AddendumAddendum YEARBOOK 2011/12 Addendum 25 Abbreviations AFIS Automated Fingerprint Information System A AFIS Advanced Fires Information AADP African Agricultural System Development Programme AFU Asset Forfeiture Unit AAGS Association of African Afur African Forum for Utility Geological Surveys Regulators AAIICT African Advanced Institute AG Auditor-General for Information and Com- AG Attorney-General munications Technology AGIS Agricultural Geo-referenced AAP Animal and Aquaculture Information System Production AGOA African Growth and AAPS Animal and Aquaculture Opportunity Act Production Systems Agri BEE Agri Black Economic AARTO Administrative Adjudication Empowerment of Road Traffi c Offences Agri SA Agri South Africa ABC Agricultural Business AGIS Agricultural Geo-referenced Chamber Information System ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations AGSA Auditor-General of South Abet Adult Basic Education and Africa Training AHPCSA Allied Health Professions ABF Annual Bilateral Forum Council of South Africa Absa Amalgamated Banks of AICs African independent South Africa churches AC Advisory Committee Aida Animal Identifi cation Act AC annual consultations AIDS Acquired Immune ACAP Agreement on the Conser- Defi ciency Syndrome vation of Albatrosses and AIICT Advanced Institute for Petrels Information and Commun- ACEP African Coelacanth Ecosys- ications Technology tems Programme AIP Association of Independent ACE Advanced Certifi cate in Publishers Education AIRCO Association of Independent ACP African-Caribbean-Pacifi c Record Companies of South ACR Army Conventional Reserve Africa ACS Agricultural Credit Scheme Aisa African Institute of Acsa Airports Company South International Affairs Africa AISA Africa Institute of South ACT Arts and Culture Trust Africa ADB African Development Bank ALC African Laser Centre ADEA Association for the Develop- Alsi all-share index ment of Education in Africa ALTX Alternative Exchange ADPA African Diamond Producers’ AMCEN African Ministerial Association Conference on the ADS Approved Destination Environment Status AMCHUD African Ministerial ADT [AD]vanced Technologies Conference on Housing and ADU Animal Demography Unit Urban Development AEC African Economic Amib African Peace Mission in Community Burundi AFB Air Force Base Amis African Union Mission in AfDB African Development Bank Sudan South Africa Yearbook 2011/12 - Addendum 568 AML/CFT anti-money laundering and Asean Association of South-East combating the fi nancing of Asian Nations terrorism ASIB Aviation Safety Investigation AMP African Mining Partnership Board Amps All Media Products Survey Asom Association of Marketers AMTS Advanced Manufacturing ASP African Stockpile Technology Strategy Programme ANC African National Congress ASP Association of Surfi ng AP Associated Press Professionals Apis Agricultural Products ASRDC Agricultural and Sustainable Inspection Services Rural Development APP Advance Passenger Committee Processing ATAF African Tax Administration APRM African Peer Review Forum Mechanism ATD awaiting-trial detainee AQA Air Quality Act ATM automated teller machine ARC Agricultural Research ATM African Traditional Medicine Council ATM AIDS, tuberculosis and ARCC Africa Regional Certifi cate malaria Committee ATNS Air Traffi c Navigation ARC-GCI ARC Grain Crops Institute Service ARC-IAE ARC Institute for Agricultural ATP Agritourism Programme Engineering ATR Army Territorial Reserve ARC-IIC ARC Institute for Industrial ATU African Telecommunications Crops Union ARC- ARC Institute for Fruit, AU African Union Infruitec/ Vine and Wine AUC African Union Commission Nietvoorbij AWCC African West Coast Cable ARC-ISCW ARC Institute for Soil, AWHF African World Heritage Fund Climate and Water ARC-ITSC ARC Institute for Tropical B and Subtropical Crops B&Bs bed-and-breakfast ARC-LBD ARC Livestock Business establishments Division BA British Airways ARC-OVI ARC Onderstepoort BAA Black Administration Act Veterinary Institute BACSA Business Against Crime ARC-PPRI ARC Plant Protection South Africa Research Institute Basa Business and Arts South ARC-SGI ARC Small Grain Institute Africa ARC-VOPI ARC Roodeplaat Vegetable Basic Brazil, South Africa, India and Ornamental Plant and China Institute BBC British Broadcasting ARDM Agricultural Risk and Corporation Disaster Management BBBEE Broad-Based Black Aressa Antarctic Research Strategy Economic Empowerment ARF African Renaissance Fund bbls barrels Armscor Armaments Corporation of BBSDP Black Business Supplier South Africa Development Programme ART antiretroviral treatment BBWW boat-based whale-watching ARV antiretroviral BCLME Benguela Current Large ASA Advertising Standards Marine Ecosystem Authority 569 South Africa Yearbook 2011/12 - Addendum BCOCC Border Control Coordinating C Committee CAADP Comprehensive African BDM Broadcasting Digital Agricultural Development Migration Programme BED Business and CaBEERE Capacity-Building Entrepreneurial Programme for Renewable Development Energy and Energy BEE Black Economic Effi ciency Empowerment CAD computer-aided design BEEAC BEE Advisory Council CADF China-Africa Development Benefi t Benguela Fisheries Fund Interaction and Training CAF Confederation of African BER Bureau for Economic Football Research CAPE Cape Action for People and BFI Bridges to the Future the Environment Initiative CAR Central African Republic BGIS Biodiversity Geographical Cara Criminal Asset Recovery Information System Account Biopad Biotechnology Partnership Caricom Caribbean Community for Africa’s Development CASP Comprehensive Agricultural Blindlib South African Library for the Support Programme Blind Cathsseta Culture, Arts, Tourism, Blind SA Blind Workers’ Organisation Hospitality and Sport Sector of South Africa Education and Training BLNS Botswana, Lesotho, Authority Namibia and Swaziland CBD Convention on Biological BMCC Broadcasting Monitoring Diversity Complaints Committee CBE Council for the Built BNC binational commission Environment BNG Breaking New Ground CBNRM Community-Based Natural BoD Burden of Disease Resource Management BPO Business Process CBOs community-based Outsourcing organisations BPO&O Business Process CBPP contagious bovine Outsourcing and Offshoring pleuropheumonia Brics biotechnology regional CBPWP Community-Based Public innovation centres Works Programme BRICS Brazil-Russia-India-China- CBRTA Cross-Border Road South Africa Transport Agency BRT Bus Rapid Transit CC Constitutional Court BSRP Building for Sport and CCA Common Country Recreation Project Assessment Bt billion tons CCAMLR Commission for the BTech Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation of Antarctic Technology Marine Living Resources BTT Board of Tariffs and Trade CCCF Comprehensive Country BWC Biological and Toxic Cooperation Framework Weapons Convention CCD Convention to Combat BWIs Bretton Woods Institutions Desertifi cation CCDI Cape Craft and Design Institute CCF credit-card format CCG community caregiver South Africa Yearbook 2011/12 - Addendum 570 CCMA Commission for Concilia- Cirad French Agricultural Centre tion, Mediation and for International Arbitration Development CCMT Comprehensive Care, CIS Cadastral Information Management and Treatment System CCTV closed-circuit television CIS collective investment CDA Central Drug Authority schemes CDI Cooperative Development Cites Convention on International Initiative Trade in Endangered CDM Clean Development Species Mechanism CJCP Centre for Justice and CDP community development Crime Prevention practitioner CJS criminal justice system CDPF Country Development ClaRA Communal Land Rights Act Programming Framework CMA Common Monetary Area CDWs community development CMAs catchment management workers agencies CEE Commission for CMCs case management Employment Equity committees CEF Central Energy Fund CMS Convention of Migratory CEIRD Centre of Excellence in Species Industrial Research and CoEs centres of excellence Development CoP Conference of the Parties CEM Council of Education Cossasa Confederation of School Ministers Sport Association South CEO Chief Executive Offi cer Africa CESSM Centre for Exercise Science Cosse SADC Committee of Stock and Sports Medicine Exchanges CF Compensation Fund CPA comprehensive peace CFC Central Foreign Currency agreement CFCs chlorofl uorocarbons CPA Cotonou Partnership CFG Courier Freight Group Agreement CFL compact fl uorescent lamp CPA Community Press CFM case-fl ow management Association CGE Commission on Gender CPA Commercial Producers Equality Association CGS Council for Geoscience CPB Cartagena Protocol on CHC community health centre Biosafety CHE Council on Higher CPD Continuing Professional Education Development CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of CPF Community Policing Forum Government Meeting CPI Consumer Price Index CHPC Centre for High- CPIDP Construction and Industry Performance Computing Development Programme CHW community health worker CPIX consumer price index, CIDB Construction Industry excluding mortgage costs Development Board CPOs citizens post offi ces CIDP Construction Industry CPP Court Process Project Development Programme CPSI Centre for Public Service CIP Critical Infrastructure Innovation Programme CPTD Continuing Professional Cipro Companies and Intellectual Teacher Development Property Registration Offi ce CRC Criminal Record Centre 571 South Africa Yearbook 2011/12 - Addendum CRDP Comprehensive Rural DDT dichloro-diphenyl- Development Programme trichloroethane Create SA Creative Education and Dexco Departmental Executive Training Enterprise South Committee Africa DFI development fi nance Crew Custodians of
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