QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA ~.......... 'BOX765 1918\542·1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (918) 542'4694 RESOLUTION NO. 121S01-A TITLE VI NUTRITION AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES WHERF:AS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19. J956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian A tfairs on September 20. 1957; and WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on the behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe; and WHEREAS, the intent ofthe Title VI of the Older American Act extends to the Tribe the opportunity to provide for the delivery of social and nutritional services oftribal elders; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma has operated a Title VI Program via a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging; and WHEREAS, the primary project has been home delivered meals for the homebound and congregate meals provided to the elderly American Indians residing in the jurisdictional • area, as well as social activities to create involvement ofthe elderly; and WHEREAS, true benefits to the elderly are immeasurable in terms of qualitative facts; but rather the knowledge of being aware of attitudinal change of the recipients. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma fully endorses 'he objec:ives anu benefits to the recipients of the Tribe' 5 Tide V1 Program and requests the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services, Administration.on.Aging, to give favorable consideration for grant funds to allow tor continued operation ofthis very worthwhile program for the elderly American Indians for the grallt period April 1, 2002 through March 31, 2005. CERTIFICAnON The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a Regular meeting ofthe Business Committee on December 15, 200 I, with a vote reflecting, --.2..-yes, .Q..no, .Q..abstaining, _1absent, and _1present not voting. &i.='.~-'4I-'-~-- • Lloyd Buffalo. Vi -Chairperson QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA . Box 765 1918) 542·1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (9181 542·4694 RESOLUTION 121501B A RESOLUTION FOR THE TRIBE TO REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR, JUSTICE AND TREASURY TO RESOLVE ISSUES RELATING TO THE mSTORICAL ACCOUNTING OF THE 11M ACCOUNT HOLDERS OF THE QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a.Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution thatwap ilulyadopttldby the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner ofIndian Affairs on September 20,1957, with reservation boundaries located Within the geographical boundaries of the State of Oklahoma; and . ::.' . ­ WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegattls authority to.theQ].Iapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak: and act on behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe; and . WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Commi~ee is thus empo:weredand obligated to transact Tribal businesses, including business with the Department ofthe Interior; or the United States Generally; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Co\IlJnittee is cognizant ofthe:protracted litigation in the case before the District COlirt for thel>istridofColumbia, Cobell Y. b!Qrton, and realizes that • the case, while successful, will extend 16~~~i8t1ie~ci~seeable future,withoutresolving the problems of accounting forthe historica1:p[ob~:eW:liWiththefederal gov~rnment's management of funds held in trust for the benefit ofindividual'members ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business eoriunirteedesires to request, and does so request through this resolution, that the Department ofIn'teri()[, Justice, and Treasury, or any other necessary department or sub-departmtlnt .ofthe federal gpvernment enter into a dispute resolution procedure with the members ofthe:Q~apaw Tribe in an effort to assist the members ofthe Tribe to obtain the compensation that is due to them, in a timely manner, resulting from the mismanagement oftheir trust funds by the federal government. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Business Committee of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma that the Tribal Chairperson may enter into a general attorney representation agreement and endorse a client engagement letter on behalf ofthe Tribe in accordance with this resolution. CERTIFICATION The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a regular meeting ofthe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on December 15th, 2001 with a vote reflecting 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstaining, 1 absent and 1 pnt not voting. /.;T(.Jama[Lt'lra%R~.\1Summ~>"'e~rfi~e~ld~,~C~ha')liArpel1Ursiol.o*U2.~f- ~l,ftBtlff3lO,ViC~t"-irp-e-rso-n--- ~ • Lloyd Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA . Box 765 1918) 542-1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (9181 542-4694 RESOLUTION 121501C RESOLUTION OF THE BUSINESS COMMITfEE OF THE QUAPAW TRIBE IN SUPPORT OF THE 2002 mSTORIC PRESERVATION FUND GRANT ENTITLED: Looperation Then and Now: Locating andpreserving The Quapaw Village ofOsotouy lind the associated French Arkansas Post WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner ofIndian Affairs on September 20, 1957, with reservation boundaries located within the geographical boundaries ofthe State of Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, The Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalfofthe Quapaw Tribe; and WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe is a Federally-recognized Indian Tribe eligible for program funds, by the authority ofP. L. 93-638; and WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe recognizes the importance of its ancestral cultural sites in its traditional homelands in Arkansas_ The Quapaw were an important ally to the French as they protected French colonial territories, including Arkansas Post; and WHEREAS, The Wallace Bottoms site which is in close proximity to the Osotouy Unit ofthe • Arkansas Post National Memorial is ofcultural significance to the Quapaw and is believed to be the site ofthe Quapaw Village ofOsolouy; and . WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe agrees to work cooperatively with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Arkansas Post National Memorial, the Arkansas Archeological Survey and the Arkansas Archeological Society in locatini the Quapaw villagi: of Osoiouy, so that the site can be documented, pr~served and protected_ ­ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the BusinesS'Conlmittee ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma does support and approve the Historic Preservation Fund Grant application 2002, entitled: Cooperation Then and Now: Locating and Preserving The Quapaw Village ofOsotouy and the associated French Arkansas Post, which will include the cooperative efforts ofall involved for the cultural resource investigation of the Wallace Bottoms site (3AR179) located within the White River Wildlife Refuge_ CERTIFICATION The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a regular meeting ofthe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on December 15th, 2001 with a vote reflecting 4 yes, t no, 0 abstaining, t absent and t present not voting. Q~; ~Qf J-:=.---_ Lloyd Buffalo, Vice-Ci?i6werson • Quapaw Tribal Business Committee QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA _Box 765 (918) 542-1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (918)542-4694 RESOLUTION NO. 111701A A RESOLUTION FOR THE TRIBE TO ENGAGE JASON B. AAMODT TO SERVE AS GE~ERAL LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956. and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20. 1957; and WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business CommIttee to speak and act on the behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee IS thus empowered and obligated to transact Tribal businesses including attorney contracts; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee desires general legal representation and counseling with respect to business development, litigation, governmental operations and other legal services as required from time to time by the Tribal Business Committee or its designee; • and "'1IEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee notes that Jason B. Aamodt, Esq. is leaving the law filID of Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, where he has been providing general legal representation to the Quapaw Tribe for the past year; and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee desires to retain the Mr. Aamodt as counsel to provide general legal representation to the Quapaw Tribe, and WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee acknowledges and appreciates the effort and work of the other attorneys at the law fimI of Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, and wishes to retain Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, or attorneys working for Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, on a case-by-case basis in the future, and CERTlFICATION The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on November 17, 2001 with a vote reflecting 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstaining, and 1 absent. ~t4"e. ~#UAtf;O-& • Beth Blalock, Secreta. r surer Tamarn R. Summerfield, Chairperson Quapaw Tribal Business Comminee Quapaw Tribal Business Comminee Or Lloyd Buffalo, Vice-Chairperson
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