1 CROWN HEIGHTS CommunityNewspaper בס“ד | ו‘ כסלו, תשס”ח | פרשת ויצא WEEKLY VOL. I | NO 2 NOVEMBER 16, 2007 | KISLEV 6, 5768 NO COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS AN ARMY LIKE THE REBBE’S ARMY At Pier 94 in Manhattan at the Gala Banquet, Director of the Inter- National Kinus HaShluchim, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Thanks Crown Heights for Opening its Doors with Hospitality and True Ahavas Yisroel to Fellow Shluchim and their Lay Leaders (more on page 5). Inside: Inside: Inside: Inside: Inside: The Kinus Our Met Council Shidduchim Our Mosdos Articles and Heroes Willy Rapfogel pictures ~ Rabbi Matusof Page: 4 and 5 Page: 10 Page: 7 Page: 9 Back Page Candle Lighting Nov. 16 Lighting Nov. 23 Lighting New York 4 : 20 New York 4 : 15 Philadelphia 4 : 26 Philadelphia 4 :22 Brooklyn, NY 11225 NY Brooklyn, 390 Kingston Avenue Kingston 390 Hartford 4 :12 Hartford 4 :07 Community Newspaper 2 CROWN HEIGHTS The Vaad Hakohol The mission of this paper is to Mosif A Special Initiative Ohr, to add in light. Netzigim We want to bring the Mosdos and the community together as one By: Moshe Rubashkin sion that it’s because we no longer have voice. Where there is Shalom, there N’tzigim elect new Executive that ‘cushion’ that interfaces and pro- is Brocha. Committee Mrs. Schwartz (name changed to tects us from the world, even if it’s only protect real identity) is a psychological. It’s a unique We have gotten phenomenal feedback On Motzoay Shabbos Toldos, the frequent visitor to the office. feeling of vulnerability, from our first issue. People have been N’tzigim gathered in CHJCC offices Fifteen years ago her hus- even for women who are coming up to me in the street and in the to elect a new N’tzigim Executive band began having health accustomed to working office, thanking me, congratulating me, Committee. The meeting started with a problems. First he lost his outside the home.” and offering help in various ways. D’var Torah from Rabbi Motel Gurary job, and then he really began of Chevrei Shas (see page 7). Bentzy to deteriorate. He passed Last week, Mrs. Phyllis We have fantastic articles and are Raskin, former vice-Chairman of the away and she found herself Mintz led a group of 13 proud to be spotlighting different N’tzigim, ran the meeting. Of the 22 alone, unable to cope finan- women on an outing to individuals and organizations that Shuls represented, 20 voted for the new cially or emotionally with Moshe Rubashkin Café Venezia, a fine Ital- are doing so much for the community committee while 2 Shuls abstained. her loss. Since then our staff ian restaurant in Flatbush. and beyond. has been a constant source of help, The atmosphere was warm and open The newly elected officers are: assisting her with health insurance, as the women talked, ate, and had We invite any Mossad to submit rent assistance and other entitlements a wonderful time. No one wanted articles about their initiatives and Yanky Sufrin, Chairman that she deserved and needed. Nev- to leave. Mrs. Mintz reports, “The accomplishments. We also invite ertheless, we as a Vaad felt there was women felt refreshed and excited after individuals to submit articles, D’var Alexander Weisz, Vice Chairman much more that we could and should the evening. Many had such a special Torahs, pictures, or art that are of do. We created monthly dinners so that time that they came in to the office to community interest and concern. It is Yerachmiel Schneider, Secretary women in the same situation could thank me again.” our sincere desire that this paper will get out for a night of fun, relaxation generate so much good and positive After being elected, the new commit- and recharging. We gave substantial We are thrilled about an amazing energy, that all negative things will tee immediately scheduled the next assistance around holiday times to ease ten-day trip we are sponsoring to Eretz simply fall by the wayside. N’tzigim meeting to occur in about the burden and bring more happiness. Yisroel this winter. The first Shabbos two weeks when a Nominations Com- And we continue to look for ways to will be spent in the Old City near the mittee will be selected and the process extend ourselves to these heroines Kosel, followed by a special Melave of elections for Vaad Hakohol and who are bearing so much weight on Malka and concert. During the week, Gabboyim will officially begin. their shoulders. participants will travel around the country and will be treated to the fin- The loss of a spouse is something that est accommodations at the Sheraton no one should ever have to go through. Plaza, King David, and Kinar Hotels. Unfortunately, the reality is that Special trips will be made to Kever there are many women who lose their Rochel, Hevron, and many holy grave husbands before their time. We as a sites of our tzadikim. The women will community cannot forget their broken also get an inside look at some of the hearts. Baruch Hashem, we have had important Chabad mosdos in Israel. the zechus to bring light to many of The second Shabbos will be spent in them through our programs. We care the holy city of Tzefas. Mrs. Mintz about them and stand with them in comments, “Such a trip is unheard of. their pain. If we had more resources, No one can stop talking about it.” we would offer even more. The Vaad Hakohol would like to As one woman put it, “I’ve given a lot thank all of those who have donated of thought to why being a widow is generously to this cause. Your efforts considered a special category. There should be repaid manifold, and you are many Jews in other special circum- should merit to give in greater and stances who are deserving of kindness greater measure. Please stay tuned for and support. I’ve come to the conclu- more reports about this initiative and many others. • picture of the week CommunityNewspaper 290 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225 718 771 9000 Published weekly by the Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights. Vaad Hakolol Members: Moshe Rubashkin Dr. Tzvi (Harvey) Lang Rabbi Plotkin All material in this paper has been copyrighted. It is the exculive property of this newspaper, unless otherwise attributed., and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Composition responsibility: This newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in advertising, beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. All advertisement designed and prepared by the CHCom- munity Newspaper are the property of the newspaper and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher Photo Credit: Eli Kahn, COL.org.il crOWN heights 3 Parshas Vayeitzei 64b). Take all my valuables and it Nemanov z”l would say about this Vedibarta will be considered as though you A Lesson verse “A chossid is one who is generous killed me.” to his creator” – that a true Chossid Bam For Us always thinks how to be generous to When Lavan heard about Yaakov’s his creator. “If the generosity could be arrival, he ran and kissed him, and accomplished through me is good, and ”יוקח מאבני המקום By Rabbi Mordechai Gurary was very disappointed when he found if it’s destined to be accomplished by וישם מראשתיו“ Rav of the Chevra Shas Shul Yaakov empty-handed. He asked Yaa- my friend in more enhanced way, let it kov why Eliezer had carried so many be done that way through my friend.” “He took from the stones of In our Parsha Vayetze we find that valuables while he, Yaakov, had noth- The main objective is “being generous the place and he placed them when Yaakov leftB ’er Sheva on his way .”to his creator את כל הדברים “ ,around (under) his head.” ing? Yaakov told him to Charan. “He stopped and prayed the all these things” — which“ — ”האלה (28:11) evening prayer there because the sun set In the Medrash Yalkut Hoshea (remez אל תתמה כי לא“ is an acronym for earlier than usual. And he took from the -on the verse “I wanted generos (527 הבאתי דבר, ברכוש רב יצאתי מביתי, QUESTION: Rashi says that he Do not “A chossid is one who is ity and not sacrifice”, “Hashem says“ — ”השודד אליפז לקח הכל wanted to protect himself from wild animals. Why did he protect only his wonder why I did not bring anything. generosity is very beloved to me. head and not the rest of his body? I left my house with great wealth. The generous to his creator” Your generosity to each other is more bandit Elifaz took it all away.”• cherished than 1000 sacrifices that ANSWER: A very important lesson stones of the place and placed them under King Solomon offered, as the verse says his head”. Further on, in verse 18 we “a thousand offerings King Solomon (בעל הטורים) .can be learned from Yaakov’s actions read:”he took the stone”. Rashi asks how brought”. “Yaakov knew that in the is it possible that the mul- In the Jeru- “ויקרא לו לבן יגר שהדותא world at large there are tiple stones salem Tal- ויעקב קרא לו גלעד:…” many forces that are alien became mud, in the to Torah and mitzvot and one stone? tractate of “And Lavan called it ‘Yegar- He answers Sanhedrin hostile to the religious sahaduta,’ but Yaakov called t h a t a l l [chapt.1] it ‘Gal’eid.’ And Lavan said, Jew.” the stones i t s a y s : ‘This heap of stones is a began argu- “Hashem Yaakov spent all his years studying witness between me and you i n g w i t h said to the Torah in the home of Yitzchak and this day.’ Therefore he called each other.
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