House of Commons International Development Committee Development assistance in Iraq: Interim Report Seventh Report of Session 2004–05 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 5 April 2005 HC 244 [Incorporating HC 1274-i of Session 2003-04, and HC 244-i and ii of Session 2004-05] Published on 14 April 2005 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £14.50 The International Development Committee The International Development Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for International Development and its associated public bodies. Current membership Tony Baldry MP (Conservative, Banbury) (Chairman) John Barrett MP (Liberal Democrat, Edinburgh West) Mr John Battle MP (Labour, Leeds West) Hugh Bayley MP (Labour, City of York) Mr John Bercow MP (Conservative, Buckingham) Ann Clwyd MP (Labour, Cynon Valley) Mr Tony Colman MP (Labour, Putney) Mr Quentin Davies MP (Conservative, Grantham and Stamford) Mr Piara S Khabra MP (Labour, Ealing Southall) Chris McCafferty MP (Labour, Calder Valley) Tony Worthington MP (Labour, Clydebank and Milngavie) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via www.parliament.uk Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at www.parliament.uk/indcom Committee staff The staff of the Committee are Alistair Doherty (Clerk), Hannah Weston (Second Clerk), Alan Hudson and Anna Dickson (Committee Specialists), Katie Phelan (Committee Assistant), Jennifer Steele (Secretary) and Philip Jones (Senior Office Clerk). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the International Development Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 1223; the Committee’s email address is [email protected] 1 Development assistance in Iraq: Interim Report 1. We began taking evidence on this inquiry into Development assistance in Iraq in the autumn of 2004 with terms of reference, designed to address the following areas: x How DFID has spent its funds and what the spending has achieved; x The role of the multilateral organisations, as well as DFID’s international and local NGO partners; x Coordination of service provision and policy; x The security environment and humanitarian space; and UK commitments to the principles of 'Good Humanitarian Donorship'; and, x The transition from humanitarian relief and basic service provision to reconstruction and development. 2. In the course of the inquiry we held three public evidence sessions: the first with officials from DFID, MOD and the FCO; the second with NGO representatives from Save the Children and Christian Aid, and an academic commentator, Mr Yahia Said; and the third with the Secretary of State for International Development, Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP. We also held a private meeting with Dr. Reinoud Leenders from the International Crisis Group. We received written evidence from DFID and a few NGOs. 3. In February 2005, some of the Committee visited Baghdad, Basra and Al Amarah in Maysan Province; the number of members taking part in the visit to Iraq was limited due to the security situation. During the visit we became aware, at first hand, of the very difficult circumstances under which DFID staff and their employees work. Our visit also enlightened us as to DFID’s many different areas of operation and to their necessarily close working arrangements with both the FCO and the UK armed forces. 4. The basic information for our inquiry — lists of DFID’s areas of activity and projects which they are funding — has been provided to us. What has been a problem, however, is the lack of availability of analyses and evaluations of the programme. The difficult circumstances under which NGOs work in Iraq, and the consequent absence of many UK and international NGOs from the country, meant that we did not receive as much written evidence as we would normally expect. 5. The imminent Dissolution of Parliament has brought the inquiry to a premature close. We have not therefore been able to produce a report which would do justice to the terms of reference which we set for our inquiry. We have decided to publish the oral and written evidence1 and hope that, while no Committee can bind its successor, the Committee in the next Parliament will continue the work, perhaps in the context of a broader inquiry into post-conflict reconstruction. 1 See also Defence Committee, Sixth Report of Session 2004-05, Iraq: An Initial Assessment of Post-Conflict Operations, HC 65-II, Ev 86 -101 (DFID) 2 Formal minutes Tuesday 5 April 2005 Members present: Tony Baldry, in the Chair John Battle Mr Quentin Davies Hugh Bayley Mr Piara Khabra Ann Clwyd Chris McCafferty Mr Tony Colman Tony Worthington The Committee deliberated. Draft Report (Development assistance in Iraq: Interim Report), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read. Ordered, That the Chairman’s draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph. Paragraphs 1 to 5 read and agreed to. Resolved, That the draft Report (Development assistance in Iraq: Interim Report), be the Seventh Report of the Committee to the House. Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House. Ordered, That the Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee be reported to the House. Several papers were ordered to be reported to the House. [Adjourned to a date and time to be fixed by the Chairman. 3 Witnesses Tuesday 16 November 2004 Page Mr Jim Drummond, Director, Iraq Directorate, Department for International Development (DFID), Hon Dominic Asquith, Director, Iraq, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Dr Roger Hutton, Director Joint Commitments Ev 1 Policy, Ministry of Defence (MoD) Tuesday 18 January 2005 Mr Oliver Burch, Iraq Programme Manager, Christian Aid, and Mr Ken Caldwell, International Overseas Director, Save the Children Ev 14 Mr Yahia Said, Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics Ev 23 Thursday 10 March 2005 Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for International Development, Mr Michael Anderson, Head, Middle East and North Africa Department, and Mr David Hallam, Iraq Senior Programme Manager, DFID Ev 29 Written evidence Department for International Development Ev 35; Ev 55; Ev 56; Ev 60 Christian Aid Ev 65; Ev 70 Dr Joost R Hiltermann, International Crisis Group Ev 71 Jill Knight Ev 72 Oxfam Ev 73 Save the Children UK Ev 73; Ev 81 4 List of unprinted papers Additional papers have been received from the following and have been reported to the House but to save printing costs they have not been printed and copies have been placed in the House of Commons Library where they may be inspected by Members. Other copies are in the Record Office, House of Lords and are available to the public for inspection. Requests for inspection should be addressed to the Record Office, House of Lords, London SW1 (Tel 020 7219 3074). Hours of inspection are from 9:30am to 5:00pm on Mondays to Fridays. DFID: Development maps : Iraq Development Indicators 2000-04 Iraq: Interim Country Assistance Plan The Iraqi Strategic Review Board: National Development Strategy 2005-07: The Ministerial Committee on The National Development Strategy, September 2004 Guidelines for Humanitarian Organisations on Interacting with Military and Other Security Actors in Iraq, 20 October 2004 Others: Health in Iraq: The current situation, our vision for the future and areas of work, Ala’din Alwan, MD, FRCP, FFPH, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, Iraq, Second Edition, December 2004 5 Reports from the International Development Committee since 2001 The Government Responses to International Development Committee reports are listed here in brackets by the HC (or Cm) No. after the report they relate to. Session 2004–05 First Report Commission for Africa and Policy Coherence for Development: HC 123 (HC 123) First do no harm Second Report Work of the Committee in 2004 HC 326 Third Report DFID's Bilateral Programme of Assistance to India HC 124-I and II, HC 506 Fourth Report Strategic Export Controls Annual Report for 2003, Licensing HC 145 (First Joint Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny Report) Fifth Report Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect HC 67-I and II Sixth Report Fair trade? The EU’s trade agreements with ACP Countries HC 68 Session 2003–04 First Report Trade and Development at the WTO: Learning the lessons of HC 92–I and II Cancún to revive a genuine development round (HC 452) Second Report Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian HC 230–I and II Territories (HC 487) Third Report International Development Committee: Annual Report 2003 HC 312 Fourth Report Kenya: DFID’s Country Assistance Plan 2004–07 and Progress HC 494 Towards the Millennium Development Goals (HC 857) Fifth Report Strategic Export Controls Annual Report for 2002, Licensing HC 390 (First Joint Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny (Cm 6357) Report) Sixth Report Migration and Development: How to make migration work for HC 79–I and II poverty reduction (HC 163, Session 2004–05) Seventh Report DFID’s Agriculture Policy HC 602 (HC 1273) Eighth Report Department for International Development:
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