March 17, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E511 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NSP TERMINATION ACT Asian Business Excellence Award: Base of Bruce Holm and offer our condolences to Technologies his colleagues, friends, and family. SPEECH OF Lifetime Achievement Award: Master Jhoon f HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Rhee—Pioneer of U.S. Tae Kwon Do Non-Profit of the Year: New Tang Dynasty ADDITIONAL CONTINUING APPRO- OF MARYLAND PRIATIONS AMENDMENTS, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Television Public Service Award: Rosemary Lauer— Wednesday, March 16, 2011 SPEECH OF Devotion to Children The House in Committee of the Whole Member/Volunteer of the Year: Cindy HON. NITA M. LOWEY House on the State of the Union had under Chatman—Prudential OF NEW YORK consideration the bill (H.R. 861) to rescind Small Business of the Year: Allegra Print & IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the third round of funding for the Neighbor- Tuesday, March 15, 2011 hood Stabilization Program and to termi- Imaging of Fairfax nate the program. Corporate Partner of the Year: Verizon, Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, we all agree State Farm, CitiBank Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, today’s legis- that we must get our fiscal house in order, Government Agency of the Year: Fairfax lation is the third in a series of four announced which is why Democrats sought to cut more County Office of Public Private Partnerships bills explicitly intended to dismantle our na- than $40 billion from the President’s 2011 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me tion’s foreclosure prevention efforts. budget request in December. We must evalu- in recognizing their accomplishments and In this case, the initiative being terminated is ate every program and determine whether it thanking these individuals and organizations the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, merits taxpayer funding. for their work in the community. The efforts which has to date impacted over 100,000 I have significant reservations about some and leadership of these honorees have been properties in our nation’s hardest hit areas of the cuts included in H.J. Res. 48, particu- a great benefit to our community and truly while supporting an estimated 93,000 jobs. larly eliminating funding for the Public Tele- merit our highest praise. I also would like to The program works by providing critical assist- communications Facilities Program, which was thank the Asian American Chamber of Com- ance to states, local governments and non- created nearly 50 years ago and is the only merce for its tireless efforts to promote the profit organizations to demolish or rehabilitate source of ongoing infrastructure assistance for highest caliber of business and social involve- blighted properties, as well as establish finan- public broadcasting stations. Its competitive ment from area businesses and owners. grants require a local match, resulting in a cial assistance programs for low- and middle- successful public-private partnership, and it is income homebuyers. The resulting redevelop- f the only source of emergency funding for sta- ment of foreclosed and abandoned homes has HONORING MR. BRUCE A. HOLM tions with facilities devastated by disasters. helped stabilize communities, preserve the Funding has already been cut by more than value of adjacent properties, and begun to re- half since 2004, and it is a mistake to elimi- store municipalities’ tax base. HON. BRIAN HIGGINS nate it. Mr. Chair, with seven million people having OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Instead of continuing their quest to dis- lost their homes to this housing crisis so far, mantle public broadcasting, the authors of the another three million foreclosures expected Thursday, March 17, 2011 bill should have found savings by ending tax- through 2012, and unemployment still hov- Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to payer-funded subsidies to large oil companies, ering around 9 percent, now is not the time to take this time today to honor the life and which fleece taxpayers of tens of billions of pull the rug out from under distressed home- achievements of Bruce A. Holm, an inter- dollars. owners and communities struggling to get nationally known biomedical researcher and However, while I may not support every cut, back on their feet. crucial advocate in the effort to develop high- it is imperative that Congress do everything it f tech research at the University of Buffalo and can, and reach common ground whenever TO RECOGNIZE THE ASIAN AMER- throughout the region of Western New York. possible, to avoid a government shutdown. ICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bruce dedicated his sharp intellect and spirit We cannot allow for the possibility of seniors AND CONGRATULATE THE 2011 of entrepreneurship toward the improvement going without Social Security checks or vet- HONOREES of research in the field of life sciences. During erans losing access to the health benefits they his time as executive director of UB’s New have earned. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY York State Center of Excellence in The 7-month continuing resolution the Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, he was in- House passed in February is a dangerous bill OF VIRGINIA strumental in the growth of the region’s bio- that would create not a single job, hurt federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES technology industry as he skillfully attracted programs essential to economic growth, and Thursday, March 17, 2011 researchers and companies from around the compromise our security. With no better op- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, it world to collaborate at the Center. tions, we must adopt this short-term continuing is my great honor to recognize the Asian Bruce was also a pioneering researcher in resolution to keep the government operating American Chamber of Commerce and to con- the biology of lung development and therapies while we negotiate spending for the remainder gratulate this year’s Gala awardees. These for acute lung disease. Among his many other of the fiscal year that will continue economic awards recognize local businesses that have significant accomplishments, Bruce’s collabo- growth. demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to ration with UB colleague Edmund Egan re- f the community. sulted in the development of a drug that has HONORING MS. JANET M. The Asian American Chamber of Commerce lowered the mortality rate of premature infants. BEDROSIAN FOR 38 YEARS OF is a resource for local businesses looking to Known to his colleagues and students as an SERVICE AT THE BUREAU OF connect with one another and the community exceptional researcher and teacher, Bruce of- LAND MANAGEMENT of Northern Virginia. The accomplishments of fered immeasurable contributions to the schol- this chamber reflects the many contributions arly community at the University of Buffalo and HON. MIKE THOMPSON Asian Americans have made to our community the Western New York region. His passing is OF CALIFORNIA and the growing prominence of Asian Ameri- a tragic loss to his family, friends, and col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans in civic, social, and political life of our re- leagues, and although his legacy will endure gion. for years to come, today we mourn the loss of Thursday, March 17, 2011 It gives me great pleasure to recognize the his brilliant life cut short. I ask you to stand Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, following awardees: with me in this moment as we honor the life I rise today in recognition of the distinguished ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:36 Mar 18, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17MR8.001 E17MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 17, 2011 public service career of Ms. Janet M. HONORING MR. RALPH C. LORIGO On March 17th, 2011 the Republic of Italy Bedrosian. Ms. Bedrosian has honorably celebrates their 150th year of unification served the U.S. Bureau of Land Management HON. BRIAN HIGGINS throughout Italy and across the United States for nearly 38 years and will retire on April 2, OF NEW YORK with a series of activities turning 2011 into an 2011. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Italian Year.’’ 150 years ago the Risorgimento gave birth Ms. Bedrosian was born in Tennessee and Thursday, March 17, 2011 moved to Grass Valley, California, as an in- to modern Italy, preserving the ideals of west- Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ern civilization: the protection of the rights, fant, where she grew up in California’s Mother honor Ralph C. Lorigo and his many years of freedoms, and liberty of individuals. Lode country and graduated from Nevada dedicated service to Western New York. Much of what we are as Americans and Union High School as class valedictorian. Ralph was born on July 17th, 1947 to Ralph what we believe in has roots in Italy. As long Ms. Bedrosian attended the University of E. and Caroline (Juliano) Lorigo. He attended time allies, we share a unique partnership in Nevada-Reno, where she earned dual de- St. Lucy’s School on Swan St. through the the arts, sciences and politics. Our friendship grees in journalism and English. Ms. age of 12 and went on to West Seneca High is strengthened through our common values Bedrosian, currently the Deputy State Director, School after his family moved to West Seneca and historical ties. It has been shaped through External Affairs at the BLM’s California State in 1960. Upon graduation from high school, the ideas and contributions of great figures Office, began her BLM career in 1973 at the Ralph earned his undergraduate degree from like Andrea Palladio and Thomas Jefferson, Nevada State Office as its first public affairs the University of Buffalo.
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