twente Universities, Netherlands Visiting Professor (May - June 2016) Princeton University, University Center for Human Values Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellow (2010 - 2011) ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENT University of Illinois at UrBana-Champaign Director, Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (June 2013 - 2020, 2021-2026) Colleen Murphy, Curriculum Vitae, Nov. 2020 1 PUBLICATIONS Books 1. THE CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE (Cambridge University Press, 2017). 1.1 North American Society for Social Philosophy 2017 Book Award 1.2 Wayne R. LaFave Award for Excellence in Faculty Scholarship, University of Illinois College of Law 1.3 Published Symposia • JAMES G. STEWART BLOG (2017) (five reviews and reply by Murphy) • JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ETHICS (2018) (four reviews and reply by Murphy) Reprinted in Krushil Watene & Eric Palmer (eds.) RECONCILIATION, TRANSITIONAL, AND INDIGENOUS JUSTICE (Routledge, 2020). • NOTIZIE DI POLITEI (2018) (two reviews and reply by Murphy) • SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY TODAY (2019) (three reviews and reply by Murphy) 1.4 Panel Discussions • 2019 Central Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Author Meets Critics • Illinois Program in Law and Philosophy, University of Illinois College of Law, Oct. 2017 • Human Development and Capability Association Annual Conference, Sept. 2017 • Dipartimento Cesare Beccaria, University of Milan and the Centro Studi Politeia, May 2017 1.5 Reviews • Bronwyn Leebaw, 17 PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS 559 (2019) • Baligh Ben Taleb, HISTORICAL DIALOGUES, JUSTICE, AND MEMORY NETWORK (2019) • Kang Hyuk Min, 7 JOURNAL OF CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION & SECURITY 46 (2019) • Catherine Lu, 13 CRIMINAL LAW AND PHILOSOPHY 545 (2019) • Stephen B. Hawkins, 58 DIALOGUE 784 (2019) • Nir Eisikovits, 129 ETHICS 132 (2018) • Lauren Marie Balasco, 12 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE 368 (2018) • Patti Lenard, NOTRE DAME PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEWS (2018.03.05) (2018) 2. A MORAL THEORY OF POLITICAL RECONCILIATION (Cambridge University Press, 2010). Paperback edition published in 2012. 2.1 Chapter 1 reprinted in Hugh LaFollette (ed.), ETHICS IN PRACTICE, 4th ed. (Wiley, 2014), pp. 675-684 2.2 Symposium in CRIMINAL LAW AND PHILOSOPHY (2016) (three reviews and reply by Murphy) 2.3 2012 Pacific Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Author Meets Critics 2.4 Reviews • Paul Hughes, 124 MIND 663 (2015) • Ambika Satkunanathan, 8 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE 171 (2014) • Daniel Philpott, 10 JOURNAL OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY 227 (2013) • Andrei Galiță, 4 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM IN EUROPE 166 (2013) • Olivera Simic, 21 GRIFFITH LAW REVIEW 809 (2013) • Nir Eisikovits, 34 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY 1211 (2012) • Alice MacLachlan, 3 TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL THEORY 95 (2012) • Val Napolean, Equality JOTWELL (2012) • Darrel Moellendorf, 122 ETHICS 198 (2011) • Kendy Hess, NOTRE DAME PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEWS (2011.04.01) (2011) • Stephen Esquith, 9 PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS 418 (2011) Edited Volumes 1. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS: RISKS AND INEQUALITIES (Springer, 2018) (co-edited with Paolo Gardoni and Robert McKim) 2. RISK ANALYSIS OF NATURAL HAZARDS: INTERDISCIPLINARY CHALLENGES AND INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS (Springer, 2015) (co-edited with Paolo Gardoni and Arden Rowell). 3. ENGINEERING ETHICS FOR A GLOBALIZED WORLD (Springer, 2015) (co-edited with Paolo Gardoni, Hassan Bashir, Charles E. Harris, Jr., and Eyad Masad). Colleen Murphy, Curriculum Vitae, Nov. 2020 2 Edited Journal Issue 1. Special issue of SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS on Sabine Roeser’s Risk, Technology & Moral Emotions (Routledge, 2017) (2020) (introduction, three reviews, reply by Roeser) (co-edited with Neelke Doorn). Journal Articles 1. Technology and Transitional Justice, SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY (under contract and to appear in Winter 2021 issue). 2. Transitional Justice, PHILOSOPHY COMPASS (under contract). 3. Political Philosophy and its Limits: A Response to de Shalit, AUSTRALASIAN PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW (forthcoming December 2020). 4. Empirical Predictive Modeling Approach to Quantifying Social VulneraBility to Natural Hazards, ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF GEOGRAPHERS (forthcoming) (with Y. Victor Wang, Paolo Gardoni, and Stephane Guerrier). 5. Religion and Transitional Justice, 149 DAEDELUS 185 (summer 2020). 6. On Principled Compromise, CXX PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY 47 (2020). 7. Society-based Design: Promoting Societal Well-being by Designing Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 5 SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE 4 (2020) (with Paolo Gardoni). 8. Transitional Justice, the United States, Equality, and Trade-Offs: A Response to Adkins, Mayer, and Boettcher, 35 SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY TODAY 187 (2020). 9. Reconciliation, (rev.) STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY (Winter 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2020/entries/reconciliation/ (with Linda Radzik). Original 2015 entry: Reconciliation Translated into Serbian: http://www.recom.link/sr/pomirenje-stanford-encyclopedia-philosophy/ 10. Worldwide Predictions of Earthquake Casualty Rates with Seismic Intensity Measure and Socioeconomic Data: A Fragility-Based Formulation, 21 NATURAL HAZARDS REVIEW (2020) 04020001-1 (with Yi (Victor) Wang, Paolo Gardoni, and Stéphane Guerrier). 11. #MeToo, Time's Up, and Theories of Justice, 2019 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW 45 (2019) (with Jennifer Robbennolt and Lesley Wexler). Reprinted in Tracy Thomas (ed.), WOMEN AND THE LAW (Thomson Reuters, 2019). Review: Marcia McCormick, Worklaw JOTWELL (2018) Review: Brooke Coleman, Courts Law JOTWELL (2018) 12. Understanding Engineers’ ResponsiBilities: A Prerequisite to Designing Engineering Education, 25 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS 1817 (2019) (with Paolo Gardoni). 13. Using Opportunities in Big Data Analytics to More Accurately Predict Societal Consequences of Natural Disasters, 36 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 100 (2019) (with Jessica Boakye and Paolo Gardoni). 14. Predicting Fatality Rates Due to Earthquakes Accounting for Community VulneraBility, 35 EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 513 (2019) (with Yi (Victor) Wang, Paolo Gardoni, and Stéphane Guerrier) 15. Societal Risk and Resilience Analysis: The Dynamic Bayesian Network Formulation of a CapaBility Approach, ASCE JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS 5 (2019) 04018046-1 (with Armin Tabandeh, Paolo Gardoni, and Natalie Meyers). 16. On compromises and kinds of justice: A reply to Ceva and Pasquali, 131 NOTIZIE DI POLITEI 154 (2018). 17. On theorizing transitional justice: responses to Walker, Hull, Metz and Hellsten, 14 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ETHICS 181 (2018). Reprinted in Krushil Watene & Eric Palmer (eds.) RECONCILIATION, TRANSITIONAL, AND INDIGENOUS JUSTICE (Routledge, 2020) 18. The Ethics of Diversity in Transitional Justice, 16 THE GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY 821 (2018). 19. The Rule of Law, Democracy, and OBedience to Law, 62 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 293 (2018). Colleen Murphy, Curriculum Vitae, Nov. 2020 3 20. A Multidisciplinary Definition and Evaluation of Resilience: The Role of Social Justice in Defining Resilience SustainaBle and Resilient Infrastructure, 4 SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE 112 (2019) (with Neelke Doorn and Paolo GARDONI). 21. International Criminal Trials and the Circumstances of Justice, 12 CRIMINAL LAW AND PHILOSOPHY 575 (2018). 22. State Amends for Lawful Harm Doing, 7 OÑATI SOCIO-LEGAL SERIES 547 (2017) (with Jennifer ROBBENNOLT and Lesley Wexler). 23. ReliaBility-based Capability Approach: A System Reliability Formulation for the Capability Approach, 38 RISK ANALYSIS 411 (2018) (with Armin Tabandeh and Paolo Gardoni). Review: Robin Kar,
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